Read Nanny Behaving Badly Online

Authors: Judy Jarvie

Nanny Behaving Badly (16 page)

BOOK: Nanny Behaving Badly
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Maddie stared up at him. ‘Definitely.’

‘You’ve made tonight unforgettable in every way.’ His gaze clamped hers as his fingers pulled her closer.

He nodded towards the critic heading their way. ‘I’ll speed schmooze Brewster, hold my place. I’ll be counting the seconds.’

Maddie grinned. ‘So will I.’

Lyle turned and smiled to the critic who’d brought them hurtling together. Perhaps Brewster had his good points after all?

‘You cannot go and speak to Maddie,’ Heather glowered and kept a restraining arm on her brother’s bicep. ‘She’s dating. Two women sick so we were girls down. Odd numbers don’t work in speed dating, so back off, Lyle.’

‘But I only want to talk.’

It was like persuading a robot. Programmed to disobey and decline.

‘If you jump the queue it’ll mess up my numbers.’

Like he cared. Or would have touched this charade with an extra long reinforced bargepole. It was happening for a purpose – media attention and that was fine. But now it was getting between him and what he wanted most: Maddie Adams alone.

The annoying claxon sounded again and Lyle went to storm towards the assembled participants. ‘If I snatch a quick word between daters – ’

‘If you go interrupting things, Lyle, I’ll be seriously furious.’ Heather shoved a hand through her long hair, frustration swirling. She wagged a warning finger in Lyle’s face. ‘My reputation’s on the line here.’

‘So you mean Maddie could end up having to date one of these creeps? For dinner or more?’ The rusty spear of anger was both debilitating and unexpected.

Lyle sipped on his iced mineral water and hoped for patience and a cool off. It failed. He’d tried to keep calm when he saw her tonight; failed again. Tried to keep his head and not notice the angel’s body in the knockout dress, the pulse-hitcher slit that showcased her legs.

‘Since when was Maddie a target for stalkers?’ His brow raised three notches. ‘I’ve had enough, you’ve gone too far.’

‘Keep your voice down!’ Heather raised her eyes. ‘Sometimes I boggle at you. She’s a doll, Lyle. You should’ve made a move already. Why do you have to go and pick tonight to have an epiphany? You’ll wreck my plans. Plus, men have been asking about her already. Any wonder? Do something about it by all means tomorrow. Just don’t wreck my numbers or I swear I’ll – ’

‘Too late, since I’m the boss.’

Yes, he’d tried to stay immune. Not to notice the glossy sheen on Maddie’s hair, the new sassy, wispy cut. So sexy he wanted to drag her away now and run his hands through it – all over her to be exact.

He badly needed to get her alone. Go with his gut because he wanted her like a burning ache that tortured more than anything he’d ever known in his life.

Lyle watched as Maddie chatted away to suitors that made his envy stir, driving his blood up another degree. He didn’t want to watch the woman he wanted sit there being schmoozed. He watched her shake hands with some guy who didn’t deserve her, and mark up her scorecard.

Lyle rose from his bar stool. ‘I’ve kept my distance too long. No more, Heather!’ With a sharp knock, Lyle placed his half-full glass on the bar top. Heather looked up in shock as Lyle strode to table five.

‘Maddie, Heather says you’re excused. Indefinitely.’ Their eyes connected and held.

Lyle looked around him. The media had been dealt with. Attendees were having a ball; in summary, it had been a roaring success. Now he just wanted Maddie beside him.

Maddie sprang up. A new match-hopeful man approached to take the seat opposite but Lyle grabbed her hand himself.

‘The lady’s spoken for. We’ve an emergency to handle.’

Lyle didn’t intend letting go now. His smile told of victory. ‘Your real date’s here. Come on, let’s escape.’

Chapter Twelve

Maddie breathed deep as she pulled her sheer stole around her and neared the exit with Lyle pulling her in his wake. Being up close to him revitalised her after being so immersed in the launch. Finally, they were free.

‘Cold?’ he asked, sensing her shivering again.

Maddie shook her head. ‘Just shuddering with relief at escaping speed dating hell – it’s so much worse than I imagined. Even being shouted down by you is preferable.’

‘You don’t do this every weekend?’

Maddie threw him an incredulous scowl. ‘I’d rather endure slow torture.’

‘And yet you hijacked my launch with a date-fest. For a scary minute I thought this must be your scene.’ They stood outside on the steps of the café and breathed in the crisp, night air.

Being outside in the open felt like a long ice-cold drink after intense heat. ‘I guess that’s what I get for introducing you to my sister.’

‘You’re crash-exiting your own party,’ she warned.

Staring into his eyes, Maddie realised how deep her feelings ran – how could she reconcile these instincts, wanting to stare, scared to watch?

‘You didn’t meet a future life partner tonight?’ he asked.

Maddie gave a low laugh. One thing stood as a certainty, nannying was underrated if Heather got job satisfaction out of flirtation musical chairs.

‘Tonight I’ve met an accountant taxidermist and a strippergram policeman.’ Maddie shook her head. ‘Single life has advantages. Though I did meet someone who got my attention.’

Lyle reached for her wrist and snagged her close. Their bodies met. Her curves flush against his body’s strong, firm planes. ‘Yeah? You don’t need to speed date. Not when back-off is killing me.’

He looked at her steadily, and his lips moved as he seemed to work at choosing his words. ‘Had enough close encounters tonight?’

He leaned forward and tucked his finger gently beneath her chin, tilting her face up so very close to his own.

She gulped, then watched his eyes, his lips. She wanted to kiss him, wanted to feel his body hard against hers. Feel his touch, his tongue, his hardness against her.

‘I’ve ached with missing you,’ he groaned.

She narrowed her eyes.

His hold on her grew tighter, more possessive. ‘The kind of ache that keeps a man staring at the ceiling nights. Exquisite torture.’ He raised his finger to trace her lips. ‘Sleepless nights.’

The promise in his open flirtation dazzled her no end. He tilted her mouth to his so that their lips all but touched. ‘I know somewhere private. An exclusive café we’ll have to ourselves – it even has a door that locks.’

Their lips still stayed within
distance. ‘I think I know the one. I read a great review of it recently.’

Lyle whispered as his lips traced her cheek. ‘We had to let the waitress go. She caused trouble for my self control!’

Her mouth curved into a smile. ‘Let’s go bring back crazy memories.’

Lyle held Maddie’s hand from the car to the café, anticipation on max setting and climbing every step. Their glittering walk through the city was a magical adventure as the old town sparkled above. Wonderland made real. The Winter Garden’s evening attractions – the Ferris wheel, snowboard slope and ice rink – were closed for the night but the darkness simply added to the excitement of their tryst.

Maddie watched him unlock the back door and felt his vital life force ripple through her, turn her on.

As the lock clicked and the door swung wide, he pulled her by the hand. ‘I hated seeing you with those guys,’ he confided. ‘I guess it brought out my caveman instincts. I suddenly had the burning urge to prove myself as a contender. Not just your boss.’

Maddie smiled as Lyle clicked on the coffee bar low lighting and one crystal chandelier. ‘Your caveman crusade is infinitely preferable to dweeb dating under duress. So now you’ve carried me off, what do you intend to do with me?’

Lyle smiled lazily. ‘There’s a leading question. Perhaps impress you by employing some mystery?’

Maddie lowered her wrap and took off the jacket Lyle had put over her shoulders for warmth. She followed to his office, then as she reached it, shoved a hand to her mouth in shock. ‘Oh no! Heather will be furious – we left her to finish up solo. Without a backwards glance.’

Lyle shook his head. ‘Maybe it’ll give that Ewan guy his chance to play the hero. Anyway, we’re having too much fun to think about anyone else and I need to show you just how much of a caveman I can be when I want something.’

At his words, her inner euphoria flipped over. Lyle was reaffirming his attraction from the rafters, underlining it with his eyes. He moved close, stroked her arms with his fingertips and kissed her neck. Maddie sighed as the sensations span when his fingers brushed her skin.

‘I told you the other night I’ll take it slow and I will. But I do want us to have something in the future. I can’t let that opportunity escape.’ His dark grey eyes spoke of unmasked serious intent. ‘There’s a special spark between us but I’m a guy with baggage, Maddie. Yet you make me hope it can be different.’

‘Blue hair’s gone.’ Maddie leant back her head and felt his fingers skim through it. ‘You deserve equality, Lyle. We both do.’

He turned up his dress shirt sleeves, then pulled her into his strong arms.

Maddie slipped hers around his neck. ‘I want you back. I just needed to be sure and now I am. I realised tonight all we’re doing is causing insanity for both of us.’

‘Acceptance at last.’ His lips moved to dust her collarbone.

‘Is it good for your ego to know I haven’t been sleeping so well either?’ She craned her neck, revelling in the attention.

‘You’ve been having fantasies too, huh?’ She heard the smile in his reply as his rusty voice teased her.

‘Let’s just say I’ve counted the dots on those bedroom curtains. Sixty nine at last count.’

‘That’s wide awake.’ He skimmed kisses over her inner arm. ‘I should be grateful I’ve been spared curtain torture. Usually in my fantasies you’re only wearing climbing boots.’

As she laughed, Lyle stroked her shoulder, then kissed around the top of her strapless gown. Lightning bursts sizzled.

He traced her cheekbones, her face, touched her lips lightly. Then let the kiss persuade and deepen, coaxing the seam of her lips with his tongue. It was a kiss she’d wanted to finish for weeks. His tongue claimed full honours. It was a seismic effort not to let her legs shake.

Finally she explored where she wanted to go without inhibition. Lyle groaned as her tongue danced and her finger probed his hair. His hands skimmed the contours of her body and she trembled when his mouth plundered hers again. Maddie returned the moves with ardent hunger.

Her hands claimed his biceps, and his embrace steadied, tightened. His breathing hitched as she quivered with a desire caused by those languorous, flicks of his tongue. With a sweeping caress he teased her breasts. Cupped, smoothed, lowered the sheer, filmy dress and strapless bra cups to claim the hardened buds. It made her push shamelessly for more.

The thrill of his tongue and fingers on her caused blissful meltdown that made her moan. Already Maddie wanted to be naked – to feel his body and be joined, to know his heat.

‘No wonder you took titles, rally guy.’

‘Unbeaten,’ he murmured then bit her earlobe and pushed his hands beneath her behind to fix her flush against him. She clamped her legs as he took her to the desk in a few strides.

Lyle ignored her silk buttons and side zipper but pushed the dress down to her waist. It allowed him to lathe her nipples and greedily taste her.

‘Forgetting something?’ she asked on an aroused gasp. Stalling him with a hand, while every neuron screamed for more, their passion-fuzzed gazes met.


‘Lock the door.’

Lyle grinned, then licked a delicious zone between chin and neck just before he pulled off and dropped his tie.

‘This time from the inside. I’m learning well.’

Maddie heard the lock click and watched Lyle’s return. He undid his dress shirt buttons slowly, then pulled its hem, permitting her a tempting glimpse of toned chest, killer abs and sleek trousers on lean hips. Dark hair swirled deliciously on his sportsman’s physique.

She gulped back the parched ache of desire that swelled just at the look in his eyes. She whispered, ‘When I locked you in the first time, I was secretly terrified. Didn’t you realise that?’

‘First mistake,’ he answered as he reached her. ‘I’m gentle. You only had to get on my good side to know that.’

He reached out and his hands smoothed her shoulders. His warm fingers traced delicious circles over her skin that made her gasp and shiver with anticipation.

‘I quite like Lyle the Terrible,’ she confessed. ‘But I like your good side better. When you’re good, you’re
very, very

‘Believe it, angel. I’ve been trying to convince you of it for weeks.’

He ran soft but insistent fingers up and down her body as his mouth found hers, teasing the seam of her lips open. It was so gentle it made her skin hum with exquisite, tender delight. Finally, licking a mesmerising zone from her throat to her earlobe, Lyle unzipped the dress. He eased it away to fall to the floor and Maddie was too entranced by mouth and fingers to care.

Her nerve endings exploded at the deftness of those hands and lips; he caressed her torso and moved to trace across her décolletage and, most sweetly of all, her breasts.

His fingers stroked her nipples, gently and cleverly teasing them. Barely touching, then adding pressure to the sensitised peaks. His mouth claimed hers again as he traced her breasts in an addictive pattern that drove her wild.

‘You out to torture me, rally guy?’

‘The opposite. I’m here for nothing but your pleasure. And there’s hours ‘til daylight, so let me lead the way.’

Her breasts needed his touch like a drug. Again his fingers traced circles. He unclasped her sheer bra and tossed it aside, then claimed a nipple in his mouth, swirling his tongue to create a mix of fire and chill.

Maddie pushed herself greedily to his mouth, letting her head fall as he managed to make her wanton and uptight all at once. The fleeting sensations were both addictive and maddening.

‘You like that?’ he whispered.

‘More than anything. And I need more.’

She revelled in the sensory detail that his jawline was angular to her fingers. Her hands moved to curl in his hair.

BOOK: Nanny Behaving Badly
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