Mystique Rogue (10 page)

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Authors: Diane Taylor

BOOK: Mystique Rogue
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Good thing Duncan remembered I don’t go anywhere without at least three weapons. Otherwise he’d have given me the Bolero jacket.
  The thought made Carmen smile. She had two rather large knives strapped to her hips and one small throwing ax tucked into a pouch hanging from the braided leather belt
which settled low on her hips. Around her neck dangled a set of claws interspersed with amber beads. Something she only wore when the situation called for it, and she’d asked Duncan to get it from her overnight bag. The glasses she wore had black frames with red lenses, making her look even more dangerous.

Arrayed out behind her were five others, including Duncan, all dressed identically to match her clothes. In each case, the claw pattern traced the muscles of their legs. Each one wore a black vest, leaving their arms bare. Her dad wore tight jeans and a black tank top which was stretched to the ripping point over his muscular chest. Hanging from the drive chain belt were an assortment of restraints, including leg shackles.  Duncan was dressed in something resembeled nothing more than several scraps of leather and buckles. When she caught her staring at him, he winked and moved his hand slightly, showing off the hidden knives made out of volcanic glass strategically placed to blend in with the outfit. 

              Five minutes to the deadline, they arrived in style via the Hummer limousine Carmen’s dad had rented for the event. Ignoring the hot gazes of those waiting in line to enter the club, Carmen stalked up to the doorman who looked like he could bench press a car. Bare to the waist and oiled until his skin gleamed, his pierced nipples winked as he moved to check customers entering the inner sanctum and make sure they were approved.

The team arrayed themselves out in a semi circle behind Carmen while she stepped close enough to touch the man’s chest with a single caress of her finger. Ignoring the glare in his eyes, she raised the red hued glasses from her eyes to match his look with one of her own. The first test of wills began until he dropped his gaze and stepped back. “I am Carmen Marshall. I believe I and my people are expected.”

“Yes, Mistress. Please, enter the Sanctuary with your people. You will be shown to Mistress Yasmeen with all due haste.”

“Good boy. Now get out of the way and tend to your duties.” Carmen crooked her finger at her people and, ignoring the angry comments of the line, stalked past the subdued man to enter the foyer of the club.

Duncan walked up to her and grinned, “Nice job.  No one has ever pressed the issue with him. Anyone who’s ever tried has been tossed in the street on their ear.”

She turned her head slightly to laugh darkly. “It’s a battle of wills, hon. When you’re expecting it, you know how to deal with it. In my case, Yasmeen extended the invitation and probably set up the confrontation as a delaying tactic to claim we were late and a reason to break the free pass we’re getting.”

“You think so?”

She nodded. “I know so. Now.” Carmen paused to examine the men around her. “I know what to expect. Duncan has experienced it. You guys rely on Dad to keep you out of trouble, okay? No one can do anything to you because all of you are technically mine. And you are officially off limits to anyone. Are we clear?”  

“Yes Mistress.” They all had huge grins on their faces as they replied as one.

Stifling the laughter fighting it’s way to her lips. “Good, now let’s go make everyone forget about Yasmeen for at least an hour.” She tapped her sunglasses, activating the infrared soft light in the frames, allowing her to see the entire club without squinting. Counting to ten, she nodded to Duncan, who grabbed both door handles and threw them wide open. “Show Time.” Carmen muttered.

Heads turned as both doors opened to their widest arc, allowing for a very impressive entrance.  Jaws dropped
and eyes widened when Carmen stalked through the door like she owned the place, followed by her men.  She took full note of the looks and smirked.
If they only knew.

A petite girl in full bondage array scurried up to her and knelt. “Mistress Yasmeen awaits you, Madame.”

“Then let’s not waste time. Show me where she is. Because you’ve got two minutes before I get fed up and find her myself, causing no small amount of rudeness to Tops and Bottoms along the way.”

Blanching, the girl stood up and quickly led her through the main room where people in various stages of undress were being used, using and generally indulging themselves in various forms of
pleasure.  Whips cracked on bare flesh, moans reached her from every corner of the place while lights glinted off of chrome restraints as the bar kept up a constant supply of drinks for those needing to replenish themselves.  From hidden speakers, the harsh sound of Techno music kept the brain on overload.

After a moment, Carmen didn’t need the guide to tell her where Yasmeen would be. The one corner of the club looked like something out of an ancient Egyptian temple and, sitting on a pile of golden pillows, sat a woman surrounded by people on their knees. Most were dressed in some form of bondage gear, the lady herself seemed to prefer the priestess mode of dress. Instead of pristine white, she preferred blood red and silver chrome. Around her neck, she wore the likeness of the cat goddess, Bast.               Carmen had done enough research on Egyptian lore, after her time with Ahmed, to recognize the symbols  which were visible.

              The blond moved quickly to kneel before her and whispered something, then scampered away.

The woman on the pillows raised her chocolate brown eyes to meet Carmen’s, then made a sweeping motion with her hand. “Leave Us!” At her sharp, clear command, the whole area cleared out and, somehow, the loud music softened itself.

Carmen glanced at her wrist watch, then back at the woman in front of her. “I believe we are expected.”

Yasmeen’s eyes widened as she noticed who was with her. “You have brought my pet back to me? I am amazed you would have the courage to do so. The last time we were together he seemed to be, how you say, reluctant to perform.”

Sighing, she placed a hand on Duncan’s shoulder, then drew him close to her side. “I find honey gains more reaction than pain, Yasmeen.” Carmen took a step further into the light, revealing her scars and her identity. “Threats only bring suspicion and fear.”

“You tread on thin ice, Carmen Marshall. You will call me Mistress.” Yasmeen’s cold voice was like a slap in the face.

Carmen shook her head and smiled, “Oh
I don’t think so.”


Carmen sat on a chair across from Yasmeen and everyone took seats around her. Duncan knelt at her right hand to put his head in her lap. “Yes, ‘oh’.” Her eyes looked over the woman before her.               Something about her face, or the arrogant posture rang an alarm bell in the back of her mind. “I’m not one of your sycophants to jump when you call, woman.  I’m also the one person you do not want to piss off at any time.”

A delicately sculptured eyebrow arched up the woman’s forehead, “Are you threatening me, Miss Marshall?” Yasmeen’s tone made almost made Carmen’s name an insult.

“Let’s discuss the topic of threats, shall we?” Carmen held up a finger. “First, you’ve been harassing and stalking my client ever since you’ve laid eyes on him. Then,” She held up another finger. “you willingly trespass, or send your minions to do such, on private property, leaving behind various items, unwanted as they may be, behind, indicating you want them to be your slaves. Finally,” She leaned forward to looked Yasmeen in the eye, letting just a hint of her anger show. “You’ve threatened those I’ve been hired to protect. You want to talk threats, Mistress Yasmeen?” She sneered, watching the woman’s eyes darken with rage, “You’d best look at yourself first. I was having a nice time with someone I hadn’t seen in years and you send me a letter claiming you would kill two people if I did not arrive at the appointed time.”

“I merely wished to...”

“I know exactly what you wanted to do, Yasmeen. So, drop the polite act.” Duncan gripped Carmen’s thigh under cover of cuddling close. She reigned in her anger at the thought of anyone in this woman’s clutches
, “We both know you put the imbecile on the front door to stall us just enough so you can call off the safe passage you offered my group.” She leaned back and crossed one boot over the other.

“Now, the mutual garbage is out of the way, tell me why else I’m here to protect people who are outside your grasp.”

If looks could kill, there would have been a dead body on the floor. “I have been told you are blunt to the point of being incredibly rude and unyielding when it comes to your job.”  Yasmeen’s hard gaze took in those who had come in with Carmen. “I sent for you because it suited me to do so.  To sum everything up, Duncan is mine.  I will have him before you leave this club, and Sean will be mine the moment your contract expires.”

Like hell you’re going to, you little bitch!
Carmen thought to herself. “Remember woman, you gave us safe passage. This includes Duncan.  He arrived with me, he leaves with me. “

“You have something of mine and I want it back.” Her smile turned nasty, “Unless, of course, you are willing you are more of a woman than I am.”

“How so?”

“You will cut my brand off of him and replace it with one of your own while he masturbates in front of the audience.”

Carmen felt her dad tense in outrage at Yasmeen’s audacity. Running her hand through Duncan’s hair, she felt him tremble under her fingertips. Whether it was from fear, disgust, or anger, she didn’t know. Looking at the other woman’s eyes, seeing the eagerness to see some blood and humiliation at another’s expense, she stood up. “You overstep your bounds of what is acceptable and what isn’t. If you wanted just to pull shit like this, do it on someone else’s time.” She turned her back on her, motioning for everyone to precede back the way they came.  No one made a sound, but they made sure Duncan was in the middle of the group as they moved.

Two things happened at once, the whisper of cloth alerted Carmen to a movement behind her, and a command issued in Arabic. Rushing out from behind a curtain was a man who appeared to be half man, half leopard carrying a red-hot branding iron. Seeing her, he quickly rushed forward, fully intending on marking her.

Too late to do anything but brace for the impact, Carmen caught the heated end of the brand in the palm of her left hand and held it as the stench of cooking flesh filled the room. Pain raced its way up her arm, but she still held the brand, not uttering a word while she stared down the man before her. Suddenly, she realized what she thought was a mask actually was a leopard’s head, complete with fur and teeth. 

It took Carmen’s mind several seconds to process everything before the stench of burning flesh made her stomach turn. Keeping her left hand closed around the hot metal, she lashed out with a fist, knocking her assailant to the ground. A kick to the nuts ended any violence from his end as she took the two steps necessary to reach Yasmeen.

“Carmen!” Duncan called out from the group.

Carmen turned slightly to see the bouncers moving in. “Hang on.” Pain made her voice more of a growl than words. When she was within reach, she lifted her right leg and placed her heavy boot across Yasmeen’s throat. “Call off your dogs, slut. Or you’ll be paying a bigger bill than you already have.” She added a bit of pressure to make sure Yasmeen knew it was serious.

“You’ll pay for this.” She hissed, then made a motion to the wall of bouncers and they faded away before turning her cold eyes back to Carmen.

“My people do not allow for such insolence as yours. When next we meet, I shall enjoy watching my slaves break your mind and your body. After your training, you be skinned alive for the entertainment of those who prefer such things.”

Grinning, Carmen moved her jacket off to one side, revealing the weaponry she carried. “Yasmeen, let me be extremely clear on this point.” The metal had cooled off enough for her to speak softly and calmly, without growling. “You come near Duncan,
The Rogue
, or anyone else I will not be responsible for my own actions. Whatever harm comes to them will be visited upon the offending party three fold for I am a firm believer of karma. When you least expect it, it can and will come back to bite you in the ass.” She looked at her dress and leaned forward, “Then again, you may like it too much. Do we understand each other?”

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