Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (22 page)

BOOK: Neil, Louisa - One Queen with Two Kings (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Let him say what he wants,” Russell said.

“Better that story th
n telling the world that the three of us are screwing our brains out while we

re away in the mountains.” Russell dropped back to the bed and stretched.

“Are you embarrassed by all this, Dexter?” Thea asked.

“Not when it’s just us, but to the outside world, well, our sex choices should be private. It will get worse when we go back. We’re all going to be under a microscope until Lloyd is dealt with.”

“Then we’d better use our time here to the fullest. I told Alex we decided to s
ay a few extra days. That was for my benefit,” she said and started to laugh. “I also think it was a good idea for Russell to rent that apartment in the same building as we did all those years ago. At least his coming
and goings won’t be monitored inside like they would be outside.”

“I need to pee and get coffee,” Russell said, obviously shaken by the news from the outside world.

“I’ll start the coffee,” Thea said, pausing to grab a robe from the pile on the floor beside the bed. Dexter watched her pull it around her and snug the belt. She turned and blew him a kiss before leaving.

Dexter sat on the bed, his head in his hands. “What are we going to do?” He didn’t expect an answer but realized Russell had come from the bathroom.

“If things were different, I’d say we’d use our morning erections, but you’re not in the right headspace.”

Dexter tossed a pillow at him
which Russell deflected. He grabbed a robe and headed out of the room. Struggling to get the sleep from his being, Dex used cold water to splash his face and decided not to shave. He pulled on a pair of boxers and headed to the living area.

“You okay
Dex?” Thea asked, walking toward him with a cup of coffee. He took it from her and sipped at it.

“Yeah, just a bit of reality pissing me off.”

“Russell and I were thinking we’d skip breakfast and head to town. We could have brunch, do some shopping
and get copies of the tabloids so we’ll know what we’re doing with our
here.” She didn’t hold back a smile. “Come on, Dexter, you knew this was a possibility. Since we can’t change what Lloyd does or says, let’s just ignore him and enjoy what time we have together

“Russell, do you have a problem with all this?”

“Seems to me the more we argue with Lloyd
the more credibility we give him. I’m with Thea on this one
. Screw
him at this point. When we get back, we’ll deal with him. Until then, I’d rather remember our times here for different reasons.” Russell looked down to Dexter’s crotch and smiled at his boxers
tented from his hard

Thea laughed. “I’m going to town for toys. You two can stay here and mope around or help me pick out our new dildos.” She put her mug down and headed to the bedroom. “Anyone going to come into town with me?”

“Yeah, let’s get brunch. At least we won’t have dishes to clean up.”

“That, my friend,” Russell said, “
s the smartest thing you’ve said all day.” He headed toward the other master bedroom where he’d been staying.

“I guess they’re right. Why worry about that crap now when I’m having the time of my life that I never knew I wanted.” Dexter refilled his coffee and headed to the bedroom to get dressed.

Chapter Eleven

Thea made a blatant attempt to keep the guys from worrying about what was going on at home. “Do you guys want to wander around while I shop or do you want to come with me and help pick out our new toys?”

“I’d like to shop with you,” Russell said
“You never know what we’ll find.” He winked at Thea
and she felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment.

“I’m not sure letting you two alone in a toy store is a good idea.” Dexter gave them his lopsided smile
and they headed out of the restaurant.

Inside the store, Thea paused to shop
lingerie. She glanced at a few nightgowns and robes when her eye caught what she wanted at the back of the store. Heading directly to the large display, she had no problem with embarrassment when selecting her new items. She noted neither man came to the back to help her
so she chose what she wanted. When a salesclerk approached and asked if she needed help, Thea started piling items into her hands.

She and the clerk were laughing when they finally got to the register and saw the pile of her purchase. Another clerk behind the desk told her that her husband decided to wait outside. Thea thought she might be embarrassed
but instead, she glanced at each item as it was being rung up and added a few bottles of lubricant that were on a counter display.

“Thank you, ladies, have a good day,” she said as she was leaving the store. She didn’t have to look back to know what they were thinking, most likely along the lines that she was the one going to have a good day.

the afternoon sun was warm
her face. Dexter and Russell were sitting on a bench across the street. There was another shopping bag beside Dexter from the same shop. Apparently, he’d shopped while she shopped. Thea dropped her bags beside Dexter and stood tall.

“I’m going to the newsstand to get the newspapers
. Do
either of you want anything special?”

“Chocolate,” Russell said, “lots of chocolate, with and without nuts, any and every kind.”

“Okay, a sugar rush for Russell. Dexter
what about you

“Oh yeah, but not for chocolate.” He gave her body a once
over and then a second. There was no need for words
. He
was horny and debating how they’d have sex tonight. Let him think, she decided, knowing she had a scenario she wanted to watch tonight. After that, her men could direct the evening, after she was satisfied. The guys waited outside while she grabbed the papers and chocolate. On the way back to the car, they stopped and grabbed a few bottles of wine. As usual, Thea drove.

“So tell us the truth,” Russell said from the back seat
“How bad are the headlines?”

Thea glanced to Dexter when he tensed at Russell’s question. “I didn’t stop to read the articles
. The
headlines are pretty much what Alex told me. I’m in drug rehab
and you two are emotionally crippled from the crash and the world finding out you’re both incompetent pilots.”

“I thought the judge ordered all of us not to discuss this with the press?” Thea knew this was weighing heavier on Dexter than Russell.

“He did, and Alex is petitioning the court to sanction Lloyd for these very interviews. But, once they’re out, he’s made his point. He’ll be quiet for a while.”

“Too bad we can’t do our own interviews,” Dexter said, his sigh of disgust unmistakable. “Then again…”

“At least the photos they used aren’t too bad. The ones of you and I are from our wedding announcement. Russell, they’re running the one of you from the award banquet before your trip.”

“Yeah, our trip to hell.”

“Dexter, let it go.” Russell’s tone was adamant. “We discussed this on the island and knew when we got back it would be like this. So let them say what they want and we’ll enjoy being home. When this all winds up in court, the truth will be out.”

“Maybe you should call your parents to check in, just to say hello and let them know you’re okay.” Thea suggested.

“Yeah, I probably should.” Russell handed Dexter his cell phone when he realized Dexter couldn’t find his.

She added, “Tell them I said hello.”

The rest of the ride was calm, Dexter’s conversation with his parents taking priority over the radio or their bantering. Thea decided to take a different road home, which gave them beautiful scenery but took extra time. Once back, they unloaded their purchases
and Russell made a pitcher of margaritas.

“Just one more thing I missed
the island,”
said, handing around glasses of the frozen concoction.

“Ice.” Dexter added, “I missed ice in any drink.” He sipped and pulled the glass away quickly. “Brain freeze,” he said with a laugh. Soon his depressed mood disappeared
and they were all on the deck, enjoying their frozen drinks and chatting like the old days.

“I guess I should start the grill or we’ll never have supper.” Thea stood on shaky legs and accepted the laughter around her. “Keep laughing. Let’s see how steady you two are when you try to get up.”

“How about you show us what you bought today,” Russell said.

“How about you show her what you bought her today,” Dexter said.

“Russell, you bought me something?” She watched his neck and cheeks go red with embarrassment.

“The bag

s on the sofa,” he said.

“You stay
I’ll get it,” Thea told him and headed inside. She returned to the deck with the shopping bag and placed it on the empty lounge, pulling out the most beautiful silk nightgown she’d seen in a long time. What struck her was the color. It was an exact match to her aqua eyes. “It’s beautiful, Russell, thank you.” She held it up against her body and smiled, and then she walked to him and kissed his lips.

“You’re welcome. Why not ask Dexter what he bought you today?”

Thea turned and looked at her husband. “It’s in on the bed.”

“Goody, more gifts.” She left the men and came out with a small box. Again she laid it on the lounge and lifted the cover. Inside was a beautifully embroidered bra and panty set. “Dexter, this is beautiful
too. Where was I when you guys were shopping?”

“Fixated on toys and dildos.”

“Oh, well thank you
for the presents. You both have to wait until tonight to see what I bought.”

“If we have to wait, I’m going to make another pitcher of drinks.” Russell left them alone on the deck.

“Dexter, are you okay with all of this? Did i
sound better in theory than it is in real life?”

my aqua queen. I’m thrilled that you didn’t punch me and walk away forever. You’ve given me the gift of understanding. You’ll never know how much I appreciate that.”

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