Naughty Neighbors (15 page)

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Authors: Destiny Blaine

Tags: #erotic romance/bdsm romance

BOOK: Naughty Neighbors
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When he returned, he was toting camera equipment. Either she was in shock or totally in awe—and she wasn’t sure which—but she didn’t breathe a word while he set up the pod. After he situated the camera, he stood back and undressed. His eyes never left hers as he removed his slacks and shirt.

His cock pressed through the opening of his boxers and her mouth instinctively watered. She was not only in love with this man, but she was apparently willing to do most anything for him—even let him video her!

The sexual tension and her curiosity collided. She reached between her legs and rubbed her clit, massaging the hard bud until his eyelids grew heavy and her pussy became moist, flexing with the emptiness, the need welling inside her.

“I want to video us making love,” he said, turning on the camera.

She only nodded. She couldn’t respond. She couldn’t give her verbal approval, yet she supported his decision. She couldn’t speak, yet she knew he understood her willingness to perform for him.

“Come here, sub.” He motioned for her, crooking his finger back and forth.

Standing three or four feet away from the camera’s lens, he said, “Kneel and present yourself to me, lover.”

She did exactly as she was told and took to her knees. Placing her clasped hands behind her back, she pressed her chest forward and kept her eyes downcast.

“Beautiful,” he rasped, pressing his cock to her lips. “Open for me, sub.”

She opened her mouth and her tongue darted out, lapping at his cockhead with the greedy hunger she felt controlling her, guiding her. She sucked the crest to the roof of her mouth and hummed against his size.

Grabbing hold of her hair, he pulled her back and looked deeply into her eyes. “Tell me again.”

“Tell you I love you?”

“Again.” His features were dark but his eyes were misty. His voice seemed tortured and tried, hardened.

“I love you.”

Gritting his teeth, he pushed the weight of his cock inside her mouth, thumping against her throat in timed beats. Her eyes met his and she sucked his length. She held his shaft in one hand and took as much of him as she could take, pulling him to her throat with a deliberate suction.

He took a step back and reached inside the camera bag. Retrieving a five-by-seven box, he took her hand and pulled her to her feet. Before she caught her balance, he swept her in his arms and carried her to bed.

Placing the box next to her when he gently released her, he practically dared her to open it and she knew better than to ask questions. This moment was special. This moment was monumental and she understood the significance. He had chosen to record their moment for more than the sex set to unfold. There was a more profound meaning.

Taking her hand in his, he brought her fingers to his lips and brushed them with his kiss. Drawing her body against his, he bracketed his arm around her waist and held her close.

His cock twitched at her entrance, the head of his penis pulsing with heat. “Lie down on the bed.”

Towering over her then, he doused her lips with his kiss, feeding her his tongue and cock at the same time. He forcibly opened her with his width. His cock snaked inside her channel one agonizing inch at a time.

Wrapping her legs around his hips, she tried to guide him and pull him deeper. Diligent in his pursuit, he slapped his palm next to her head and made love to her then, pushing forward, drawing back, entering and retreating at his own leisurely speed.

“Sir, please,” she whimpered.

“Wait.” He pushed inside her and clasped her hands over her head, using his knees to spread her as he thrust inside.

“I don’t know if I can.”

He pulled out completely and lowered his head, working his mouth from one nipple to the other. His tongue played with the points. He licked and teased until her nipples were like tiny pebbles, well-shaped and defined.

When he entered her again, he rammed inside her, shoving his cock deep inside her passage until she cried out, screaming his name with every stroke.

“Easy, sub,” he whispered across her lips, rotating his hips in a clockwise fashion. “I need you to come. Can you come for me?”

“God yes!” she screamed, having waited far longer than she thought humanly possible.

“That’s my sweet sub,” he rasped.

Her body went into unique spasms. Her toes and fingers went numb. Her limbs trembled. Her mouth dried.

He fucked her like a machine on high power, throwing his weight forward, jerking back, pummeling her with hard-pounding thumps, and screaming out her name as he pushed her into one orgasm then came right back with enough determination to drive her into another.

He gripped her waist and threw his head back over his shoulders, cursing like a madman. He immediately jerked and pulled out. “Damn, I forgot a condom.”

“It’s okay,” she whispered, her pussy pulsing from the excitement and then devastating abandonment. “I’m on the pill.”

A wicked grin washed across his face and he wasted no time entering her once again. His cock thrummed against her walls and he sealed her lips with a passionate kiss, rolling to his back and bringing her atop him at the same time.

“Ride me, sub. Ride the fuck out of me.”

“It will be my pleasure.” She locked her hands behind her head with every intention of leading the way and guiding his moves.

Instead, Zak planted his feet on the mattress, and used his hips, thighs, and hands to throw her forward, pull her back. He tapped that ultrasensitive spot and rubbed his cockhead against the tender tissue like he couldn’t make her come quickly enough for his liking.

“Come, sub,” he whispered. “Show me how much you love me.”

“I do love you,” she promised, flattening her body against his as he deep-fucked her into a shattering climax.

He entered her then with stark determination. His breaths were ragged. Sweat peppered his brow.

Zak then claimed her mouth and thrust his tongue inside her, splashing her with his seed and filling her channel with his release. He whispered her name over and over again, kneading his firm fingers through her hair.

Lying in his arms minutes later, she curled against him and listened to his heartbeat. She was content and sated, at least for the moment, but he seemed distant and agitated.

Wanting to probe, she asked, “Did I do something wrong?”

“Did that feel wrong to you?”

“No, Sir.”

“Then you didn’t do anything wrong.”

“You’re being an ass,” she said, wishing she could eat those words as soon as she’d said them.

He tossed her body away from his and dragged her back at once, tucking her form under his. “I’m being an ass and you wanted to watch your ex-lover’s game. We both have our flaws.”

She wiggled then, trying to escape. “I don’t know what has gotten into you but I don’t like what I’m seeing.” She shook her finger at the video camera. “Do you think I’d let anyone else record me?”

He came to a half-seated position, supporting his weight on one elbow. “Would you?”


“Not even Kapertone?”

“Especially not him.”

“Then why me?”

“I don’t know why you,” she blurted, tears muddling her vision. “But it is you. Ever since we slept together that first night, I can’t get you out of my mind. You’re all I think about. All I want to do. I write a sex scene in a manuscript and want to come and find you. I hear something on the television that reminds me of our time together and I want to call you and ask you to please finish your work early. I don’t want to do anything at all except stay in your bed, wrapped in your arms!”

As if she had said the magic words, Zak grabbed the box on the bed, the container she had assumed housed nipple clamps, since she’d expressed her desire to wear them. Instead, he opened the lid and displayed a lovely linked choker, a collar, a sign of his commitment to her and hers to him.

“I want you to wear this collar, but I want you to understand what it means.”

Kara stared down at the blue choker and her heart soared. Over the past two weeks, she’d begun to read more about the lifestyle and was pleased to find Zak had put some thought into how he might collar her. Although she couldn’t understand his short fuse, she quickly decided it had a lot to do with his Alpha tendencies, his uncertainty about the friendship she’d maintained with Kemper, a man she’d once loved.

“It’s beautiful,” she finally managed.

“It’s blue because it symbolizes the collar of consideration. It means I’m interested in pursuing you as my submissive and that I want us to have a deeper relationship.” He cupped her cheek. “I want to know you are committed to me and only me.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“I was in a vanilla relationship for nearly five years before we began to explore Domination and submission. She wasn’t happy. I was never content until the exploration began. Needless to say, when she moved on, I made a vow. I would never pursue another woman unless she was open to the lifestyle as well.”

“You know I embrace

“I want to live it, Kara. And that is why I’m giving you a collar of consideration. I want us to explore clubs together. I want us to grow together in that lifestyle and we can’t do that if one is for playtime and the other is fulltime.”

“I take it you’re already committed to a fulltime relationship.”

“It’s the only way I’ll be happy and I know that. It’s not a choice for me, Kara. It’s a necessity.”

She could certainly relate there. The things Zak had shown her, the way he’d taught her to respond to him, the way she reacted to his voice and touch, his rewards and punishments were all way over the top.

He unhooked the blue choker and held it out for her. “By accepting my collar, you accept me as your Master, too. You will no longer address me as Sir, but as Master. You will honor and respect my wishes and accept any punishment you are due, realizing any punishment issued is only to help you grow in our love and commitment for one another.”

“How will things change with us?”

“I’m not collaring you to change you. I’m collaring you to show you I want to pursue a relationship with you, Kara.”

“Do you love me?” She held her breath.

“Turn around, sub.”

Wasn’t he going to answer her? Wouldn’t he explain what he felt? She stilled under his touch as he placed the choker around her neck and secured the clasp.

His warm breath tickled her ear and he brushed her hair away from her neck before his hands dipped lower. His palms skimmed across her chest. His lips left a trail of kisses across her nape.

Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close and said, “I fell in love with you the first day I saw you.”

She faced him then. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because you belonged to someone else. Now, my sweet sub, you belong to me.”



One Year Later


“Look at you!” Kara practically ran into her best friend’s arms. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

After a quick embrace, Carly stood at the trunk of her car and glanced over Kara’s shoulder. She wiggled her fingers at Zak in a mocking wave. “Will he be our shadow the whole time I’m visiting?”

“As long as I let him spank me every night before he goes to sleep, he should be okay.”

Carly stared at her in disbelief. “The new hasn’t worn off yet?”

“Not a chance.” Kara grabbed a suitcase from Carly’s car and slung the bag to the ground. “Did you pack the kitchen sink, too?”

“I thought about it,” Carly grumbled. “Mind telling me why Zak isn’t helping us?”

“I asked him to give us a minute alone first.”

“Yes and I can see how well that worked out for you.” Carly balanced her weight on her wheeled luggage and leaned over so she could steal a look at Zak again.

“Stop glowering,” Kara snapped. “I want you to give him a chance. You’ll love him. I know you will.”

“You’re the one who should stop. The last time you told me I’d love your man, I ended up sharing him with you.”

“This one isn’t up for grabs.”

“You don’t have to tell me. Anyone with eyes can see the man is totally hooked on you.”

“I’m pretty crazy about him, too.”

“I’m glad,” Carly said, only her voice didn’t match her words. “You deserve to be happy.”

“So I’ve been dying to ask you, how’s monogamy working out with Kemper?”

“It isn’t,” Carly replied, agitated. “The reason I’m here is two-fold. I missed my best friend and I knew if anyone could help me through this weekend, it was you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Kemper and Heather.”

“What about them?”

“Don’t pretend you haven’t heard, Kara.”

“I haven’t.” She thumbed the air behind her. Zak still stood on the porch ogling her like she was the only woman in the world. “I don’t get out much unless we’re club hopping together.”

“All the more reason you should’ve spotted Heather and Kemper out and about. They’ve been hitting the bar scene here in Cincinnati.”

“She’s not into fetish clubs.”

“Tell her that. And Kemper, too, while you’re at it.”

“Honey, if Kemper is seeing Heather and you aren’t okay with that, you should probably say something now.”

“You know what, I probably should. The thing is, Kemper loves me. He really, really loves me.”

“Then he should love you enough to keep you happy.”

“That’s just it, Kara. I loved him enough to let him go explore this connection he has with Heather. You would’ve done the same. You did the same. Remember?”

“You and Heather aren’t best friends.”

“We’re close.”

“Yes, but will you even be friends once she’s in bed with Kemper? That’s what you have to ask yourself.”

“If she makes him happy then I’ll look the other way.” She thinned her lips. “That is, if I stay with him.”

“What? What do you mean if you stay with him? You love him.”

“I can’t deny that, but I deserve more.”

Kara wouldn’t argue there, and she certainly understood the trials and tribulations Carly would soon face. She’d been there and she didn’t miss those lonely nights.

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