My Woman His Wife Saga (52 page)

BOOK: My Woman His Wife Saga
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Getting Back to the Basics
I was surprised to hear from Monica. Those dudes really did a number on her, and it was the running top story for about a week on the news. Jazz and I still couldn't believe that she got handled like that.
I hope that never happens to any of us, and I hope Monica has learned whatever lesson she was intended to learn from this.
I offered to escort her to the airport when she was ready, but she said that she was cool. She just wanted to let me know that she was okay, and that she would call soon.
As for my family, Jazz and I are in marriage counseling. It was for the best. Although we tried to move past our issues, there were too many to try to push to the side. We had a lot on our plates, but we loved each other and we wanted to make it work. Therapy was hard, but it was necessary if we ever wanted to get over that hump and live life happily. The kids deserved that much.
As I sat in the sunroom and watched the snow fall I took in everything that had gone on in my life for the last few years. The kids were out back building snowmen, and making snow angles. A cute little snowball fight took place, and all of the kids were in their element and getting along. This was how it was supposed to be. I peeked over at my wife curled up on the chaise enjoying a novel as we both took periodic sips of hot chocolate from our mugs. This was what life was really about: meeting your soul mate and building a family, growing old together, and instilling family values in your kids so that they could pass it along to theirs. These were the moments that made it all worthwhile.
Sometimes we think what we have at home isn't enough when in reality it's exactly what we need. It's crazy that it oftentimes takes a tragedy for us to see it. Getting up from my spot, I went out and joined the kids in a quick snowball fight before running back in the house to start dinner, since Jazz still couldn't really stand that long to maneuver around the kitchen without being in a lot of pain. I whipped up their favorite meal: spaghetti.
I called out for Jazz to have the kids get ready for dinner, and they all showed up just as I was putting out the place settings. Once we were all seated we joined hands, and it was Jalil's turn tonight to pray over the food. I smiled as I looked around at my family, and it saddened me that all of this was almost destroyed. Giving Jazz a wink, I began to serve the kids as they all told us about their day in school. I loved my life, and now that I had another chance at making it right I was determined that it was going to work.
I wouldn't give up this moment for anything in the world.
Jaydah B
Not That Easily Broken
How pissed was I that this bitch had the nerve to deny my visits after I helped her? I mean, for real? I loved her. Didn't she know that? I didn't even get the chance to apologize to her for what I did, and I was just so happy that she made it out alive. I was going through it, not knowing where she was at or if she had even survived the ordeal. Sheneka and I got into the biggest falling out behind this, and then she fell off the face of the earth. I didn't know what happened to her until the cops had informed me that she almost died in a drug house, and one of the fiends was kind enough to alert the authorities to come get her because she was crashing everyone's high. A damn mess.
Monica hasn't seen the last of me though.
I still had her address, and since she wouldn't talk to me here, I would just wait for her to go back home. I was already looking into hotels and airfare so that I could get down there. The nurse wouldn't give me any information on her, but the cute little receptionist kindly informed me that Monica had been discharged when I called the hospital two weeks later. Monica loved me, she just didn't know it yet.
Once my travel arrangements were made I curled up on the couch with my laptop, eager to start my next novel. Monica would be the star, and I had a scandalous story that I was ready to tell.
As my fingers flew across the keys I knew this one would be a bestseller, and I may even write a sequel to it. Either way, once I moved to Atlanta with my baby everything would be all good.
While she's painting her pictures I'll be writing my novels, and we will be like a power couple or something. My books will eventually be movies, and maybe we could eventually move to Hollywood to set that into motion.
I smiled at how bright my future was looking, and I couldn't wait to share the great news with Monica. Time waited for no one, and like it's been said in the past . . . don't put off tomorrow what can be done today. Let the games begin!
Urban Books, LLC
97 N18th Street
Wyandanch, NY 11798
My Woman His Wife Saga Copyright © 2015 Anna J.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, except brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6228-6919-0
First Trade Paperback Printing November 2015
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
Distributed by Kensington Publishing Corp.
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