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Authors: Outlaws Kiss

Nan Ryan (37 page)

BOOK: Nan Ryan
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Entrusted with the offered gift of her beautiful untouched body as well as her equally innocent heart, Lew manfully fought the blinding desire that was testing his willpower to the limit. The hot blood was beating in his ears, and every muscle in his body was tensed and coiled. His already painfully aroused body was demanding that he behave the hungered animal. The blood-filled erection straining against his tight trousers ordered him to strip off his clothes and hurriedly bury himself deep within the soft, warm waiting flesh that would afford immediate release.

That he didn’t do so was Lew’s first unspoken admission that this beautiful naked girl meant more to him than a hot receptive body on a cool moonlit night. The fact that her pleasure meant more to him than his own startled and frightened Lew. While he’d always tried to be a caring lover—even with the most jaded of females—he had never before so wanted to please a woman.

Lew trembled.

He felt like a young, inexperienced boy, terrified of making a mistake. Of not measuring up. Of handling the seduction all wrong. Of bumbling it so badly Mollie would end up in tears, her expectations of beautiful lovemaking forever spoiled.

His eyes still locked on her, Lew unbuttoned his shirt, reached up behind his head, peeled it off, and dropped it to the grass. He went down on one knee and laid a warm, gentle hand on Mollie’s thigh. He stuck two fingers underneath the flirtatious red garter, leaned over and bent his head to her bare trembling belly.

He pressed a kiss to the pale quivering flesh, laid his burning cheek against the silky skin, and murmured, “Mollie, are you sure you want this?”

Mollie’s hands came to his dark head. Her nervous fingers entwining in his thick raven hair, she looked straight up at the man in the moon and said honestly, “It’s what I have wanted from the first day you walked into the Maya Emporium.” She lowered her gaze to his bent head and whispered, “Make love to me, Lew. Please.”

Lew kissed a delicate hipbone, then lifted his head.

“Ah, sweetheart,” he said and lithely stretched out beside her, resting his weight on an elbow. His face just above hers, he looked into her shining eyes and told her, “I don’t want to hurt you, Mollie.” His fingertips touched her feverish cheek. He brushed his lips to hers. “We’ll go slowly, I promise you.”

“I’m not afraid,” she said and her hand went to his bare chest.

Then the kisses began. Slow, languid kisses of exploration. Mouths nibbling and nuzzling. Lips playing and plucking. Lew teased Mollie with long but undemanding caresses, carefully fanning the fires within her, skillfully guiding her along the lovely path toward total ecstasy.

Her lips combined with his, Mollie suddenly shifted. She turned to lie on her side facing Lew. Like him, she supported her weight on an elbow. Lips to lips, tongue to tongue, they lay there facing each other in the moonlight, kissing and kissing, each kiss growing hotter, longer, deeper.

Lew’s arms went around Mollie. He pulled her to him, rolled over onto his back and settled her atop him, his lips never leaving hers. When finally Mollie breathlessly raised her head, her bare legs were tangled with his trousered ones and her breasts were resting on his bare chest. His hands swept slowly over her tingling body, the long, tapered fingers spreading fire in their path.

Lew lifted his head to kiss her again, but Mollie stopped him, saying, “Please, please.” She laid her cheek to his. “Just hold me for a minute.”

“Sure, baby, sure,” he murmured, allowing her to lie there on him while she struggled to accustom herself to the new sensations washing over her.

Innately sensual, she squirmed sweetly atop him, erotically rubbing her taut nipples against his naked chest while she began brushing eager kisses to his throat, his jaw, his temples. Lew moved his hands from her waist, placed them unthreateningly on her flaring hips. Leaving them there for a minute, he slid his spread fingers up over the swell of her bottom and, after again pausing, down to cup the firm twin cheeks. Gripping her gently, he urged her closer to him and at the same time he flexed his buttocks and thrust his pelvis up and forward. Her unclothed groin met his clothed one, and he heard her sharp intake of breath. With a minimum of effort he managed to get her long, slender legs outside his, and then it was Mollie who obligingly shifted, drawing her knees up so that she was seated astride him, her pale thighs and the heat between now fully open to him.

Cautiously Mollie lifted her head to look at Lew.

“Kiss me, sweetheart,” he softly commanded and she quickly bent to him.

It was a long, deep kiss of unrestrained passion and when finally their lips separated, Mollie, with only the slightest guidance from Lew’s hands on her bare buttocks, began the age-old movements of lovemaking. Burning hot for this marvelous man, she unconsciously began grinding her hips, pressing her fevered body down on his in rhythmic, circular motions that made Lew groan with raging desire.

He allowed her to continue experimenting, watching the changing emotions march across her beautiful face, permitting her to become fully aware of exactly what she was doing to him. Wantonly, wildly, Mollie pressed her throbbing flesh to that awesome hardness restrained by the fabric of his tight pants. Soon she made small, pleading sounds low in her throat.

Lew agilely rolled up into a sitting position and kissed her, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth. Finally, he tore his lips from hers, put his hands under her arms, and lifted her up so that she was kneeling astride him. He bent his dark head and his heated lips went to her breast. Mollie gasped, then moaned when she felt the hard, aching crest warmly enclosed in his loving mouth. Lew wrapped his long arms around her and sucked on her breast while Mollie threw back her head and panted, gripping his wide shoulders with sharp-nailed fingers.

They stayed that way for a long, lovely time. Then, giving her left nipple one last loving lick, Lew shifted and began kissing her right breast. And as he closed his eyes and sucked on her breast, he moved his hand around between their bodies, slipping it quickly between her parted legs. While his teeth gently nipped at her hard wet nipple, his gentle, practiced fingers sought the ultrasensitive nubbin of flesh protected by the downy silvered curls between her spread thighs. With fore and middle fingertips he touched her, and Mollie quivered and whimpered and gripped his bare shoulders more tightly, her nails cutting into his flesh.

Lew’s fingers were instantly wet with the silky fire of passion flowing freely from her and he knew there was no need to wait any longer. Still, he did. For a sweet, highly pleasurable time for them both, he continued to kiss Mollie’s pinkened breasts while he tenderly touched and toyed with her, circling, caressing, giving her a glimpse of joy to come.

Touching her this way—and having her respond like this—Lew felt as though his heart would explode with happiness, his body with longing. The delightful thought skipped through his mind that his adorable Mollie was going to be as much of an adventuress at lovemaking as she was at everything else.

She was indeed untouched, but there was nothing of the reluctant, fearful virgin about her. She was as hot as he. If his stroking fingers were brazen upon her, she was just as brazen in her response. She pressed eagerly against his stroking fingers, giving herself to him, offering him all that she had, insistent on taking all the joy he could provide.

Mollie knelt there in the high desert moonlight glorying in the wonder of full-blown passion. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined anything half this wicked and wonderful. No wonder women constantly whispered and gossiped about marriage and making love! She wondered, as she felt Lew’s moving fingers set her on fire, how she had waited this long to experience such incredible pleasure.

Mollie’s nervous hands went to Lew’s dark moving head and she sighed and smiled and moaned and willingly surrendered to blazing desire. She loved the feel of Lew’s warm, wet mouth on her breasts, sucking, biting, licking. And even more wonderful was the touch of his fingers stroking her there between her legs where she was so unbelievably hot. She loved it that he was so intimately caressing the slick, burning flesh that had never been exposed to anyone before.

Mollie felt the flames blaze out of control when Lew took his mouth from her breast, lifted his head and looked directly into her eyes while he continued to stroke her.

His sultry gaze holding hers, he caressed and coaxed and cupped her, murmuring, “Tell me if it feels good, baby.”

“Oh, it does, it does,” she said breathlessly, her eyes closing.

“Look at me, sweetheart. Let me see the ecstasy in your eyes.”

Mollie breathlessly obeyed. She looked directly into his eyes, but soon became so hot and restless, she started tossing her head and murmuring, “Lew … Lew … I … I …”

“I know, baby, I know,” he said, and took his hand from her and gently laid her down on the blanket. He leaned over her, kissed her mouth, and said, “I want to love you, Mollie. Really love you.”

“Yes, oh yes,” she whispered, ready and eager.

Lew rose to his feet and swiftly undressed. Naked, he continued to stand there above Mollie in the day-bright moonlight, allowing her to get a good look at his fully aroused male body. She didn’t disappoint. She stared up at him, her wide eyes riveted to his horizontal-thrusting tumescence. He caught his breath when she abruptly rolled up to sitting position, rose to her knees, and unabashedly reached for him.

“God, honey,” gasped Lew and, before she could touch him, sank to his knees before her.

“But you touched me,” she said, her fingers poised above the rigid masculine flesh. “Now I want to touch you. Let me?”

“Y-yes … all right,” he managed, his voice husky, and he took her hand and guided it to him, shuddering when her fingertips brushed him.

Her wide eyes locked on him, Mollie wrapped her fingers around his awesome erection and made a little gasp of shocked delight when it involuntarily jerked in her grasp. Having no idea just how much she was affecting Lew, she examined him curiously, amazed by the heat and power she held in her hand.

Determined to indulge her every charming whim, Lew knelt there in the bright moonlight, trembling, while the marveling Mollie caressed him with soft, small hands. Gritting his teeth, he submitted, hoping against hope that he could continue to hold himself in check until she tired of this sweet torture. At last Mollie’s eyes lifted to meet his and her hand left his genitals.

She raised her arms up around his neck and said, “I love you, Lew Hatton. I love you and I want to do everything with you that a woman can do with the man she loves.”

Then she leaned to him and kissed him as she had never kissed him before. When that long kiss ended, they were no longer kneeling. They were lying on the blanket, their heated, naked bodies pressing close together. And when Lew, sprinkling a few quick kisses over her throat and shoulders and breasts, moved between her legs, Mollie realized that she couldn’t wait one second longer to have him inside her.

“Darling … please,” she whispered.

“Yes, sweetheart,” he crooned.

And then, looking into her beautiful violet eyes, he took her with a swift, sure thrust of his hard male flesh. Mollie cried out in startled pain.

“Ah, sweet baby,” Lew murmured comfortingly and lay completely still within her, kissing her, soothing her, patiently waiting until the pain subsided and pleasure began to take its place.

Then he slowly, expertly loved her. And as he did so, he murmured sweet words of love that Mollie knew she would remember for as long as she lived. Making love with this magnificent man was all and more than she could have hoped for, dreamed of, imagined. So wonderful was this physical joining of their bare heated bodies, Mollie was certain that this was all there was to lovemaking.

Until her orgasm began.

“Lew?” Mollie’s eyes widened in surprise, “I … I ….”

“Yes, sweetheart, it’s all right. All right. Let it come, baby. I’ve got you. I love you, Mollie. I love you.”

Mollie felt as if her body were no longer her own. She had no command or control over it. It writhed and bucked against her lover, her pelvis surging up in a frightening, wonderful, intimate dance of joy. And as she bucked wildly against him, Mollie cried out in fear and wonder as her rapidly escalating ecstasy became a fierce explosion of rapture.

Lew, watching Mollie’s beautiful face contort with her buffeting orgasm, waited until he was sure she had gotten it all out. Then he sought his own release. Changing his pace, plunging deeply, he let go. Pumping and pouring the hot liquid into her, he finally groaned with deep satisfaction. Totally sated, he tiredly collapsed atop her.

Mollie, not sure of exactly what had happened to him, asked fearfully, “Lew, are you all right?”

Too exhausted and happy to move, he said, “Baby, I’ve never been
all right in my life.” His dark head then shot up and he looked at her worriedly. “Jesus, are you? Did I hurt you, Mollie?”

Tears stinging her eyes, Mollie smiled and pushed back a damp lock of hair from his forehead. Too emotional to speak, she shook her head no and possessively clasped him back to her breasts thinking how much it was going to hurt her when they reached Denver and he left her.

More, so much more, now that she knew about ecstasy.

BOOK: Nan Ryan
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