Naughty in Norway (10 page)

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Authors: Christine Edwards

BOOK: Naughty in Norway
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I’m pumped as I close the distance to Edgard’s little
Come on, don’t turn me away!

Panting, I cruise up to the front door and bend to unbuckle my skis. I’m almost giddy as I knock.

“Hello? Is anyone there?” I call out and pound harder as an uneasy feeling begins to rise up within me. What if he’s out hunting with Alreck? What if he knows it’s me out here and is following instructions and blowing me off?

I try the door and am annoyed to find it’s locked. I walk to the closest window and peer into the simple structure. Everything is still and tidy. He must be out. I check my watch again and sigh—just after one o’clock. I have less than three hours to get to that main road. The drive in was incredibly dark by mid-afternoon because light is scarce in early December. I could easily become lost and who knows what could be out here at night …


My mind is urging me to move faster but my body is beyond fatigued. On and on go the rhythmic movements. It feels like being trapped on an elliptical machine for hours on end.

Utter and complete exhaustion weighs heavy on my limbs. Maybe I could stop for a quick break?
No way, Vail, don’t even go there, girl
. Giving up out here in these temps could easily lead to death.

Be strong, lady.

I push myself with ongoing silent mental pep talks as I trudge forward. The light is starting to dim around me, enveloping me like a shroud.

Okay, don’t panic. I’ll just keep going, even if it gets dark. I’ll just move forward and look for the path … assuming I’ll be able to see it.

I have to stop to eat. My body is crying out in constant protest and the only thought repeatedly banging about in my skull is “Sit down. Have a rest.”
I nibble on the crackers and cheese, barely tasting them. Fear of the unknown has my stomach in knots.

Sweat is covering my face and I can feel it soaking my shirt, both front and back. Shudders rack my body in response to the chill as I glance up again at the swiftly darkening sky. I was positive I’d have reached the road by now; it can’t be that far away. At least I’m well away from my whack job kidnapper.
Thanks a million, Lisetta!

Yeah, that’s it, get mad. That’ll keep me going strong …


I can’t read the face on my watch in the growing darkness. How am I ever going to stay on this trail? I’m growing increasingly scared, knowing that there’s just no way I could make it all the way back to Alreck’s cabin now, even if I wanted to. Exhaustion has me doubled over, panting desperately, mittens braced against my jeans.

If I sit down I’ll get wet and it will be all over


I move forward, fumbling now, hoping that my skis will be my guide in front of me, warning me if I’m about to bump into anything. I wonder if he has returned yet, if he knows that I’m gone … At this point I’m starting to long for him, hoping that he’ll come and find me soon. That he’ll rescue me from my own stupidity.

The temperature has dropped dramatically. My quaking is non-stop now and I know that it’s not coming from fear.
Something is very wrong.
My limbs are moving slower than normal and apprehension has me nearly immobile.

I have to rest.

I choose the nearest sturdy tree and lean against it with my left shoulder. My jacket is getting severely chafed from my trembling and I’m having trouble remembering my escape route. I try to reach into my purse for more water and I’m vaguely aware that my movements are clumsy and slower than normal.

Could this be my fate? Am I destined to die out here of hypothermia or exposure? Instead of fear, surprisingly, I only feel overwhelming sadness for my sweet mom. Could she ever understand how much I love her? I hope she does.

No, Vail, you’re not out of fight yet, lady!

It takes a long time, but I bend down and shakily unbuckle the leather boot straps.
Remember to put your gloves back on!

Why are my thoughts so jumbled?

My breathing is coming out in shallow pants as I step out of the skis onto Jell-O-like legs. I’m still together enough at this point to slip my mittens back onto my chilled hands.

This is the right way to the road, or is it?
I stumble forward into the darkness.


I haven’t made it very far, perhaps the length of a football field, when I have to rest again. My exhausted body has given up on me.
Maybe I could take my jacket off and lie down on it for a bit? Yes, that would feel so nice.
I begin to unzip it and halt.

No! That’s crazy. You’ll freeze like a push-up pop in no time out here!
Something terrible is happening. I must have hypothermia but I can’t seem to coordinate my thoughts enough to recall in my mental databank what needs to be done about it.

I don’t remember how it occurred, but I’m now lying on my side in the snow and it feels far better than the endless fight that’s made up my day. The violent tremors have almost fled and I feel strangely warm. Maybe stopping and resting has done me good? I’m not sure anymore.

Alreck will be so angry with me. I hope that he’ll understand that I just needed to get out of here.
That’s my last coherent thought before I allow blissful sleep to envelope me.

Chapter Nine

åkne opp
, Vail!
! Vail!
Våkne opp

As if in a fog and far away, I hear Alreck’s voice and he sounds odd. Scared.

“Come on, baby.
Våkne opp!
Don’t you give up on me!

I struggle to open my eyelids but they are too heavy. I feel like I’m moving, flying through the air, with something warm pressed against my chest.

Open your eyes!
I force them open just a tad and see a loose strand of his hair in front of me, blowing against a shoulder covered in gray camouflage. My face is pressed against his chest and I can see now that we are on a snowmobile. My limp arms hang around his neck as we move quickly up the trail. One of his arms is banded around my back, clutching my front against his chest. My legs are straddling his waist and I’m disoriented. Am I moving backwards? I manage a weak whimper.

“Stay awake, you hear me? We’re almost there. Vail?
Fuck, fuck!”

I try to answer him because he sounds both frightened and mad. I wish he wasn’t, though. I wish I hadn’t run from him again.

We jerk to a stop and he stands quickly with both of his hands gripping my butt to hold my weight up against him. I can’t struggle; I’m just a passenger along for a ride. He’s talking rapidly to me in the same distraught tone but I can’t seem to discern his words. I’m only catching fragments.

“It’s … baby … there … okay? You … warm … just … a … m … all right? Ple … please  … hold … Vail!”

That can’t be right. Did he just say my name?

Light and heat bombard my senses as I begin to pant … too hot! I start to writhe weakly in distress. Through the haze, I’m aware of him peeling the layers off my body in careful movements.

He’s murmuring foreign words to me in a soothing tone. He sounds so nice … I fade back out.


“Nooo!” A strangled scream of distress erupts from my throat as I’m lowered into a bath that feels like scalding lava against my skin. “Ungh, no! Please,” I whimper. My nerve endings are on overload with the pain. It feels similar to ice needles pricking me over and over. My eyes fly open and catch his, which are wide and wild and locked intently onto mine.

“Vail, stay awake now. I must get your body temperature back up. You have to stay awake. No, do not close your eyes again, baby. I’m here with you now, Vail. You’re safe. Keep your eyes on mine.”

I nod weakly, trying to convey understanding. Everything hurts and the trembling has started again. He rubs my back and speaks in a low, soothing voice while his firm hands keep me inside the water. The shaking becomes violent and I start to cry. I can’t seem to get control of my limbs and my shoulders keep slipping low into the water. I feel so very uncoordinated. The sensation makes me worry that I might drown, despite Alreck’s watchful gaze, and I start to cry harder.

He whips off his shirt and climbs into the tub behind me, still dressed in dark camo pants, and eases me back against his bare chest. I give a jerky start at the hot, briefly uncomfortable sensation. The trembling continues as he crosses his big arms around my bare chest and holds me tight.

“It’s all right, baby. Shhh, everything will be fine. Just rest back against me, okay?”

That sounds like a good idea. I do as I’m told and lean back against him. He is so warm, and I won’t drown while he is holding me …


I wake to find I’m no longer in the tub. The change is disorienting for a moment, until I realize I’m in his bed. I’m burning up and hear myself moan weakly. Sweat drips down my body and I try to push the blankets off. Alreck gently replaces them before pushing my hair back from my heated cheeks.

He leans forward to speak to me. “You need to keep those on. I know it’s uncomfortable, but you have a high fever. Vail, you have to drink now, okay? Here, let me get you up.”

He’s sitting behind me on the bed and pulls me up into a sitting position between his splayed legs. A bottle of water is brought up to my lips. I try to drink but sputter and cough on my first attempt. My throat feels like a vat of hot ashes.

“Vail, try to drink now. If this fever doesn’t break soon I’m going to have to get you to a hospital.”

This can’t be good. Desperation rings out crystal clear in his voice.

I try again and manage to get a trickle of the water down my parched throat. He leans forward against my back and his face comes into view on my left side.

“Vail, can you understand me?”

I weakly turn and whimper at the slight movement. I look over into his blue eyes and nod.

“Okay, that’s good. Take another sip and rest, baby. I won’t leave you.”

I take another sip and just that simple movement wipes me out. I fall backward against his bare chest without thought. He feels so wonderful


I open my eyes and see light coming through the window. My fingers are being touched gently and I shift my eyes downward. Alreck is kneeling on the floor beside the bed and touching my hand with care.

“Can you feel me touching your fingers now, Vail? I want to make sure you don’t have frostbite.”

I open my mouth to speak but only an odd rasp comes out. I try again, with the same result. He stands and gets the bottled water and gently lifts my head to give me a sip. I try for a third attempt. “Sorry, I-I’m so sorry, Alreck,” I sputter.

His face fills with sadness. “Shh, don’t worry about anything. I’m not angry with you. You must understand this, baby.”

I feel something wet at my foot and look down to see Titan lightly licking my toes.

“He has rarely left your side. He knows you are ill.”

“Titan,” I whisper.

He looks up at me with wise chocolate eyes.

I look back to his beautiful owner and whisper, “Thank you.”

He holds my gaze with an intense expression on his face and then once again assesses my hand.

“I can feel everything fine. I’m just sore everywhere.”

“Are you hungry?”

“No, just thirsty.”

“Okay, here. Have a bit more but go slow. You’ve been out for the better part of twenty-four hours. Thank God I found you when I did. You wouldn’t have made it another hour out there. I would have gotten to you sooner but Edgard and I stopped at his place for coffee after hunting.”

“I’m sorry, but I had to get away from here. I’m too tired to argue with you about it.”

“I understand, Vail. You just rest today and don’t worry about anything, all right?”

“Okay, Alreck.”

He draws himself up to his full, dominant height and takes the few steps to the bedroom door before turning with an extended lowered palm. “Titan,
bli med
Stay with Vail.

The giant dog seems to understand and lowers his head to softly nuzzle my foot.

I promptly fall back to sleep.


I stretch out and open my eyes. It’s light out. Lifting my arm to check my watch, I see that it’s now one in the afternoon. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and slowly stand. At some point Alreck dressed me in a clean white camisole and a pair of matching lace sleep shorts. He’s seen me naked now on a number of occasions. I should be appalled but for some reason I’m not bothered at all.

Movement from the window catches my eye. He’s repeatedly hauling a huge axe up over his shoulder to chop firewood. I watch his smooth movements for a long time and wonder how we ever came to be thrust together like this. If things had been different that night at the club, would we still have ended up together? Lisetta warned me away from him, and even though he kidnapped me, he has let no harm come to me. Maybe he really is trying to protect me …

As if sensing me watching him, he halts his work and places the axe on the large chopping stump. I lift a hand to wave and attempt a weak smile.

Crossing the snow-covered yard, he disappears from view, and I hear the front door open. I cross to open the bedroom door and look up into his face. He glances down at my lack of attire and I can tell that he’s valiantly trying to hide his interest.

“How are you feeling?”

“Better, thanks. Almost normal.”

“That’s good. Come sit at the table and let me get you toast and tea.”

I pad barefoot across the warm cabin and take in his massive body, now clad in jeans and a down vest over a white thermal shirt. He prepares everything in silence and I wonder if he has changed his mind about being angry. He turns, breakfast in hand, and relief washes over me as I take in his calm face and handsome grin.

He places the two plates down on the table, followed by a pot of tea and two mugs.

While pouring the tea, he asks, “So, tell me, what are you studying at the University?”

The question surprises me. “Oh, well in Oslo, Scandinavian Studies this semester. Back in the States I’m in grad school earning a master’s degree in history. I would really like to teach one day.”

He appears thoughtful for a moment. “How old are you?”

“Twenty-five, and you?”


I wrap my palms around the aromatic tea. “Have you always lived here? In this cabin, I mean.”

“Yes, I was born here. I moved to Oslo when I was seventeen, though.”

“That’s young. Why?”

He stares at his tea. “It’s a very long story. Another time.”

I don’t want to push and take a nibble of my jam-laden toast. “Mmm, this is lovely.”

He watches my mouth. “Good.”

Abruptly, as if uncomfortable with the emotions flowing between us, he stands and says, “I have work to do now. I will leave the door to my workshop open. Should you need me, just open the door and call out, all right?”

I wish that he would stay and talk with me, but I respond, “Yes, I’ll be just fine.”


The rest of the afternoon is spent taking in the glorious Nordlys from the sofa. I’m on chapter four of Pushkin’s tragic romance
Eugene Onegin
and loyal Titan has not left the floor in front of me.

Isn’t he cold out there?
I decide to get up, feeling considerably well rested, and cross to see what I can possibly make us for dinner tonight. I want to do something nice, seeing as I’ve caused so much stress. I suppose in all reality we’re equal, since I’m being held as a virtual prisoner here. When did the lines become so blurred?

I decide on a modified Cali dish of fish tacos. I use cornmeal, water and oil to make homemade tortillas. Even though I’ve made them several times, it takes two tries on the batter before I get it down and I’m pleased with the end result. I sear the fish, a delicious cod, in a lime and olive oil mix. Then I chop up tomatoes and onion into a fresh salsa.

The door opens and cold wind sweeps in before it’s quickly shut once again. He stands still in the entryway and watches me.

I call out in a lighthearted tone, “Oh hey, I hope you’re hungry because I made enough dinner for us and any imaginary neighbors! Perhaps some moose or deer?”

“Shouldn’t you be resting?” he asks in a concerned voice as he moves into the kitchen. He crosses to the sink and washes his hands. Motor oil bleeds off them and into the steel sink.

“Nah, I think I’m back to normal, so you had better be on your A game. I’m thinking that my next attempt will be via water.”

He can’t stifle a manly smirk, but lets my sassy taunt go. He strides over, stopping close against my back, and gazes down over my shoulder. Familiar heat radiates from him and interest flares from deep within me. “What’s this?”

“Fish tacos, of course.”

“It smells delicious. I’ll clean up now and we can eat together.”

I turn to him and grin. “Sounds good.”

I watch him disappear into the bathroom and glance down at my attire, which happens to be the same camisole and tiny shorts from this morning with the addition of fluffy gray socks and a thigh-length peach cardigan. I really could use a bath as well, but it will have to wait until after dinner.

I find a lone fat candle in a side drawer, light it and place it in the center of the circular table before checking for anything else I may have forgotten. I open the fridge to get a bottle of beer for him and a bottle of Perrier for me when, out of the corner of my eye, I catch the bathroom door opening. I come incredibly close to dropping both of our drinks straight down onto the wooden floor.

There are no words.

“I, ah, need to get my clothing out of my bag,” he says hesitantly.

He points to his bag near the sofa, but I barely comprehend his statement because I’m in visual wonderland. A white towel is stretched around his lean hips and, as my eyes venture upward, I can’t hide my lust.

Oh my, he’s nothing short of beautiful.

Golden skin ripples across his honed stomach, which proudly displays a row of perfect abs. His chest is hairless aside from a light brown pleasure trail that begins at the top of his stomach and disappears beneath the towel. A beautiful coal black, interlocking Nordic design tattoo winds up his left arm, beginning low on his forearm and flowing up and across to his massive shoulder in a sleeve. The intricate design stops just above his heart, where a vivid red and blue Norwegian flag rests proudly across his thick pectoral muscle. The richness of the red color is stunning against his smooth skin. Glossy wet hair hangs down an inch past his shoulders and I have to steady my hip against the kitchen counter to keep from swooning. He’s
damn fine.

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