Read Nanny Dearest Online

Authors: Shawn Bailey

Tags: #gay contemporary erotic romance

Nanny Dearest (8 page)

BOOK: Nanny Dearest
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Joel chuckled. "Chase is really taken with you."

"Yeah, I'm kind of hung up on him too. He's such a sweet child."

"And he loves him some mama."

Terry blushed. "He's just confused."

"Ah, ah," Joel said. "Kid knows exactly what he's saying."

The cosmetologist took a considerably long time on him.

Hunter entered the room, stopped, looked at him and frowned. "Don't you think it's a bit too much, Ramon?"

"No," Ramon replied. "It fits him."

"What's wrong?" Terry asked, not liking the sound of it.

Ramon spun him and the chair around so he could see himself in the mirror.

Terry gasped. He looked exotic. Ramon had used deep dark kohl to outline his eyes, and lots of mascara to lengthen his lashes. The makeup lightened and covered every pore until his skin looked pearly white and flawless. His lips glistened a shade deeper than their original color, making them look fuller.

"Say something," Joel said, coming over to the mirror and gazing at Terry's reflection.

"I'm speechless," Terry replied. "I look…"

"Totally hot," Joel blurted out.

"Don't you dare blush," Ramon warned Terry. "You'll ruin your makeup."

Hunter groaned. "Can you make him look less hot? People will be drooling all over him."

"What's wrong with you, Hunter?" Ramon asked. "You've never complained about my work before."

"And I'm not complaining now, Ramon. It's just that…"

Terry spun around and looked into Hunter's eyes. He batted his lashes. "What?"

Joel moaned and Hunter glared at him. "Nothing. Maybe I'm overreacting."

"You sure are," Ramon replied. "These two guys are so gorgeous. I'd be in love with them if I didn't already have a sweet man waiting for me back at the crib."

Terry tried to hide his chagrin. Hunter had some very kooky people working for him.

"Let's get these guys in front of the cameras," Hunter replied. "We have a commercial to shoot." He gazed over at him one last time and then turned away.

Terry hopped out of the chair as soon as Hunter and the cosmeticians walked out of the door. Joel held him back.

"Hunter is so upset he's about to explode."

"I don't understand why," Terry replied. "He wanted me to be a model and wear makeup."

Joel sighed. "You have no idea how he feels about you, do you? That's not anger he's spouting, that's lust. He took one look at those big blue eyes and full lips and…" Joel stopped talking.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing," Joel said quickly. "Remind me not to look at you."

"Why not? You don't like the way Ramon did my makeup?"

"I like the way you look a little too much," Joel said, moving around uncomfortably. "And that's wrong on so many levels." He pulled Terry out of the room.

* * * *

There was no doubt in his mind every man in the studio had a hard on watching Joel and Terry. It didn't matter if they were gay or straight, those two were sexy.

Becky and Rachel were in their glory, panting over the two young men like dogs in heat.

Joel seemed to bask in all the attention but Terry chose to ignore them and avoid all eye contact.

Adam had dragged most of the employees in the building into the studio to watch the shoot. After seeing them do the commercial, Hunter feared Terry might leave him and Chase to become a model or an actor. The camera just loved him.

"That's a wrap," the director said.

Good, Hunter thought. He was glad the commercials were over and his plans were to take the rest of the day off and spend it shopping with Chase and Terry.

"I'm ready to go," Terry said as soon as the director freed him.

"I'll just have to get Chase and we can leave." Hunter turned to Joel. "Would you like to join us for lunch?"

"No, thanks," Joel said. "I have a date for lunch." He pointed over to Rachel. "I just want to get out of this makeup because people are staring at me like I'm a T-bone steak."

"No, you're more like prime rib," Terry told him.

Joel playfully punched him on the arm. "You are the last one to talk. I saw a couple of them checking you out too. If I were you I'd take the makeup off and thug up a little before leaving the building."

Hunter stifled a chuckle.

Terry rolled his eyes at both of them.

Joel waved goodbye and left the studio.

Hunter grabbed Terry's hand and pulled him out the door. A maintenance man working on a lighting fixture stopped to gawk at Terry. Hunter pushed him into an elevator when it arrived and walked in behind him. "Joel is right. You draw too much attention."

"I've been trying to tell you from the beginning. I don't like makeup. I only accepted this job because it was for your business. I would never have done this for anyone else."

The elevator door opened and Hunter stepped out first.

"Where are we?" Terry asked, looking around.

"My office."

"Nice," Terry opened one of the double glass doors and stepped inside, nodding at the secretary who was busy on the phone.

Hunter led him to another office and invited Terry in. He closed and locked the door. "I just wanted you to see where I spend my time when I'm not home."

"This is a great place," Terry checked out the view out of the window then walked around toying with awards on the shelves mixed in with pictures of Chase.

Hunter continued to watch him. His body reacted to each step the young man took and with every word he spoke. "Come here."

Terry looked up then walked over to him. "What?"

Hunter pulled him into arms. "I just can't resist any longer." He lowered his mouth and made a mess of Terry's lipstick.

"You're going to draw a lot of attention if you leave this office like that," Terry told him once they'd recovered from Hunter nearly kissing him to death.

Hunter walked over to the mirror. His face was smeared with Terry's makeup. He chuckled. "Yes, this would send tongues wagging; even though most of them have a clue I'm gay." He took out his cosmetic kit, hunted up some cold cream and cleaned himself up.

"You better get rid of that too," Terry teased pointing to the bulge in Hunter's pants.

"Some things are just out of my control," Hunter replied. "Come over here and let me remove your makeup."

Terry straightened his clothes, walked over and sat down by Hunter.

After removing the makeup, Hunter hesitated when he got to Terry's lips.

"All of it," Terry told him.

"Darn." Hunter grudgingly removed the lipstick. "There. Now you look like Terry again." He handed him a mirror.

"Yes, now I look like me. Let's get Chase. It's nearly lunchtime and I'm sure he's starving."

"You sound like you're afraid to be alone with me."

"I am." Terry motioned toward the huge leather sofa on the other side of the room.

Hunter feigned hurt. "I would never molest you here," he said. "Someone might hear you scream." He chuckled as he ushered Terry out the door.


* * * *


They had been together all afternoon, gone shopping, had lunch, took a walk while pushing Chase in a stroller after dinner, and now they were alone again in the den about to watch a porno flick.

"Why?" Terry asked him after reading the DVD jacket.

"Aren't you a little curious?" Hunter asked, pushing the button on the remote to start the movie.

"Not really," Terry said squirming in his seat. "I think I know how it works."

"Then humor me. I want to make sure the mood is set."

Terry didn't need any help. He was still turned on from the full-frontal-attack kiss in Hunter's office earlier. The secretary had stared at him quite suspiciously when he and Hunter had come back out of his office.

Adam had done everything except ask what they'd been up to when the pair finally went to rescue Chase, and even the baby had done everything he could in order to keep from succumbing to the sandman tonight. He finally dropped off to sleep after a warm bath and two bedtime stories.

"Oh, my word," Terry said, covering his eyes quickly as a very erotic scene unfolded on the screen.

Hunter chuckled and pressed the Stop button on the remote control. "I think you've had enough. Come on, let's go upstairs." He rose and Terry followed him out of the den. "Did I tell you how wonderful you looked at the studio?"

"Several times," Terry smiled as they made their way up the stairs. "So did Joel. He kind of freaked me out staring at me like he'd never seen me before."

"You two haven't…?" Hunter asked halfway up the stairs.

"No," Terry replied. "Joel is family."

"I'm just asking because I noticed the way he was checking you out too." He paused at the top of the stairs and then walked into the nursery to check on Chase. "He's sleeping like we spiked his milk."

Terry nodded and followed him into the bedroom.

Chapter Eight


It was the sweetest sound he'd ever heard as Terry reached a climax inside his mouth. The creamy substance shot to the back of his throat and he swallowed, the sperm tasting like honey.

"No more," Terry pleaded. "This is just too…" His body shuddered as Hunter licked him clean.

Hunter rose and looked down on him. Terry lay with his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted, his hair splayed out against the white pillowcase, his face damp with perspiration. Hunter could not wait. He zoomed in for the kiss.

Terry moaned against his lips. "I've never…" Terry could not complete a full sentence.

Hunter inhaled, taking in Terry's clean scent. He smelled more like a baby than Chase. "I want you so badly." He took Terry's hand and placed it on his swollen penis.

Terry rose and looked down at Hunter's cock. "I've never…" he said again.

"I'll show you what to do," Hunter said, changing places with him. "I won't bite."

Terry reached down and slowly began to masturbate him.

"You're doing well," Hunter said as he arched his back.

Terry lowered his head and his hair spilled forward, covering his eyes. Just the sight almost made Hunter go off prematurely. Warm lips encircled the head of his penis. Terry sucked gently at first but then increased the pressure as he got comfortable with what he was doing. With his free hand, he stroked the shaft and played with Hunter's balls. Hunter moved his hips around and Terry opened his mouth and accepted more of him inside.

He moved his mouth away from Hunter's cock. "Am I doing this right?" he asked.

"Yes." Hunter fought for control as Terry's head moved up and down, taking him deeper. Finally, Hunter pushed him away rather abruptly. "I'm not going to make it if you keep that up, kid." He pulled Terry to the top of the bed and on top of him. Terry took the lead and kissed Hunter passionately and deeply. His tongue played in his mouth, completely taking Hunter by surprise with his forwardness. Hunter gasped, falling under the thrall of Terry's seduction, swept away by his scent and excited by the prod of the young man's thick cock stabbing him in the stomach.

He spun Terry around into a sixty-nine position and took his penis into his mouth again. His gaze took in Terry's delightful little rump. Hunter reached out, grabbed both cheeks and squeezed, making marks with the tips of his fingers.

Terry tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

"You knew it would eventually come to this." He used a finger to push at the tiny pink hole between Terry cheeks.

Terry groaned and clenched his muscles but Hunter just chuckled. "You might as well stop fighting."

Terry stopped clenching and crawled up to the top of the bed. His lips were still wet from fellatio. Hunter kissed him again. "I promise to be gentle."

"I believe you," Terry said kissing him back.

Hunter shuddered as he fished under his pillow for a tube of lube and a condom. He'd teach the kid right… safety first. He tore open the package, put on the rubber then moved closer to Terry.

Terry rolled over onto his stomach and Hunter popped him on one of his cheeks with an open palm.

"Ouch," Terry replied.

Hunter flipped the cap open on the lube and squeezed some onto his fingers. "Just close your eyes." He spread Terry's cheeks and inserted a finger. Terry was so tight he barely got the tip inside.

Hunter moved his finger around slowly so Terry could get comfortable with the feel. God, he felt virgin tight. Hunter gulped. "Have you ever been with a man before?"

"No," Terry whispered as Hunter slid his finger out slowly and slid it back in again.

"A woman?"

"No," Terry groaned as Hunter introduced a second finger.

Oh god, Terry is a virgin and he's so damn tight
. He had to prepare him properly or he would tear him. Hunter withdrew both fingers and lubed them up again. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I'm embarrassed," Terry replied. "I'm a twenty-three-year-old virgin."

Hunter inserted the two fingers again and Terry moaned. "Does it hurt much?"

Terry nodded. "But not in a bad way."

Hunter moved the fingers a little faster and Terry's penis, which had deflated a bit when Hunter started preparing him, hardened and rose.

Hunter ran his tongue over his bottom lip at the sight. "I'll try to be gentle."

Terry gasped loudly as the fingers slid out.

Hunter inserted three fingers this time. Terry grunted. Hunter held him down on the mattress with his other hand before the youth could bolt and began working the fingers inside of him, going deeper, spreading the walls and massaging in the lube.

Terry wiggled beneath him but did not cry out in pain. Instead he used the mattress to muffle the sound.

"I have to open you up," Hunter explained, slowly withdrawing the fingers, lubing them up again and reentering. "I'm kind of big."

Terry tried to bolt again but he was no match for Hunter's strength. "I promise it will get easier." This time he moved the fingers in and out quicker.

Terry shuddered.

Hunter eased the fingers out. He opened Terry's legs and crawled between them, lifting his buttocks and spreading the cheeks. He squeezed more of the lube outside the rectum. "I love you," he said as he pushed the head of his penis into the tight sheath.

BOOK: Nanny Dearest
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