Naughty No More (2 page)

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Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Fiction, #African American, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty No More
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I smiled and nodded. “I sure am. Now, it's your turn.”
No questions asked, he turned up the bottle, guzzling down the alcohol. “Okay, stop,” I laughed, trying to pull the bottle away from his mouth. I showed him the wineglasses I'd filled. “I'm sorry, baby, I cheated.”
Jaylin slammed the almost empty bottle on the table and looked a bit dazed. “Why you cheat like that?” he softly said. His gray eyes were watered down and there was no smile on his face.
“Are you okay?” I asked. “You look . . . .”
“Look like I'm fucked up, don't I?”
Jaylin sucked in a heap of air, wobbling a bit as he stood up. With a universal remote, he dimmed the lights and turned on some music. Seeming awfully woozy, he fell back in the chair, staring at me as if he wanted to eat me alive. I'd seen that look many times before and I definitely knew what it meant. It was show time and I had no problem standing up to show my handsome husband everything I had.
I kept my eyes connected with his and removed my robe. Naked, I pulled him up from the chair and held his muscular frame close to my petite body. He worked his way out of his robe too and as the tunes of Prince kicked in with “Purple Rain” we embraced each other.
“Your body . . . damn your body feels good,” he slurred. “I . . . I remember that time I rented a boat for your birthday and you . . . you couldn't hang with my ass . . . .”
I moved my head away from Jaylin's buffed chest and looked up at him. “Are you talking about when I was thirty and still a virgin?” I asked.
With his eyes closed, he smiled and nodded.
“What in the world would make you think of that?” I asked. “That night, I was so hurt and not because your dick . . . penis was too big for me either. If your memory serves you correctly, you left that night to be with Scorpio.”
“I ain't do no shit like that, quit lying!” he challenged, opening his eyes.
“Yes you did! And, I drove to your house and found the two of you in the shower, remember?”
Jaylin smirked, knowing darn well he remembered. “Damn, you did, didn't you? I was tripping, wasn't I? You should have kicked my butt and left my ass alone. Instead, you gave me another chance, didn't you? A few weeks later, I tapped that ass and we made our son, didn't we?”
“Yes, we did.”
We stood in silence and I could feel Jaylin's body getting heavy.
“Baby, I think you might want to sit down for a minute.”
“I'm guuud,” he said, and then backed up to the leather sectional. He dropped his head back and tightened his eyes. I could tell he was doing his best to shake off the liquor. He opened his eyes, and licked his lips as his eyes dropped between my legs. “Come here girl, wit yo' sexy li'l self. I got myself a bad-ass wife. I got to be the luckiest man in the world.”
“Wit yo' what?” I said, appreciating his compliments. I headed his way and straddled his lap. Jaylin touched my inner thighs, and when he slid his finger deep in my tunnel, he snickered.
“Wit yo' slippery and wet, sexy, horny-ass self.”
“Very horny self. Now, sober up and take care of this slippery wet mess, would you?”
Jaylin sucked his finger, tasting my sweetness on his finger. I slid off his lap and lay back on the couch to get into position. He sat up, rubbing his temples with his eyes closed.
“Baaaby,” he slurred. “I'm fucked up. Would you, uh, go get me some ice cold water, please?”
I hurried off the couch to get his water. Within a few minutes, I came back and handed the water to him. He was lying back with his eyes closed.
“Jaylin, wake up,” I said. “Here, drink some water.”
He threw his limp hand back at me while massaging his goods. “I'm tired, baby. Real tired. Come on, though, so I can make use of my nine, plus some.”
“We have all night for you to make use of that. Just drink some water and let's go lay down, okay?”
“Nooo,” he ordered. “Lay back down on the couch. I . . . I wanna taste that pussy.”
Those words always excited me, but it was obvious that Jaylin had too much to drink. I tried to get him to drink some water, but he pulled me down on the couch. He parted my legs, and with his curled tongue, he took slow licks up and down my already juiced slit. I pressed his head in closer, inviting him to sink his tongue further inside of me. As he did, he widened my coochie lips, exposing my clit that he knew how to stimulate so well. He licked along the furrows of my walls, causing my breathing to become intense. I sucked in a heap of fresh air, releasing it to calm the electrifying feeling that was stirring between my legs. I was so ready to start raining cum, but the excitement Jaylin was bringing came to a screeching halt. I sat up on my elbows, looking down at him.
“Jaylin?” I questioned. There was no answer, so I called his name again.
“Hmmm,” he moaned.
He slowly sat up and leaned to the other side of the couch. Wanting so badly to continue, I lay on top of him. I kissed his lips, sucking them with mine. I licked down his chest, giving special attention to his sexy abs by pecking them. His stomach heaved in and out, and when I picked up his hardness to put it into my mouth, it had no reaction.
I sighed, making my way back up to him. “Honey, are you okay?” I whispered. He slightly cracked his eyes and nodded. His eyes faded again and true disappointment was written on my face. “You know I'm going to make you pay for bailing out on me like this, don't you?” He slowly nodded again and I continued. “I am horny as hell. How dare you do me like this on our anniversary. You do know it's your anniversary, don't you?”
At that point, he was out. He didn't provide any gestures and started to snore. What else could I do but go down low again. That didn't do me much good at all because
was as limp as he was. “Darn-it!” I yelled and tried to wake him again. I lightly shook his shoulder. “I got your present, baby, look.” He didn't budge. I huffed, realizing that this night was over. I cut my eyes at the almost empty bottle of Remy and frowned.
Chapter 2
I was headed to my best friend's baby shower in St. Louis. After many years of trying to have a baby, and using fertility drugs, Pat and Chad were expecting. Also, I hadn't seen my parents in four months, so I had plans to spend a few days with them.
I wanted to take the kids with me but Jaylin and Nanny B encouraged me to take some time for myself. I hadn't had a vacation in almost three years. Even though living close by the beach in Florida always gave us that vacation feeling, I knew I'd enjoy being in another city.
As I packed my suitcase, Jaylin lay shirtless on our California king bed with his hands behind his head. He kept watching me go in and out of my walk-in closet, occasionally looking up at the sky view ceiling. I couldn't help but question his frowned up face.
“Are you sure you're okay with me leaving?” I asked.
“I'm fine. I just can't believe I'm letting you leave me for a few days. Besides that, how much more do you think you can stuff inside of that suitcase? You've got damn near a month's worth of clothing in there. The deal was only for the weekend.”
“I like variety, Jaylin. I have less than six outfits in there and that's it. As for you
me go to St. Louis, thanks a lot Daddy. It was so nice of you to
me out of the
“You're welcome. And, before you go, I hope you have time to thank me like I deserve to be thanked.”
Already dressed to go to the airport, I eased on the bed, crawling up to Jaylin. “On our yacht last weekend, I thanked you enough, didn't I? Any more gratitude on my part will have to wait until I get back. My plane leaves in two hours, so it would be nice if my husband would get out of bed and get dressed so we can go.”
Jaylin kissed my forehead and pulled the covers back. He looked down at his hardness. “I gotta be out of my mind letting you leave me like this. What in the hell am I going to do for three whole days without you?”
“You can always watch those video tapes we made and I'm sure you're still hanging on to those pictures I gave you a few years back.”
“We made one tape, Nokea,” he said, walking into his walk-in closet. I thought he was looking for something to put on, but he came back with the tape in his hand. “See, one tape and it's an old one.”
Jaylin stepped over to the entertainment center built into the wall. He slid the tape into the VCR/DVD combo unit and waited for the seventy-two inch plasma TV to show a picture. Soon, the tape that we made showed. While staring at the TV, he slowly inched his way back and sat on the bed. In disbelief, I tapped my watch and cleared my throat.
“Excuse me, but I really, really need to be—”
“Shhh,” Jaylin said, placing his index finger on his lips. He turned up the volume, and once I saw the position he had me in, embarrassed, I turned my head. My moans were loud and Jaylin was ecstatic.
“Baby, what's up?” he asked. “You don't moan like you use to. And, look at your expression. You sucking the shit—”
“Jaylin!” I yelled and grabbed the remote. “If you don't mind, I need to get going.”
“I was just talking about the way you sucked your bottom lip. Why you don't suck your bottom lip anymore?”
I playfully rolled my eyes and walked over to the TV to turn it off. “For the record, when we're making love, I still moan and bite my bottom lip, so there.”
“But, not like you use to do. Damn, I got some work to do, don't I?”
I walked up to Jaylin, pulling him up from the bed. I put his arms around my waist and hiked up on the tips of my toes to kiss him. “Listen, there is no woman on this planet who is more sexually satisfied with her man than I am with you. That tape was a long time ago. It doesn't compare to what I say, do or feel whenever you're inside of me. Now, if you would please, please go get dressed, I'd like to go. If you'd like to stay here and reminisce about the past, I'd be happy to ask our driver Ebay or Nanny B to take me to the airport.”
Jaylin stood tall over me and looked down. He sucked in his bottom lip and bit into it. “I don't want no shit out of you, Nokea. That punk-ass ex-husband of yours, Collins' house, is off limits and I want a phone call from you as often as possible.”
I pulled my head back and couldn't believe he'd gone there. I hadn't thought about Collins and I knew, more now than ever, that our marriage had always been a mistake. “It sounds as if you don't trust me,” I said.
“I trust your pretty ass as far as I can see you. If I can't see you, I don't know what the hell you're doing.”
I removed Jaylin's arms from around me and he smiled. He walked off to the closet to get dressed. I left the room to say goodbye to my babies.
Finally, thirty minutes later, Jaylin and I were on our way to the airport. I waved at Nanny B, Jaylene and LJ, as Jaylin drove off in our Black Hummer. He seemed rather quiet. I could tell something was on his mind.
Trying to put him at ease about my trip, I reached over, touching his hand. “Look, I know you're going to miss me, but don't look so sad.”
“I don't know what's up with me, Nokea. I want you to go and have yourself a good time, but I'm already feel . . . feeling empty.”
“I feel the same way when you're gone, but that's because we complete each other so much. When either one of us is away, it feels as if something is missing.”
Jaylin nodded.
“So, other than the baby shower, what other plans do you have?”
“Other than going to see my parents, not much. This morning, when I spoke to my mother, she said that an ice and snow storm is on the way. You know how much I hate to drive in that mess, so I will probably spend most of my time at Pat's house.”
“Well, be careful. And, watch out for Pat's husband Chad. I remember when that muthafucka tried to hit on you. I'm skeptical about you spending the night at their house. You might want to think about staying at a hotel.”
“Jaylin, at the time, Chad and Pat were going through something. He's changed and I'm sure he's just as excited about the baby as Pat is. They've waited a long time for this baby and I'm excited for them.”
“That's all fine and dandy, but if he
you the wrong way, promise me that you'll go to a hotel and call me.”
“I promise,” I said. “In the meantime, whatcha going to do for the next few days?”
Jaylin let out a deep breath. “Shit, I don't know. But, tonight, I got myself a date with the VCR. I need to figure out what I was doing back then, that I'm not doing now, to excite you like that.”
“Did you hear anything I said earlier?”
“Yeah, I heard you. But, I saw you on that tape too. Baby, you were overly thrilled about my dick being inside of you. Tears were in your eyes.”
I threw my hand back and blushed. “Oh, please. During our love making sessions, tears have never been in my eyes. Even though your stuff is superb, it's never made me cry.”
“Bullshit Nokea! Please don't make me recall those times, okay?”
I folded my arms and thought about some of my emotional times with Jaylin. There had been a few times I'd cried as we made love, but there was just something special about the man I loved being inside of me. I told Jaylin he was right. When I turned my head to look out the window, he laughed and put his foot on the accelerator so we could hurry to the airport. When we got there, Jaylin helped with my bags and checked them in. There was an hour delay. For security purposes, if I went through the gates, Jaylin couldn't wait with me. Instead, we waited in another waiting area together. We sat side by side, tightly holding hands.
“Do you have enough money on you?” he asked.
“I have very little money on me, but I have plenty of credit cards.”
“You still need to have a little cash on you. Some places don't accept credit cards.” Jaylin stood up. “I'll be back. I'm going to the ATM machine over there and to get a soda. Would you like anything?”
“No, I'm fine.”
As Jaylin made his way to the ATM machine, I checked him out from head to toe. He was so clean cut. No matter where he went, he always dressed at his best. His dark gray pants slightly hung over his square-toed leather shoes, and his sheer gray button down shirt, trimmed with a white collar, exposed his jaw dropping muscular frame. His sparkling Rolex and diamond bracelet that draped from his wrist enhanced his attire and gave off the smell of a brotha with mega money. The tinted glasses that covered his eyes instantly drew several, if not all women to him. Of course, he had no problem with all eyes on him and the attention didn't seem to faze him one bit. I knew who he belonged to. As I sat back and watched three females approach-him, I watched his reaction. He smiled and when he pointed to me, the women turned. I turned my head too, looking in another direction.
Jaylin came back over to his seat, reaching out to give me some money.
“Here. That's five hundred dollars. It's all the machine would allow me to get. Put it in your purse so you don't lose it.”
I looked at the money. “Jaylin, I told you I had credit cards. I don't like to carry this much money on me when I'm traveling.”
“Just take it, all right?”
To not attract attention, I put the money in my purse. “What did those women want with you? Did you know them?”
He smirked while rubbing his goatee and sucking in his sexy bottom lip. “No, I didn't know them, and I'm sure you already know what they wanted.”
“Well, too bad you're married, huh? If you weren't, I'm sure you'd be on your way to a hotel room right now, especially with the chick with the big ole booty.”
“Big booty? I didn't even notice.”
“Stop lying. There was no way to overlook her butt. I'm sure you saw it.”
Jaylin shrugged. “Like I said, I must have overlooked it.”
I didn't believe Jaylin for one minute. I don't know why his being approached by women still upset me. He was my husband, and if anything, I should be proud to have a man that so many women wanted.
Yeah, right,
I thought. I was pissed and my tone implied it.
“I'll be back,” I said. “I need to go to the restroom.”
“Do you need some help?” Jaylin smiled.
“No. I'm sure I can handle it.”
I walked off to the bathroom. Before going into a stall, I looked in the mirror and moved my short bangs away from my forehead. With the tip of my finger, I straightened my perfectly arched eyebrows and tightened the belt around my cream knee high sweater dress. It buttoned down the front and the brown buttons matched my Nine West brown boots and hand bag. Satisfied with my appearance, I turned to the side and was pleased at how well the dress clung to the curve in my butt. I smiled and made my way to the stall.
Once inside, I took a leak and flushed the toilet using the heel of my boot. As I pulled up my panties, I heard Jaylin call my name.
“What?” I said.
“What's taking you so long?”
“I haven't been gone that long, but . . . are you in the ladies restroom?”
Jaylin pushed on the door, but it was locked. I hurried to unlock it.
“What are you doing?” I whispered. “Is there anybody else in here?”
“Who cares?” he said, stepping into the stall with me.
“I care,” I whispered again. I tried to open the door, but he held it shut. He looked deeply into my eyes, like he always does when he has something serious to say.
“Just so you know, I have no desire for any woman but you. Beyonce, Janet, Nia and Halle have been put on the back burner for you, baby. You have nothing to worry about when it comes to us.”
“Are you sure about that? Because, Denzel is still my number one. There's no way for me to put him that far back on the burner.”
“Well, unfortunately, Denzel will never love you like I do. And,” Jaylin moved closer to me and held my belt in his hand. “No man will ever make love to you like I'm about to do.”
“Uh, anywhere else, but not in this stall. It is not clean enough for me, and the last time I checked, this was considered a public restroom.”
“Then, be quiet,” he whispered. “I will hold you up in my arms and no parts of your body will touch the stall or the floor. Besides, I told you I'd make our anniversary night up to you, didn't I?”
“Oh, you've already done that. I . . . I just can't get into it in a place like this. How do you expect—”
Jaylin kissed me and undid his pants. They dropped to his ankles and he positioned me around his waist. I rested my arms on his shoulders, and instead of removing my dress, he unbuttoned the bottom three buttons. He held me with one arm, using his other hand to stretch the crotch of my panties to the side. Within seconds, he inched his way in, causing my pussy to moisten right away. I took several deep breaths. As he guided his goodness in and out of me, I held his neck tightly, whispering in his ear.

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