Nerd Girl (6 page)

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Authors: Jemma Bell

BOOK: Nerd Girl
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“I think you’d look hot wearing a poodle skirt!” We both have a laugh about that and the fact Amy thinks I would have made a great, bad boy greaser if we were living in the 1950’s.

“The only thing missing is the music,” she says, so I reach over and drop four quarters into our jukebox. We flip the pages, perusing the songs available. We make our selection and the first song to play is Buddy Holly’s song ‘Peggy Sue.’ Eventually, our waitress comes to take our orders. Amy goes with a french dip, fries and a vanilla shake. I order tuna on whole wheat, side salad and water with lemon. I’m still in training and can only cheat at meals occasionally. The conversation flows smoothly and we share more and more about ourselves.

Amy was raised by her grandparents, GG and Pops, who sound like a great couple. Hearing about how her mother passed away and her father abandoned her just about broke my heart. I shared my family situation as well; Mom was a single parent who raised me and my sister while working two jobs to keep a roof over our heads. Things are better now that my career is so successful and I can send money back to them in West Virginia to help out.

“So, what do you feel like doing now?” I ask her after we’ve finished eating.

“Hmm, well, how do you feel about bowling? I haven’t been in a while and it would go well with our 50’s themed date.” She jokes with a beaming smile.

“Bowling it is. I haven’t been bowling for years and it does sound like fun. Prepare to have your cute, little ass whooped.” That declaration makes Amy giggle as I request our check and pay the cashier so we can leave.

The nearest bowling alley is about a ten-minute drive away. We head out and are soon greeted by the red and purple neon lights of Pin Heads Bowl-A-Rama. The smell of lane oil and the sound of balls crashing into pins greets us as we approach the control desk to reserve a lane. We trade our street shoes for some old, scuffed, rental bowling shoes and make our way over to lane number 12. The place is busy for a Saturday night. I guess maybe bowling is becoming popular again.

“I’m going to go get us a couple of balls to play with.” Ouch, that came out all wrong. Amy can’t help but bust out laughing. I can’t believe I said that. “You know what I mean.” There’s no way to talk my way out of that one, so I hang my head and just go collect the house balls while Amy types our names into the scorer. I’m having a great time ribbing her for each gutter ball she gets and high fiving her for each spare and strike she picks up. She does her fair share of teasing me as well, especially when I almost fell on my ass slipping on the lane oil.

We’re entertaining the couple on the next lane over with our antics and teasing. We decide to compete against each other. Bryan and his girlfriend Olivia against me and Amy. They’re not much better at bowling than we are. My last ball ends in a strike and we win. Amy jumps up into my arms in celebration and plants a quick smooch on my lips. I can’t help myself, so I deepen the kiss by wrapping one arm around her back to hold her up and the other behind her neck to pull her body flush to mine, intensifying the kiss. She goes soft in my arms and opens her mouth at the coaxing of my tongue and I slip inside. Our tongues duel each other in small circles. Amy tastes like the peppermint gum she had been chewing. I’m so hungry for this girl. We must be in a full on make out session because a clearing of someone’s throat breaks us out of our sensual haze.

“Hey, man, way to celebrate, but get a room before you burn up the lanes with all the heat you two are putting off,” Bryan says jokingly. I rub my nose against Amy’s one last time and put her down. She has the sweetest blush on her face and is clearly embarrassed. We thank Bryan and Olivia for the friendly competition, trade in our rental shoes for our own and leave the bowling alley. It’s getting late and I have an early session with Riven in the morning. My ass will be dragging if I don’t get some rest, so I turn towards Amy’s house to drop her off. I plan on giving her the gift that’s hidden in my glove compartment and making her promise to see me again tomorrow. All too soon I pull up into her driveway and there’s a green sedan parked next to Amy’s car. Must belong to GG and Pops because it wasn’t here earlier.

“Before we say goodnight, I have something I want to give you.” She looks confused, so I reach over, open the glove box and grab the small gray velvet pouch. I gently place it in Amy’s hand and watch as she pulls open the string and pours the contents into her palm. She examines the silver bracelet and fingers the pink bead that’s attached.

“How? Why?” She clearly doesn’t understand and looks like she’s going to cry.

“Amy, baby, in the short time I’ve known you I’ve come to care about you deeply. That’s what the pink bead signifies, caring. I want you always to have a reminder of that. I’ve also been told that each color bead has a special meaning.” I help her clasp the bracelet around her left wrist; it looks perfect. “As we continue to see one another and our relationship evolves, I’ll add other beads to it, so you always know and can be reminded of my feelings for you.”

“That’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, Derrick. Thank you.” She gives a little sniffle and I see a single tear run down her cheek. I reach out quickly and wipe it away with my thumb and lick the moisture off my finger.

“I hope those were happy tears.”

“They were.” She answers.

“Good, because I’ve taken your happiness inside me.” She gives a small laugh and I know I’ve just squashed any doubts she had about me. I quickly get out of the car to help her out. Closing the door I push her up against the closed door, hook my thumbs through her belt loops and pull her body flush to mine. She wraps her hands around the back of my head and pulls my lips down to hers. We devour each other; our tongues are sweeping hot and desperate against each other. I meet her desperation and urgency, sucking at her tongue and nipping at her lips. I want to drown in this girl and never come up for air. I can feel her nipples poking through her shirt and the little sighs of pleasure she’s making are turning me on. My dick is straining at my zipper, eager to get out. I should end this, it’s too soon for her. Before I can even voice that thought, she’s pulled her lips away.

“Derrick, we’ve got to stop, as much as I enjoy kissing you, we’ve got to stop. I’m not ready for the next step yet. Do you understand?”

With a groan of frustration I answer. “It’s okay, baby, we can take all the time you need. I’m not going anywhere.” I assure her and kiss her one last time on her forehead. Walking her to the front door, I wait for her to go inside and vanish from my eyes until I see her again tomorrow. I adjust the hard on in my jeans and head back to my car. I’ll see her again in about fourteen hours. The countdown starts now.

Chapter #8

Nerd Girl Problem #108

ALWAYS wear the proper workout attire thereby saving yourself from public humiliation when they notice your immature taste in undergarments. Damn those pussies!

ayla called me bright and early the next morning for details on my date with Derrick. I shared everything with her and including the toe-curling, panty melting kisses we shared. She was adequately pleased and gave herself snaps for making all this possible. So, of course, I had to be thankful and fluff her up by proclaiming her an all knowing matchmaking genius. My best friend even shared the details of a certain phone call from Riven that she received yesterday. Well, surprise, surprise. Apparently those two are going on a date this coming Wednesday. Layla had me rolling, I was laughing so hard, as she squealed,
yes squealed
, her excitement about her date. I guess both of us have something to be excited about.

“Jenks, he seems like a genuinely great guy and he’s super funny. I was laughing the whole time we talked. He’s so different from Troy; it’s like night and day.”

“I’m happy for you, Layla. I hope your date goes well and he’s everything you’ve been looking for. He isn’t a chore to look at either, so that’s a plus. Did our luck with guys just change overnight or am I dreaming?”

“I don’t know, girl, but if I’m dreaming right now, I’ll deck you one if you wake me up.”

We have a good laugh about our giddy school girl interest in these two guys and promise to get together for lunch sometime this week. Clyde is making himself comfortable laying on my feet and I get a couple hours of studying in for my upcoming final exams. I’m engrossed in the material when my cell phone rings, displaying Derrick’s number on my caller ID.

“Hey you, how was your training session this morning? Did you pump that iron?” I greet making him laugh.

“Oh yeah, I’m pumped. How’s my girl today?” OMG, he just called me
girl. That just put a huge smile on my face and sent those butterflies in my stomach fluttering around again.

“I’m ok, been doing some homework and talked to Layla this morning, she had some interesting news to share.”

“Yeah, what’s that?” Huh, I guess Riven didn’t tell him about his upcoming date with Layla. That’s odd. I thought guys shared that kind of stuff with each other.

“Riven called Layla to ask her out; they have a date for this Wednesday. He didn’t tell you?”

“No, he didn’t say anything to me about it. Riv can be close-mouthed about certain things. He’s a good-time guy but keeps things close to his heart private. I guess she made an impression on him the other night.” Way to go, Layla. Riven struck me as a lovable jokester; I guess maybe there’s more to him than meets the eye.

“So am I going to see you today?” I ask. I’d like to see him again.

“Listen, I have something I need to tell you.” Uh oh, I knew this was too good to be true. What could have possibly happened between last night and now? “I’d love to see you today, but Mitzi booked me a shoot for a new dietary supplement designed by a company called, Fitnexx. It’s in Boston. We leave this evening. Can I take you for lunch? I will be away until Friday night and I want a goodbye kiss from my girl.”

It completely sucks that he’s going to be gone all week Power Trip Barbie. This has got to be some play to get Derrick back in her bed. Do I bow out gracefully or keep my fingers crossed that Derrick isn’t just playing a game with me? What does he see in me? I’m no beauty queen; I’m just plain, geeky, clumsy me. Mitzi, well, she at least looks like she belongs to someone who looks like Derrick.

“Sure, yeah, take me to lunch. This way I can say goodbye to you too.” My comment has a deeper meaning. It was fun and a dream come true while it lasted. I guess I should return the bracelet to him. Derrick says he’ll come and get me in about an hour and we’ll go for sushi at, yep, you guessed it, Benihana. How ironic. That reminds me, I still need to try out those balls Layla gave me. Another time perhaps.

Derrick shows up an hour later and knocks on the door. I hear Clyde howling and Pops trying to move the over-excited pooch out of the way. Clyde loves being the welcoming committee. I change out of my green hoodie and throw on a peasant top to go with my black jeans and red chucks. Pushing my glasses further up my nose, I go to rescue Derrick from my family. He’s standing in the entryway, shaking hands with Pops and scratching Clyde behind the ears. Hmm, he seems to have won Clyde over in a short time and it looks like he’s doing pretty well with Pops. Too bad he won’t be coming around anymore.

“Nice to meet you, sir, I’m Derrick Walker, Amy’s boyfriend.” Boyfriend? Really? Now I’m confused.

“Well, good to meet you, Derrick. Amy has told us a little about you and what you do for a living. Interesting work.” Pops isn’t impressed by the modeling career and that’s plain to see.

“Yes, sir I have a degree in fitness training; that’s my everyday job. Modeling is just extra income to help out my mom and sister back home.” Derrick explains.

“That’s very noble of you, son; helping out family. Well then, oh, here she is…” Derrick blinks from Pops over to where I’m standing and the smile on his face is simply gorgeous. I’m still in shock he introduced himself as my boyfriend. “I’m sure my wife would love to meet you, but she’s running errands at the moment. I’ll leave you two young ones to your plans. Nice meeting you, Derrick.”

“Likewise Mr. Jenkins.”

“Please, call me, Ben,” Derrick answers with a head nod and now I’ve got his full attention. He quickly closes the short distance between us, takes me in his arms and plants a toe curling kiss on my lips.

“Hey, baby, I missed you,” he informs me with soft pecks on my nose, cheeks and eyelids and then dives back in for another passionate kiss. It’s only been a few hours since we last saw each other, but it feels like weeks. The thought of him being away most of the week is going to feel like years. “You ready to go?” I nod, grab my purse, kiss Pops goodbye and give Clyde a quick pat on the head.

We drive the short distance to the restaurant talking about Layla and Riven going on a date, his morning training session and my pole dancing class. I agree to continue going because Derrick says its great exercise and fun. I agree. It was fun, and I felt great doing it. I just need to focus on being less clumsy.

We save the talk about his impending trip for after we’ve been seated. I’m nervous about this talk. I know Mitzi will most likely be going with him. She apparently is a poor loser and feels she has some claim on Derrick. I wonder if this trip is about a job or a play to win back Derricks attention. Derrick starts the conversation by telling me some details about this new dietary supplement and that if the promos go as expected he could be their new spokesperson. It’s a fabulous job for him and the paycheck would enable Derrick to do anything he wants. Even quit modeling and leaving the romance circuit. No more grabby hands and feeling like a piece of meat.

I’m excited about this opportunity for him. It seems like something he’s proud of and he believes in helping people become more physically fit and healthy. I guess I’ve survived this long without Derrick in my life, I’m sure I can last until he comes back on Friday.

“Why do you look so nervous when I say I’ll be gone until Friday?”

“What? Oh, no reason.” Lie! “Um, is Mitzi going on this trip, too?” I already know the answer from the look on his face, but I need the confirmation from him.

“Mitzi is my agent. So yes, she is required to go. Amy, I know what you’re thinking and you have nothing to worry about.”

“Don’t I? Derrick, she’s gorgeous, ambitious where you’re concerned and wants you for herself. I can’t compete with her and I don’t want to get my heart broken.”

“Amy, there is no competition with her for my feelings. You’ve already won. Sure, she’s a gorgeous woman but her beauty is only on the surface. Underneath that, there’s nothing.” Derrick takes my hand and starts playing with the pink bead and bracelet he gave me last night. “I’m looking for something more; something real. You’re as real as it gets and I’m not going to lose you.” With his other hand, Derrick reaches into his pocket and pulls out another velvet bag. He opens it and pours a gray colored bead into his palm. Unhooking my bracelet, he adds the bead and then re-clasps the bracelet to my wrist.

“Loyalty. I promise you that while I’m away this week and every day that we are together, I will be loyal to you and only you. This is your reminder that you’re mine and I’m yours. I’m also going to call you daily to hear your sweet voice.” I can’t believe he's this sincere and honest with me. He cares about me and he plans on being loyal to me. What girl could ask for more? I lean across the table, giving him a sweet kiss, and thank him.

We have a wonderful lunch, full of laughs and flirty conversation. All too soon it’s time to go and for him to head home and pack for his trip. Derrick leaves me with a kiss to last the week and a promise to either call or text me daily. I stroke the beads on my wrist and make a silent promise as he drives away. I won’t break your heart if you don't break mine.


The week passes by in a blur of sleep, work, read, homework, repeat. Ok, well maybe I’ve thrown in the occasional pole class or three to keep me occupied and to try and boost my self-esteem. I know I’m a klutz to the tenth degree but in that class I can pretend to be graceful and sexy. Derrick’s sexy librarian. I can work with that. The highlights of my week are the phone calls and texts I receive throughout the day from Derrick, like: “Hey baby, I miss you” or “Thinking of you.” But my absolute favorites are the one’s when he calls me his girl.

The shoot seems to be going well from the details Derrick shares with me and I appreciate Mitzi being on her best behavior. So far no drama from her, at least none that he has shared. I feel so helpless. I’m pretty sure I’ve fallen for Derrick, so I need to try and rise above this doubt.

Layla had her date with Riven on Wednesday and I’m assuming it went well because she’s been walking around on cloud nine since then. My normally abrasive best friend seems softer these days. I met up with her on Thursday for a quick lunch and was only offered with some of the details. It doesn’t seem fair for me to spill everything about my date to her, but she's close-mouthed about her and Riven. The only juicy detail’s I gleaned from her were that his kisses are to die for and that they went to a comedy club on their date. I’m curious as to why neither of them has said anything to me or Derrick. I thought guys talked about that stuff with each other, girls they’re interested in, girls they’ve slept with, you know, compare notes and such. I guess Riven is a part of that rare breed that doesn’t kiss and tell.

Barb lets me leave The Book Mark early today. I have an appointment with Layla to get my hair trimmed. Yes, my BFF is a fabulous hairdresser at a popular salon. Why do you think she always looks so trendy and colors her hair to match her mood or outfit? She’s a wizard with hair and makeup. Since Derrick is coming home today, I want to get a little touch up so here I am, sitting in Layla’s swivel chair, arguing with her about a new cut she wants to try out on me.

“Jenks, you’ve had the same cut since high school. Please let me have creative rights over your hair today. I’ll make you look so fantastic Derrick will swallow his tongue when he sees you.” She’s right, I always get the same boring cut. I’m taking lots of chances lately, so what the hell, let’s take one more.

“Alright, Layla, I’m signing your permission slip. Make me gorgeous!”

“You already are, Jenks, but with my expertise and assistance, we’ll have Derrick begging for mercy. Poor guy won’t know what hit him.” I hope she’s right. During my clip and color, I get a text from Derrick.

How’s my girl? Listen, the plane is delayed about half an hour. I know you said your class was tonight, so I’ll meet you at Galaxy. I’ve missed your face and can’t wait to taste your lips again.
Well, alrighty then. I think I just melted into a puddle of goo. Since I’m feeling confident, let’s see how he reacts to this one.

Your girl can’t wait to see you and I have a new flavor lip gloss I think you’ll like. My lips are waiting for your kiss. See you at Galaxy.

That was a pretty good tease if I say so myself. I hear my phone ping again almost immediately and take a quick look.

As long as they’re Amy flavored and I can kiss you for as long as I want, I’m a happy man. Now stop teasing me before the hard on you just gave me gets me accused of transporting a concealed weapon. See you later.

Ha, mission accomplished. Four more hours and I get my boyfriend back in my arms. Now that’s surreal; Derrick Walker Is My Boyfriend.

“Jenks? Earth to Jenks.” Layla snaps her fingers in front of my face, bringing me out of my daze. “Hot Stuff going to be home soon?” I snort at her nickname and tell her about his delayed plane and that he’ll meet us at Galaxy after our pole class. “Alright, doll, I’ve worked my magic. What do you think?” She asks me as my chair is swiveled around to face the mirror. I put my glasses back on to see the results of her hard work. I almost don’t recognize myself. My once plain strawberry blonde hair now has highlights and lowlights in different shades of blonde. I have layers framing my face that look fantastic and the eyeliner and eye shadows she added make my gray eyes pop. Oh my god! If I had my contact lenses in, I’d look like a completely different person.

“Derrick is going to have his socks completely knocked off. Don’t be so surprised, you already had the goods, we just needed to do a little touch-up work.”

“I love you, my friend, thanks for everything.” I give Layla a big hug and help her clean up her station. Her shift is over for the day and we both need to stop home before our class this evening. Derrick Walker, prepare to have your socks knocked off by the new and improved Amy Jenkins!

I’m feeling so good about myself, I put a little extra strut into my steps in class, wiggle my ass and push out my boobs. Hey, if you’ve got it, flaunt it. I do my best to try and keep up with the other girls in the class. A little confidence never hurt anyone right? Wrong. Note to self, always wear the proper workout gear to a pole dancing class. If not, be prepared to sacrifice your dignity when your shorts rip up the middle. Boxer shorts, extremely comfortable, but not approved workout gear. The cool breeze from the air conditioner blows through the rip and as I turn around to survey the damage, I notice Derrick and Riven watching me through the wall of glass. Riven’s mouth is gaping open with his gum hanging out mid-chew. His eyes are glued to my exposed kitty cat panties. Derrick has his hand over his mouth trying to hide his smile, but the hot look in his eyes tells me he was thinking of more pleasurable things before my little wardrobe malfunction. Thank god I wasn’t wearing a thong.

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