Neil Armstrong: A Life of Flight (55 page)

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Authors: Jay Barbree

Tags: #Science, #Astronomy, #Biography & Autobiography, #Science & Technology

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computers, of lunar lander

Conrad, Pete

Constellation project

Cooper, Gordon

Covey, Dick

creation (theological)

Crippen, Robert

Crossfield, Scott

Cunningham, Walter

DC-3 plane

Discoverer surveillance satellite


Discovery Television

Dobrynin, Anatoly

docking in space


Doolittle, Jimmy

Douglas, Bill

Douglas Skyrockets

Duffy, Brian

Duke, Charlie

Dyna-Soar plane

See Apollo 11,

Earth, the

eventual death of
formation of
gravity of, and escape velocity
view of, from space
view of, from the moon

Earth-Moon system

flight windows (opportunity to fly)
need to explore
origin of, at beginning of the solar system
view of, from Galileo planetary craft

Earth orbit


Edwards Air Force Base

Edwards High Speed Flight Station/Research Center

8-ball (equipment)

Einstein, Albert

Eisele, Donn F.

Eisenhower, Dwight

Eisenhower, Mamie


instructions for
at jet speed
lifetime limit on number
from LLTV

El Lago neighborhood, Houston, Texas

Ellington Air Force Base, Texas

Enos (chimpanzee)


escape velocity

aircraft carrier

Evans, Ron

executive overload computer error

Explorer I

Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA)

difficulties of, overcome by Buzz Aldrin
first (Soviet)

F9F Panther

F-82 research plane

F-104A Starfighter

Fighter Squadron 51 (VF-51)


docking in space
Extra Vehicular Activity
humans on Earth
landing on moon (American)
man in space (American)
man in space (Soviet)
rendezvous in space
satellite (American)
satellite (Soviet)

flight medicine and physiology

Florida, cold snaps in

Ford Trimotor

free return trajectory

Freedom 7

Freeman, Faith

Freeman, Ted

Friendship 7

Fucci, James

future, lack of vision for

G force

g limiter

G load

Gagarin, Yuri

first flight to space
hero to Neil
memorial to, on the moon



Galileo planetary craft

Garman, Jack

Garriott, Owen

Gemini 3

Gemini 4

Gemini 5

Gemini 6

Gemini 7

Gemini 8

roll emergency
second-guessing of Neil’s performance

Gemini 9

Gemini 10

Gemini 11

Gemini 12

Gemini Nine (astronauts)

credentials of

Gemini Project

Gemini simulator

Gemini spacecraft

Gibson, Edward

Gibson, Robert “Hoot”

Gilruth, Robert

Glenn, Annie

Glenn, John

boarding spacecraft
character of
chosen for Redstone
escorts JFK
at Grissom’s burial in Arlington
grounded by JFK
hero to Neil
in Houston
jungle survival training
Mercury-Atlas flight around Earth (1962)
on Neil’s personality
one of the Mercury Seven
parades for
pilot in Korean War
returns to space at 77 years of age
Senate career
on the space race
support for Neil’s pilotry
support for Slayton



Goddard, Esther

Gold, Herb

Goldin, Dan

Gorbachev, Mikhail

Gordon, Dick

Gordon, Henry

Graveline, Duane

“Green Six” target in Korean War

Grissom, Gus

burial at Arlington
chosen for Redstone
death in launchpad fire
on Gemini 3
on Gemini 4
in Houston
memorial to, on the moon
Mercury flight
one of the Mercury Seven
in simulator
supports Slayton

Grumman Aircraft

guidance office (GUIDO)

guidance systems

Gulfstream aircraft

Haise, Fred

Haney, Paul

Harbaugh, Greg

Harrington, Bob

Harris, Hugh

Harrison, Ed

Hauck, Rick

Hawaii Rescue 1 and 2 (C-130s)

Hawaiian Islands, view from space

heat shield

Hilmers, Dave

Hodge, John

Hope, Bob


Houston, Texas

Hoyle, Fred

Hubble Constant

Hubble Space Telescope

humans, first appearance on Earth

Huntsville, Alabama

inboard cutoff

International Geophysical Year (IGY)

International Space Station

“Jingle Bells” broadcast

John Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, Ohio

Johnson, Lyndon

Johnsville, Pennsylvania


jungle survival training

Jupiter-C/Juno-I rocket

Kamanin, Lev

Kauai, Hawaii, tracking station


KC-135 (“Vomit Comet”)

Kennedy, Jacqueline

Kennedy, John F.

challenge to go to moon and return (1961)
interest in space
meets John Glenn on landing
protected from possible blame in re Slayton
visits Cape Canaveral
watching a launch

Kerwin, Joseph

King, Jack

Kitchell, Jim

Knight, Carol

Komarov, Valentina

Komarov, Vladimir

memorial to, on the moon

Korean War (1950)

Korolev, Sergei

Kraft, Chris

Kranz, Gene

Lagrange points

Laika (Russian dog in space)

Landwirth, Henri

Las Vegas odds on Apollo flights

Launch Control, Cape Canaveral

Lemaître, Georges

Leonov, Alexei

Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory, Cleveland, Ohio

Liberty Bell 7

life, Neil’s respect for


Lindbergh, Anne Morrow

Lindbergh, Charles

Lindsey, Steve

Los Angeles, California

Lounge, Mike

Lovell, James

Apollo 8
Apollo 11
Apollo 13
celebrity status
character of
Gemini 7
and Gemini 8
Gemini 12
Gemini missions
and launchpad fire investigation
LLTV training
one of Gemini Nine
phone call to
Apollo 11
preaches need to return to space
understands Neil’s reluctance to be in the spotlight
at White House

Low, George

Lunar Landing Training Vehicle (LLTV)

crash of
ejection from
Neil’s training on

lunar module (LM)

computers on
construction of
order of entering and exiting
testing of

lunar module simulator

Lunar Orbit Insertion (LOI)

lunar receiving laboratory (LRL)

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

Luscombe plane

Magellanic Cloud

Makarov, Oleg

Man-in-Space-Soonest (MISS) group

Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas

Mars, exploration of

Martians on Earth

mascons on the moon



McAuliffe, Christa

McCandless, Bruce

McDivitt, James

McKay, Jack

meals in space

Mercury-Atlas flights

Mercury Control

Mercury Project

success of

Mercury Seven (astronauts)

recruiting for

Michel, Curt

MIG planes

Milky Way


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