My Soul to Keep (The Soul Keeper Series - Young Adult Paranormal Romance) (28 page)

BOOK: My Soul to Keep (The Soul Keeper Series - Young Adult Paranormal Romance)
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“So are
there any other deep dark secrets in your closet?”

I have told you everything. If my character is flawed then it is no surprise
after what I have been through in my life. I am in therapy after all.”

“Bren, no
I don't think you’re flawed. I think you're perfect just the way you are. I
just want to know you, like really know you, because I love you.”

well you like stories, here is one for you. In San Diego my mother had flown in
to visit me for Spring Break. It was soon after the divorce and I think they
were still trying to reconcile. I was young, probably about five or six and she
took me to this pool in the hotel where she was staying at to go swimming. I
was swimming around with my little water wings on and doing whatever little
kids do in the pool and my mom started flirting with some random guy at the
hotel room. A couple hours later she got invited up to his room. And she
dragged me up there. I remember sitting on the sofa drinking a root beer all by
myself in a stranger's hotel room, while she was doing God knows what in
another room. I was scared but I didn't say anything. I mean I hadn't seen my
mother in months and so naturally I was afraid to upset her. So when you talk
about your mom and your sweet little sisters, just know that my life was very
different from yours growing up.”

“So you
weren't close with your mom and then you find out she was never even your real
mother?” I nod and kick a rock. The view from the top to the mountain is
gorgeous. I pull out my phone and draw Sam in to my side as I snap a picture of
the two of us with the Appalachian

take one of me, so that I have proof for my dad when I get back.” Sam hands me
his phone and I snap a quick shot.

remind me of my mom because she commanded attention the way you do. She walked
into a room and people would take notice. If you would let people get to know
you, you would be the most popular girl in school.”

“No one
notices when I walk into a room and I am nothing like the most popular girl in
school. You put me on this pedestal that I don't deserve to be on. One of these
days I'm going to fall down off of it.”

“And I'll
be there to catch you when you do.” Sam scoops me up in his arms and kisses my
lips. I sigh as he sets me down too soon and we hike back to our camp. “And yes
Bren, everyone takes notice when you enter a room. Yours was the first face I
saw when I walked into first period that day.
You captured my heart the moment your green eyes glanced my way.”

builds the fire and I pull down the tailgate to his truck and make us a couple
of grilled cheese sandwiches and some tomato soup on the propane stove. I bring
Sam a big steamy bowl and we eat by the fire.

“Oh Bren
this hit's the spot, it takes me back to when I was a kid, this was my favorite

“Yes, I
love a good hot soup when it's cold out.”

“And you
brought stuff to make S'mores right?” I nod. I swear he is like a little kid
sometimes. The night has set and the camp has come to life with the sounds of
the mountains. I hear an owl hooting and something scampering in the tree
nearby. A yawn escapes my mouth.

“I can
make us some coffee if you want,” Sam offers.

please keep the warm liquids coming.” He clangs around over by his truck
quieting down the wildlife with his good intentions, returning a few minutes
later with a cup of hot coffee and a bag of marshmallows. He hands me one on a
stick. He sets down a plate of graham crackers and chocolate pieces.

He sits
next to me on a large overturned log, and we twirl our sticks in the fire. It's
nice just the two of us out here, listening to the pop and crackle of the fire.
I kiss his cheek.

really know how to treat a girl right.”

“I'm glad
you think so. I think it’s more about knowing you're the right girl to treat.”
He looks at me with such loving eyes I can't help but reciprocate. That night
in the tent Sam is the perfect gentleman, keeping to his side of the air
mattress but by morning he is curled up around me like a cat. We are warm under
our blanket and having him entangled in my limbs like a sailor’s knot is even
warmer. I squeeze his body closer and bury my cold nose into his chest. I
haven't had the nightmare in months, ever since the night I spent with Elijah.
Maybe because my subconscious found out that he was the stranger on the plane my
mind could finally put it to rest. I fall back to sleep with Sam in my

Chapter 16~

I hang up the phone after confirming tonight’s plans
with Emily. She and half of the student body will be here tonight for a New
Years and Birthday party for me. She has been making the arrangements for weeks
with Sam offering to foot the entire bill.
much does he make off of selling a horse anyway?
I wonder if they are from
old money, but I don't dare ask. I will probably never get used to this luxury
home. Growing up I wasn't poor, but my dad was frugal to put it mildly. I was
never spoiled. He only bought me what I needed, and if it was something I
wanted, then I had to save my allowance to get it. After moving here with Grandma
she was all about spoiling her only grandchild, she claimed that it gave her an
immense amount of joy.

Sam has been on his cell all morning and I have been
trying to stick by his side because until I hear otherwise, I am assuming we
are still under attack. I peek outside and see a large white tent going up on
the beach. This is really too much. I frown at Sam. He gives a sheepish grin.
The weather has warmed the day to a crisp seventy degrees. The doorbell rings
and I get up to answer it. Sam cuts me off while his ear is still pressed to
the phone and drags me back to the arm chair. I roll my eyes and watch him as
he greets who ever has just arrived. He points them in the direction of the
tent and resumes his conversation on the phone.

He closes the door to the bedroom and my growing annoyance
has got me on the move. I walk outside to the driveway and find there are
several vans parked down the entire length of it. I examine their logos as I
make my way down to the mailbox. It looks like we are having a wedding here
tonight, not just my birthday party. I would have preferred just my closest
friends and a small cake. This, this is just pretentious. I find a few colorful
envelopes in my mailbox, probably birthday cards, and one large brown one. It
has no return label on it. I try and slip a finger under the tape to pry it
open but it is too secure. I head in to the kitchen and use the scissors.
Inside I find a small jewelry box and two folded pieces of paper. I open the
top one first and immediately recognize my dad's barely legible handwriting.
The blood drains from my face and I feel my legs suddenly grow weak. I fumble
over to the stool and take a seat, my eyes never leaving the paper.


Birthday angel, I know I can't be there for you on this special day and for
that I am truly sorry. If you are wondering how you got this well, it is
something I do before every deployment. If has found you, then it means that
something has happened to me. Don't worry about me, you know they love me where
ever I am, cause I'm
damn special. Bah! Well
there ya go. I know you have grown into an exceptional young woman and I want
you to know I am proud of you.

is something that I have kept from you and I hope you aren't too angry with me
for not telling you personally but I just never knew how. But you are eighteen
now and you can't be considered a minor in my murder trial, plus I guess I am
already gone, so there ya go. I never could quite grasp the reality of it
myself. Okay, here goes nothing. Remember that I love you and you are my whole
reason for wanting to keep the world a little safer place. Now apparently it is
your turn to save the world.

December 31st I found you wrapped in a soft pink blanket on your grandmother's
back porch. You weren't crying and you were still warm and cozy in your basket.
I was sure I was looking at an angel. I had never seen a child so new or one so
small. I picked you up carefully and you stared into my eyes like you knew that
I was your daddy. Those green eyes of yours held me captive for quite a while.
Inside your basket there was a note and a small platinum charm. After reading
it I knew that I had to keep it a secret. I am so sorry I had to keep the truth
from you for all of these years. Go ahead and read it now, I know you and you
are dying to. You can come back to me when you’re done. I’ll still be here…

He does know me well. I open the box and find the
angel wings; the charm feels much heavier than it looks. It is very pretty. I
hold the folded paper in my hand. Although I am virtually surrounded with a
bustling crew I feel all alone in the world at this very moment. My heart is
beating fanatically in my chest and it is the only sound I can hear. I can't
read this here. I cut across my yard and down to the beach. I hope Sam doesn't
come looking for me for the moment or this could be one very tragic birthday. I
pass the tent, now fully erect and being filled with things like a dance floor
and numerous round tables. It really could hold a large wedding reception. The
paper in my hands feels like it is of high quality and worn from time.
I take a seat on the sand and look out to the
sea. A large wind almost rips the note from my hand and my knuckles are white before
I feel safe enough to loosen my grip. I peel open the aged paper. The note is
written in an elegant script. This is my mother’s handwriting. I notice the
similarity to my own hand writing and find the resemblance amazing.



is our daughter Brennen Elizabeth.
is an amazing child, she has your heart and you have mine. I have loved only
you in this world, and now I have to leave it. It is with great regret that I
cannot stay and love the two of you. I hope that life affords you love and
happiness and if it doesn't, I know that Brennen will. When you look into her
emerald eyes, that match my own, remind yourself of our love dear.

is no ordinary child. I need you to keep this in your heart and never tell
anyone of it. She is only half human. She has the soul of an Angel. When she turns
of age, give her the charm and it will act as a talisman. It will help her to
see who she really is, and it will help her to access her gift. Brennen was
created to help us save the world. You are a protector William, a great warrior
in your world, and now I need you to protect our dear child from a world that
will try to corrupt and destroy her. I have complete faith in you as always.

Please, when the time is right, tell Brennen that I love her.



My mother was an Angel. I repeat it over and over in
my head. I take the necklace from the box and with trembling hands I put it on.
It’s cool against my skin. It doesn’t burst into glowing rays of light or even
sparkle. Just when I began to question my birth mother’s sanity, I see the
world in a split view, when I blink the sky turns red and the war is still
raging at my feet. I blink again and I see my gray skied beach, with only a lone
gull soaring in the wind. I blink again and the demons all stop and look at me.
Now they know what I am. The Keepers take the reprieve and slay the lot of
them. Will swoops down and stands in front of me. His wings fluff reflexively,
like a bird quelling the water from its down.

“Welcome Brennen.” I rub my eyes trying to adjust to
the two scenes flashing back and forth. It is very disorienting. “Don't worry
we will teach you how to use the talisman. For now just focus on the realm you
want to be in. When you are here you will still appear in your world but you
will look like you are staring off into a daze.”

“Did you know about, you know, what I am?”

“Yes, I knew your mother.”

“Is she here? Can I see her?” He shakes his head and
his wings partially extend. He sees I am curious about his wings. He turns
around and fully extends them. I reach out and touch the feathers. They feel
strong and soft at the same time. They come right out of his skin and look like
very natural part of his body. “What happened to her?”

“She is a Seraphim Angel, they live in Paradise,” he
says it like it's something that is common knowledge in my world.

, and you are a
Keeper, two different things?” He nods.

“Very. Cherubim are known as Warriors, Guardians or
Soul Keepers.” He starts to walk back to my house at a leisurely pace. I stay
by his side, eager for more information.

BOOK: My Soul to Keep (The Soul Keeper Series - Young Adult Paranormal Romance)
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