Natural Attraction (31 page)

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Authors: C L Green,Maria Itina

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: Natural Attraction
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I feel the burn of an orgasm spreading through my body and start to push hard against his hand.  His lips continue to lightly nip and suck at my breasts and I feel the pressure building.  I am writhing. He’s sending me wild.

“Hold on baby, wait for me.” I hear him growl as my body starts to shake uncontrollably against his.  “Can you take much more?”

“Fuck. No. Please. Please.
.” I beg, not exactly sure what I’m begging for.

“Good, because I don’t think I can hold off any longer.  Watching you writhe like that is undo
ing me woman.”

I watch him quickly lift and lean back, grabbing for a condom that lies discarded at the edge of the bed.  I watch as he quickly tears the corner off of the small package and then sets about rolling the rubber down his length.

“Hold on tight, this is gunna be quick and hard.  I’m over slow burn, we’ll run with that next time.”

I watch him lean forward and he slams his mouth against mine at the same time as he slams his cock straight into me to his hilt, impaling me.


He is so thick and hard I swear my pelvis has been snapped in two.  I feel myself clamp down involuntarily onto him, my body fighting the invasion of his cock, shocked at its presence.

“Fuck you are so tight Ash.  I’m not gunna last long this time.”

I feel him slowly slide his cock back out to its tip and then he slams hard and fast back into me again.

I feel my body literally pulse as an orgasm starts to bloom and my breath starts jolting out in short bursts. 

Jesus I’m gunna come and he’s only slammed into me twice.

Clinging to the bedhead like my life depends on it, I feel him once again slowly withdraw to the tip of his cock.  With an agonizing pause, he waits before slamming forcefully back into me. 

My body sings as I find myself writhing against him, pushing hard against him, burying him as deep as I can get him.  Hardly able to believe my body has swallowed him whole and still wants more I hear a keening moan howl out of my body. 

I start to wonder if I am having an out-of-body experience.

“Fuck… Baby...” I hear Jax yell as he pulls his head back from my face.  I open my eyes to see
him staring at me with laser hot force.  He once again slowly slides back out to the tip of his cock, hesitating, looking into my eyes, burning my soul.

“Let it go!” He yells as I feel my body recoil, every muscle and nerve singing out desperately for a release.

Unable to hold off any longer, I draw a huge breath and relax against his next delicious thrust.  I feel his cock slam deep inside me.  An amazing sensation of scratching an itch that has needed scratching forever overcomes me and I let go.  

Falling apart, floating into a magical place where my body, mind and soul become one, I experience the most overwhelming orgasm of my life.  I feel every nerve in my body rippling as I give into the release and my body clamps down on Jax’s cock wanting to hold him there forever.

Floating somewhere in my now addled mind, I feel my body slacken to receive the full brunt of sensations coursing through me.  I hear myself screaming unintelligible sounds.  I also feel Jax stiffen as he grinds out a throaty primal sound of both pain and joy.  His cock lengthens to stab against my womb and release his seed in a flood of heat.

I feel Jax slump his full weight on me for barely a second before he stiffens again.  I hear him roar in what sounds like agony before he slumps back down again, panting,
sweat running in rivers down his temples and on to my neck.

He came twice?  What the fuck?

I suddenly become aware that I can barely feel my hands because they are so tightly clamped down on the bedhead that all the blood has fled from my fingers.

I slowly release each finger from its death grip and move my hands to gently glide my fingers down his back.  Sliding slowly downwards like I am gently strumming the strings of a guitar, I finally let them rest on his firm butt.

“That. Was. Fucking. Awesome.”  I slowly breathe each word into his ear.

“Fuck yeah.” He forces the words from his mouth, emphasizing heavily.  “I swear to God that felt my like my soul was just dragged outta my dick.  That was fuck
ing amazing.”

Coming down from the biggest high of my life I become aware that my lower regions are dripping. 

That can’t be good.

“Um Jax?”
I call to him nervously.

I think the bloody condom broke.

“Mmmm what?” He mumbles softly against my neck.

“I think that we may have had a slight condom failure.” I whisper this quietly, embarrassed and appalled.

“Shit.  Hang on, I’ll check it out.”

He slowly slides out of me and sits up to check the damage.

“Nope.  All good here.  That would be

I see him grinning as he slides the condom off and quickly
sets about tying a knot into the end.  “Glad to see you enjoyed yourself so much.”

Holy shit.

At a loss for words, I decide that the best course of action is to get the hell out of Dodge and clean up.

“O-kay…” I roll the word out slowly.  “That’s not exactly normal for me. I think I need to go clean up.”

I see him grinning at me like a madman as he leans over to hit me with another soul tingling kiss.  “Nah babe, you wait here, I’ll get you a cloth.”

Feeling embarrassed, I claw for the sheet and drag it up over my body as Jax heads to the bathroom to dispose of the condom and get me a washcloth. 

Returning quickly, he tugs the sheet out of my death grip and gently rolls me onto my back before he starts cleaning me up.  Too embarrassed to say a word I lay frozen and mortified.

“Relax babe.  That was the most mind blow
ing fuck I’ve ever had and you have
to be embarrassed about.  Let me take care of you.”

I try to breathe out slowly as he finishes and I watch him lean across to fling the washcloth through the walk in robe door.  It flies into the bathroom to land on the tiles. 

Looking impressed with his tossing efforts, he grins, grabs the sheet and doona and then rolls back to lie down beside me.  I feel him grab me around the waist and drag me over to slam my back firmly against his front in his standard spooning position.

. Tomorrow you’re gunna go get all your shit from the other bedroom and move it in here.  Then you’re gunna ride Maverick, then we’re going to the supermarket to get more condoms.  Then I’m gunna fuck you six ways to Sunday.”

Exhausted, I feel a tingle blast between my legs at the thought of another round with Jax.  I then fall asleep within a matter of minutes, my back snuggling softly into Jax’s hard chest. 




Chapter F



Once again I wake up to find Jax gone. 

It's becoming clear he’s not the sort to lie and cuddle in bed on weekday mornings.  Deciding that I will take him on his word, I quickly pull my shorts and t-shirt on commando and head to the spare bedroom to gather my clothes.  I then head to the second bathroom to bring back my toiletries so I can shower and dress at Jax’s end of the house.

Passing through the kitchen I am hit with the delicious smell of baked goods.  Looking around I am excited to find a cooling rack piled high with freshly baked, warm, apple and cinnamon muffins. 

Can this guy earn any more points and what time does he get up?

Not able to resist, I grab one and lean over the kitchen sink to enjoy its soft, sweet goodness.  I do this to not only reduce dishes, but to avoid dropping crumbs all over the floor.  I’ve learned to be an expert at reducing house work wherever possible.

While leaning over the sink I look out into the paddocks to see Jax and his three golden supervisors moving between paddocks feeding horses.  I’m starting to wonder if we even needed to build that chicken wire fence because I’m sure that as long as Jax is around, they will be.

Finishing my delicious muffin, I decide that tomorrow I am setting an alarm to make sure I get up early and go for a run.  At the rate of calories I am consuming, there will soon be a whole lot more
woman for Jax to deal with if I don’t get back into some sort of exercise routine.

After a quick shower, I dress in a pair of black jodhpurs (I’m still not brave enough to wear those pink ones again - ever).  I am sure to check for signs of the much sung about camel toe and decide I’m good to go. 

Adding a hot pink, tight fitting t-shirt to get my fix of pink, I tie my hair back into a ponytail.  I decide not to bother with make-up because I am going to be dirty and will need another shower after spending my morning riding Maverick.

Riding Maverick.

I roll the thought through my mind as I make Jax’s bed and open the curtains to his bedroom.  Deciding we have probably thickened the air with our recent romp, I also decided to open his window to freshen the room. 

The more I think about it, the more I realize that I am excited and not afraid to ride Maverick anymore.

I normally would be.

I realize that I am no longer afraid because I trust Jax fully and I am sure there is no way he will let me ride Maverick unless he knows it's safe.  It makes me feel confident.  It makes me feel like I will be riding with a seat belt and I won’t fall off.

Bring it on.

Feeling pumped with excitement, I whizz through the house and out the back door to find my riding boots under the pergola.  I am pulling my second boot on when I see Jax and the girls leaving the barn and heading my way.  I take a moment to watch the way he strides along in his brown boots, filling out his jeans and t-shirt in a way that makes a woman sigh. 

Hot damn!

Letting the girls go in front of him, he swings through the new access gate and I see he has his sunglasses trained in on me.  I feel like a rabbit in his headlights once again. 

With just a few long, quick strides, I watch him stalk the ground between us.  He pulls his sunglasses from his eyes as he approaches. 

Good boy!

He then leans down and grabs me by the ponytail and I am jerked forward to feel his mouth smash against mine in a hot, branding, kiss that tips my world upside down. 

This is not a peck.  This is a full-blown, lip blistering kiss that goes on for a considerable amount of time.  By time he’s finished I’m glad I was still sitting because I swear my legs would have been too weak to hold me up.

Giving my bottom lip a quick nip, he pulls away.  “Good morning, beautiful.”

“Good morning to you
,” I breathe mesmerized, having trouble remembering what I am even doing outside. 

“Did you find the muffins?” He asks with a grin on his face.

“I did, and they were delicious.  Thank you.  We do however need to talk about making some other arrangements for my breakfast.  This is because frittatas, bacon, eggs, hash browns and
muffins are all fine for big muscle-bound men like you.  They are not however fine for women who are trying not to turn into Sumo wrestlers.  When we go to the supermarket this afternoon I am going to need to buy yoghurt and muesli.”

“Sure.  I couldn’t help but spoil you a little bit this morn
ing though.  You earned it.”

He wiggles his eyebrows at me and swoops down for another short, but sweet, wet kiss.  “You ready to get crack
ing with Maverick?”

“I sure am!” I chirp. “I’m even excited.  It's been years since I’ve been this excited about riding a horse.  Usually I am worried as well as eternally optimistic the ride will go well.  This of course stems from my track record on rides versus injuries over the past few years being too weighted to the injuries side.  I can
that today is going to go well.  How can it not?  You will be there.”

I watch him smile softly at me as he puts his sunglasses back on and offers me his hand.  It would appear he is moving on from the grabbing my hand stage to the offering me his hand stage.  Being offered his hand feels

I soon realize that this reprieve does not extend to yanking and dragging.  I realize this as he tows me off towards the barn at his usual breakneck speed.  As we fly
along he starts muttering, “Good, ‘cause I’m more interested in what is going to happen
you ride Maverick.  Let’s get this over with.”

Not wanting to be left behind, the girls have
preempted that Jax is on the move and they are waiting at the access gate to ensure they don’t get left behind.  I chuckle as I manage a quick rub across each of their heads as they file through the gate.

I am soon annoyed when I realize that they are immune to my touch when they have far more important things to do like say, follow Jax.  They barely acknowledge me.

Bitches alright.  Traitorous bitches.

Deciding I’m going to need to bring out the big guns, I mentally note that I need to buy peanut butter cookies for them while I’m at the supermarket.  Peanut butter cookies and maybe a big bone each.  

I also vow silently to watch Jax
today.  I need to work out how he has managed to impress my girls so much.  I am secretly suspicious he is carrying treats.   Not that I can say I’ve seen him slipping anything to them.  From what I can see he doesn’t even touch them.

My mind wanders off
.  I start to wonder if I was closer to the truth than I originally thought with my
family theory on Sunday.  I am now wondering if my supernatural radar was only a little off course, but still on the right track. 

Perhaps my only mistake was to not realize that Jax is actually on team Jacob, not team Edward.  Perhaps Jax is a member of the wolf team?  That would explain his new
  I add another mental note to check the calendar for full moons.  They could give me trouble.

I am dragged from my reverie to realize that we have arrived at the barn and Jax his holding a rope halter up in front of me.  Jax is also holding a horseman’s stick and a
longline but he doesn’t hand them to me.

“You catch Maverick and I’ll grab your saddle and hat from your car,” he offers tipping his chin towards my car.

“Sure.  Sounds great.  Meet you in the round yard?”

“Yeah babe,”
he replies as he gently rubs a circle with his thumb on the palm of my hand.  He then lets my hand go to head to the car, golden girls still in tow.

Left to my own devices, I head to Mavericks paddock and make swift work of catching him.  I then bring him to the round yard. 

He again seems to be in a nice calm mood, following along happily at my elbow while I yabber to him about how we are going to be riding today. 

His eyes are blinking nice and slowly and his ears are pricked.  I get the distinct feeling he is listening to my conversation and the thought of a ride doesn’t bother him at all.

Jax is already at the round yard when we arrive.  My saddle and saddle blanket have been slung over a rail and he is casually drawing pictures in the sand with the rubber end of the horseman’s stick.  His golden followers are all lying patiently at the edge of the yard.  I wonder how he has convinced them to not only stay outside the yard, but to just lie down without heading off for other adventures. 

There is definitely something fishy going on there.

Seeing me approach, he moves to hold the gate open while Maverick and I calmly walk through.  He closes it softly behind us.  Grabbing the longline from off the rail near the saddle, he flings it to me and then follows the toss with the horseman’s stick.  I grab both with ease and fire a grin at him.

“Quick run through, same as the other days.
  You can do some liberty as well if you want, but it's not needed for what we are gunna be doing today.  Anything he won’t do calmly and relaxed, keep going over it until he is.”

I give him a quick nod and set about running Maverick through all the groundwork that Jax has taught me.  He is calm today and I find him spinning his front and hindquarters away from me at the lightest request from either my fingers or the stick.  He feels so light today that I am only applying enough pressure to depress his hair before he quickly responds to my touch. 

Thinking back, I can remember our first day when Jax taught me to maneuver his body this way.   He was so unresponsive that we would often have to push so hard the horseman’s stick would start curving in the middle.  Boy is he a different horse, lighter and quicker to respond.

I finish our groundwork by sending Maverick sideways along the wall of the round yard towards Jax before stopping to ask, “Do you think that’s enough?”

Jax draws his attention away from his phone, which once again he is fiddling with and nods his agreeance. 

“Should be.
  Now you need to saddle him up and do it all again.  This time you could probably put a bit more time into backing him up and bringing him in forward ‘cause he looks like he’s starting to preempt you on circling.  You don’t want him doing that, you want him to wait for your commands.  You okay with that?”

“Sure.”  I answer happily heading over towards my saddle. 

Preparing to tie Maverick up while I saddle him, I soon realize I have a problem.  My problem is the longline is a
line and it seems impossible to tie him up short with it. 

I have been fiddling with various types of intricate knots for a time when I finally huff loudly with exasperation.   Building up the courage to seek help I ask, “Jax, how exactly do I tie him up with this?”

I turn around to see him standing behind me smirking, his blue eyes twinkling.  “Wondered how long you were gunna fuck about trying all those granny knots.”

“They were not granny knots!” I snarl
, narrowing my eyes and giving him my best version of a death stare.

“Looked like granny knots to me
,” he chuckles as he steps back slightly, feigning fear at my death stare.  “Need to spend some time teaching you to tie a horse up as well I see.”

“I can tie a fucking horse up asshole
,” I growl swinging back to the rail feeling pissed that he is picking on me.  “I just can’t do it with this ridiculously long lead rope.” 

I start fiddling about with the long loops of rope again, feeling frustrated but more determined than ever to tie them to rail.

“Whoa there tiger, don’t get pissy with me, I’m just trying to be helpful.”

I hear him moving up behind me as he starts speaking. 

“There are a couple of things you need to know.  First one is that you should not have to tie your horse up to saddle it.  If you have to tie your horse to saddle it, it means the horse doesn’t want to be saddled.  If it does not want to be saddled, it is not ready to ride.  Second, you don’t tie a horse up with a longline, ‘cause, well, it's too

He chuckles again at his own words as I feel his lips hit the back of my neck and he breathes gently in my ear.  I feel myself instantaneously soften against his lips but soon regain my thoughts and swat him off with one of my hands.

“Nick off, I’m focusing here and that will
help.  Don’t tie him up, got it.  Although I’m not convinced that makes any sense because I have only ever seen people tie their horses up to be saddled.  That would be because everyone knows that’s the
way to do it.”

“No Ash, that is
the safe way to do it, it’s the dangerous way to do it.  It's forcing your horse to have the saddle put on whether he wants it or not. It doesn’t give him a chance to show you that he’s ready for it.  Believe me, he’ll stand dead still while you throw the saddle at him from the other side of the round yard if you take the time to let him know he gets a choice in the matter.”

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