Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More) (12 page)

BOOK: Neil, Louisa - Pyxis Island Triangle (Siren Publishing Ménage And More)
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He could feel the cold metal against his crotch, felt Wyatt using his erection almost as a handle, moving it from side to side. Ben could hear the slight scraping noise of the metal to his skin. He bit Lila’s tit a bit harder, and she leaned heavier over his lips. Ben gave up trying to keep track of what was going on, he just knew that it felt magical. Wyatt’s hands smoothed on more cream and continued to shave Ben’s privates. Lila was pinching his nipples while he sucked hers. Soon, Wyatt’s movements changed, he felt a different texture against his skin, and Ben realized he was using a soft, warm cloth to wipe away the remaining cream. “Am I all smooth?” Ben asked, reluctantly leaving Lila’s tit but curious. “What do I look like?”

“Silky smooth,” Wyatt told him and dropped his mouth over Ben’s cock. He swallowed him in one long sucking motion. Ben almost came then, but Wyatt grasped the base of his cock and held tight. Over and over, he repeated the move, sucking Ben down his throat while holding his base to stall his orgasm.

“Wyatt, you’re gonna make me come, I feel so…” He groaned when Wyatt scraped his teeth along his length on an outward pull.

“Sensitive,” Lila asked, her hands now tussling with Wyatt’s hair and his thighs. The slight movement tickled his thighs. “Lay back and enjoy it,” she whispered, bending beside him to run her tongue along his newly nude lower belly. “Don’t think about it, just enjoy the feelings.”

Ben closed his eyes and felt. Felt Wyatt’s hot breath and mouth on his cock. Felt Lila’s touch to his thighs and belly. He felt something rough slide along his skin and before he realized what was happening, found his cock and balls tied back, forcing his cock to strain longer. “Oh, God,” he said, scrunching down to accept the strain.

“Stay still, Ben. For a few minutes, just don’t move. This will feel warm against your skin. It’s just a lubricant.” Lila’s voice lulled him to close his eyes. Her hands felt warm and sticky against him. He had one passing thought that she wouldn’t let him fuck her if he was all creamed up, but that fled his mind when he felt Wyatt’s larger hands encasing his rigid cock in some kind of goop. Ben opened his eyes and leaned forward, watching as Wyatt continued to encase him in layers of white. “Ben, stay still,” Lila admonished, her tone sounding like a schoolteacher he once had. “Don’t ruin the cast,” she told him.

“The cast, did Wyatt break it while he shaved me?” Ben heard the tone of his words and recognized a bit of fear. Lila laughing at him wasn’t what he expected.

“No, silly. We’re making a cast so we can make a replica of your hard-on.”

“You’re what?” he asked and again leaned forward only to have Lila’s hand gently push him back.

“Just making a cast of your cock.” Her smile relieved his anxiety, temporarily. “Now just stay still, we’re almost done.”

Ben felt her hands on his balls, rubbing the warm liquid onto them as she held them separate. Soon, he realized Wyatt was applying the same goop to his balls, and Lila holding them apart was how the cast would come out. “I don’t care what you’re doing. It feels too good.” He let himself go with the feelings of their hands and the strange substances they rubbed on his skin. He wasn’t sure how long he stayed there, only that Lila’s whispers got his attention.

“How do you feel, Ben?” she cooed in his ear as her hand caressed his chest.

“Wonderful, almost sated.”

“Good, it’s time to take the castings off. But your cock is still hard, do you understand me?”

“Yeah, how will you get it off?” He felt no anguish or curiosity.

“Take a deep breath and hold it,” she said.

Ben drew a breath and waited. What he finally felt was Wyatt’s finger probing at his anus. It was covered in lube and slipped inside him easily. “Oh, that’s it, finger my ass, Wyatt.”

“Is that what you truly want?” Wyatt asked, leaning forward to watch him. Ben saw Lila’s hands on his chest, Wyatt between his thighs, his cock encased in a thick cast. “Make me come, Wyatt, any way you want. Fuck my ass.”

“Well, now that you mention it,” Wyatt said and slid away on his metal seat, his finger leaving Ben’s anus. Before it could really register, Wyatt pushed himself back into place and held up a dildo, a large one. “This is a cast of my cock. I’ll fuck you with this one.”

“No wait,” Lila said, her smile turning into a grin. “I’ll fuck Ben with your dildo, and you fuck my ass with your cock.” She moved between Wyatt and Ben, taking the dildo in her right hand. Holding it up, Wyatt squirted a clear liquid onto it, and Lila massaged the liquid all over the plastic phallus. “Ready, Ben?” she asked and slid the dildo in Ben’s anus. He used the stirrups to brace his weight. He stilled to accept the toy and watched as Wyatt stood behind Lila. He grasped her hips and pulled down her pants. Ben realized she wore no undergarments. Wyatt used his slick hand to coat his own cock with the lube and moved behind Lila. “Fuck me, Wyatt, stuff your cock up my ass, and I’ll fuck Ben’s ass with your dildo.”

“Your wish, my dear,” Wyatt said. Ben could feel Lila’s body heave and accept his cock up her ass. At the same time, he felt her push the plastic toy up his butt. Ben almost came from the first stroke, but the tie around his cock and balls prevented it. Each time Wyatt pushed into Lila, her hand pushed the dildo into Ben. It became a vicious circle of pushing and pulling.

“You’re so tight, Lila, you’ve got me ready to come already.”

Lila thrust the dildo in Ben’s butt. She held it in deep but rolled it inside him. The new sensation was amazing. She was literally screwing him with the dildo. At the same time, he felt Lila’s body freeze then jolt. Wyatt let out an anguished howl, and his body shook. Ben knew he’d released his load into Lila’s ass.

“Come inside me, Wyatt. Maybe Ben will lick me clean when we’re done.”

“Anything, just let me come, I feel like I’m ready to bust.”

“Hold on, Ben. I’m going to climb over your chest and lower my pussy to your lips. When you make me come with your tongue, Wyatt will release the strap and let you come.” Ben watched as she moved from beside him, Wyatt taking hold of the toy still up his butt. She paused and pulled off her pants then climbed up beside him and straddled his face with her pussy. Ben leaned up and started to take long licks of her pussy lips, pausing to suckle her clit, then back to her lips. He was thrusting his tongue in her pussy when he felt the first droplets of Wyatt’s cum drip onto his chest.

“Can you feel Wyatt’s load dripping on your chest, Ben?” Lila asked, pushing her hips forward onto his lips.

He nodded and groaned when Wyatt twisted the toy in his anus. Ben had hit his breaking point. Lila’s juices were all over his face, and Wyatt’s cum coated his chest. Just when he realized it was too much, Wyatt used the toy to distract him and twisted it in a different pattern. With his other hand, Wyatt released the strap they’d tied at the base of his cock and balls. He came, harder than he ever had in his life. It was the most erotic experience he’d ever had. Ben put his hands to Lila’s thighs and held her in place, licking furiously until he felt her body crest and finally relax. “Holy crap” was all he managed, dropping back on the table, thankful for its support. Wyatt let the fake phallus slip from Ben’s body.

Lila moved from his chest and walked to where Wyatt was sitting on the metal stool. She grabbed a towel from the supply table they’d been using and wiped Wyatt’s cock. Ben saw her toss the towel over her shoulder and then drop her pussy onto Wyatt’s cock. She faced him, her legs tight around his waist and her arms around his neck, kissing him while she ground her body against him. Ben watched through lidded eyes as they fucked, knew from Lila’s gasp she’d finally come and saw Wyatt grasp her tight, holding her to him.

“I sure am enjoying our Sunday night,” Ben joked, trying to get his mind back together. He leaned forward and wondered how they’d get that damn cast off his cock and balls.

Lila stood and stretched, her naked body sweaty and covered in cum. Ben noted several long droplets of cum running down the back of her thighs. She bent over him from the side, wiggling her butt toward his hand as she and Wyatt began to fondle him. Ben felt as if a seal had broken and the cast was free of his cock.

“See, once you came, your cum lubricated the inside of the cast.” She handed the cast to Wyatt. “Be careful,” she reminded him. Lila turned and reached a hand to Ben, helping him to sit forward. “Here,” she said, and tossed him a large, fluffy towel from under a cabinet. She used one to wipe her body of sweat and fluids. Wyatt stood at the far counter, his pants still around his ankles, working on something Ben couldn’t see. Lila had taken the dildo they used on him and was washing it in the small sink beside Wyatt. When Ben could finally stand, he used the towel to clean himself before going to stand behind Wyatt and look over his shoulder.

“It’s a latex compound,” Wyatt explained without being questioned. “I’ll fill the mold, and by tomorrow, Lila will have a copy of your cock and balls. By next week, she will have several copies.” Wyatt laughed at his comment.

“Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. She won’t need me any longer.” Ben tried to tease, but his words carried the weight of his worry.

“Relax, Ben, the real thing is always much better. But won’t it be interesting to fuck your own ass with a replica of your own cock?” She laughed, a shrewd sound he’d never heard before but recognized as irony in its most intense form. “As long as you keep me satisfied, I won’t have use for the replicas.” She reached up and placed a kiss on his cheek.

Wyatt seemed pleased with his work, the cast now filled with skin-toned liquid, propped in a strange stand. “I’m exhausted,” he announced. “I’ll clean up the room tomorrow when I check the mold. Shall we,” he said, turning to Lila. She smiled and dropped to her knees, sliding his cotton pants up his legs. It didn’t escape Ben that she managed to swallow his cock a few times before completing the action. She found her top, and after turning it right side out, pulled it on and into place, doing the same with her pants. Wyatt opened a closet door and tossed Ben a pair of scrubs that matched the ones they wore.

“These will get you back to your apartment.”

“Thanks,” Ben said, pulling on the pants and top, dropping to gather his clothing.

“Leave them, I’ll have them laundered tomorrow and returned. Lila, I need sleep.”

“You’ve earned it,” she told Wyatt and slid her arm around his back. “Ben, can you get the lights?” she said as an afterthought, guiding Wyatt from the lab. Ben followed, closing doors and shutting off lights as they went. Back in the main apartment section of the complex, he said good night to the others and was thankful to duck into his apartment. As he was about to close the door, Lila called to him, “Sleep in tomorrow, we all deserve a bit of extra sleep.” He gave her a mock salute, but Ben wasted no time stripping off his clothing and dropping onto his bed. His own hands ran along his smooth skin, the difference in texture alluring. From his nightstand, he grabbed a tube of lube, squirted some in his palm, and set about masturbating to all the images he’d seen tonight.

Chapter Eight

Lila laid spread naked on the examination table in the private medical lab hidden deep within the complex of buildings. She had the table stirrups spread sideward which forced her legs wide to the side. Her upper body was raised, and the lower half of the table tilted to access her pussy and ass. She was in a strange mood, knew the normal wouldn’t get her off tonight. She’d left a short message for Wyatt and Ben, telling them simply to meet her in the lab instead of her apartment for their Saturday night. She’d taken out all the equipment that intrigued her imagination tonight. She’d set the scene, lights off but candles burning on every surface. Classical music played softly in the background.

She knew Wyatt would collect Ben on his way, knowing he couldn’t access the experimental area. The locks clanked and gave her a heads-up of their arrival. Lila fluffed her hair and settled back on the table. She didn’t know what the men were talking about when they entered, but their conversation ended abruptly when they saw her positioned for their use.

“Well, we know what’s on your mind tonight,” Wyatt said, going directly to the wine she’d laid out and filled the three glasses, handing them around. He moved to the utility stand and pulled back the towel covering the items. “You are in a mood, Lila. Cheers.” Wyatt tilted his glass to hers and drank.

“Ben, how was your day?” she asked, staying in position, noting how he couldn’t form a sentence, rather just kept nodding at her. “Are you interested?” she prompted and crooked her finger at him, motioning him to come closer. She took his hand and placed it on her breast.

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