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Authors: J. A Melville

Natasha's Awakening (11 page)

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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Suddenly the elevator doors opened and Eric pulled away, grabbing Natasha’s hand and dragging her over to the door to their suite. He fumbled with the card to open it but once it was open he hauled her inside closing the door behind them. He tugged on her arms and she fell against him. He turned her, pushing her up against the wall and his mouth closed over hers again, one hand coming up to cup her cheek as he held her still while his lips ravaged hers.

Natasha could feel his erection against her stomach and she moved her hips, rubbing up against him. Eric groaned, answering her movements by thrusting against her. He ran a hand down from her cheek to her shoulder, then lower, cupping her breast, caressing her nipple through her dress. He continued on down over her hip to her thighs, roughly pulling her dress apart, so he could slip his hand inside the split of her gown. He pushed her lacy thong aside, before sliding two fingers inside her.

Eric groaned again when he felt how wet she was. He thrust his fingers as deep into her as he could before using the juices from her entrance to circle her clitoris until it started to swell under his touch. Natasha gasped, her hands coming out to grab his arms for support but Eric pulled back and she whimpered when he removed his fingers from her sensitive nub. He grabbed her shoulders breathing hard, his forehead resting on hers as he fought for control.

“God I want you. Dammit, I always want you. I can’t get enough. You got me off in the restaurant, it wasn’t that long ago and yet, I’m desperate for you again.” He groaned, “But not here, not like this. Come on baby, come to bed, I want to do this properly, not some hard and fast fuck against the wall.” Eric took her hand, leading her into the bedroom.

“I’ll be right back.” He told her, leaving the bedroom. “Take your hair down.” He called from the kitchen. Natasha reached up and pulled her hair free of its clip, shaking her head gently from side to side as her long mane of hair fell free, tumbling down around her shoulders. She walked into the bathroom to use the toilet while Eric was still doing whatever it was that he was doing in the kitchen. She brushed out her hair, checking her appearance in the mirror. Her cheeks were a little flushed, but otherwise, she looked ok. She unzipped her dress, catching it before it pooled around her feet but she left her heels on and slipped into one of the thick robes hanging on the back of the door. Once she was ready, she left the bathroom and waited in the bedroom for Eric to come back.

Natasha noticed the bed was made again, so housekeeping must have come while they were downstairs eating. She walked over to the stereo, flipping the switch and soft music filled the room, she then dimmed the lights and sat down on one of the lounge chairs in the room, while she waited for Eric. Curiosity as to what he was doing started to gnaw at her, but she restrained herself and sat back in her chair to wait.

Eric walked back into the bedroom balancing a tray in his arms. He placed it down carefully on the bedside table and unable to contain herself, Natasha got up to have a closer look. There was a hand towel draped over whatever was underneath and she went to lift it to take a peek but Eric grabbed her hand to stop her.

“Oh no you don’t.” He said. “All in good time Natasha.”

He started undressing until he was down to just his boxer briefs and took the time to hang his suit up. Once he was done he headed for the bathroom telling her he’d be back in a minute.

“Don’t you touch that tray.” He warned her, just before he disappeared inside, closing the door behind him.

Natasha looked at the closed door, then the tray and she so desperately wanted to go and see what was under the towel. Just as she was debating whether to sneak a look, the bathroom door opened and Eric walked out, dressed in one of the hotel robes like herself.

He bent his head, kissing her softly on the lips then trailed them down her neck to gently bite where he’d marked her earlier. Natasha sighed, leaning into Eric, but he held her back.

“Did you look?” he asked her.

“No Eric. I didn’t,” she said. “I wanted to but I was a good girl,” she smiled at him.

“Good because it’s a surprise.” He told her.

“Speaking of surprises, I have one for you Eric, I hope you like it.”

“I don’t like surprises Natasha. You should know that by now.” Eric warned her.

“Oh, I think you’ll like my surprise. Sit down on the chair, so I can show you.” She pushed him towards one of the chairs and Eric reluctantly sank down on the seat behind him. Natasha walked over to the stereo, turning the music up a bit more and stood back in front of Eric.

Closing her eyes, she began to move to the music, her hips swaying and rotating seductively. She pushed her hands up through her hair before allowing it to cascade back over her shoulders. Rotating, swaying, she was hoping she looked sexy with her movements.

She dropped her hands to the belt of her robe. Untying it, she twirled it in one hand, while holding the robe closed with her other hand. Natasha turned from Eric, dancing away. She slipped the robe off one shoulder, glanced back at Eric, before pulling the robe back on again. She then repeated the performance with the other shoulder and looked back at him. He was watching her closely, his eyes fixed on her every move.

Natasha slipped the robe off her shoulder again, but then she let it go and it slid to the floor leaving her there in her lacy bra, thong, stockings and suspenders. Eric had full view of her from the back in her lacy lingerie and suspenders. She continued to dance, swaying and rotating her hips, glancing back over one shoulder to see what Eric was doing. He was glued to her, his eyes following her as she danced. Natasha bent forward so her head was down around her knees, legs spread and again she glanced at Eric, watching him from her upside down position between her thighs.

She knew what Eric would be seeing. The thong wasn’t going to hide much from his gaze that’s for sure. Natasha pushed her buttocks up, swinging them gently from side to side, tossing her head so her hair whipped back and forth. She straightened up and pivoted until she was facing Eric before swaying and dancing back to him. She smiled at him, gripping the arms of his chair and bent forward until her hair swung, brushing against his chest.

Eric’s hand came up wrapping some of her auburn strands around his fingers and tugged on them until he brought her face down to him and his lips covered hers. He kissed her hard, forcing her lips apart, so he could thrust his tongue into her mouth. Natasha kissed him back just as hungrily, her tongue dueling with his. They nipped and nibbled at each other’s lips. Their tongues exploring each other’s mouths until finally Natasha pulled back, gasping for air, her skin flushed with excitement.

Eric looked at her, desire burning in his eyes, “God you are so sexy.” He said, “Come, I want to make love to you.”

He stood up, taking her hand and lead her over to the bed. He took the towel that was covering his tray of surprises off and spread it out on the bed. Finally Natasha could see what he’d been hiding. On the tray was a bottle of champagne and two glasses, a bowl of strawberries and a can of whipped cream.

“Sit on the edge of the bed.” Eric said and Natasha bent down, removing her heels and dropped them on the floor.

“Now lay down on the towel.” Eric instructed her.

Natasha stood up and crawled across the mattress on all fours until she was on the towel. She turned over and lay down, looking up at Eric who stood, watching her. His eyes burned hotly as they travelled down the length of her body, lying there in her lacy underwear.

He slipped off his robe, letting it fall to the floor and walked over to the bed, his erection jutting out in front of him. Natasha raised her arm, her hand reaching out to sweep her fingers up the length of his penis.

“Ah, ah,” Eric warned her, “No touching, I want you to lie there and don’t move.” He told her. “Undo your bra.”

Natasha arched her back, pushing her hips up so she could slide her fingers in between the bed and the clasp of her bra. Once she’d undone it she lowered herself back down on the bed, slipped it off her shoulders and tossed it to the floor.

Eric stuck a hand out and cupped one of her naked breasts, circling her nipple with his thumb, but as quickly as his hand was on her, he’d removed it again. He moved to the suspender belt that held her stockings in place, undoing them before gently rolling them down first one leg, then the other.

He bent over her, running his hands up her legs until he got to the suspender belt and Natasha lifted again so he could slide it down her body.

Eric straightened, staring down at her as she lay there, only the black lacy thong left barely concealing her femininity from his gaze. Natasha watched him, fighting not to touch him. His slow removal of her underwear was driving her crazy, she wanted to touch him so badly she had to curl her fingers into the towel to keep them from reaching out to him.

Slowly he removed her thong, bringing it to his face and he sniffed the scrap of fabric. Natasha wasn’t sure whether to be embarrassed or turned on watching him. Eric dropped her thong on the floor with the rest of her underwear before bending down and pulling something out from under the bed. He held something in his hand, which he raised up, so Natasha could see what he was holding. They were his ties.

“I want to know how you would feel about me tying you up Natasha?” he asked her. “You can say no, if you’re not comfortable with that idea.”

Natasha looked between Eric’s slightly wary expression and the ties in his hand and she realised she could deny him nothing. “Ok.” Was all she said to him.

He moved to her right shoulder, tying one tie to the post then slipping the end around her wrist, tying it securely. Natasha tested the knot, pulling against the tie that held her. Eric moved down to her right foot, tying it to the bed post, then moving his way around her body, tying her other arm and leg, until she lay before him, spread eagled on the bed.

He stood back from her for a moment, his eyes travelling down the length of her body as she lay there, vulnerable to him, exposed. Natasha could see the excitement burning in his eyes, as he looked at her. Eric curled his fingers around his straining penis, running his hand up and down the length of it as he watched her.

Natasha’s eyes followed his hand as he touched himself. It was strangely erotic to her and she shifted around, pulling against her restraints. Eric’s lips curved up as he smiled at her. He removed his hand from himself and walked over to where she lay, staring down at her for a moment, his hand giving himself one more stroke along his engorged length.

He reached for the bowl of strawberries and selected a nice plump, ripe one. Taking a bite from it, he sat down on the bed, bending over Natasha and kissed her, the juices from the strawberry sweet on his lips. He took the half eaten strawberry and ran it over her lips, tracing them, coating them with the juices. Again he bent to kiss her, his tongue circling her lips, licking the sweetness off her.

“Open your mouth,” Eric told her. Natasha parted her lips, her eyes never leaving Eric, and he slipped the strawberry into her mouth. She bit down on it, the sweetness exploding on her tongue and she groaned.

“Damn woman.” Eric groaned too, “Do you have to look so sexy eating that strawberry?” he asked, “I’m feeling jealous of a piece of fruit right now.”

Natasha smiled at Eric and again, shifted as much as she could within the limitations of her restraints. She desperately wanted to touch him, but she couldn’t.

Eric selected another strawberry, took a bite from it, then he traced her lips with it before trailing it down her chin, over her neck, down to her breasts, circling her nipples. Natasha could feel the dampness of the strawberry’s juices on her skin. Her nipples hardened and Eric flicked the strawberry back and forth over her erect nipples. She squirmed under his touch, pulling against the ties on her wrists, but they wouldn’t release her. Eric continued down her body with the strawberry, over her stomach, which quivered under his touch, then down to the narrow strip of curls that marked the entrance to her sex.

Natasha lay there, legs spread, her breathing erratic as Eric circled her clitoris with the strawberry, watching her, as her excitement grew. Relentlessly he caressed her with the strawberry and Natasha bucked against her restraints, her hips lifting off the bed.

Before her pleasure could reach the point of no return, Eric moved lower with the strawberry, parting her with his fingers, before slipping the small red fruit into her body. Natasha gasped at the feel of him twisting and turning the strawberry inside her. He released it, leaving it within her and his fingers went back to circling her clitoris.

Eric tweaked her between his thumb and finger then rubbed her swollen bud over and over again. Natasha’s body began to tremble under his touch. Her excitement grew, her skin breaking out in a thin sheen of perspiration. Faster and faster Eric rubbed her clitoris and her breathing increased, her lips parting as she gasped for air. She pulled helplessly against the ties, desperately wanting to touch him, to hold him.

Suddenly Eric dropped his head between her thighs, he moved his hand away from her sex, and Natasha bowed up off the bed as his tongue replaced his fingers, flicking over her highly sensitized flesh, before his lips curled around the hard bud, sucking on it, blowing on it, working Natasha up higher and higher. Her breathing sounded loud in the bedroom, as she felt her climax building. Eric sucked at her, biting lightly, flicking his tongue and circling her, driving her closer and closer.

“Eric.” she groaned. Her head moving from side to side on the mattress. “Please.” Natasha begged.

Eric raised his head for a moment to look at her. “What do you want sweetheart?” he asked blowing gently over her over sensitive nub, the feel of his breath on her damp skin, driving her that little bit higher.

“You…inside….me.” She gasped.

“Not yet baby.” Eric’s tongue flicked over Natasha’s clitoris again, then his lips closed over it, sucking and nipping gently at her. It was too much for her and her orgasm exploded, slamming through her body.

BOOK: Natasha's Awakening
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