Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1) (33 page)

BOOK: Nerdy Girl Nation (Nerdy Girl #1)
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“Fucking liar!” Derek lunged at Sully, but Harry caught him and held him back.

“She loved it. Every time we were at our fishing cabin, she’d moan my name.” Sully looked proud while Maria continued to be completely disgusted.

“Enough!” Mick yelled from somewhere behind Harry.

“Come on, Mick. You can’t believe that Derek was the only one. You think she really tutored kids almost every day after school? Nobody is that perfect. She was with me or maybe even some other guy more than once a week. Sure had Derek snowed.”

Harry felt like a cannon ball had been shot straight into his chest. He knew none of the filth they were spewing was true. Emma wasn’t like other sisters, they actually talked about stuff like that. First because she wanted to make sure he wouldn’t hurt Annie. Then because she had questions she couldn’t go to anyone else with. Whatever Sully thought happened between him and Emma was in his deluded mind.

“You fucking bastard!” Harry lunged, but Annie and Nell caught his arms in a vice-like grip.

“Oh, Harry. You sad she didn’t give you a piece? I didn’t know you were into the whole incest thing.”

Harry ripped his arms from Annie and Nell’s grasp to beat the shit out of Sully.

The few seconds it took him were a few too many. By the time he reached Sully, his father was already on top of Sully and had pounded his face into the floor.

Sully’s arms swung and made a couple of good jabs to Mick’s midsection, but blood flowed from Sully’s mouth.

Teddy and Harry went to pull Mick off Sully while a few other men sat on top of Derek to keep him from joining in.

Less than a minute later, four police officers rushed in and grabbed Sully and Mick. A towel was thrown at Sully’s face before he was brought to his feet.

“Did you do this, Mr. MacLean?” one officer asked.

“I sure as hell did and I’ll beat the bastard again!” Mick shouted and spat at Sully’s feet.

“I’m sorry, but you are under arrest for assault.” The officer proceeded to cuff Mick and read him his rights.

“Arrest that bastard, too!” Harry hollered.

Mayor Babcock came up beside the officer who had Sully. “I witnessed the whole thing. Take McInerney in as well. He and his wife started the whole thing.”

The officer nodded and slapped the cuffs on Sully while he read him his rights.

Harry grabbed his father’s shoulder as one officer began to lead him out. “Are you okay?”

“I’ve been better. Call and check on your sister.”

Harry nodded and turned into his wife’s arms.

“I already called Kelly. She said Rob and Emma were talking behind closed doors, but she’ll call as soon as she can.”

Harry felt sick. He had to bend over and put his hands on his knees to keep himself from vomiting.

“Nell, can you take Nan home and sit with the kids?” Annie asked her sister.

“Of course.” Nell turned to Moira and offered her a hand.

Moira took Nell’s arm up but grabbed Harry’s bicep before they started to walk. “I wish one of you could’ve given that man a swift kick to the nuts. I might do it myself if I ever see him again.”

“I’ll see what we can do.” Harry leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

“Now, go get my boy out of jail.”

“Will do.” Harry’s phone began to ring with Emma’s ringtone. He took a deep breath and answered.



“Why did he kiss you?” Cherry screamed over the roar of the crowd when Emma ran backstage.

“It wasn’t planned.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she hurried through the congested hallway.

Rob had kissed her. He kissed her on live television with over four million fans watching. Not a peck either. Her tonsils had experienced the workout of their life.

Her hand went to cover her mouth and she picked up speed, the cameras close behind.

“What the fuck was he thinking?” Cherry grasped Emma’s hand and jogged along with her.

“I have no idea. This wasn’t supposed to happen.” If they won, she was there to present Rob and Chance with the Tag Team belts, not to be kissed within an inch of her life.

Emma and Cherry arrived at her private dressing area where the
Hunt for Life
cameras weren’t allowed to follow. They rushed in and found Aaron on the couch.

“What the fuck!” Emma screamed.

“Would you’ve agreed if we would’ve told you beforehand?” Aaron asked and took a sip from a tumbler of amber liquid.

“Of course not!” She was furious. Not about the kiss itself, but for the fact she was completely blindsided. She needed to be prepared for something like that.

“Our mission is originality. We want everything to be real and in the moment.” Aaron drained the rest of his drink and stood.

“Yes, but as Vice President of Creative, I am to be included in all possible outcomes. We never discussed a kiss.” Emma walked over and got in Aaron’s face. “If you ever do anything like that again, there will be serious consequences, Mr. Russell.”

Aaron’s resolve seemed to waiver a bit as his Adam’s apple bobbed with a hard swallow. “I’ll leave you to calm down for a bit. We need you in about an hour for some more press.”

Before he reached the door, Emma spoke. “Send Rob in. We have a few things to discuss in private.”

“Of course.” Aaron nodded to both of them and left.

“What a night?” Cherry exclaimed with a laugh and brought Emma in for a much-needed hug.

“Is it possible for someone to be completely mortified and turned on at the same time?” Emma pulled back to see if her wise friend had an answer.

“Before tonight, I think I would’ve said no. But, I think that’s the perfect description of what happened.” She ran her hand across Emma’s tear stained cheek. “You wanna change before Rob gets here? Cover up a bit?”

“Yes. Thank you, not just for tonight, but for everything you’ve done for me since we met.”

“It’s what friends do, sweetie. Now, change. Rob couldn’t hold himself back in front of a sold out crowd. I worry what might happen with no one else around.” Cherry smacked Emma’s tush and left her alone in the dressing room.

Emma sat on the couch and took off the contraptions she was told were boots. They were comfortable, but a complete nightmare to get off. Once those were gone, she slid the leather-like shorts off. She attacked the top next. Once the top was off, she put on a calf-length, terry cloth robe.

Her back was to the door when the knock came. She called for him to come in, her back toward the door.

“I swear, Emma, Aaron told me you agreed. I had no idea,” Rob rambled.

He stood a few feet behind her; the familiar warmth covered every inch of her skin.

“You kissed me.”

“Yes,” he whispered.

“You’ve never kissed me like . . . With so much . . .”

She felt his chest caress her back and his hand found purchase on her hip. “I don’t know if I would’ve been able to stop if you hadn’t pushed me away. I can’t keep us a secret anymore. To be honest, the kiss wasn’t about pleasing Aaron. Yes, he gave me the okay, but I wanted to kiss you. I’ve never wanted something so badly. Not even those belts. I kissed you and I’m not sorry. I want the world to know you are mine.”

He moved his hand around from her hip to her stomach and pulled at the belt to her robe. As the robe parted his fingertips caressed right above the lace covering her sweet spot. The bit of lace was saturated with her sweat and arousal. She groaned when his hand dipped between her panties and his fingers began explore.

“Do you have any idea what it was like, fighting and clawing my way through my match when all I wanted to do was bury myself deep inside you?” He slipped his index finger inside of her and began a slow rhythm.

“I want you inside just as bad,” she whimpered while she moved against his hand.

“I know there is so much we need to be doing right now, but I can’t wait until later.”

“Neither can I.” She took his finger from inside her and turned to face him.

She pushed against his bare chest so there were a few feet of space between them. The robe opened when she reached for her panties. She slipped her fingers into the waistband, pushed them down her legs, and kicked them away.

“You don’t have to.” His fingertips caressed the valley between her bare breasts.

Emma knew Rob was the one. She wanted to bare all of herself to him. In her heart, she was positive he would accept every part of her.

“I want to.” She parted the robe and slid it off her shoulders. The material hit the floor with little movement from her.

The scars her doctor had often described as barely there were on full display.

He caressed the top of her breast above her heart. The feel of his fingertips on her bare skin was almost enough to make her come.

“This.” He circled her puckered nipple with his thumb. “This is beautiful. These?” He traced a mark underneath her left breast. “These don’t take anything away from you. They show how strong you are, how much you’ve overcome.” He moved his hand up to tilt her chin up to look into his eyes. “I love every part of you, Emma.”

She didn’t want to cry again, but as each moment passed, her emotions were harder to control.

“I’m quite fond of all your parts, too.” She brought her hand to where his grappling shorts sat on his hips. A few tugs and they fell to his ankles. The one part of him she needed to touch stood long and tall between his legs.

He began to step out of his shorts but she stopped him.

“No. Come here.” She took two steps back and pressed herself up against the cool wall.

“Against the wall?” he asked and took a few small steps toward her.

“Yes.” She reached to stroke him when he was close enough and elicited a low growl from him.

He took her hands in his, pinned them above her head and dove in for a searing kiss. One of his hands moved to hitch her leg around his hip before he positioned himself at her entrance. With another kiss even more savage than the one in the ring, he slammed into her in one quick thrust.

Every cell in her body was set aflame. Instinct took over and she brought her other leg around his hip.

He let go of her hands to hold her underneath her thighs, his lips never leaving hers. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders to get even more leverage as they moved against each other.

The years of mutual desire crashed in violent beauty as they came, one after the other.

Her legs shook when her feet touched the floor and he slid out of her.

His sporadic breaths continued while his forehead rested against hers.

“I’m completely ruined.”

“What?” she laughed and released what little breath resided in her lungs.

“It will never get any better. You are stuck with me for life.”

Her hands wandered down his backside and grabbed a hold. “Good thing we like each other so much.”

Rob took a small step back to look at the two of them. Emma nude. And him with his boots on and shorts around his ankles!

“I never know what you’ll do from one moment to the next.”

“Guess you have a while to get used to it.” She pulled him back in for another kiss.

“Forever,” he murmured against her lips.

She pulled back. “Forever will have to wait a little longer. We need to get dressed.”

“Ugh.” He bent down to grab his shorts and kissed her nipple when he pulled them back up. “Once we reach our hotel room in Atlanta, we are not leaving for days.”

Emma nodded in agreement and slipped her panties on. She put on a bra and got her wrap dress back on then slid her feet into her shoes. “We need to deal with Aaron. I told him off, but I think a united front before the cameras is a good idea.”

“I knew I liked you for more than your smoking hot body.” He pecked her lips and opened the door to find two camera crews filming Aaron and Kelly arguing.

“I will have your job!” Aaron yelled in Kelly’s face.

“I work for Miss MacLean. I’d like to see how well she would take you firing her assistant after the stunt you pulled tonight!” Kelly gave just as good as she got.

“What’s going on?” Emma shouted at the duo.

Kelly straightened up and turned to Emma. “Mr. Russell was insisting on interrupting you, but I made it clear you and Mr. Breyer were to be left alone.”

“Thank you, Kelly.” Rob smiled at the brave assistant.

“Yes, thank you. We did have a few things to talk about. Especially the fact that Mr. Russell decided that our private life was okay to publicize without my permission.”

“Emma, all the fans could see—”

“No!” Emma shouted. “You saw a possibility to get a higher ratings share and you took it.”

Rob chimed in. “You made a unilateral decision to make our personal life public with no regard to either of our feelings or what the fallout would be.”

“Speaking of fallout.” Kelly pulled out Emma’s cell phone. “You need to call your brother.” She shoved the phone into Emma’s hand.

“Oh, God. They’re freaking out, right?” Emma dialed her brother’s number as quick as possible.

Troy walked up to the group and Emma turned to glare at him.

“I have no time for you right now,” she spat.

Rob moved right in front of Troy, blocking him from Emma’s sight. “Turn around and leave right now. I can’t promise you’ll leave here without a limp if you don’t.”

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