Read My Werewolf Professor Online

Authors: Marian Tee

My Werewolf Professor (3 page)

BOOK: My Werewolf Professor
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“And will you do what I want so I’ll fuck you hard and long?”

.” She nearly sobbed the word out, so turned on by the way the usually gentle professor had turned into such a dominating alpha.

He bit her lip. “Good girl.” And then without warning, he stepped back and released Kassia, his gaze hooded as he met her confused eyes.

Kassia blinked, unsure of why they had stopped kissing. And just when it was getting to the really good part!

Alessandro’s lips met in a straight line as he struggled to suppress a smile. It was too easy to know what his student was thinking, the way she was looking at him with acute frustration painted on her face.

A frown started to mar her forehead, and by now Alessandro could see that she was wondering – really wondering – if she had perhaps dreamt it all up. If what happened really happened, and that she was earnestly questioning her sanity did it for him.

Kassia almost gasped when she saw a smile curving on the professor’s cruelly beautiful lips. Seeing it made her want to cry. She had never seen him smile like that before, and because it was so, she became even more convinced she might just have dreamed everything up.

The smile was dark and sexy, like a glimpse of all the forbidden pleasures he could secretly offer. It was definitely not the kind of smile that the Professor Alessandro Moretti she knew could offer, not when he was always so soft-spoken, gentle, and well-mannered.      

That smile made it seem like the professor she knew was but a façade, and the real man behind the gentleman’s mask was the kind who would make her feel pleasure from being hurt.

It was very embarrassing, but Kassia’s sex actually throbbed hard at that smile.

“Say it again, Kassia. I want you to say over and over that you want me to fuck you so much you’ll do anything so you won’t forget it.”

“I won’t forget!”

Again, he almost smiled, her fervent tone amusing but also too damn sexy for his cock to bear. He said huskily, “Say it anyway.”

Her blush was winsome, her tone just as husky as she said, “I’ll do anything for you to fuck me, Professor.”

“Do you mean it?”

She gazed at him in helpless desire. How could he even doubt it? “Yes,” she said simply and, unable to stop herself, she reached out to him.

Alessandro captured her hand before she could touch any part of him. He brought her hand close to his lips as he murmured, “Then you will need to work hard for it.”

Kassia blinked rapidly at the last words.
? And then she was even more confused when the professor dropped her hand so suddenly as if it was poisoned.

“Midterms are just days away.” His tone had also changed from seductive to businesslike, which only added to her bewilderment. Maybe…maybe she really had dreamt up everything?

Alessandro noticed the blank look in his student’s eyes and almost sighed in exasperation. “You
know midterms are days away, don’t you, Kassia?”

“Umm…” Kassia winced when the professor gave her a killing glare.

“Yes, Kassia, midterms
just days away.” He crossed his arms against his chest. “I want you to study very hard for those tests. I want to hear that you’ve passed those two subjects you’re in danger of failing, and then we’ll see about continuing this.” Suppressing a smile at the dazed look on Kassia’s face, Alessandro walked back to the door and gestured for her to follow. Giving her his usual fake nice smile, he said politely, “It was nice talking to you, Kassia.”

Kassia was in a daze. The professor was now back to his normal gentle self, but was that the
Alessandro Moretti?

A look at his brilliant green eyes told her no, that was
the real Alessandro Moretti. The professor was a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and none of them had ever realized it. Her mind was still grappling to get a handle on the truth when the professor unceremoniously ushered her towards the door. He opened it for her. “Goodbye, Kassia.”

The words had her stepping out of his office.

The professor shut the door in her face.

And that was that
, Kassia thought. She walked away aimlessly, questioning herself about what just happened, when her phone buzzed in her dress’ pocket. Pulling it out, she saw that an unread message from an undisclosed number was on her screen. Kassia tapped the screen to read the message—

Her jaw dropped.

Do well on your tests so I can fuck you the way we both want me to.

Kassia stumbled to a stop, having to squeeze her thighs together in a futile way to keep herself from getting wet. But it was too late. She only had to think about the professor saying the F-word – the professor whispering “fuck” in that husky, wicked way of his, and she got even wetter, embarrassingly and excitingly so.

A wolf indeed,
Kassia thought with a shudder that wasn’t exactly born out of unpleasantness.

Months ago, she had fallen head over heels at first sight with the gentle side of Alessandro Moretti, a side everyone in school had also been treated to. But this wild, almost sadistic and dominant side of him? Kassia was drawn to it like a moth to a flame, and she didn’t even mind if the passion between them would be so explosively hot it would end up reducing her into ashes.


Kassia had seen him. Alessandro knew the very moment her eyes touched him, and he more than heard the gasp that rose out of her throat when she saw the woman next to him. He could feel her jealousy, but more than that, he could feel her pain.

He had thought it would be fun to know how she would react at seeing him with another woman, but he was wrong. What pained her surprisingly hurt him as well, a fact that unnerved him and one he knew he would brood about later endlessly.

But for now…

Wanting to undo the hurt he had needlessly caused Kassia, Alessandro quickly extricated his arm from Melissa’s hold, which she had so slyly captured when she suddenly appeared at his side and fell into step with him.

His fellow teacher was a lovely woman, with clouds of dark brown hair and expressive dark eyes. She was smart and confident, with the kind of allure that one would normally not expect from a woman who taught Chemistry for a living.

She knew what she wanted and went for it. Right now, he was what she wanted, and Alessandro knew he could have her in his bed anytime he desired. However, it was a tiny curvy redhead he wanted under him. Just the thought of having Kassia under him, legs splayed open for him to fuck to his heart’s content, had Alessandro hard, and he knew he had to leave right away before Melissa started assuming his erection was for her.

He coughed to draw Melissa’s attention and when she turned to him, he murmured, “I’m afraid I have to dash, Professor. I have a meeting with a student regarding supplementary lessons.” A lie, but a necessary one to spare the other woman from the knowledge that Alessandro wanted nothing to do with her.

“Of course. Hope I can run into you again next time,” she said gaily.

As he walked away, Alessandro couldn’t help but turn to look up at the second floor corridors, where he had first felt Kassia’s gaze on him.

She was no longer looking at him. Leaning against the wall, Kassia was talking to her friend, but the stiff and almost-defensive posture of her back told Alessandro that she had seen more than enough.

Alessandro had an insane urge to run up to Kassia and comfort her with his touch, to assure her —

His mouth tightened, and he quickened his stride, as if by doing so he could leave the strange feelings that the mere thought of Kassia evoked. She had always amused and exasperated him, the way she never seemed to care about her work in school except when it was something that stimulated her highly creative mind. He had been attracted to her, but it was something he could have easily dismissed if not for her visit to his office, her bold declaration of her feelings, and the unmistakable scent of her arousal.

This was bad
, Alessandro thought. If he let this continue, he could end up like his older brother Domenico, a broken man since his wife had left him. It had been almost two years since his wife had disappeared, but the change in his future alpha still appalled Alessandro. Worse, it sickened and shamed Alessandro even though he would never admit it to anyone, not even to his twin, whom he was closest to.

Domenico had once been the strongest and proudest man Alessandro knew, someone he looked up to. Yet love had destroyed Domenico, and Alessandro would be damned if he let it destroy him, too. He wouldn’t let it happen, not even if it meant he would have to hurt Kassia instead.


“You can relax now,” Ellie, Kassia’s best friend from childhood, said under her breath. “They’re gone.”

Kassia managed a smile. “Thanks.” It had hurt, seeing the professor acting so friendly with another woman. It felt like her heart was breaking the whole time she had seen them together, forcing her to turn away. If she stared at them any longer, she was afraid she would end up crying on the spot.

Her friend added reassuringly, “They went their separate ways, too.”

Kassia’s smile became more genuine. “Honest?”

Ellie nodded. A small curvy brunette, shyness was the one major thing she and Kassia had in common. Other than that, their interests lay in opposite directions, with Kassia hating to study, for instance, while Ellie was in love with it.

Kassia said slowly, “I haven’t heard any rumors about X dating her. Have you?” X was their code name for the professor, something Ellie came up with because the language professor was pretty much like an unknown factor in algebra.

Ellie shook her head. “But even if they’re not dating, you do know she’s not your toughest competition, right? He’s a
Kas. He’s from one of the richest families in the world. His kind dates actresses and supermodels.”

Kassia stubbornly shook her head back. “Believe me, they’re
my competition. He’s too levelheaded to be serious about airheads. I’m telling you, if there’s anyone who could be my rival, it’s

“Y,” Ellie said decisively, her math major side kicking in.

“Right. Y. I’m scared of Y. She gets to spend a lot of time with him, and obviously she’s no idiot. If they spend too much time together, it’s possible that he’d eventually develop feelings for her—”

“Then do something. If you can’t figure out an equation, you need to try different formulas.”


Later in the day, Alessandro made his way to the library, which – according to the student he asked – was where she had last seen Kassia. Since she had seen him with the female professor this morning, she had been avoiding him conspicuously. He knew it was so because normally, she was
he went.

In the four months she had been his student, she had been like a shy but lovesick puppy, following him from afar. At lunch, she would choose the one table at the cafeteria that was across the faculty’s section, which allowed her a glimpse of him eating. And every time he was teaching a class, she would dash to wherever he was just so she could peek at him through the back door’s peep glass.

When he entered the library, he expected Kassia to be alone and perhaps sulking or crying in the corner. But instead, he heard her talking – to another man.

The wolf in him bristled, and he almost bared his fangs in possessive rage. Even though Kassia and the boy she was talking to were at the farthest side of the library, his extraordinary sense of hearing – a Lyccan gift – allowed him to hear them just fine.

Alessandro slowly walked to the nearest vacant table, sat down, and listened. He would give them a chance. He would listen and decide for himself if he would allow the boy to live despite talking to someone who was his.

It didn’t matter that Kassia didn’t really belong to him, didn’t matter that it was wrong for him to claim an innocent like her.

The moment she had come into his office and told him she wanted him, her fate had been sealed.

“Please stop following me.” Kassia was pleading.

“Then just say you’ll go out with me.” Alessandro finally recognized the voice. It was Jacob, another one of his students in his Beginner Italian class. One of the most popular players in the university’s football team, good-looking, charming, and with decent grades.

BOOK: My Werewolf Professor
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