Nathaniel's nutmeg (52 page)

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Authors: Giles Milton

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Barker, Edmund 46 Batavia 300, 309, 339, 343, 344

Bedwell, William 92 Bencoolen 368 Beomont,John 324, 325—26,

329-30, 333, 337 Bergel, Hendrik van 191, 192, 193

Best, Thomas 249-50
Black Lion
297 'bloody flux' 17, 120

Bona Esperanza
10, 11, 14
Bonnie Bess
226, 227 Borde,Andrew 18-19 Brazil 59

Breda, Treaty of 363-64 Brown, Robert 324, 326, 327 Bruin, Jan de 160 Brund, Captain William 76, 82,


Brunei, Oliver 162 Butung, King of 149-50


Cabot, John 23, 224 Cabot, Sebastian 181,224 Cambello 324 Cane, Mistris 293 cannibals 1, 196 Cape Cod 179 Cape Corso 361 Cape of Good Hope 47 Cape Verde Islands 58 cardamon 18 Carel,Jan 53

Carleton, Sir Dudley 225, 226, 341

Carpentier, Pieter de 339-40, 344 cassia 20

Castleton, Samuel 259-61,

Cavendish, Thomas 41, 42, 67 Cecil, Robert 146 Celebes 149

Ceram 7, 23,194, 195, 247, 280,

281,295 Ceylon 141,368 Chancellor, Richard 9, 10, 11,

12,15-16 Charles I, King of England 345 Charles II, King of England 355, 362

Charles V, King of Spain 25, 28, 29

Cherry, Francis 163 China 240, 312

Churchman, Bartholomew 293, 294

cinnamon 18, 20 Cirne 82

Clarke, John 324, 328-29 Clarke, William 287 cloves: value of 7; and earache

18; trade in 20 Cochin 240 Cockayne, Richard 67 Cockayne, William 352 Coen, Jan: meeting with Middleton 247-48; letters about English 256—57; warns off Jourdain 259; background 266-69; posts declaration of war against English 286; on English conflision 287; attitude towards prisoners 29—95; confronted by Dale and retreats 298-300; demands release of
Black Lion
298; castigates Company 301; and Jourdain's death 302; orders Jourdain's death 302; in control of Banda Islands 309; portrait 310; and Treaty of Defence 311—12; heads massive expedition in Bandas 312; attacks and defeats Great Banda 314; brutality against Bandanese 317; sails for Batavia and Holland 318 Cokayne, George 252, 253, 254 Cole, Captain 366-68 Coleman, John 181 Collins, Edward 324,326-27,333 Colthurst, Captain 110, 112, 113, 144

252, 259 Coney Island 179, 180

11, 12, 14-15
148, 150,153 Constantinople 3, 20: Sultan in 207

Cook, Captain James 79 Copland, Patrick 47 Coree 147-48

Coulson, Samuel 324, 328, 331,

333-35, 336 Council of State 353-54 Courthope, Nathaniel: arrival at Run 1, 272; background 202; capture in Mocha 206, 213; at Bantam 217, 230, 240, 244; at Sukadana 242-44; purloining of the Company's goods 242; . appointed commander of two ships 271; sent to Run 271; and siege of Run 272-306; and Run's defences 275—76, 281; discusses Banda Islands' filture with Read 284; stands firm against Dutch 288; prevents mutiny 295; refusal to surrender 304; boat attacked 305; death 306; mystery about death 308

Cozucke, Sophany 242, 243-44,

252,254, 258,281,282 Cromwell, Oliver 352, 353, 354, 356

cross staff 53,54 Cumberland, Earl of 73 cumin 20


Dale, Sir Thomas 296-302, 303
201, 202, 203, 206-7,

208,213, 218,247,250 David, Cassarian 289, 293 Davis, John 65, 67, 75-76, 85, 115, 116, 221,280,283

Dedel, Cornelis 278, 281
271, 272, 282, 293 Dekker, Thomas 102 Deptford Shipyard 347, 350 Dermer, Thomas 222—24, 226 Digges, Sir Dudley 219, 221 Dorset, Earl of, Charles Sackville

Doughty, Thomas 30-31 Downton, Nicholas 202, 203,

209,214,231 Drake, Sir Francis 29-33, 39, 42 Dryden,John 340 Ducy, Mr 346-7 Dutton, Captain John 357—58, 359

East India Company (Dutch): foundation of 141; first fleet dispatched 141; conferences with English 26-66, 311-12; and Coen 269-70; Treaty with English Company 311—12; reaction to Aniboyna Massacre 341—2; Bandanese land grants 349 East India Company (English): first expedition 7, 71-100; and Muscovy Company 16; foundation 66—67; organisation of 68; Charter 76-77; difficulties of 1034; most of spiceries lost to Dutch 145; concern about licence 199—200; freeman of 200-1; shipbuilding by 201; Venison Committee 201; successs of 1611 240; complains about Dutch aggression 264; conferences with Dutch 26-66,311-12; Treaty with Dutch Company

311-12; reaction to Amboyna massacre 34041, 342; financial precariousness 346-47; decline of 347; on its knees 350-53; sale of Run 352; new charter and reformation 354
Edward Bonaventure
10, 45-52 Eldred, Mr 37, 38 Elizabeth I, Queen of England 29, 30,40,41,66,69-70,102, 224 Engano 297

191, 192, 193, 194, 196,198

factors 76, 97, 98, 24042 Fardo, John 324, 326, 329, 331, 335

Faroe Islands 177 Femell, Laurence 204, 213, 214 Fenton, Edward 34—37 Finch,Will 123, 124,125,126, 130

Firando 241,344 Fitch, Ralph 37, 38-39 Fitzherbert, Captain Sir

Humphrey 307-8, 319 Floris, Peter 218 Forbes, Henry 370 Fort St George 351 Francois I, King 180 Fredericks, Cryn 229 Frobisher, Sir Martin 34, 177

Garcia, Captain 5, 110 Gardiner, Charles 167 Gerrit van Beuningen 60 Goa 38, 67
Golden Hind
33 Gordes, Sir Ferdinando 224 Gran Canaria 78

Great Banda: description 112; Heemskerck at 137; Keeling at 154-57; Verhoef at 158-59; Dutch authority over 262; submission to the English 280—81, 313; uprising against the Dutch 304-5; disaffected Bandanese flee to 314; submits to Dutch 314-15; continuing defiance of the Dutch 316; hostages killed 316-17; torture used against 316 communities transported as slaves 318; England demands 356
Great St Anne
Great Sunne
192 Greenbury, Richard 341 Greene, Benjamin 202 Greenland 169 Greville, Sir Fulke 72

Griggs, William 324, 329, 331, 336

Grotius, Hugo 26465

GunungApi: description 110, 112; erupts on Heemskerck's arrival 137; erupts on Reynst's arrival 253, 254; effects of eruptions 368


Hagan, Steven van der 144—5 Hakluyt, Richard 24
Half Moon
175, 176, 177, 178,

179, 181, 186 Hamet Aga 211 Handson, Mr 346 Hariot, Thomas 176 Hart, Sir John 67 Harwood, Thomas 217 Hatti, Mohammed 370

Hawkins, William: and India 7, 122-33,215-16,242; Fenton's voyage 34, 36; acquires a wife 128 Hayes, Robert 282, 305, 308 headhunters 1, 197 Heckewelder, John 183,186
72, 86, 93,95,105,113, 123, 124, 147,148, 151, 154 Heemskerck, Jacob van 136-37,

167, 168 Henry IV, King of France 172,

313-14 Heyward,John 76 Hitu 320, 324, 328 Hoen, Simon 160-61, 191 Hope,James 106
194-5, 198 Hormuz 38

Houtman, Cornelis 58-65, 81,

85, 135 Hudde, Hendrik 53 Hudson, Henry 169-71, 172,

173-89,219, 221-22 Hudson Bay 221 Hudson River 179, 180, 181,

223, 225, 228 Hudson Strait 221 Hunt, Richard 252, 261, 263,

264, 271 Hunter, John 358, 359-60 Huyghen van Linschoten, Jan 57-58, 72


Iberson, John 106 India: Hawkins in 7, 122-33, 215—16, 242; Portuguese and 23, 124, 125, 126, 129, 130; trade with 121, 122,351,354; famine, 1630 351; significance


of to East India Company 354; becoming British India 355; local government in 355 Ivan the Terrible 15-16


Jakarta 298, 299,309 James Bay 222 James, Duke ofYork 360—6 James I, King 1, 91, 102-3, 107, 199,201,224, 225,226,264, 273, 340 Japan 344

Japanese mercenaries 312—13, 315-16,317,320, 321-22, 337-38 Java 39,311 Jeannin, Pierre 172—73 Jehangir, Emperor 122, 126, 127,

128-33,215 Joan, Dom 141—4 Johnson, Henrie 302 Johnson, Timothy 324, 325, 326 Johor 240 Joost,John 327

Jourdain, John 217, 244, 245-52, 258,259,263,268, 271,285, 302

Juet, Robert 175, 177, 178, 182, 183, 185, 186,187,221


Kara Sea 164, 166

Keeling, William 7, 148, 150-57,

159, 161,219 Kola Peninsula 168


Ladbrook, Thomas 324 Laet.John de 182 Lagundi 344, 345 Lakoy 314

Lam, Admiral Jan Dirkz 258,
260, 261,262
Lambert, Peter 148 Lancaster, James 7, 42—52, 65, 67,

75-100, 103,104, 115 Landak 243 Langley, Edward 217 Larica 320, 324 Larkin, Robert 249 latitude 53-55 Leay,John 106 Leedes, Mr 37, 38 Lemaire, Isaac 171-72, 173 Levant Company 67 Lewed, William 106 Long Island 179 Long Island Sound 222 Lonthor 314, 315 Luther, Christopher 217


Macassar 240, 271,286 mace 27, 348 Mace, William 49 Madagascar 94, 148 Madras 351 Madura 63

Magellan, Ferdinand 24-28, 30 Malacca23, 38 Malay Peninsula 312
Malice Scourge
73 Mandeville, Sir John 83 Manhattan 222, 224, 225, 226, 227-30, 361-62, 363,364, 365

Manhattan Island 188, 189 maps 54, 56 Masulipatam 301
59, 63, 64, 136 Mauritius 82 May, Henry 79 Mercator, Gerardus 56, 165
Merchant Royal
45, 48, 51

Meteren, Emanuel van 170, 175,

176, 188 Meulenaer,Jan 63-64 Michelbourne, Sir Edward

72-73,105, 114-20, 124 Middleton, Captain John 67, 76,

86, 93-94, 96 Middleton, David 7, 67, 148, 149-50,153, 190, 191-99, 247

Middleton, Sir Henry 7, 67, 105-14, 133, 149,202-17 Minuit, Peter 229 Mocha 20-6,211,212,213,216 Mollocos/Moluccas

Islands Mona 52

Morgan, Thomas 97 Mountney, Richard 347 Mukarrab Khan 125, 129 Mun, Sir Thomas 354 Muschamp, George 303 Muscovy Company 16, 163, 219 Mystery, Company and Fellowship of Merchant Adventurers for the Discovery of Unknown Lands, The 9


Nailaka 276,278, 285, 291, 292,

307,313 Nassau Strait 166 Nay, Cornelis 166 Nealson, William 241 Neck, Jacob van 13—36 Neira: and Captain Garcia 5; description 110; Heemskerck at 137; Keeling at 157; massacre on 159-60;Verhoef on 159, 160; Dutch devastation on 160—61; Fort Nassau 190, 193,199,260,

312, 366; and Middleton 191; Dutch authority over 262; Dutch castle on stormed 366-68; Fort Belgica stormed 366; US bombing of 371; present-day character 372 New Amsterdam 189, 230 Newberry, Mr 37, 38 Newfoundland 177
New Netherland
226, 227 New York 362 Nicobar Islands 50, 83 North-East Passage 940, 162-74 North-West Passage 170-89,

219,221-22 NovayaZemlya 12, 166, 167, 169, 173

nutmeg: doctors and 3, 17; fussiness of 3; and plague 3; illegal trade in 6, 349; value of 6, 348; appearance 17; as aphrodisiac 19; and sexual desire 19; as preservative 20; seedlings transplanted 368


Oldebarnvelt, Johan van 140-41 Orantatta 314 Ortelius, Abraham 56


Parker, Captain 297 Patani 344

Pauw, Reynier 52, 54, 57 Pemberton, Master 205, 209,

210,214 Penang 50, 368 Peneiro, Father 126
45, 48 Penobscot Bay 177 pepper 18,70, 103
201, 218 Pepys, Samuel 6, 19, 362-63

Persia 352, 354

Philip II, King of Spain 39, 41, 71

Philip III, King of Spain 107 Philippines 312 Pigafetta, Antonio 25, 27, 28 plague 3, 18, 100, 101, 102,103 Plancius, Petrus 53-56, 58, 59,

165,170-71,176-77 Pliny the Elder 14 portcullis money 77 Porter, Samuel 106 Portugal: Banda Islands and 5, 7; Spice Islands and 21-23; Spain, dispute with 28-29 Powle, John 324 Pretty, Francis 67 Priaman 89, 92 Price, Abel 322-23,325 Prickett, Abacuk 222 Prince Charles Island 345 Privy Council 71, 103 Ptolemy, Claudius 56 Purchas, Samuel 25-27, 70, 145, 149, 164-65, 169,223,375


Ralegh, Sir Walter 83 Ramsey, Ephraim 324 Randall, Robert 313, 315, 316 Reael, Laurens 269, 270, 283,

284, 285, 286, 294
Red Dragon
73-74, 79, 82, 89, 94,

105,108, 113, 148, 153,154 Rejib Aga 204, 205, 206, 207,

208,210,211,212,213,214 Reynst, Gerald 252-54, 255, 256, 269

Roe, Sir Thomas 320 Royal African Company 361 Rozengain 112,263,280 Run: fragrance of 1; location of 2; nutmeg on 2-3, 5;

seventeenth-century fame of 2; hostility of natives 5; perils of 5; first English contact with 7; English wash up at 100; description of 113; and nutmeg 113; Keeling passes 154; English build castle on 260; only Banda Island not occupied by Dutch 263; and Courthope 271, 272-306; hatred of Dutch on 272; surrender to Courthope 272, 273; fortification of 275, 276; natural defences 275-76; vulnerability to blockade 279; shortage of water 280, 295; English treachery 283; Dutch victory on 307; nutmeg trees chopped down 343; demand for return of to Britain 347; replanting nutmeg trees 348; England's claim for, 1654 356; expedition sent to, 1654 356-57; first governor selected 357; Dutch dupe English over 359; trees chopped down again 360; recaptured by English and by Dutch 360 nutmeg swapped for Manhattan 363; present- day method of reaching 372-73 Rycx, Jacob 143

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