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Authors: Elliott Kay

Natural Consequences (34 page)

BOOK: Natural Consequences
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Alex closed his eyes and enjoyed her. His emotions swirled in a mixture of gratitude, ecstasy, love, and lustful
potency. He felt power and possessive strength, knowing Lorelei fully intended this to stroke his ego as well as his flesh. He knew she would share that pleasure, too.

His eyes fluttered open. Her eyes were on him, hungry and devoted as before. Alex
still had his hand on her head; his other hand joined it, and put a little more pressure on her, and he began to use her as she had offered. Lorelei could not speak, but gave every wordless indication of consent and eagerness.

Their motions grew rough, but neither experienced any pain. Alex began to grunt for them both, driving their pleasure every bit as much as Lorelei did. His hands clenched into fists in her hair while Lorelei’s fingers dug into his hips. Their motion did not speed up, but contact deepened and sensation intensified until Alex could not hold anything back anymore.

She hungrily accepted all that he had to give. Every spasm of his muscles sent contractions through her body that were as delicious as his. She tasted his lusts, felt his needs, and satisfied them both along with her own.

Breathing heavily and trembling with bliss, Alex relaxed his grip. She stayed in place until his hands fell away, and then made a show of appreciating the size and feel of his cock as she released it from her mouth. As so often happened, it remained as aroused and needful as before, though now slick from her indulgence.

Lorelei’s mouth spread into a grin. She exhaled, shivering out only two words: “Thank you.”

He just looked at her, as enraptured as ever by her beauty. Whether her thanks were for the pleasure they shared through their bond, or for trusting her with this shift in the tone of their intimacy, or for giving in to selfish urges and using her like he had, he didn’t know… but he knew she didn’t want him to stop, and he could not resist.

Alex gently motioned for her to rise. She took his hand and walked with him out of the bathroom. They said nothing as they came to the bed. Alex slowly caressed all the curves that he knew so well, still clad in black silk and lace. She was a sensual work of art that he was privileged to enjoy by touch as well as by sight.

Lorelei melted and cooed under his appreciative stroking and kneading. She turned in toward his hands, offering up her hips, her belly, the valley between each thigh and groin. Her eyes pleaded with him as his fingers came to the thin strap over her shoulder. Alex passed it over, teasing her a little, his fingers slipping back down toward her breast to trace a soft circle over the erect nipple, still separated from his skin by the thin silk.

Lorelei’s lip quivered. Her eyes fluttered open again, watching him in a state of near entrancement. “Master,” she whispered softly, her voice full of appreciation, “I am yours to play with.” She leaned in, shamelessly indulging his hands and his eyes along with her own desires. He knew he could bring her to a small climax just from this. It had happened before.

His hands slid up her
chest to her collarbones again, then to the straps over her shoulders. Alex stepped in close, his cock sliding up against her groin. She moaned out louder at that, but remained still as he slipped away the fabric to reveal her full, alluring breasts. Notes of surrender and gratitude emerged from her throat as he caressed and teased her, softly pinching the nipple of one breast while palming and cupping the other.

“Oh yes,” she sighed. Though he occasionally indulged in a firm grope, he understood that a light touch was key. His touch reduced her to whimpers, then beyond that, until she sank into
the needful, rapid panting of orgasm.

No sight in his life was ever as beautiful as one of his lovers reaching climax
through his affection. He watched her ride it out, knowing how it would drive him to undeniable needs of his own, and drank in the full experience until Lorelei leaned into him more for support than for indulgence.

She knew when she opened her eyes that she would be taken. The excitement drew her out of the afterglow of her climax. Lorelei whispered once again, “I am yours, master,” and she looked on as Alex slid her dress down the rest of her body.

Her scent encouraged him to linger. Lorelei knew he would not reciprocate for her earlier oral attentions yet, not when she’d deliberately lured him to such a state of arousal. Still, she was unsurprised when he remained bent at the knees to softly kiss the lips between her thighs. The taste of her sex enthralled many before him, and indeed Alex took great joy in pleasing her thusly. She suspected there would likely be a good deal more of this later.

stayed on this longer than she expected, stoking her desires even further. He didn’t have to do this for her. He did it for himself, enjoying her taste and her scent and the feel of her sex against his lips and his tongue.

She grew wetter and weaker with every stroke of his tongue. Lorelei stayed still, sounding out her gratitude. Alex rose before she came to orgasm, leaving her in a state of ever-greater arousal and need, but she loved him for it. The succubus trembled as he guided her to the bed. Up until that minute, she didn’t know if she would be on her knees or if he would simply recline and instruct her to pleasure him by his whims. She didn’t know which appealed to her more. Yet when he put her on her back, with her legs hanging over the edge of the bed where he stood, she found it just as thrilling as any other alternatives.

Alex couldn’t get enough of the way she looked at him. Lorelei and Rachel—and all the other partners he’d had since he met his two lovers—had awakened his confidence, but tonight brought things to a new level. He knew he could seduce the woman laying before him, and had done so many times before, but he’d never seen this degree of wanton submission from her. Alex knew all along that their bonds placed him in control; their relationship as master and servant was literal, though he preferred to ignore that. Tonight, however, she got him to embrace it.

His hands slid up her legs. He looked on her pleading expression, her quivering lip and her sinfully beautiful body and spread her at the knees, stepping in to brush his erection against one inner thigh. He teased her a bit longer, still touching her mostly with his hands while her spread legs now offered the rest of his naked body more contact.

The head of his cock finally slipped across the wet lips at her center, reducing her to helpless anticipation. Alex saw no reason to delay. He held Lorelei’s left leg against his hip and probed her gently. Lorelei reached down to his cock, begging with silent eyes to be allowed to guide him. Alex didn’t nod or give permission; he knew she could read his intentions just fine. Lorelei put the slightest downward pressure on his cock, keeping it at just the right angle as he first penetrated her. Then her hand fell away as she gave herself over to him completely.

“Ooohh,” she moaned, eyes fluttering shut and her head tilting back as Alex invaded her. “My love.” Alex pulled on her thigh as he thrust into her again, enjoying every willing inch of her. Ordinarily, such pleasure lured him into shutting his eyes.
Tonight he could not stand to look away. The visual pleased him almost as much as the sensation.

“Say it,” Lorelei whispered. “Tell me.”

He fucked her slowly and possessively. “You’re mine,” he said.

The demon gasped
. “Again!”

“You’re mine, Lorelei,” Alex hissed. “All mine.”

The fullness of him within her testified to the truth of his claim. Lorelei felt her meltdown begin, set off as much by his words as by his relentless thrusts. She threw her head back again, letting out loud, uncontrolled moans as she came for her lover as if for the first time.

Alex drank it all in. This would go on for a long while, he knew. Neither his virility nor stamina were entirely natural, but
he never felt the least bit guilty for that. He wasn’t the only one to benefit.


*   *   *


“That robe looks good on you.”

“I feel weird wearing her clothes.”

“It’s just a bathrobe. Just for tonight.”

“Yeah, but…” Amber frowned, looking at herself in the mirror. Nothing about the robe was out of the ordinary; it was black, terrycloth, comfortable and clean. It covered her up just fine from neck to
ankle. It didn’t magically push her breasts up and together or draw the eyes directly to her ass. “I just figured she wouldn’t own anything that wasn’t all about showing off.”

As she spoke, she noticed Jason’s reflection in the mirror. He sat on the bed, looking at her… or, more specifically, her backside. Amber’s eyes rolled as she turned to face him. To his credit, his gaze turned up toward her face. “It’s nice to see I’m not chopped liver by comparison as far as some people are concerned, though.”

“Oh, you lying two-faced bitch.”

“Excuse me?”

Rachel turned to face Theresa with a sour expression. Her outfit was still in tatters, with ugly scars running across her skin at her arms, her shoulders and even her neck. “You heard me. That bitch is just playing him.”

“You know that’s not true,” Theresa said, adding with a mutter, “at least not entirely.”

Rachel sat on the dresser right beside the mirror, still haggard and torn up from the fight. To one side of the bed stood Theresa; on the other, near Jason, was Daniel.

“Still. Like I said,” Amber grumbled, “just feels weird wearing someone else’s clothes, y’know?”

“Loaded statement for the fail,” quipped Rachel.

“Right?” a
greed Daniel.

Theresa shot him a look. “You’re not helping.”

“Yeah, well, this isn’t the first time I’ve had to wear Alex’s gym clothes,” Jason replied, and then blinked. “Wow, that came out wrong.”

“Locker partners?”

“Something like that, yeah,” he shrugged.

“Gotcha. Nobody ever wanted to partner up with me,” Amber said as she came to sit down on the bed with him.

“Can’t imagine why,” frowned Rachel.

“That is unfair!” snapped Theresa. “Amber has always been a
wonderful young woman. Her peers never gave her a fair chance.”

glared at Theresa. “Well, fuck.
wouldn’t have a
what that kinda bullshit is like!”

Theresa opened her mouth to retort, and then promptly closed it again.

“So listen,” Amber told him. “About tonight.”

“Still really sorry,” he nodded.

“No, I don’t mean earlier. I mean now. The rest of the night.”

On the bright side, she totally wants to fuck him,” noted Rachel.

Theresa shook her head. “It won’t happen.”

“Why not? He’s a cute guy. Might be more than she deserves.”

“Agreed,” sighed Daniel.

“Don’t you start again,” Theresa told him.

“I could go sleep out on a couch,” offered Jason.

“What?” Rachel blinked. “No, Jason, don’t do it!”

“No, you don’t have to do that,” Amber demurred. “I’d rather not be alone here. I’ll feel better if you’re with me.”

“Tap that ass, Jason!” cried Rachel. “Jump on it and ride it like a horse that’s never been ridden!”

“I can appreciate that. Honestly, I’d rather not be alone tonight, either.”

“That’s the spirit! Strip ‘er and split ‘er in half, buddy!”

“Rachel!” gasped Daniel.

“Oh, suck it.”

“I’m just saying,” Amber continued, “I can trust you, right?”

“Laaaaame,” Rachel groaned.

“You hold no love for her, yet you would see her lie with your friend?” asked Theresa. “Why?”

“Sure,” said Jason, “but that’s why I offered to go sleep in the living room. I mean if you feel weird, anyway. I can keep my hands to myself.”

“Oh, please,” Rachel said with a roll of her eyes, “it’s just sex. She’s got her hooks in him already anyway, he might as well at least get laid in the deal.”

“That would only make things worse,” Daniel pouted.

“You sure about this?” Amber asked. “We can just go to sleep?”

“What, you’re not wiped out?”

“Physically, sure, but
after everything I’ve been told tonight? I’m kinda wound up again. I want to lay down, but I don’t know if I’ll fall asleep.”

Jason shrugged, stood, and pulled the sheets
back. He gestured for her to get into the bed. “It’s not gonna eat us.”

“You sure? You don’t think any
Satanic sex stuff has gone on in here?” Amber asked, only half-jokingly.

He winced. “I think they’ve got a bigger bedroom for that—“

“And the living room, and the kitchen counter, and the balcony,” Rachel smirked.

“—and it’s not something I want to give a lot of thought.”

“Dining room table,” Rachel continued, seemingly distracted by the personal memory exercise, “that one time in the closet, the shower, the bathtub, the other shower…”

“Could you please stop talking about that?” Daniel asked.

“What? It’s my home. You don’t like what goes on here, then GTFO, buddy,” Rachel grumbled, jerking her thumb over her shoulder.

BOOK: Natural Consequences
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