Neighbors and More (High Rise Series) (4 page)

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“Don’t worry. I was a team swimmer at school and learned to
dance under water.” She wiped her eyes while he tossed his head aside to shake
the water out of his hair. “But we’re definitely out of luck today,” she

“We’ll make our luck.” He resolutely carried her closer to
the shore and knelt in the wet sand, pulling her down with him. The waves slapped
against his back and unfolded over their shoulders.

His body still tense, he kissed her slowly and deeply,
exploring and plundering. She curled her fingers around his nape, holding his
head angled as she returned his kisses. Tongues lapped and stroked. Lust
returned. Blood pounded in his groin. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted
any woman in his life.

“Dante, I’m so glad you came back,” she whispered.

As the current carried them away from the shore, she clung to
him, deliciously sensual. His breathing rough, he strummed his hands up and
down her hips, nuzzling her ear and trailing kisses along her throat, down to
her collarbone. Her moans wafted with the gentle tap of the waves and she squirmed,
her stomach rubbing against his erection. He groaned.

Then he paused, and raised his head. Their eyes met, hers
glittering under the glimmer of moonlight.

This wasn’t comfort sex anymore. Not on her part, and
certainly not on his part. It was him seeking to hold the woman he desired so
much. For two long months, he’d fantasized about finding her eagerly waiting
for him.

But the wide ocean even under a romantic moonlight was the
wrong place for their first time. He wanted to make love to her in a
comfortable bed, take his time to lavish her with caresses, and hear her scream
his name as she wriggled under him.

“Darling, we can’t continue this here. Someone may see us,
even in the dark. I’d rather not cause a scandal now.” He held her, waiting for
their breathing to slow down.

Bracing both arms around his waist, Alexa nodded. Sanity
returned to her dazed mind. Was it the present crisis that had stressed her to
the breaking point? Or Dante’s charm driving her to forget her self-imposed

She cringed and cast him a quick look, blessing his restraint.
“We better go back,” she said, infusing as much determination as possible into
her tone.

Although her legs hardly supported her, she felt invigorated
by the night air and the ocean breeze. A sudden euphoria washed over her. She
wasn’t lonely anymore. She had Dante here.

“Yes, it’s seven forty,” he said, after checking his watch. He
gave her a heart-stopping smile and kissed her lightly on the lips. “We’ll dry
while walking back to the building.”

They strolled to the dry sand. She slipped on her sandals
and gathered her blouse and capris. “I’ll barely have the time to change into
something more suitable to meet the detective.”

Dante shrugged. “Don’t worry about the detective. You won’t
face him alone. I’ll be with you all the time.”

Relief flooded her. It was good to have a true friend and
support at her side, but their crazy, lovely interlude should not be repeated. Holding
hands, they sauntered along the beach.

“Tell me more about Sicily.”
Tell me anything that would help
me forget this building and my damn neighbors.

“Palermo is a picturesque old seaport, bustling with
activities. People are in the street all the time, talking loud, gesticulating.
I’ll take you sometime.”

She kicked a shell with her sandaled foot. “I’d love to go. Do
you live in the city itself? I mean in the downtown?”

“We have an apartment in the downtown. My grandfather used
it as
to conduct his business, and we have a big house far
from the city, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea.”

Impressed, she glanced at him in the dark, but couldn’t
detect his expression. Was he from an old Sicilian family, boasting of

“How come you speak English without an accent?” He’d told
her about his Sicilian parentage the night before he left for the old country.

He chuckled. “I did my high school, college, and law school
in Boston.”

“Why so far from your hometown?”

“After my parents’ death in a car accident, my grandmother
insisted on sending me to America. According to her, Boston has the best
educational programs.”

“Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t know about your parents. Is your
grandmother going to be safe there on her own?”

“She came with me, to live here with my sister.”

“Here? In your condo?”

“No, in her own house, a place my grandfather bought years
ago in Bayview.”

“Oh.” Afraid to pry into his family affairs, she didn’t ask
if it was a little house in the secluded neighborhood or one of the mansions on
the Intracoastal. To think she’d dreamed about visiting his place of birth with
him. “You should have asked me to go along,” she teased, eager to learn more
about his mysterious past in mafia land.

 “To Sicily? You’d have come?”

“For a few days. Why not?”


 “You mentioned a sister. Any brothers?” she blurted before

“My older brother died years ago.” His voice hardened,
forbidding more probing.

“An accident too?”

“A gunshot.”

His stony expression froze the words in her throat. “Oh.” A
slight shiver skated down her spine. She knew very little about her gorgeous
neighbor although she’d melted in his arms as soon as he’d returned, and they’d
almost made love a moment ago.

Her fingers tensed in his hand. She never took the word
lightly. Greg repeated he loved her often enough, and she thought she loved him
until the day she discovered she hated him.

And now with Dante? An unfamiliar angst twisted her heart.
She’d rather not play with the word
. A long sigh escaped her.

“What’s wrong? We just had a lovely time together.”

“We almost...had sex.” She bit her lip, already regretting
her eagerness.

Suddenly halting, he pulled her hard against him. “Don’t
make it sound cheap, Alexa. I’m too attracted to you to call it just sex. And I
know you’re attracted to me.”

“I am. Honestly.” Her heartbeat echoed against his in the

He uttered a doubtful grumble.

“Dante, I’m going away soon. I’d better not give in to any
attraction.” Or any feelings.

“I know, Alexa. Maybe with time I’ll be able to convince you
that all men are not jerks. Like your ex and Steve.”

Before she could answer, he cupped her face and kissed her
on the mouth, a tender kiss that soothed and reassured her. Taking a step back,
he gazed at her for a moment, then turned back, and put on his tank-top.

“We’re almost at the Blue Waves.” She slipped on her capris
and donned her blouse over her dry bikini.


They crossed the garage and reached the entrance to the
building. Dante opened the door for Alexa and let her pass in front of him into
the lighted hallway leading to the lobby.

“Oh dear.” She froze in her tracks at the sight of Greg
flanked by his girl friend, Dianna Oliveira, and their neighbor, Julia Bairey.
If looks could kill, Alexa would surely be pulverized by the three of them.
Bracing for battle, she squinted.

“Where have you been?” Greg called out as he strode toward
her, his eyebrows gathered in a stern scowl.

Her chin hitched up. “What’s wrong, Greg?”

“The detective is going to be here in five minutes. You’re
not even dressed yet.”

Still out of sight in the darkness of the garage, Dante
gently rubbed his hands over her back. His touch filled her with warmth and
urged her to keep her cool. Focusing a cold stare on Greg, she shrugged. “I
don’t plan to go upstairs,” she said, challenging the rebuke in his eyes and

“You aren’t going to attend this meeting like that?” His
face reddened, he gestured toward Dianna and Julia, both looking as if they
were heading for a dinner party. Sultry, raven-haired Dianna sashayed in a
short red dress molding her hips and revealing a plunging décolletage. High-heeled
red slippers elongated her perfectly tanned legs. Julia, petite and blonde,
wore her trademark black pants and a classy printed silk blouse.

For the first time in her life, Alexa felt out of character…
and didn’t give a damn about it. “Watch me.” She wouldn’t let Greg intimidate
her in front of her two nemeses.

Julia took a step forward and narrowed her baby blues. “You
could at least have the decency to be presentable when defending yourself.” She
hissed under Alexa’s nose.

Dianna smiled. Her dark eyes glimmered, made bigger by a
heavy layer of mascara, and her lips curled into a condescending twitch.

Alexa frowned. “Defending myself from what?”

“From causing Steve’s death, of course.”

“Are you crazy?” Alexa wouldn’t let the woman drag her into
a useless squabble. “Move over, you guys. I have a meeting to attend.” She spun
toward Dante who rewarded her effort with a big smile.

“Superb,” he whispered as he stepped from the garage into
the hallway, his sudden appearance causing their three opponents to gasp. The
women focused their hungry gazes on the tank-top hugging his wide shoulders and
muscled chest.

Greg’s face turned apoplectic at the sight of Dante. “Cantari,
no one told me you were back. You’re supposed to notify the front desk as soon
as you arrive from a trip.”

Dante smiled saccharinely. “In that case, I’m not officially
here yet.” He waved Alexa to go ahead.

“You were swimming together?” Julia asked, her eyebrows
rising suspiciously.

“I hope you don’t plan to sit in on this meeting with us,”
Greg snapped.

“I appreciate your concern, Partson,” Dante said, keeping an
unwavering smile in place.

Alexa stifled a chuckle. Greg who intimidated people into
compliance was now at a loss for words. At least for the moment.

Leaving Greg and the two women, Dante touched his hand to
Alexa’s back and accelerated his pace toward the conference room. As they
reached the door, a tall sturdy man accompanied by a security guard came from
the lobby.

Greg caught up with them and extended a hand to the newcomer
who introduced himself. “Detective Bob Ladd.”

 The detective reminded Alexa of an overweight and taller Hercule
Poirot. Same dark hair, cynical dark eyes and dark mustache, but the man was
huge, with large beefy shoulders and arms.

Greg shook his massive hand. “Greg Partson, my wife, Alexa.
Mrs. Julia Bairey, Steve’s widow, and Dianna Oliveira. All neighbors.”

Dante smiled as Greg conspicuously avoided mentioning his

“Ex-wife,” Alexa specified. “Dianna is Greg’s fiancée and Dante
Cantari is my lawyer.”

“Since when?” Greg asked with a scowl.

“No way,” Julia said, and then pursed her lips. “I asked him
to be my lawyer months ago. Way before you.”

Not in a mood to start a discussion, Alexa shrugged and
remained quiet.

Dante shook hands with Detective Ladd. “We’re ready, sir.”

The detective’s back hunched a tad. He twitched his mustache
and examined them as if he were a cat weighing his options. Which mouse to
consume for appetizer and which one to leave for dessert? “I’d like to get the
names of the people who talked to the deceased today, and then I’ll interview
you one at a time. So let’s go to the conference room and start.”

They settled around the long oak table. The detective put
his pad and a wireless mini-recorder on the table. “As you can see I use a
recorder to help my fading memory. Getting old and weak is difficult,” he
added, as he cracked a pencil in two. Julia cringed, but Dianna licked her lips
and her eyes sparkled with excitement. How could she date Greg when she drooled
at the sight of macho hunks and physical strength?

Greg sniffed, a sure sign he didn’t appreciate the
detective’s high-handed manners.

“Before I ask any questions, can each of you please write down
your name, address, and phone number?” He tore sheets of paper from a notepad
and distributed them with pens. His gaze rested on each of them in turn as they
filled their sheets.

“Done,” they said one after the other.

“Thank you.” He scanned the first sheet of paper and turned
the tape recorder on. “Now I’ll ask you all a few general questions. Mrs.
Bairey, you live here in the Blue Waves. Apartment 1202.”


“How did your husband start his day?”

Julia snorted. “How should I know? He doesn’t live with me
anymore.” She threw a venomous glare at Alexa. “Maybe she could tell you.”

The detective’s gaze flitted from Julia to Alexa, and then
to Greg who didn’t bother answering.

Dante folded his hands on the table. He’d better take
control of the situation before the antagonists bonded against Alexa. “Mrs.
Bairey and the deceased were separated. Steve shared apartment 502 with his
business partner, Carter Morton.”

“Thank you, Mr. Cantari.” Ladd jotted a few words on his
pad. “I will talk to Carter Morton later. Now, I need to establish Steve
Bairey’s schedule for the day, and then I’ll question each one of you
privately.” He spun to fix his eagle’s eyes on Julia. “Did you talk to Mr.
Bairey today?”

She lowered her lashes and hesitated. “He stopped by our
apartment for a few minutes.”

“At what time?” He extracted a new pencil from his briefcase
and rolled it between his fingers.

“I’m not sure. Maybe around one o’clock.”

“Did anyone else see him or talk to him today?” Ladd’s gaze
probed, analyzing the various expressions.

Dante looked at Alexa. A shadow darkened her eyes, but she
straightened. “He came to see me at one thirty.”

Julia’s eyes shot daggers. Following the detective’s gaze, Dante
studied her. Did Ladd draw the same conclusion Dante did? For someone claiming
to be so attached to her husband, she looked more like an angry shrew than a saddened

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