My Stepbrother's Rules: The Complete Series (Steamy Stepbrother Romance) (10 page)

BOOK: My Stepbrother's Rules: The Complete Series (Steamy Stepbrother Romance)
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The room was cold. A chill racked my body. I stood completely exposed before Alex; I was his for the taking.

Rough leather brushed against my skin. At first, I thought it was a riding crop, but as it closed in around my neck, I realized it was a collar. A heavy chain hung from the front of it. I felt it lift and knew that Alex was holding it.

“On your knees,” he ordered.

I dropped down a bit too roughly. Pain shot through my knees. I was excited and on edge. I needed Alex to take control.

He pulled the collar and I lurched forward onto all-fours. Alex’s fingers were in my hair, twisting it in his fist. He pulled my neck back.

“Are you going to be a good, obedient girl, or am I going to have to punish you?”

I wanted to be punished so badly I could practically taste it, but asking for punishment made the game less exciting. I had to defy him.

“I’ll be good,” I said, intentionally leaving out the obligatory, ‘Yes, sir.’

A belt cracked against my backside. My provocation had worked. I smiled slyly.

“You think it’s funny?” he asked.

“No,” I said, again omitting the, ‘sir.’

His belt found me twice more. The leather was rough and worn; it left a stinging, bite. I sighed with deep pleasure.

“No more, please,” I said, feigning indignation. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

I couldn’t keep the smile from my face. I had a hard time playing the part of hapless victim. The hunger I felt for the lash was impossible to hide. He struck me three more times.

,” he said once the whipping had stopped.

“Yes, sir.”

I was breathless; the words came out weak. My throat was already raw from crying out and we’d only just started.

Alex pulled my leash, leading me to the other side of the room. Unable to see, I followed him blindly. It was slow going. The floor was cold and hard; my knees scraped across it painfully.

Finally, we came to a stop. I heard a drawer open, then a faint hum. Suddenly, Alex was behind me, pulling my leash tight. My head jerked up. I could feel his hot breath on my neck.

“When you defy your Master, you get punished,” he said. “Do you understand me?”

Before I could answer, a large vibrator was pressed between my legs. Alex moved it over my pussy forcefully. My hips started to sway uncontrollably.

“Do you understand me?” he said again.

“Yes, sir,” I spat out the words quickly in between my cries of pleasure.

“You’re a good pet, aren’t you?” he said.

I didn’t respond, or more accurately couldn’t. My body writhed as the vibrator pressed against my clit. The humming stopped and the vibrator moved away. I was trembling and breathing hard when I felt the ropes snake around my hips. They were made of a rough twine that cut into my skin, rubbing it raw.

Somehow, Alex kept one hand on the leash while tying me up. The rope crisscrossed across my back and between my legs. I could feel an intricate pattern emerging. I desperately wanted to take off my blindfold and see it, but I knew this was not what Alex wanted.

As Alex wove his rope design around me, I couldn’t help feeling like a fly trapped in a spider web.

With a final pass between my legs, he tied off the ropes. A large knot rested on top of my clit. I tensed my muscles; the knot hit my g-spot perfectly. I gritted my teeth and groaned through the strange mixture of pleasure and pain radiating between my legs.

The leash fell slack. Alex’s hands gripped my hips. I arched my back and waited. Sweat broke out on my forehead. I wanted to feel him inside me so badly that I’d bitten my lip. I could taste blood on my tongue.

Alex picked up the leash and pulled my head back; his hand was between my legs, pressing the knot into my g-spot. I could feel his hard cock pushing against my backside. I was panting and writhing like a starved animal.

“Fuck me,” I begged.

He pulled my hair.

“You want to get fucked like a whore,” he said.

It wasn’t a question, but I responded with a strained, “Yes, sir.”

Suddenly his cock was inside me. The ropes dug into my back and thighs. Every time he drove his cock into me my body was pushed forward, causing the ropes to tighten. The coarse material burned my skin with every thrust.

With one hand he held my leash; with the other, he spanked me. I was blind to his presence. Not being able to see enhanced the bite of every sensation. My pussy pulsed with the force of his thrusts; warmth radiated through my breasts and between my legs. The competing sensations were overwhelming. If not for Alex’s firm hand, I don’t think I could have handled it.

He dropped my leash and focused on fucking me. He pumped into me quickly. I leaned into him, challenging him to fuck me harder. He didn’t need an invitation; his body rocked against mine, harder and harder until we both reached our breaking point.

We came together.

I nearly fell over from exhaustion. Alex wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. I leaned against him while trying to catch my breath. He pulled on one of the rope’s knots. It fell away from my body, slack.

Alex then removed my blindfold. The first thing I saw was the red marks cutting across my skin. I traced the grooves with my fingers. Alex took my hand. Our eyes met; suddenly his mouth was on mine and we were falling into the darkness together.






Alex insisted I stay with him. He said he was worried for my safety, but I think he liked having me around. Living in his penthouse was certainly an upgrade from my previous living arrangements. Of course, I’d faced the awkwardness of explaining to my mother where I was moving to.

Alex had simply said, “She’s staying with me for a while.”

She’d nodded absently as if bored with the conversation. She’d never been very involved in my life and I doubted she planned on taking an interest anytime soon. In a way, it was a relief. I didn’t want to be judged for my relationship with Alex. He kept assuring me there was nothing to be concerned about, but as my story went to press I worried.

In my final story, I didn’t completely leave out my dalliance at the mansion. I glossed over a lot of the details while still heavily implying prostitution was a staple of these gatherings. It was the only compromise that pleased both my editor and Alex.

The day my piece was published I refused to leave Alex’s penthouse. Finally, he coaxed me into reading the comment section in the online edition. It had more comments than any article the newspaper had ever published.

Many of them were judgmental and cruel, but the majority was positive. People wanted to know more. This was both a blessing and a curse. My article was a hit, but the readers wanted more details.

I’d promise Alex I’d never go back to the club. I thought of his own private red room in his penthouse. There was still much to learn. Luckily, I had a Dom willing to teach me.






A week after my article was published Alex received a phone call from Mr. Hirst. He wanted to speak with the both of us immediately. Alex tried to downplay it as nothing, but I was scared.

We drove, not to the mansion, but to an office building downtown. Mr. Hirst’s agency was on the fifteenth floor of a skyscraper right in the middle of the financial district. I was a bit surprised, though it became obvious that his office was a front for his other work.

A secretary saw us in and shut the door behind her. Alex was dressed in a well-tailored, expensive looking suit. I couldn’t help enjoying the way it hugged his muscles and strong thighs. It was a welcome distraction from the imposing figure of Mr. Hirst. He entered the room with a stack of papers in his hands. He was looking over them when he sat down at his desk. He barely even considered us. It was like we weren’t even in the room.

It was then I noticed a newspaper tucked in between the reams of paper. I swallowed hard. I knew he’d read the article. He was on top of everything; it was only a matter of time before he read it.

“I instructed you not to discuss anything you’d seen at the party,” he said, fixing his unblinking eyes on me.

“I was very careful to leave your clients out of it. I only covered the atmosphere and some of my own experiences,” I said with a shaky voice.

“Indeed; you were very slippery. You danced around the topic with ease.”

I wasn’t sure how easy it had been. I’d re-written my final draft a hundred times before turning it over to my editor. He wasn’t thrilled with the final product. He wanted it to be juicier. I tried to convince I hadn’t found any evidence of political involvement but he didn’t believe me. The final draft heavily implied prostitution was a staple of the parties without delving into specifics.

“Her editor meddled quite a bit in the final draft,” Alex explained, smoothly. “There was nothing she could do.”

Mr. Hirst’s eyes were still firmly on me. He didn’t seem to hear Alex at all.

“You will continue to write these articles,” he said.

“No, I’m finished,” I replied, misunderstanding.

“No- I’m telling you: you will continue to write these articles.”

“I don’t understand. I thought you wanted me to stop?”

“Let’s just say your piece has had unexpected effects on my business. We’ve had inquiries from many new, wealthy clients. That, of course, is none of your business and will not be a part of any future pieces you write.”

I nodded my head, vigorously agreeing with him although I didn’t really understand what he was saying.

“Your ban is lifted,” he continued. “I encourage you to attend our weekly parties. You will write pieces on what you experience. I will read, edit and approve them first; then you may pass them onto your newspaper for publication.”

“You want me to start regularly covering your parties?”

“Yes. Is that a problem for you?”

His question implied that if I answered yes, I’d have an even bigger problem on my hands.

“No,” I said sheepishly.

“Excellent.” He turned to Alex. “There has been chatter about your affair with your sister.”

“Stepsister,” I said.

sister,” Mr. Hirst corrected. “You’ll be happy to know I have quashed those rumors, though it proved difficult. Am I to understand that you are in love?”

He asked the question casually as if it was all business.

“Yes,” Alex replied.

My face flushed. It was the first time either of us had acknowledged our feelings out loud. Alex loved me. It felt surreal.

“And you?” Mr. Hirst asked.

“Yes,” I said.

My voice was bit too enthusiastic. I sounded like a smitten schoolgirl.

“Pity,” Mr. Hirst said. “This adds a layer of complication. It’s much easier to squash these rumors if the two of you are merely having an affair. If you insist on being in a relationship it will make your reputation harder to salvage. Though, I suspect people will get over it eventually.”

Were people already talking? To hell with them. Alex was all that mattered to me.

“I assume the two of you will be attending the parties together?”

“Yes,” Alex replied.

“Good. Be sure to keep her out of trouble.”

It wasn’t my fault trouble found me. I didn’t need a babysitter, though I was excited to explore the parties with Alex.

“I expect to see your next story on my desk by Monday morning,” he said. “I wish you well.”

I took that as our cue to exit. Alex rose, thanked Mr. Hirst for his time and led me to the door. I was eager to leave, but relieved that we were back in his good graces. A huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

As we exited the building, Alex turned to me and smiled.

“I thought you didn’t want me to return to the parties?” I asked.

“I don’t want you to do it alone. As long as you’re with me, well…”

“Well, what? I’m in for a good time?” I teased. “Don’t get cocky.”

“Cocky? I’m just telling you the facts.”

“Oh? That you’re the best Dom around?”

He shrugged. “It’s a title I wear with grace and humility,” he joked.

I laughed. “How much more is there to do at the parties? I mean, what else is there for me to write about?”

Now it was Alex’s turn to laugh. “Just you wait. We haven’t scratched the surface.”

He took my hand and led me down the street. There would be more parties to come and most importantly: Alex was mine.

We walked off towards his penthouse laughing and plotting. What was to come at the mansion? What did Mr. Hirst have in store for us? It didn’t matter as long as I had Alex by my side.



The End


BOOK: My Stepbrother's Rules: The Complete Series (Steamy Stepbrother Romance)
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