My Soul to Keep (6 page)

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Authors: Carolyn McCray

BOOK: My Soul to Keep
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But this is looking more and more like a poisoning, though?” Glick asked.

Ruben nodded.
“The ME is going to have a hell of a time tracking it down, though. If it isn’t in our basic screen, he then needs to go down each and every cause individually.”

But my point is that the killing blow wasn’t delivered at the time of death,” Glick said. “It could have been spoon-fed to her hours or days before.”

That’s correct,” Nicole said. “And poison is a woman’s weapon, but the molester is clearly a male.”

Get back to the ‘Stepford’ house. There’s got to be something going on there that wasn’t obvious on the surface.”

Better yet, I think we need to bring them in,” Ruben said. Put some pressure on them.”

Plus he just liked having them under his control. Having everything recorded for future reference and as evidence. Something a suspect tells you in their living room seldom held up in court.

Nicole shook her head. “I think it would be better in the home. Their guard will be down there.”

Ruben clenched his teeth. That was Kent talking through Nicole.


I agree with Torres. Get them in here.”

lowered her head in acceptance, but Ruben knew that she chafed at the captain overriding her. However, she would never outwardly register that complaint.

Maybe through sheer time and effort they could retrain Nicole to think
like a cop, rather than a rather inflated ego profiler.

* * *

Nicole knew the game being played here. Ruben and Glick were on the same page regarding by-the-book police work. They didn’t like it when she went off the reservation, even if it got results.

Her phone vibrated. She glanced to the screen. It was Kent.
She had been feeding him the information as it filtered in. “The kids are your way in.”

Fine, we’ll bring them in,” Nicole said. Two could play at this game. “But I want us to be the ones to pick them up at their home.”

shrugged as Glick nodded. “Fine. Just be sure to get all of the interviews on tape, though.”

It didn
’t take them long to get to the Ashes’ home. Not when she made every light between the station and their destination. Nicole walked into the Ashes’ home. It smelled of grief. The dishes were unwashed, laundry was lying about. Clearly, no one in the house had showered since they heard the news. It did not result in a pleasant smell.

I’m not sure why we need to go to the station,” Mr. Ash stated. “We’ve told you everything we know.”

It’s just routine,” Nicole said. “We need to know as much about Megan as possible, and you knew her best.

Well it is a good thing we already had a babysitter lined up to go look at caskets,” Mr. Ash stated, handing a package to the teenage girl. “Run these up to the boys. Johnny said they needed batteries for their Gameboy.”

The girl took the package and headed up the stairs. Mrs. Ash came from the kitchen, her eyes swollen and the skin under them looking nearly bruised.
“We won’t be long? I want to get the boys to bed early tonight.”

No longer than an hour or so,” Ruben explained.

An upstairs door opened and a young boy
’s voice called out. “Thanks, ‘D!’ You’re a life saver.”

Both Nicole and Ruben
’s necks snapped around as Mr. Ash smiled and yelled back. “No problem.”

D?” Nicole asked.

Seeming not to know the hole he was digging himself in, Mr. Ash nodded.
“It’s the kid’s nickname for me.”

Ruben looked to Mrs. Ash.
“We might be a little longer than I first guessed.”

* * *

Ruben sat with his chair pushed back and his hands crossed over his mid-drift, glaring at Mr. Ash. Nicole stood behind the man, her turn to be the pressure point.

I don’t… I don’t understand why you would accuse me of such horrible things.”

They had tried to break him with verbal pressure alone. The father had been adamant he hadn
’t done anything wrong. They usually were.

Ruben pulled out the diary from an evidence bag.
“Then explain this.”

Mr. Ash put a hand out to look at it, then drew back. He didn
’t want to see what was in there. Ruben shoved it to him, clicking open the metal lock. He split the cover to open the diary up to a page.

You say you didn’t hurt your daughter? How about you read that page, then tell me how innocent you are.”

The man
’s eyes scanned the page. His face screwed up, distorting his features, and then his eyes filled with tears which splashed down on the page. Nicole leaned over him.

Well? What do you have to say now?”

I don’t believe it,” Mr. Ash said, shoving the diary away. “We loved each other.”

* * *

“Define ‘loved’ for me,” Nicole asked.

The man
’s stance changed from sorrow to fury. “We shared everything!” he shouted.

Define ‘
,’” Nicole pressed.

But she wanted me to do it. She enjoyed it,” Mr. Ash insisted. “These are lies.”

Ruben pushed the diary back at him, flipping through the pages.
“Really? Hundreds of pages in your daughter’s handwriting, talking about how violated she felt. How you marred her?”

A father is supposed to teach his daughter things,” Mr. Ash tried to explain. “How to ride her first bike. Why not bring her to her first orgasm? You can’t see the beauty in that?”

Nicole pushed off the table. “No. No, I can’t.”

Why did you kill her? Was she going to tell her boyfriend?” Ruben asked.

I didn’t kill her!” Mr. Ash screamed. “I loved her!”

Yeah, we got that,” Nicole said. “But then how did she end up dead?”

I don’t know!” Mr. Ash insisted.

Nicole was going to push
, but a knock came at the door and Captain Glick peeked his head in. “A word.”

* * *

Ruben exited the interrogation room with Nicole.

The wife has lawyered up for both of them,” Glick explained.

Nicole kicked at the floor, scuffing her shoe
. “At least we’ve gotten him admitting to molesting his daughter.”

Not so fast,” Glick said. “She was of age, and without a complainant and with no penetration, that is going to be hard to make stick.”

We’ve got the diary,” Ruben said.

Hearsay,” Glick said. “And no way to authenticate it.”

We can’t let him get away with this,” Nicole said. “He’s a medical laboratory tech. He has access to chemicals and poisons.”

Unless we can put those in his hands, I’m not sure what use that knowledge does us. We are just going to have to wait for the expanded tox screen to come back and to find out what was under her fingernails.”

This should be enough to get DFCS involved. Get those boys out of there.”

Glick nodded.
“Yes, their threshold of involvement only need to be suspicion, it doesn’t require the “shadow of a doubt” standard.”

Ruben breathed a sigh of relief that those poor kids weren
’t going to be in that twisted house any more. “I would like to be there when they are removed from the home.”

Nicole nodded.
“And we’ve got to interview them.”

Don’t you think they’ve been through enough?” Glick asked.

They know something. Kids are so much more perceptive then we give them credit for.”

Just make sure that there is a lawyer and child advocate in the room with you.”

Of course,” Nicole agreed.

Ruben looked through the one
-way glass to Mr. Ash, who had picked up the diary and now clutched it to his chest.

That was one sick bastard.

* * *

Nicole sat on one of the kid
’s chairs as Johnny and Tommy colored in some Hot Wheels pictures. She’d learned from Kent to get down on the kid’s level and not rush them. No matter how she wanted to press, she had to let them come to her.

So you guys like cars, huh?”

I’m going to be a race car driver when I grow up!” Tommy exclaimed.

Not unless you can stop crashing on the Gameboy,” Johnny chastised.

Nicole had to resist the urge to just ask her questions
outright. Usually in an interrogation you went for the jugular, hammering suspects with questions to keep them off balance and make it difficult to remember their lies.

If Kent was right, it turned out that children wanted to tell the truth. You just had to give them the opportunity to do so.

“So your Dad spent a lot of time with Megan?” Nicole asked, trying to keep the subject as non-offensive as she could.

Johnny shrugged
, but he dug his crayon into the paper. “Yeah.”

In her bedroom?” Nicole prompted, needing to get to the bottom of things without scaring them off.

It was Tommy who answered this time
. However, he seemed oblivious to the undercurrents of what he said. “Yeah, it was Father-Daughter stuff.”

Nicole looked to Johnny
, who refused to meet her eye. “Do any of your other friends’ dads spend so much father-daughter time together?”

He just shook his head, still
avoiding eye contact.

Does he spend special father-son time with you two?” Nicole asked.

No!” Johnny barked. “

Okay, okay,” Nicole said, her hands up in retreat. She’d hit a nerve. Which confirmed the fact that Johnny was aware that his father’s attentions were not a good thing, but she couldn’t spook the kids. Who knew what else about the family dynamic he knew?

And what about your Mom? Did she spend any extra time with Megan?”

Tommy snorted.
“Are you kidding me? The Witch do anything fun?”

The Witch?”

That’s what we call Mom, only we usually say ‘W,’” Johnny explained. “She thinks it’s for Juanita.”

But really it’s for witch.” Tommy chuckled at the family joke.

Although it was no joke. Nicole looked through to one
-way glass. Ruben was on the other side. Now they knew the “W” that Megan wanted away from. Rightfully so.

Okay, thanks,” Nicole said. “You’ve been really helpful.” She turned to the children’s guardian. “You can take them now.”

What’s going to happen to Mom and Dad?” Johnny asked.

I’m not sure, but we need to get you somewhere safe until we figure it out.”

Can Aunt Maddie come and get us?” Johnny asked.

The guardian nodded.
“She’s been contacted. She is flying in from New Mexico.”

Nicole to
usled Johnny’s hair. “See, she’ll be here by this afternoon.”

The boy gave a strained grin, but Tommy whooped.
“Yes, that means ice cream sundaes!”

Nicole was glad to see one of them was happy. It was always tough taking kids into custody. You needed to get them out of a dangerous situation
, but foster care could be fraught with its own dangers. Nicole was glad that a family member was coming to get them. Although, with this family tree, Nicole was a bit suspicious of Maddie. Could the sister of the man molesting his own daughter and thinking he was doing her a favor really be completely sane?

But she didn
’t want to dampen Tommy’s enthusiasm and Johnny’s constrained optimism.

I’m sure that can be arranged,” Nicole said, watching them leave with the caregiver.

Ruben opened the door.
“We’ve got our ‘W’ in interrogation room 1.”

Nicole took a deep breath. Inter-family crimes were
, at times, the hardest to prove.

Glick followed Ruben in.
“The lab results just came back. The substance under Megan’s fingernails and on her sheets was prostatic fluid.”

Prostatic what?” Ruben asked.

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