Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More) (3 page)

BOOK: Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More)
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“You’re giving me chills, Lila, just thinking about it.”

“You’ve been thinking about it a lot since he came for the first interview, haven’t you? It’s all right. I understand you like a bit of variety. So do I. That’s why we get along so well. We both understand what’s important and in what order.”

“You’ve been in charge of me since the moment I laid eyes on you.”

“Yes, I know, all very well-researched and planned.” She lifted her glass and lightly clinked it against his, finishing her liquid. “I do my homework, Wyatt, and we both have the same needs. Your work in the laboratory will one day free us both from our dark palace. Beautiful as this island is at night, one day I’d like to feel the heat of the sun on my skin without worrying.”

“We’re getting closer, I promise.”

“I know. Until then, we’ll continue to use the darkness as our days. Come and lick me until I come. Then I have to make my rounds so the staff will see me today.”

“My pleasure.” Wyatt tossed the linen napkin from his lap onto the tabletop and moved before Lila’s chair, turning her by the wooden arms until she was clear of the table. He dropped to his knees immediately and slid her skirt up her legs. “You’re horny, Lila. I can smell you.”

“Taste me and tell me what you think.” She sat back, resting her body against the frame of the large chair, and spread her legs wide, pulling them up until her knees rested against the arms, baring her clean-shaved pussy to Wyatt. She watched him lick his lips before leaning forward and placing one light kiss to her clit. Then he used long swipes of his tongue along her lower lips mixed with his index finger to penetrate her. “Another finger,” she whispered, and he complied without words, sliding his middle finger beside his index finger buried deep in her. “That’s much better, suck my clit until I come.” She sighed when he did just that, suckling on her nub and fucking her with his fingers until she came, her body shuddering with her climax. Lila reached down and took Wyatt’s hand from her pussy, drawing it slowly up to her lips, sucking them deep into her mouth to clean her cum from them.

“Stand up and drop your pants, let me suck you.” Wyatt stood and smiled at her, his fingers going to unbuckle his belt until they heard the mandatory first three knocks on the door. They both knew there would be two more sets of knocks, but the interruption meant Wyatt would have to wait for his satisfaction. He walked around the table to his seat and sipped his wine, watching her as she pulled her skirt back into place and settled the rest of her clothing. With a nod to him, she finally said, “Enter.”

Their butler, Vernon, entered with an empty silver tray in hand, pausing to stack their lunch plates as he spoke. “I’m sorry to interrupt,” he said, his British accent still apparent. “The lab called for Wyatt, something about your experiment being ready.”

“Thank you, Vernon. My sweet, I have to go. Would you like to watch today’s session?”

“I suppose so, for a bit, but I must make my afternoon rounds. Vern, I’ll have my radio with me, but I’ll leave the phones to you. After the lab, I’ll check in at the construction office and the landscape office. Can you handle the house crew today?”

“Of course, ma’am. You can always rely on me.”

“I know I can, and I do value you, Vernon, in many ways.” She pinched the older man’s cheek lightly as she passed by and halted when he called her name.

“Ms. Abbott.” He cleared his throat and walked toward her, placing the tray on the edge of the table. He moved behind her and straightened the hem of her skirt. “Now, you’re perfect.”

“Never perfect, Vern, but thankful you’re here to keep me together.” Reaching for Wyatt’s arm, she added, “We’ll see you tonight for the evening meal. Call if you need anything.”

“No worries, ma’am, all is under control here today.”

She left with the knowledge that Vernon would handle anything that came his way. Both his mother and father had worked for her family, and he’d been born into his position. While he was ten years older than her, he was never condescending and took his job seriously. He also knew most of her secrets, which allowed them a special bond they didn’t announce to the world. If she needed anything, Lila knew Vern would help her.

They’d formed an odd friendship when she was young, she the entitled sick child and he the help. But she’d never treated him as a servant, and he never treated her as sickly. If anything, he’d goaded her into becoming the woman she was today. Nobody, not even Wyatt, knew of their younger secrets, and nobody would hear them from her. Vernon was stable and trustworthy. She knew at one time he was in love with her, but his condition, or slight deformity as her family had referred to it, had kept them close without love-like feelings entering into the fray. He’d been the first man she’d experimented sexually with, even if they were just teenaged fantasies. As she aged, he was more receptive to her stories, none too taken aback when she summoned him one afternoon and proceeded to bare her breasts for his sight. She’d wanted him to touch her, but he flatly refused. He would not step over the imaginary line their families had drawn.

Vernon finally decided it was best to let her vent her sexual frustrations to him, rather than find an indiscriminate man who wouldn’t be discreet. From then on, he would watch her fondle her breasts and suck her nipples. He’d been the one to watch her rub her clit and finger her pussy, ultimately procuring several dildos for her use. He always protected her privacy, allowing her to relax into acts of lust and need. It became normal for her to disrobe in front of him and explore her body in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. He’d brought her books on sexual positions and talked her through experimenting with them and her toys. They had a bond that wouldn’t be broken. They needed each other in many ways, mostly as confidants.

He’d been diagnosed with a microphallus or micropenis. Lila had heard all her life that Vernon would never be normal and produce children. Neither would she, so they had that in common. On her twentieth birthday, she’d cajoled Vern to show her his problem. She’d been prepared for some major deformity, but when he finally showed her his penis, she realized he was just small. No, he’d never be considered normal, but he was fully formed and delineated, just not large. His penis, when erect, would be no larger than her pinky finger. When not erect, it looked like a large clit. She also knew he could ejaculate like any man, only he’d been brainwashed by his parents and physicians to keep his troubles private. They’d hammered into his mind that no normal woman would want him as a husband. So from a young age on, he lived with the idea he’d always be the family butler. Being unattached would serve his future better.

During one sexual moment, he’d finally bared his problem to her out of frustration, literally by dropping his pants and letting her examine him openly. She hadn’t recoiled and belittled him, rather touched him gently with her fingertip. He’d pulled away embarrassed and she didn’t push the issue.

A few months later, they’d been in the barn near midnight one evening. He’d accompanied her on a moonlit horseback ride around the family compound. As they were putting up the horses, she’d teased him about his upcoming birthday. “You’ve got a birthday this week, Vern, what’s your heart’s delight?”

“I’m fine, Lila, I have everything I could ever need.”

“Come on,” she’d teased. “Everybody has a secret want. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”

“What I want I’ll never have.”

“You mean to be normal.” He’d stiffened but continued to brush out his horse. “If anyone can relate to that wish, you know it’s me.”

“We’re both victims of our birth, Lila. Neither of us can have our heart’s delight.”

“Just once,” she sighed, “I’d like to complain about my disease. But father always told me I was very lucky to know what was wrong with me. If living at night was my only sacrifice, I should be happy I could still go out.”

“He’s right to a point. I know it’s not what you want to hear, but…”

“I know I’ve led a charmed life. Private tutors, evening college classes at sixteen, and two degrees by the time I turned twenty. All this schooling and no way to use it.” Her sigh had come from deep within her.

“Come on, Lila. When you were younger, you used to view it as an adventure.”

“I guess I’m just restless. I’ll never get married and have a normal life.”

“Neither will I, but I’ve learned to accept my reality.”

She’d walked beside him and put her hand on his shoulder. “Just what exactly is your problem? I’ve always heard whispers, but from what I saw I didn’t consider you deformed, just small.”

Lila knew she’d annoyed him when he turned quickly, glaring at her. “That was rude, but I won’t apologize. You’re my best friend in the world, and I don’t understand why you think you can’t live a normal life.”

“Let it go, Lila. I’m sure you know you just want me to tell you the details again.”

“Yes, Vernon, I do. But because I want to help you, not make fun of you.”

“You’ll make fun of me.”

“No, I wouldn’t. You didn’t run from me five years ago when I snuck out and got such a horrible sunburn. You soothed my blisters every day and helped me to see what a stupid thing I’d done. Please Vern, just let me see you once more.”

They’d argued back and forth until he finally let out a sigh. “Lila, you know I don’t have a normal penis. I’m not like most men.”

“That part I know, but how? Vern, you know I’m not going to let this drop, so it will be simpler to just satisfy my curiosity.”

“You’re a spoiled girl, Lila. You can’t always have your way just to fit your whim.” Lila had started to walk away and then rushed back, tackling him into an empty stall. They’d rolled around and he’d tried to push her away, but she’d had the advantage of being a woman, and he wouldn’t hurt her. Finally, she’d managed to undo his pants and pull them down.

Lila remembered the barn becoming very quiet. Vern lay on his back with his arm covering his eyes. “You’re small,” she whispered, almost to herself more than him. “But...” She’d gently touched his nub with the tip of her finger. It grew slightly before her eyes. Lila didn’t think about what she would do, instead, she leaned over him and flicked her tongue on the tip. It grew larger. Not huge, as she was used to seeing, but not deformed.

“Now, do you understand why no woman will ever want me?”

“I understand why you think a woman wouldn’t, but the right woman…” Lila had dropped down and straddled his legs, holding him in place. Again, she licked his tip, and his little cock stirred. “You’re getting bigger,” she told him just before taking his penis to her lips. She’d sucked men’s cocks before and didn’t think this would be much different, easier, actually, because she wouldn’t have to control her gag reflex. “Just lay back,” she’d told him and began to suck his penis in earnest. He’d enlarged in her mouth, not to a full normal size, more like the size of her little finger. With continued inward pulls, Vern began to squirm under her. She let him move because she knew he wasn’t moving away, just writhing under her.

Lila tasted the drop of pre-cum and knew she’d get him to come. She sucked harder and fondled his normal-sized testicles.

“Lila…” he’d all but cried out and come in her mouth. It wasn’t a lot of cum like she was used to, but he’d had an orgasm. She continued to lick him clean, as she would any of the men she’d given head to, until he lay exhausted on the stall floor, his body in a total sweat. She’d crawled up beside him and pulled him into her arms.

“Thank you for sharing this with me, Vern.”

“Did I really have a choice?” He’d finally uncovered his eyes and stared at the ceiling. “Unless I wanted to physically push you away, you knew you’d get what you wanted.”

“Maybe you wanted it, too, just to prove to yourself you are normal.”

“‘Normal’ is not a word I associate with my all but nonexistent penis.”

“Smaller than I’ve seen before, but I’m still new at this. You’re only the fourth cock I’ve sucked.”

“And the smallest.”

“Yes, the smallest, but at least you didn’t gag me.” Lila waited for his reaction and was surprised when he burst out laughing. She was relieved he had a bit of humor left.

BOOK: Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More)
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