My Wish - Time Guardians Book One (14 page)

BOOK: My Wish - Time Guardians Book One
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She groaned.

'We shall begin with 'Nimitta'—the touching."

Hari smiled. "Oh, goody." That got him a frown from Sami, who was really getting into his role as Sheik.

"Woman, take this man's cock into your hands. You will place your mouth just on its tip—kiss it gently."

Alana knelt by the bed and glanced up at Hari. He was hard as a rock and his expression was a blend of eagerness and, surprisingly, nerves.

It was no hardship to reach out and lovingly cradle his cock in her hand. She followed Sami's directions and fluttered small kisses around the tip. Sami turned a page.

"Put your lips around the head and use them to pull and press the skin—gently."

"Bahiha-samdansha?" asked Hari over Alana's ministrations.

Sami nodded, grinning at Hari.

"Woman, feel the head of his cock with your tongue—find the tip and the underside—concentrate the movements of your tongue in those places while you pull him from between your lips and then slide him back in."

Alana did her best to follow instructions—finding to her surprise that it was arousing to her, and a lot more fun than she'd been led to believe. Oral sex had never been on her list of fun activities, but maybe it was time to rethink that list. Her hand came up to grip his cock at the base, and she timed the movements of her head to an accompanying squeeze and pull of her fingers.

Hari's buttocks tightened and he stifled a moan.

"Alana—up on the bed here, now," Sami ordered, dropping the book off the side of the bed.

Releasing Hari with a slurp, she looked up, slightly dazed.

Sami patted the bed. "I want you up here on your stomach. Climb up..." He held out his hand and half-pulled her up, moving his legs to make room for her.

"Now lie on your stomach with your head almost falling off the edge. Hari?"

Hari moved up to Alana's face, cock glistening from her attentions. A drop of moisture eased from the tiny slit in the head.

"Continue, Alana. Remember to relax all your muscles and welcome Hari into your body," said Sami, beginning a rhythmic stroke of Alana's buttocks. She squirmed slightly as Hari's cock thrust into her mouth.

"Easy, Alana-love, relax," murmured Hari, easing back, then moving forward again.

Her tongue sought, and found, the super-sensitive spot underneath the ridged head of Hari's cock and his indrawn breath spurred her on. She tightened her lips and created even more suction, pulling the sensitive skin as she moved her mouth on him. Unable to stop herself, one hand reached out to gently touch Hari's balls. He groaned.

Something cool and slick caressed her buttocks—Sami was rubbing some kind of lotion on her, distracting her. Her muscles relaxed as Sami's hand smoothed her skin, then tensed again as she felt her cheeks being eased apart and more lotion being poured.

God—it felt so—so—

Her clit was burning and her breasts were pebbled hard as the slight movements both Hari and Sami were making served to slide her back and forth across the satin spread. The slick friction of the satin matched the slick slide of her lips over and around Hari's cock—she flicked the very tip with her tongue and brought another moan to Hari's throat.

She felt something hard ease between her buttocks—it was cool and slippery, and
it was going up her ass. She clenched in reflex, drawing a yelp from Hari.

"Relax, Alana, this is a simple toy. Enjoy the sensation," whispered Sami, as he continued to press the whatever-it-was past her ring of tight muscles.

And the sensation was quite amazing. She felt each subtle move in the delicate tissues—it was arousing in a different kind of way, she couldn't have described it if her life depended on it.

Her internal muscles clamped at the strange intrusion, and she was so focused that she didn't realize that Hari was practically down her throat.

Her hands were clenching his buttocks, she was probably leaving fingernail imprints on his butt, and he was quietly panting with pleasure as he worked himself in her mouth.

"Alana—listen carefully to me. Take one hand and place it just behind Hari's balls."

Hari moved his legs apart slightly, and Alana struggled to bring her thoughts into line and do what she'd been told.

"Press two fingers up into his body, gently but firmly. Do you understand?"

Alana grunted around Hari's cock.

Each movement made her aware of the strangeness penetrating her anus, and she was unbelievably turned on by this unusual invasion of her body. She found herself pressing two fingers up into Hari's flesh.

He sighed as his cock flexed—once—twice, and touched the back of her throat.

"Keep up the pressure, Alana, you're doing great," encouraged the Sheik. His hands were still stroking her buttocks, giving a quick touch or turn to the toy in between her cheeks to let her know it was still there.

"Yessssss," breathed Hari, after a giant twitch.

He withdrew from her mouth and she eased her fingers away from his balls.

That's odd, thought Alana—no fog.

Hari smiled. "Your fingers were pressing on a most delicate spot, Alana, you kept me from ejaculating, yet I enjoyed a climax. You did very well." He lowered his head and kissed her nose.

"Why am I on my stomach?" she asked.

"Your mouth and throat are most nearly aligned in this position, Alana-love," answered Sami, still rubbing her bottom gently. "It minimizes the gag reflex and maximizes the pleasure for both."

"Aaaah..." she breathed as he gave his toy a quick swirl. "Now, about that toy— "

"You mean this toy?" laughed Sami, easing it out and pushing it back in again.

"Ooooh, yesssss…
toy," sighed Alana. "What part of the camel is that?"

"Camel? That's not anything to do with a camel—that's a butt plug," said Sami.

"Oh jeez. Guys. Be a bit more creative, will you?"

She gasped as Sami withdrew the plug and tossed it over the side of the bed.

"You want creative, wench?" he asked, resuming his role as Sheik. "I think we can oblige."



Chapter 14

Alana found herself rolled onto her back by Sami's strong hands, and spread-eagled over the bed. Hari had moved, and was gripping her ankles, pulling her until her legs dangled over the side. He pushed her thighs wide, exposing her glistening and swollen labia to his gaze.

He licked his lips.

Sami slid around her, running his tongue in and out of her ear and down her neck. She tossed her head and realized Sami was holding her arms firmly pressed against the softness of the bed.

She was trapped. Oh—this was quite terrible. So terrible she'd probably have to try and get away in about a year or two.

Sami's head dipped to her nipple and he pulled it briskly into his mouth, wrapping his tongue around it as he suckled strongly.

Alana writhed at the pleasure/pain.

Hari slid his arms under her legs and raised them, placing her heels on his shoulders. He stood straight between her outspread thighs, his cock erect and ready— it needed little more than a touch to send it ramming into her hot and ready channel.

She groaned as Hari plunged deep.

"Watch, Alana," whispered Sami, raising her head with his arm.

"Watch as Hari fucks you—
is the elemental experience—the function of a man and a woman and their bodies—see how well they fit..."

She watched in amazement, seeing Hari's cock as it withdrew almost to the head, shining with her juices and then slammed back into her so thoroughly that their pubic hair meshed.

Hari moved his hands and pulled her swollen lips apart.

"See how your clit is so anxious for Hari's touch, Alana?"

Sami helped her rise even more.

"See your pearl pushing out of your pussy? See how it begs to be caressed and licked and sucked? How it trembles for a passing blow from Hari's cock?"

She felt, more than saw, the air passing over her aroused clit, the draft generated by Hari as he enthusiastically and rhythmically fucked her blind.

Her nipples beaded even more, and Sami tweaked and twirled them even while he too watched Hari's cock.

"Oh, God—Hari—Sami—" gasped Alana, feeling the telltale tingle of an oncoming orgasm.

They froze.

"Oh nooooo." She shrieked, throbbing with need.

"Wait, Alana-delight, there is much time yet..." soothed Sami, placing little nipping kisses over her shoulders and neck.

"There is no rush, love," added Hari, his cock just lying in Alana's cunt, resting comfortably in the silk of her body. "That was just the beginning."

He slid out of her slowly, allowing his cock to spread her juices all over her aroused pussy.

Then he lowered her legs, one to dangle freely, the other he bent at the knee and pushed to the side. She was more exposed than ever.

Hari plunged in to her sensitive tissues once again, making her shudder with sexual arousal.

In this position, her clit got more stimulation from Hari's body as he began his thrusting slowly, each movement heightening the sensations that were making her shiver and shake.

Sami fondled, caressed and played with her breasts, his obvious interest in Hari's technique exciting her even more. It was almost voyeuristic, very erotic, and just plain weird, but she loved every minute of it.

Once again, Hari seemed to sense Alana's orgasm as it began to build, and once again, to her immense frustration, they both eased back and allowed her to come down a little.

Sami pushed her shoulders and flipped her onto her stomach, while Hari kept her one leg bent beneath her. She felt stretched, exposed, and not unlike an erotic etching. Her juices ran freely down her leg—Hari caught them with his hand and smoothed them over and around her buttocks, allowing the cool air on wet flesh to add to her arousal.

Then he plunged back in.

Sami moved his head close to hers, finding her lips and forcing his tongue within. His kiss was intense, his tongue once again echoing the rhythm of Hari's cock and sending vibrations throughout her body.

She could feel Hari's balls slapping against her as he fucked her, his hands sometimes squeezing her cheeks, and other times separating them so that he could run a fingertip down her cleft.

She was strung tight on a web of unfulfilled desire. Her ears were humming, her body throbbing, and when Sami reached beneath her for her nipple without breaking his kiss she thought that she was finally going to make it.

And Hari did. A long and loud groan, accompanied by a violent shudder, announced that Hari had come. But Sami refused to allow Alana the same release, stroking her tongue gently with his, and squeezing her breasts. Neither Hari nor Sami touched her poor, aching, screaming clit.

..." As she chanted, she knew it was quite possible she'd be the first woman to succumb to unfulfilled orgasm-itis.

"Yes, Alana—it's your turn now," growled Sami.

He pulled her up, waved away some lingering blue fog, moved so that he sat on the edge of the bed and swung her astride him. Her knees rested on either side of his hips and he grabbed his cock with his hand to guide it into Alana's aching cunt.

"Oh Sami." She hissed with pleasure as his huge length slid home into her body.

Hari moved between Sami's thighs and pressed his body to her back.

"This is it, Alana...this is for you, and for us, and for the woman you have become..." he whispered into her ear.

His hands smoothed up and down her back, and he moistened her skin with more lotion. She felt him spread her cheeks and lubricate her tight anus.

"Oh Hari—I've never...I don't know if this is such a good idea," she sputtered nervously.

"Alana," said Sami. "Look into my eyes. See the love we bear for you. We will never, ever hurt you."

She gazed into the glittering blue depths that were so near, and saw a mixture of desire, need and—yes—love. Her body relaxed and she smiled tentatively.

Sami moved his hips slightly and slid his hand between them to her clit.

Hari tucked himself between her cheeks.

Sami's gentle stroking and circling were echoed as he once again touched his mouth to hers and began his sensuous kiss.

Hari pressed himself against Alana's anus, stroking cool moisture over and around the tight rose, never going too far but always going a little further.

One hand slid around her body to her breast, and he cupped it, presenting it to Sami for attention.

"I have come once already, my delight." His deep voice vibrated against her neck. "My cock is not as large as it might have been. All you have to do is relax—you can take me inside you."

The touches of Sami's hands and mouth, along with Hari's whispers and fondles, were advancing her arousal to a whole new level.

Her clit was covered in her own juices and sliding between Sami's fingers as his lips suckled and teased her nipple.

Hari's hand was lifting her breast higher, forcing her back to straighten as he rubbed himself over her cleft.

She moaned and pushed her clit into Sami's fingers, seeking more stimulation.

He sucked her nipple fiercely against the roof of his mouth, following that with little nips that were just short of painful.

Suddenly, with an odd little stinging feeling, Hari pushed himself past her barrier and into her virgin ass.

She was astonished at the feeling of both cocks inside her, and froze for a few seconds.

Oh. Sweet. God
." Time ground to a halt as she froze, unable to focus and staring inwards at what was happening to her.

Sami moved slightly, and Hari's body responded.

Good lord, surely Hari could feel Sami's cock through the thin membrane that separated them. She felt the heat of Hari's body against her back as he slid in a little more.

Sami panted and moaned as Hari moved.

"You two can feel—I can feel—you're both almost—" She stuttered, searching vainly for words to explain the unexplainable.

"Alana," whispered Hari. "Do not move. This sensation is so exquisite for both of us that it must be savored."

BOOK: My Wish - Time Guardians Book One
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