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Authors: A.D. Christopher

NecessaryDecision (3 page)

BOOK: NecessaryDecision
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Kylar’s eyes widened and a low rumble—part growl, part purr
of pleasure—vibrated in his cat’s chest. He stared for a long moment, obviously
aroused by Varek’s hard-on. His own cock curled between his legs, the
distinctive curve of Kylar’s cat’s phallus making Varek’s body call again for
him to shift. To shift and get his fur against this cat’s fur, to feel teeth
nipping and teasing as they fought for dominance, to feel Kylar’s muscles
ripple beneath him as Varek pushed inside Kylar’s ass, showing him that getting
could be just as good as giving.

Sometimes even better. Varek relished both roles. Just the
night before—after Kylar returned to his home and Gable returned to their
shared cot—Varek had taken Gable’s cock inside him. Gable had been too sore,
too “deliciously used” as he’d put it to take Varek inside him, but eager to
show Varek how much he was still desired.

But for how much longer? How much longer until Gable chose
Kylar and Kylar alone?

Gable is your lover. He’s told me as much,
said, surprising Varek. Had his thoughts shown on his face?

“He is,” Varek said, not trusting himself to answer
telepathically, afraid he’d say more than he meant to say. “But I don’t mind
sharing. Gable and I have always fucked other men, sometimes together,
sometimes not.”

That’s what he said. He even suggested we invite you along
Kylar prowled a little closer, surveying Varek from head to toe.
wasn’t interested…then.

And now?
Varek asked, holding his breath as Kylar
drew even closer, so close his muzzle was only inches away from Varek’s turgid
length. The knowledge that a big cat—with strong jaws and razor sharp teeth
capable of castrating him in the blink of an eye—was that close to his cock
should have made him stumble in his haste to get away. But it didn’t.

He didn’t move a muscle. He simply stood there, his cock swelling
impossibly bigger. He was so turned-on by the tension between them that he
could barely think a coherent thought. All he knew was that this unexpected
moment of trust, of Kylar subtly exerting his dominance and expressing interest
all at the same time, was more than he’d hoped for. Sexier than he’d dreamed.

When Kylar’s cat’s tongue flicked out, brushing across his
cock—just once, a rough caress that was over before it begun—it was almost
enough to make him come. Varek’s breath rushed out through his lips and a
tremor worked its way through his big frame from head to toe. The world spun
before his eyes and for a second he was too dizzy with pleasure to see
straight. By the time he glanced back down at Kylar, he was pulling away with
what Varek swore was a grin on his cat’s mouth. Cats couldn’t really grin, but
Kylar was doing an excellent imitation.

Why don’t you shift and join us?
Kylar asked, turning
back down the path with a seductive flick of his tail.

Varek was sprouting fur and claws in seconds. By the time
Kylar turned the curve in the trail, Varek had transformed into a giant,
reddish brown cat. He might be bald in his human form, but as a cat he was
downright shaggy, far more thick-pelted than the average panther. Gable joked
that he must be an evolutionary throwback to the were-panthers of prehistoric
times. Varek didn’t know about that, but he did know his heavy coat was hellish
in the summer. A swim sounded blissful. A swim with two irresistible weres,
absolutely heavenly.

He ran, bounding toward the falls, hope and desire blending
with every breath.


Gable watched Kylar slink to the water’s edge and knew
immediately that something had happened on the path, something other than
scaring away whoever was following them. Kylar’s thick, cat’s phallus curved
between his legs and passion burned in his eyes. Something had turned him on,
and he was ready for satisfaction. Past ready.

He headed straight for Gable, leaping on his back, digging
his claws into Gable’s muscled shoulder. Gable squirmed, haunches churning.
Being so vulnerable beneath another cat was frightening in his panther form.
The need to flee warred with the very human desire coursing through his veins,
making it even hotter, making him howl his pleasure so loud it carried over the
sound of the waterfall as Kylar shoved his cock inside his anus and began to
ride him.

Hard. So hard. Almost

Gable could feel the second he began to bleed. It made the
penetration more bearable, took the last of the pain and let it ooze into
pleasure. And it wasn’t a big deal. He was a were, he would heal as soon as he
shifted. This rough play would leave no lasting damage and certainly no
emotional scars.

In fact, the hot slickness oozing from his hole made him
wild with excitement, almost as wild as the punishing cock shoving at him from
behind and the sharp claws pushing deep into his fur. The frenzy to find some
kind of relief made him spread his haunches even farther and drop his hips to
the ground, humping the damp sand beneath him, the rough texture reminding him
of Kylar’s cat tongue, bringing him so close to the edge he was about to lose
himself onto the riverbank, when suddenly…they were attacked.

No, not attacked. It wasn’t an enemy who leapt on Kylar’s
back, adding to the weight pressing down on Gable. It was Varek. Varek in his
cat form, aroused and not particularly amused by bounding down to the shore to
find Gable already mounted.

He was going to seek his revenge and his satisfaction. Gable
knew it even before Kylar cried out and his entire body tensing above Gable as
he was penetrated for the first time.


Pain. Pain and pleasure and a pure erotic thrill that made
Kylar’s cock swell inside Gable’s ass until he felt he would explode from the
excitement of being filled even as he filled another, of feeling a thick cock
shoving inside him even as his own cock was encased in hot, wet flesh.

Still, this wasn’t what he’d planned. He’d meant to show
Varek that he was Gable’s new dominant, that Gable belonged to him now and that
Kylar would be the one to decide when—or if—Gable spent time in another man’s
bed. He certainly hadn’t imagined Varek would have the nerve to take him
without express invitation, to mount him like some eager submissive with his
tail held in the air.

Who the hell do you think you are?
Kylar infused the
telepathic contact with enough intensity to make Gable flinch beneath him.

What you need.
The words were followed by a sharp
thrust. Varek’s giant, curved phallus shoved even deeper inside him, invading,
claiming, the pleasure-pain making Kylar’s balls ache and his cock twitch,
driving him deeper into Gable.

Gable let out a purr of pleasure and wiggled his haunches,
ensuring Kylar’s inability to fight the bliss flooding through his veins. He
would teach Varek who was calling the shots and show the slave how dangerous it
could be to take liberties with a free-born, but not now. Not when his entire
being was consumed with the need to fuck and be fucked, to give in and see this
unexpected ride through to its mind-blowing conclusion.

He started to move, driving into Gable with shallow thrusts,
quickly growing accustomed to the way each shift of his hips caused the cock
inside his ass to slide in and out, to the feel of Varek’s sharp claws teasing
at his shoulders, pricking into his fur with just the perfect amount of
pressure. His cock pumped faster, the pressure in his balls growing nearly
unbearable, his anus slowly relaxing, until there was nothing but pleasure.

Bright, burning pleasure that flared unbelievably hotter
when Varek picked up the rhythm of his thrusts, driving into his ass at the
same moment that Kylar shoved into Gable’s. Faster and faster, deeper and
deeper, until Gable tensed and screamed his pleasure into the rapidly cooling

Kylar smelled the sticky evidence of Gable’s release mixing
with the damp earth beneath him, and the salty sweetness of it was enough to
send him over. It was as if his entire body exploded at once, every furred inch
of him coming as hard as he ever had in any form, his cock pulsing and his ass
tightening around Varek’s hard length.

Fuck, so fucking good.
Varek’s mental sigh whispered
through his mind seconds before the other panther came, his hips jerking
forward, filling Kylar to the brim one last time as he spent his seed. The heat
splashed against Kylar’s insides, touching things inside of him that had never
been touched.

For the first time, he understood what it must be like for
the submissives he pleasured, how good it could be to let go and be a vessel
for another’s bliss.

You two are amazing together.
Gable trembled beneath
the combined weight of both Kylar and Varek, but Kylar could tell that he was
loving every minute of being pinned to the earth, completely vulnerable to both
of the men he loved.

Gable loved Varek. He really did. As much as he loved Kylar,

The realization made a growl rumble in Kylar’s throat.
Jealousy and anger banished the last of the pleasure he’d felt at Varek’s
release. He reared back, knocking the larger cat from his back. He spun and
crouched low, ready to pounce on Varek and rip him apart for the sin of being
loved by the only man Kylar had ever let himself really care for. The past few
weeks with Gable had been the best of his life, revolutionizing everything he’d
ever believed about love.

And now Varek had come to take that away.

Kylar leapt forward, claws bared, expecting Varek to meet
his attack, to bare his claws and fight with the feral intensity Kylar had seen
on the battlefield so many times. Instead, the other man shifted, fur blurring
into flesh, transforming from cat to man faster than any were Kylar had ever
seen. The sight of all that vulnerable human skin lying on the sandy ground
made Kylar twist in the air and pull in his claws, managing to avoid severely
injuring Varek by only the slightest of margins.

The closeness of the moment made his own shift number among
his fastest. In seconds, he was lying—naked and panting for breath—on the
ground beside Varek. Varek, who reached out and took his hand, who sighed as he
squeezed Kylar’s fingers. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…but I couldn’t wait.
I’ve wanted to be with you, with both of you, so badly. I’ve been…alone.”

The words made Kylar pause, made him leave his hand in
Varek’s when he would have pulled away. He knew what it was like to be alone.
He hadn’t even realized how horribly isolated he’d been until Gable and his
perfect, loving smile had come into his life. Gable was impossible not to love.
How could he blame Varek for feeling what he felt himself, for wanting to come
in from the cold and be welcomed by Gable and his new lover?

But could he really let things go at this? Could one show of
vulnerability make up for the fact that Varek had so thoroughly dominated him?

“I’ll do anything it takes to make this right,” Varek said,
propping himself up on one arm, the look in his eyes making it clear he meant
his words.

“I have a couple ideas, if you two would be interested in
hearing them,” the newly shifted Gable said, a playful note in his voice that
made Kylar’s mouth twitch on one side. He sat up, not surprised to find Gable
only a few feet away, brown eyes sparkling, one hand fisted around his cock,
stroking himself into another impressive erection. “It involves Varek sucking
my cock while Kylar takes his turn playing cowboy. Any takers on that?”

“Sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.” Varek laughed softly
as he moved onto all fours, crawling the few feet to where Gable knelt and
eagerly taking the smaller man’s cock between his lips. He moaned as he sucked
the thick, swollen length into his mouth, pulling it deeper and deeper.

Chapter Three


Kylar watched Gable’s head fall back, his beautiful face
peaceful and alive with feeling. The way he lost himself in sensuous pleasure
fascinated Kylar, had fascinated him from that very first night in the slave
quarters. Since that night it had become something of a challenge for Kylar to
summon that expression to his lover’s face. It was such a thrill to watch the
other man’s features transform from animated with laughter—as Gable’s features
so often were—to soft and almost sleepy as he gave himself over to sensation.
Watching that could never grow old.

But he wasn’t the one causing the response this time. This
wasn’t a challenge he was winning. His mouth wasn’t the one wrapped around that
glorious cock. His tongue wasn’t the one swirling up and down its length,
playing over its head, dipping into the tiny opening at the tip.

This wasn’t like the other nights when he’d made Gable moan
and sigh beneath the stars. Varek was doing it. Varek’s round ass rose to the
sky as he began working Gable’s shaft a little harder and faster. Between his
thighs Kylar saw the softer shadow of Varek’s heavy sac and the length of his
cock—by the Gods what an incredible cock he had!—lengthen and thicken.

They’d done this before, these two men. They probably did
this every night. For all Kylar knew, Gable had gone straight from him to Varek
without bathing first, so they could both smell Kylar on Gable’s body as they
made love in their cramped slave beds.

They were lovers. They were in love.

Gable’s fingers, those talented fingers, moved against
Varek’s bald head, smoothing back and forth as Varek’s movements sped up again.
Kylar’s body tightened. His own cock practically vibrated when he looked away
from Gable’s hand to Varek’s ass, moving slightly as if shifted by the gentle
breeze. Waving at him. Inviting him. Tantalizing him.

The first time he’d sunk his cock into Gable’s ass he’d
thought nothing could ever feel so good again. It wasn’t just the delicious
heat, the smoothness of those tight walls squeezing him, that hard tight anal
ring clamping him in place.

BOOK: NecessaryDecision
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