Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway (8 page)

Read Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway Online

Authors: Brenda Hampton

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Urban Life, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban

BOOK: Naughty 2: My Way or the Highway
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Even though I disagreed with Jaylin, he wasn't giving in. It seemed as if he was going to take all the time he needed, but I felt as if time was on neither of our sides. I fell asleep in his arms, and when I woke up, he was lying on the living room couch with LJ on his chest. They were knocked out, so I gave them a kiss and went back into my room for the rest of the night. I was hurt that Jaylin wouldn't make love to me; I wanted him to so badly. Deep inside, I truly felt that he was making promises he wouldn't be able to keep. How could he promise what he did with life being so darn unpredictable? I knew his feelings for Scorpio were getting strong, and I also knew he was still making love to her.
So why?
I thought.
Why not give me what I wanted for a change?
Truly hurt, I laid my head on my pillow and cried throughout the night.
Chapter 9
There wasn't enough time on the weekends to handle my business, so I called Angela and made myself another three-day weekend. Mr. Schmidt knew that I really didn't need a job, but working at the office got me out of the house. Awhile back, he'd agreed to let me create my own schedule, so going to work on Mondays was eventually going to become a thing of the past. Taking Mondays off would give me an extra day with LJ and Mackenzie. Nanny B was living with me now, so everything was running pretty smoothly.
I got up around seven o'clock in the morning and headed for the gym to work out my thirty-twoyear-old body. I had a workout room in my basement, but I loved conversing with people at the gym. I hadn't gone for a while, though, because I was trying to avoid Stephon. Since Nokea had confirmed her love for me, that gave me a little more assurance that she really never loved Stephon to begin with. So there wasn't no sense in me putting off talking to him any longer.
When I got to the gym, I didn't see Stephon anywhere in sight. He was always there before I was, but I figured he'd been slacking too. I took a seat on a weight bench, and laid back to lift the weights somebody had left on the bar. I strained to push the weights up for the tenth time, and looked up at Stephon. He held the bar tight to my chest, so I couldn't lift it.
“Nigga, why haven't you been returning my calls,” he said. I pressed back and strained to lift the weights off my chest.
“Because, I don't like your motherfucking ass, that's why.”
“Good. And I don't like your ass either.”
We continued forcing the bar in opposite directions, and after a few more minutes of intense work, I gave up and let the bar rest on my chest. Stephon lifted it and put it back on the bench.
“See, that's what your ass get for not working out. I've been here every day, and thought I would see your high-yellow ass. I guess you've giving up on working out too, huh?”
I sat up on the bench and stretched my back. “Naw... I've been working out. Just not at the gym. Besides, I didn't want to see your punk-ass anyway.”
“So, what you want, Jay? Do you wanna fight and get this shit over with or what? You might be a year older than me, but you know I'll kick your ass right about now, don't you?”
“Hell, yeah, I wanna fight. Meet me outside so I can finally get this shit off my chest.” I stood up, and we headed toward the door.
“Come on you little Mighty-Mouse-looking motherfucker. And when I kick your ass, don't go running home to your bitches crying like a little punk,” he said jokingly.
“And don't you go running home to that bitch, Felicia, telling her my damn business either.”
When we got outside, we continued to rant back and forth. We stared each other down with balled fists. “Jay, I'm gonna say this one more time and one more time only. I'm not going to kiss your ass like your women do, so this is it, man. I regret what happened and I'm sorry. I over stepped my boundaries and I know it. I got straight-up love for ya, cuz, and if you can ever find it in your heart to forgive me, I'd be grateful.” He put up his fists. I did the same, then slammed him in the face with a left hook. He fell backward, and sat up on his elbows.
“Next time,” he said, “bring out some blood, nigga, all right?” I reached out my hand and helped him get off the ground.
“Naw, next time, don't let this shit happen again. When I tell you a woman that I love is off limits, I mean it. And Nokea, she's off limits. Anybody else is fair game.”
“Scorpio too? You know I've been waiting for her to shake a brotha down.”
I grinned. “Hmm . . . talk to me about it before you do, and I'll let you know my status then.”
We laughed, gave each other a long hug, and went back into the gym to continue our workout.
I was sweating and panting like it wasn't funny. Neglecting my workout really set me back and I had gotten out of shape fast. Stephon laughed the whole time, walking around flexing his muscles, trying to make me jealous because he had kept up with his workout. He said that he wasn't going to let me or anybody else stop him from keeping his body in shape, and admitted that working out took his mind off his frustrations.
We went to the men's locker room and showered. I hated washing up at the gym, but there was no way I was getting my sweaty ass into the 'Cedes. Stephon felt the same way about his BMW, so we hung around in the locker room catching up on women talk.
“So, you still fucking Felicia, huh?” I asked.
“Yeah, man. Just hit that last night. Actually, be hitting that about three, fo', five times a week. She is wild.”
“Trust me, I know. That freak is something else. Puzzles the hell out of me why you still fucking with her though.”
“Negro, please. You kicked it with her for damn near four years and you don't know why.”
I tapped my finger against my temple as if I were in deep thought. “Okay, you got me. She is good at swallowing a brotha correctly, ain't she?” We gave each other five and laughed.
“So, uh, enough about me,” Stephon said. “Any new ladies on the agenda, or are you sticking it to anybody I know?”
“Naw, man, I ain't been screwing Nokea, if that's what you're asking. However, the opportunity has presented itself. Other than that, you know the usual... Brashaney, Scorpio, and Heather. A lil' dick sucking here and there. Condoms on and off . . . you know how I do it.”
“Heather, huh. Heather who?”
“This, uh . . . chick I met several weeks ago,” I said, trying not to reveal her identity.
“Where did you meet her?”
“She was a damsel in distress and her car was stuck on the side of the road. I pulled over to help her.”
“So you pulling them from the streets now, huh?”
“Naw, nothing like that. Woman needed some help, so I helped.”
“Get it right, fool. Woman wanted to get fucked and you fucked her.”
“Yep, and that I did. Very well, I might say. So well, that she sent two dozen red roses to my house the next day, thanking me for my good dick. I threw them in the trash, but the thought was nice.”
“Heather... and she sent roses the next day? This ain't no sista we're talking about, is it?”
I laughed. “Naw man, she's Caucasian. Bad-ass white gal too,” I said, licking my lips.
“No, no, no! Haven't I taught you anything? You know we don't go there, man. Besides, you're the one who made that rule up. If I remember correctly, rule number two, right?”
“I know, man, but shit just happened so fast, I couldn't believe it myself. Got a little oil in my system and one thing led to another.”
“So, what?”
“How was it?”
“It was wild, dog. Straight-up wild. Fucked her outside in the rain. We rolled around in the mud, and I laid that pussy out. Her stuff was so tight, it had a serious choke on my dick.”
Stephon and I cracked up. “You know, for a wannabe clean Negro like yourself, that does sound pretty wild. So, what's up with it? You still working with it or what?”
“Nope. The experience was cool, but I like the sistas man. Something about the way they be shaking a brotha down just make me wanna holla.”
“Well, Scorpio ain't no full-blown sista. And seems like she's been shaking a brotha down pretty damn good.”
“Scorpio's got African American blood running through her veins. She might not be all black, but she got sista genes flowing through her body.”
“You are crazy, man. But you know what we need to do? Let's go out this weekend. I seriously think it'll be good for the both of us. Some of the fellas at the shop been hyping up The Loft, so let's go check it out. “
“We'll see. You know I have my kids on the weekend. If I feel up to it I'll let Nanny B see about them and I'll make arrangements to go. Call me ahead of time, though, 'cause I might be making plans to get into something else, you know what I mean?”
“There will be plenty to get into at the club. You'll see.”
“Yeah, there always is. I could probably use a new collection of women in my life any damn way.”
“Cool. Just let me know and it's on.”
I told Stephon I'd holla at him before the weekend, and we left the gym on a good note. I'd figured we wouldn't be mad at each other for long, but I'd also had to let him know it wasn't cool for him to have sex with Nokea, lie to me about LJ being his baby, and asking Nokea to marry him.
When I got home, there was a card stuck in the front door. It read:
Can't stop thinking about the other night. Hubby's out of town on business again, and it sure would be nice to see you.
First, it fucked me up that Heather even knew where I lived. I didn't tell her, so it was obvious she'd done her homework. Second, I had no intention on going there with her again. The card and flowers were cool, but there just wasn't enough of me to go around with all these lonely-ass women in my life. Everybody wanted to get fucked. I was flattered, but damn, dick could use a little down time. I tore up Heather's card and threw it in the trashcan just like I'd done the roses.
Later that day, I changed clothes and drove to the Galleria to find LJ something for his birthday. Chesterfield Mall and Plaza Frontenac were closer, but sometimes I just felt like going where I could fit in.
I roamed the mall, and stopped at a bookstore to buy a cookbook for Scorpio. She seriously needed all the help she could get with her cooking, so I was sure she would appreciate it.
I always stopped in at Victoria's Secret to buy the ladies in my life something sexy to wear. I bought four pieces of lingerie and two thongs that I envisioned Scorpio's naked ass in. There wasn't no telling when I was coming back to the mall again, so I picked up an extra pair to give to Nokea on her birthday. The sales associate wrapped everything neatly for me and joked about the different sizes. She gave me extra boxes for the gifts and invited me to come back soon.
Nanny B had fired up some juicy and succulent baby-back ribs, so we sat at the kitchen table and grubbed. It was very convenient having her around. I was happier than ever, now that I had her to help out with the kids. I think she was glad too, because she had gotten just as attached to LJ and Mackenzie as I was.
After dinner, I went to my room to relax. I called Scorpio to tell her about the cookbook and thongs, but she wasn't at home. She was probably somewhere with her new mystery man I admit, I was a little jealous.
I lay across the chaise and thought about him fucking her, possibly doing a better job than me. What if they were somewhere at dinner and he was making her smile? The thoughts bothered me, so I showered and changed clothes. I told Nanny B I'd be back later, and jetted.
I found myself parked in Heather's driveway. I went to the door with one of the Victoria's Secret bags in my hand. I stuffed some pink tissue paper inside, so she wouldn't see what I had for her. After I rang the doorbell, I leaned beside the door and held up the bag with one finger.
Heather opened the door and displayed her pearly whites. “I'm so glad to see you, and thank you so much for thinking about me,” she said, taking the bag from my hand.
“Anytime.” I stepped into her house. “I want you to go slide into it, right now.”
She removed the tissue paper and looked inside. “Darling, there's nothing inside the bag.”
“I know. That's what I want you to slide on for me. Nothing.”
“Duh, stupid me. Awesome thought, though, really it is.”
She walked upstairs and I followed behind her. We went into her room and wasted no time having sex again. It wasn't like the pussy was all that, but it was the new experience that sent me back to her again. Heather, actually, was a slow rider—too slow, but I was a good teacher. I thought that maybe I should stick with it and see if she'd be able to shake a brotha down just how I wanted her to. Besides, she swallowed me a little differently from the others, so I didn't trip.
I got home around one o'clock in the morning and was careful not to wake Nanny B. But when I looked in her room, she was awake watching
The Jamie Foxx Show
. I let her know I was back, then called Scorpio to see if she had made it home yet. When her answering machine came on, I left a message for her to call me.
Scorpio didn't return my call until early Friday morning while I was at work. I wanted to curse her out, but I kept my cool.
“Sorry, but I've been busy, Jaylin. I was at home when you called the other night, but I was studying,” she exclaimed.
“Alone?” I asked.
“Yes, alone. And why are you asking me if I was alone? What if I wasn't?”
“No biggie, I just asked. Ain't like I care. I just don't want no naked brotha flaunting his ass around in front of Mackenzie.”
“Well, don't worry because that's not going to happen. He has a nice studio apartment I can go to if I decide to get down like that.”
“Ah . . . So, you've been to his place?”
“As a matter of fact, I haven't. I've seen some lovely pictures, though. So, is there anything else you'd like to know?”
“Nope. And like I said before, it really ain't my business. Anytime you don't feel like answering my questions, don't. The reason for my call the other night was to tell you that I bought you a cookbook. Thought it might help you out, since you be whipping up those messed-up dishes all the time.”
“For your information, Mr. Criticizer, I can cook.”

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