Mydnight's Hero (14 page)

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Authors: Joe Dever

Tags: #Fiction, #Fantasy, #Lone Wolf, #Magnamund

BOOK: Mydnight's Hero
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You are pleased to discover that the stone hut is both empty and large enough to accommodate you and your horses with ease. Its ancient granite blocks keep out the chill mountain wind and its slate-tiled roof is in remarkably good condition. Once you have tended to your horses and settled them for the night, you and Karvas try to make yourselves comfortable on the flagstoned floor so that you can get a few hours' sleep before daybreak. You are laying your cloak down on the ground when you discover an iron ring set into one of the flagstones. Closer inspection reveals the stone to be a hinged trapdoor and, when you pull it open, you discover a flight of steps leading down to a subterranean chamber. Positioned in the centre of this sunken chamber is a solid block of marble. A symbol has been carved in its surface, one that you recognize immediately: it is the tiger's-head emblem of Sejanoz — the Autarch of Bhanar.

Cautiously you descend the steps and approach the block. Your Magnakai Discipline of Divination makes you sensitive to an aura of evil that lingers in this chamber, and your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills alert you to a concealed panel which is located at the centre of the carved symbol.

If you wish to attempt to open the concealed panel,
turn to 185

If you would prefer to leave this chamber,
turn to 329


You land among the rocks, gashing your hands and knees as you scramble for the cover of a large boulder (lose 2
points). The blond man fires his crossbow and the bolt comes whistling up the track towards Acraban. Hurriedly the magician makes a circular movement with his right hand and the iron projectile shatters when it collides with the invisible shield he has created.

Shocked by this display of sorcery, the man discards his weapon and runs away along the beach. You pull yourself to your feet and call him to come back.

‘Please stop, Prince Karvas,’ you plead, striving hard to make your voice sound as unthreatening as you can. On hearing his name the man halts and turns to face you.

‘You have no need to fear us — we come as friends,’ calls out Acraban. ‘We have journeyed far to find you and we bring important news from Siyen. Please, sire, let us talk.’

You are now able to see the man's face clearly and you note his long flaxen hair, his tanned skin, and his bold blue eyes. Your Kai senses assure you that this man truly is Prince Karvas.

‘Who are you?’ retorts the Prince. ‘And what do you want from me?’

Turn to 170


You can hear the sound of metal scraping on stone above your head. When you look up at the ceiling, you see a pair of crossed swords cocooned by pale amber tongues of flame. These flames give off no heat and you recognize at once that they are magical. The swords are slowly rotating, their shiny steel blades skimming the ceiling stones as they gather speed. Sparks fly, and then the blades separate and come whirling towards you with frightening speed. Swiftly you raise your Kai Weapon and fend off a stunning blow as one of the magical blades flashes past your head in a scything arc. Karvas unsheathes his sword and parries the other blade as it sweeps around the room and strikes at him from behind. Having failed to draw blood with their initial attack, the blades return to the ceiling where they hover menacingly above your heads. But you sense the threat has not passed. Their magical power is recharging itself, increasing its intensity in readiness for a second, swifter attack.

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 217

If you do not possess this Discipline, or if you choose not to use it,
turn to 244


You speak the words of the Brotherhood Spell
Lightning Hand
and release a bolt of energy at the palisade gate. It rips through its timbers and leaves a jagged hole smouldering in its wake. Your display of Brotherhood magic clearly terrifies the guards for they drop their spears and scatter. Without looking back, the two of you gallop out of Jaroc and escape across the open plain that lies beyond.

Turn to 303


When you reach the end of the passageway, you stop for a few moments to recover and take stock of your perilous situation. Your pursuers have entered the alleyway behind you and you can hear them running towards the street. You see another alley, sandwiched between two tall buildings on the opposite side, and you tell Karvas to follow as you hurry towards it. You are halfway across the street when suddenly a second group of Bakhasians appears. They have circled around the warehouse in an attempt to cut off your escape. Moments later, the four shrine-bearers arrive with their tiger-head idol still hoisted upon their shoulders. Your Sixth Sense tells you that this idol is helping them to follow your trail. If you are to make a successful escape from these ghoulish soldiers, you must do something to disrupt the idol's power.

If you possess a Bow and wish to use it,
turn to 345

If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it,
turn to 242

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it,
turn to 138

If you possess Elementalism and wish to use it,
turn to 291

If you possess neither a Bow, nor any of these Grand Master Disciplines (or if you choose not to use any of them),
turn to 18


You reach to your Belt Pouch and unbuckle the flap. The ticket seller's eyes fill with unabashed greed when he sees the number of coins that it contains. He agrees to let you both go aboard the riverboat, but only if you give him all of your money. This extortionate demand is in addition to the cash and horses already offered by Prince Karvas.

If you wish to agree to his greedy request,
turn to 346

If you refuse to give him all of your money,
turn to 167


Lord Zinair tells the captain of
The Azaktana
to await his return. Then he accompanies you and Acraban along an avenue that leads away from the quayside and climbs steeply into the heart of the eastern quarter. Your first impressions of the port of Mydnight are less than favourable. In the stark glare of the full moon it seems to be little more than a brooding shamble of slate-roofed houses and reeking tenements built around a haphazard maze of narrow, rat-infested alleyways. At this late hour, few of the port's inhabitants are abroad. The only people you see are the few who dare to peek at your passing through the mullioned glass of their wretched hovels.

The avenue leads eventually to a deserted market square which commands a view over the harbour below. Here you see a large iron cage with a thick cable attached to a ring at the centre of its roof. The cable is held taut by a winch fixed to the stern of the
which hovers 100 feet overhead. The faint hum of its magical engine can be heard wavering on the warm sea breeze. Acraban ushers you into the cage and clicks shut its iron door. He tugs a cord and immediately the cage is lifted off the ground and hoisted up to the rear deck of the skyship. Here you are welcomed aboard by the skyship's crew, all of whom are young acolytes of the Magicians' Guild of Toran. Acraban takes you to his quarters located below the forward deck where he offers you and Lord Zinair some food and wine. After many months away from home it is good to taste Sommlending fare once more.

Illustration VI
—A large iron cage is attached to the stern of the
which hovers 100 feet overhead.

Since his arrival in Mydnight earlier in the day, Acraban has learned that Prince Karvas does not reside here in the city. To search for him now would be futile and so you resolve to get some sleep and commence your hunt for the Prince at first light. Shortly after dawn, the three of you meet again on the main deck. Acraban suggests that you each spend the day scouting the city for information that may lead you to Karvas. He tells of three places where this information is most likely to be found. The first is a large trading post, known as Grosta's Warehouse, located on the south side of the harbour. The second is the Hall of the Judicars, a base for the officers who are elected by the citizens of Mydnight to maintain law and order in their city. And the third is The Smitheries, the artisans' and tradesmen's district of Mydnight that is situated west of the quayside.

If you wish to visit Grosta's Warehouse,
turn to 48

If you choose to visit the Hall of the Judicars,
turn to 321

If you decide to explore The Smitheries,
turn to 226


Your Kai Sixth Sense detects that a strong concentration of evil lies beyond the door. Forewarned, you approach the iron portal with caution to inspect its lever more closely. Your Magnakai Discipline of Divination detects an aura of magic around this lever yet you are unable to fathom its true purpose. You suspect that it could be some kind of locking or holding spell.

Calling upon your mastery of Brotherhood magic, you utter the words of the spell
and direct its energies against the door. You sense that your spell is working, but you are surprised when you detect that it has cancelled only one layer of magic. There remains in place a second layer of sorcery which contains powerful explosive energies. Your senses warn you that to touch the lever with your bare hands could prove fatal.

If you wish to attempt to discharge the spell by throwing something at the door,
turn to 330

If you wish to try to open the door by striking the lever down with the tip of your Kai Weapon,
turn to 146


Bravely your horse makes a tremendous leap across the tree to land surefootedly on the trail beyond. As you bring him to a halt, you pat his neck in praise for his courageous action. Moments later, you see Karvas come leaping over the trunk and you cheer his masterful display of horsemanship. With a wave of your Kai Weapon you beckon him to follow as you make good your escape into the foothills of the Dammerdon Mountains.

Turn to 251


Prince Karvas does not relish the prospect of having to face these riders, yet he goes along with your decision and patiently you sit and wait as they draw closer. Their leader is a broad-shouldered man with a ginger beard and long wavy hair. His hair fans out from around the edges of a conical helm that is topped by a pair of polished antlers. He brings his horse to a halt before you and regards your mounts with an appraising eye.

‘I see you ride Cavalian colts,’ he says, and he points to the eagle brands that mark your horses' hindquarters. You nod in acknowledgement but you do not offer any explanation. The man narrows his blue eyes and strokes his beard thoughtfully. ‘You do not know who I am, do you?’

You shake your head dumbly, hoping that he will take you for a simpleton and return to his deer hunting. ‘I am Halx — the Inquisitor-major of Cavalia. Among my many duties is the regulation and taxation of horses, mules, and oxen. You both ride Cavalian steeds, yet I do not recall seeing either of you in the city before. I trust your saddle taxes have been paid? Perhaps you would be kind enough to furnish your names and places of lodging so that, upon my return to Cavalia, I am able to confirm that this is so?’

You sense that your continued silence is beginning to irritate the Inquisitor-major. His followers are also growing impatient.

If you wish to say that you are special emissaries on your way to Seroa to witness the crowning of Baron Sadanzo,
turn to 116

If you wish to say that you are new recruits to the Cavalian Citadel Guard,
turn to 123

If you decide not to say anything at all,
turn to 44

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