My White Hero (9 page)

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Authors: J A Fielding

BOOK: My White Hero
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Thank you,” she said in a small voice as she looked at the other important man in the room, Greg Paul.

Well, Miss Young, I must say that meeting you today was somewhat…” Greg took a long pause, a rather unnerving long pause. She tried hard to look composed as Greg tried to find the right words to say. “Interesting,” he finally said. She looked at him and smiled.

Thank you sir,” she said not sure whether he was being sarcastic or paying her a genuine compliment.

When I tell you what I am about to tell you, Mr. Simmons here has agreed to let you have the day off because I think you are going to need it. You need to go home, take the phone off the hook and pour yourself a nice glass of wine,” he continued. Somehow, his words seemed to put her more on edge than they were supposed to. “We have interviewed seven candidates and you are the only one who seemed to know everything about this store. That is impressive,” he said with a smile. Desiree smiled and nodded.

I believe it is my duty to do so,” Desiree said.

Well, and that, dear lady, is what put you ahead of all the other finalists,” Greg said. Desiree’s eyes lit up as she looked at the two men.

Do you mean….” She began asking before her words failed her. Mark and Greg nodded. “Oh my god,” she said in a whisper.

Congratulations, Miss Young. You are the new assistant manager at Pay Less. Keep up the good work and soon we will be calling you to the head office,” Greg said. Desiree was confused. She was not sure what to say, how to react or even what to do at that particular moment. She seemed rooted to the ground and tongue tied at the same time.

Thank you, thank you so much,” she said as tears threatened to roll down her cheeks.

You of course understand that this position comes with an added responsibility and a twelve percent pay rise. We believe that you will not let us down,” Greg said as he and Mark stood up and walked towards her. She struggled to get on her feet and shook their hands. “Congratulations,” Greg said.

Yes, Desiree. Congratulations,” Mark said as he shook her hand. Desiree smiled as she looked at them. “Now, get out of here and go do something for yourself,” he said with a smile.

As she walked out of the office, everything was so surreal to her. She was almost drifting out of the store as she worked out who to call first or where to go. She hailed a cab and for some reason gave Taylor’s address without a second thought. When she got there, she saw his truck in the driveway and said a silent prayer thanking God he was already home. It was probably best that he was already home, so she did not have to think of the best way to tell him. She could just come right out and tell him. When she opened the front door, she could hear soft music playing in the background. There was a sweet aroma of grilled chicken breast. She suddenly realized that she had not had anything to eat since breakfast. She walked into the kitchen and smiled. The table was romantically set for two and there was a bottle of chilled white wine that was almost begging Desiree to run towards the table.

She was still looking at the table when Taylor walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

Hey there,” he said softly. She closed her eyes and leaned against his shoulder.

Hey,” she said in almost a whisper. She turned around and looked at him and without even knowing it, a tear was rolling down her cheek.

Those bastards. They have no idea what they are missing out on,” he said. Desiree frowned.

What are you talking about?” she asked confused.

You are crying,” he said. She smiled and shook her head.

I got it,” she said in a small voice. Taylor looked at her and smiled before he picked her up in his arms and swung her around. She squealed before he finally put her down.

I knew you would,” he said as he looked at her. “I made you dinner,” he said as he took her bag from her. She smiled and followed him to the kitchen where he pulled out a seat for her. He poured her a glass of wine and then set a plate in front of her. Her mouth watered just by looking at the food. She loved just how Taylor seemed to know how to use food as a seduction. The platter was carefully laid out: a grilled chicken breast on one side, a spicy vegetable stir fry on the other side and two lemon slices as a garnish. “Bon appetit, mon cherie,” he said as he sat down across from her. She smiled and picked up her fork.

Mmmmm,” she said when she put the first piece of chicken in her mouth. The feeling was simply put, orgasmic. Her mouth seemed to come alive as the flavors burst on her tongue. “You have really outdone yourself this time, Ericson,” she said as she took a long sip of her wine. He smiled and took a bite of his food.

I of course love making you happy, you know that,” he said. She smiled.

Most women are just fine with a man. not an all rounded one, but I had to get the whole package,” she said with a smile.

Are you complaining, Miss Young?” he asked. She shook her head and smiled at him.

Far from it. I will guard you with my life. There is no way I am letting you get in the arms of another woman, or man for that matter,” she said laughing. He looked up at her and frowned.

Hey, not funny,” he said.

Seriously though, this is really great,” she said taking another bite.

The rest of dinner was relatively a smooth sail, a joke here , a laugh there and on occasion, Taylor reaching for her hand on the table. It was the perfect ending to the perfect day. When they were done, she looked into his eyes and she could tell, he had something to say. She raised an eyebrow and shook her head.

“What?” she asked.

What do you mean, what?” Taylor said as he began clearing the table. She stood up and walked up to where he was. She held his hand and looked at him.

Something is up. What is it?” she asked. He smiled and took her hands in his. He brought his head down and kissed the back of her hands before leading her upstairs. She followed him to the bedroom where she noticed he had rose petals scattered on the floor leading up to the bed where there was an envelope. “What is this?” she asked looking at him.

Open it,” he said. She looked at him and began to open the envelope. She pulled out the documents inside and felt her legs almost give in to her weight as she looked at the papers.

These are…” she began saying. Taylor nodded and smiled.

I am officially divorced. I am all yours, Desiree Young,” he said.

Desiree felt a tear roll down her cheek. This was probably the best day of her life. Everything had worked out like it should have, even things she did not plan for. She turned around and looked at him before she wrapped her arms around his neck and claimed his lips in one passionate kiss. She let her tongue seek his as she kissed him deeply. If there was a time that she loved this man more than anything, it was this moment right here. Right there and then, nothing mattered more to her than just being in his arms.

Taylor pulled away from her and turned her around. She leaned against his shoulder as his hand went up her thigh, tummy and then finally cupped her breast. She moaned softly when he kneaded her soft mound. She lifted her hand and held his head as he began kissing her neck, running his tongue along the soft skin. His other hand began to slowly pull down her zipper, giving way to her beautifully matched underwear. He pulled away from her and pushed her navy blue dress off her shoulders. She stepped out of the dress and then turned around to look at him. She undid his shirt buttons as quickly as she could and pushed the shirt off his shoulders. She looked at him as she worked on his belt buckle and trouser zipper.

Standing that close to him and inhaling his sweet scent was simply intoxicating. The events of the day, the entire day, had all led up to this moment. She looked into his eyes and slowly let her hand run down his torso. He took a step ahead and held her tightly in his arms. She could feel his sexy, masculine body, his heart beating fast and hard and his penis pulsating under his shorts.

She pulled away from him and kissed him again, allowing herself to get lost in his arms, in the heat of the moment. She could feel his mouth, his sweet summer tasting mouth on her lips, on her neck melting her with every second that went by. She wrapped her arms tightly around him until she could no longer help but give herself to him. She slid his shorts off his legs and in turn he savagely ripped her bra off. She gasped as he gently cupped each breast in turn, slowly and softly kneading and rubbing. She closed her eyes as she felt him enjoy the firm tenderness of her breasts, making her moan softly. She pushed him on the bed and then began to slowly kiss him, working her lips down his neck and finally to his chest.

She slowly made her way down his tight abs to his pelvis. She smiled when he suddenly bucked his hips, an obviously happy reaction of her lips near his cock. She ran her tongue slowly along the skin of his cock, making it twitch. He let out a groan and reached for her head. She ducked and took his cock in her hand and then began to run her tongue along the hard head. She sucked on the head of his cock as she felt his breathing getting more rapid. She pulled him out of her mouth and gave him a few seconds to take a breath and get a firm grasp of reality before she took more of him inside her mouth as she stroked his shaft gently. Her other hand gently cupped his balls, making him groan even louder as he fought what seemed to be a losing battle against nature.

She suddenly felt him harden in her mouth and knew that he was only minutes away from exploding in her mouth. She felt his hand reaching for her and this time, she gave in and slowly lifted herself up. She kissed him again as his hands ran down her thighs. She felt his fingers find her wet pussy and she let out a soft moan. This was now her turn to moan and gasp. She buried her face in his shoulder as he rubbed her wetness, occasionally letting his fingers get inside her. She bit her lower lip when she felt his fingers on her clit. Soon, he was fingering her hard and fast while he alternated this by rubbing her clitoris, almost to the point of her orgasm.

Taylor pulled his fingers out of her and held her by the waist. She looked down at him as he brought her down, stuffing his cock inside her. She closed her eyes and moaned loudly as she felt him feeling her and filling her up. She breathed hard and fast as he began to slowly work himself in and out of her.

Before she knew it, she was riding his cock, hard and rhythmically. His hands cupped her breasts as she rode him. His thrusts got harder and more persistent as she felt her vagina tightening around his cock. She screamed out loud as she felt herself exploding around his cock, her cum dripping out of her pussy and onto his thigh. She was still recovering when she felt him pulsating inside her, causing yet another orgasm to rip through her.

Desiree collapsed on him, breathing hard as he ran his hand up and down her back.

“Now that’s a great way to celebrate,” she said in a whisper. He laughed and planted a kiss on her forehead.

Oh yeah. We need to have more good news in our lives,” he said with a smile. She pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. “What?” he asked.

The divorce. You hurried things up because I asked?” she asked. Taylor nodded.

I never want you to feel like you are in second place. You are the only woman for me, now and forever,” he said. Desiree smiled and brought her head down to kiss him. She had never felt more special than she did right there and then. She’d had her share of bad men in her life but this time, she had definitely reined in a good one. She felt his cock getting hard again.

Someone’s ready for round two already,” she said with a smile. Taylor wrapped an arm around her waist and flipped her around so that she could be under him. He thrust hard into her, making her moan out loud and then did it again.

Round two and three,” he said as he kissed her passionately. She wrapped her arms around him as she felt him probing into her, happy to be in his arms and in his life.

The End...
For Now!

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More Books By J A Fielding

My White Hero past is the third in the 'Ex White Soldier' series. Other parts can be found here:

Part 1: '
My White Ex Soldier
(A 'black woman white man' romance).

2: '
My Ex White Soldier's Past
'black woman white man' romance).

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