My Rock #7 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #7) (6 page)

BOOK: My Rock #7 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #7)
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She looked down at them, confused. She started to
say something but I ran out on stage then. I wasn’t going to tell her what they
were, or she’d probably just be stubborn enough not to watch them. I left it
all at the curtain and went out on stage and did my thing. It was rock night
and I was doing a Guns N Roses song. I was in my element, rocking out to tens
of thousands of screaming fans. It only made it that much sweeter to know that
in a few hours, Elly would be watching the tapes.




I stood there holding two DVD’s in my hand and wondering
what the hell Tristan was up to as I watched him own the stage. He was so
damned amazing out there. Sometimes I wished he sucked up there as bad as he
did in personal relationships, then maybe it would be easier to walk away from
him when all of this was over. I was sure that’s what I needed to do…for my own
sanity. It wasn’t something I had a good history of doing. I usually stayed
until every ounce of feeling I had for the guy was used up, wasted on the shit
he put me through. I looked down at the DVD’s again. They were marked on the
outside with a date and time…four nights prior. That was the night I caught him
with Brooke. Even more curious then, I opened the case and the inside said,
“Surveillance, Bus 2014.” That was the tour’s name for Tristan’s bus.

Son of a bitch! This was the security tape from outside
his bus. I looked back out onto the stage. He was killing it that night, spot
on perfect. The women in the audience were going crazy and, as usual, throwing
him their undergarments. I suddenly realized that if the tape I had in my hand
proved what I thought it must…I’d have to get used to women throwing themselves
at him. I doubted seriously that he would have given me them if they didn’t
clear him of my accusations. I sure hoped that was the case. I’d much rather
hate Brooke than Tristan. I would have to learn to trust him, though. I tucked
the DVD’s into my pocket and watched the end of the show. He had a VIP meet and
greet afterwards; some sixteen year old girl who’d won a contest. I watched for
a minute while he schmoozed her and her mother with his charms. He was
something else, that’s for sure. Shaking my head, I headed out to help clean

Tammy and I worked in the singer’s room first. Tammy
asked me about Cole, she’d seen him and me at the fair the day before. As we
cleaned, I told her what happened with him and about Tristan stalking us. She laughed,
and then apologized for laughing. Then, she laughed again. Finally she said,
“You told me the other night that you didn’t think he really ever cared about
you; don’t you think he must or it wouldn’t have bothered him to see you with

“I don’t know. He’s got a big ego. Maybe that’s
what’s wounded and not his heart.” I told her. I didn’t like the thought of him
being hurt, but after what he’d put me through, I told myself that he probably
deserved a little bit of what he was dishing out. Then I patted my pocket where
the DVD’s were and wondered how bad I was going to feel about that thought if
it turned out he was telling the truth.

After we finished cleaning up, the girls invited me
out to get something to eat. I declined, wanting some time alone to watch the
tape. Hannah offered to stay back with me, but I encouraged her to go and asked
her to bring me some take-out. As soon as everyone left, I stuck it into my
laptop and watched. The tape started early that morning so I fast-forwarded
until I saw Brooke show up and knock on the bus door. A few minutes later, I
saw Tristan answer it in a towel. I couldn’t see his facial expression because
the camera was too far away. I saw him let her in though, and then that was it
until I showed up. That didn’t prove a damned thing other than what I already
knew. She’d gone over in her robe, whether that was to seduce him or not, he
should have kicked her out. If this was all there was to it, this wasn’t going
to help him at all. I watched it all the way through, though, knowing that he
must have had a reason for wanting me to see it. I saw myself go inside and
then run out crying and stand there like a fool in the front of the bus.
Then a while later, Tristan went out in a pair of pajama bottoms
and then came back with security.
I finished watching it and I took a
lot of pleasure in watching security carry her out kicking and screaming. She
looked like a naked maniac.
If America could see her then.
That part made me happy, but none of it proved anything. Confused, I took it
out and popped the next one in. I was surprised at what I saw on that one.

I’ll be damned
they didn’t have a camera inside his bus, too! I thought about how he must have
felt about that when he found out. I could almost hear him ranting about how
the motherfuckers were violating his privacy. I smiled at the thought and went
on watching.

I saw Brooke hand him the beer. The camera was
closer inside the bus, so I could see the look on his face. He didn’t look like
a guy who had been expecting her…or was happy that she was there. I saw him
turn around to put the beer on the counter and that was when the stupid, skanky
bitch dropped her robe. When he turned back around, his face didn’t look happy
at all. He actually looked pissed. He was pointing at the robe and then the
door as he talked to her. I didn’t need audio to know he was cussing. Against
my better judgment I looked at her body and thought, if he was telling her to
get out while she was standing there looking like that…shit, I was so fucking
wrong. He was more than just faithful to me, he was ready for sainthood.

He did have a hard on, but I really couldn’t fault
him for biology, could I? Hannah had said, it: “He’s a man, after all.” Everything
happened fast, then. I think he sat down to hide the tent and again, I couldn’t
help but feel proud of him, and guilty as hell for doubting him. Then he
pointed at the robe again while he was talking. She bent down...that nasty ho!
Her ass was in his face and then the next frame shows her dropping it onto his
lap and him trying to push her back while she tried to kiss him and rubbed her
tits all over him. I saw red after that as I watched me come and go and then
Tristan get dressed while the naked slut just sat there. They had words again
before he left. While he was gone, she sat there, smiling. She was really a
whack job. I watched security come in with Tristan and I saw him step on her
robe. I laughed aloud at that; good job! I reveled in watching security toss
her out, kicking and screaming and I suddenly wished that I had pulled the
bitch’s extensions out of her head that night. I looked at the clock: it was
after midnight. I didn’t give a
I was having
this out with her right then even if security ended up having to haul me away.

Brooke shared a bus with Rosa. I found my way across
the lot and when I found her bus, I banged on the door. Rosa answered it. Trying
to keep my composure I said, “Hi Rosa. I need to talk to Brooke.” From the look
on Rosa’s face, I could tell that Brooke must have told her something about
that night. She actually looked a little scared and I wondered what my own face
must have looked like. She grabbed her jacket and said,

“I’m on my way to go hang out with Ethan. Come on
in, she’s in the back.” Rosa left me standing inside the doors of the bus. I
looked around and saw that there was a section like the one in Tristan’s bus
that partitioned off the sleeping area. That must be where she was. I walked
over and beat on that door.


Elly. We have
some things to talk about.” My voice was shaking.

“Get lost!”

“Brooke,” I said, trying to steady my voice. “I
suggest you get the fuck out here, now!”

A few seconds later she pulled the door open. She
looked pissed. I didn’t care.

“What the hell do you want?”

“I want to tell you what a nasty skank you are. I
saw the security tapes of you dropping your robe and trying to force yourself
on Tristan. How pathetic are you that you can’t get a guy to fuck you without
jumping naked into his lap? You missed your calling, you should be working in
one of those places where they give lap dances—then at least you’d get paid for
your troubles!”

“I’m the skank? You’re the one who slept with him
knowing he was only fucking you to get a good spot on the show.”

“Fuck you! I had nothing to do with him getting a
spot on the show and you know it.”

“So you say,” she said. Then she looked me over and
said, “I can’t see any other reason he’d want to fuck you. My little brother
has bigger tits than you do.”

I had my fists clenched at my sides, but I was still
in control…kind of. Unfortunately for Brooke, she didn’t know when to quit,

“I know you saw the boner he had for me the other
night. Mmm…it felt good when I was sitting up on it, too, rubbing my pussy back
and forth. I felt it growing underneath me. If you hadn’t have come in then, he
would have fucked me, and he would have loved it. He’d have never gone back to
your old, nasty…”

I stopped her there with a fist to her mouth. I’m
not sure who was more surprised: her or me. I’d never raised my fist to anyone
in my life, but God, she needed it right then. She stumbled back and fell onto
the bed. I was still standing there, wondering if I should go or hit her again,
when she touched her bleeding lip and then jumped up and ran towards me like a
crazy person, screaming and cussing. I stepped back and she hit the door frame
instead of me. I reached out and grabbed that fake blonde hair, confirming once
and for all that she did have extensions as I shoved her face into the wall.
She reached up and put her hands on my arm, but I had a tight grip on her hair
and every time she moved, I pulled a little tighter.

“Let go of me, you crazy bitch!”

I tapped her face into the wall. It wasn’t hard
enough to do any damage, but just enough so she knew I meant business. “Stay
the fuck away from Tristan…and me. Got that, skank?”

“Fuck you!”

I twisted my hand up tighter in her hair and she
screamed. I had an arm against the wall in front of us and the little bitch
went after it then, with her teeth. I just used it to hit her in the part of
her lip that was already bleeding from the punch. She cried out again and said,
“You’re going to be sorry.”

“You’re a mouthy bitch, Brooke. I’m sure that gets
you into a lot of trouble doesn’t it? Say you heard me and that you’re going to
keep your distance, otherwise your pretty face goes back into that wall and
these hair extensions come out in chunks. I’m not sure any of that will look
too good up on stage.”

“I heard you, bitch!” she said.

“Aw, you were so close,” I said, tapping her face
back into the wall. I really felt like I was having an out of body experience.
“I don’t care for that name-calling,” I told her as I twisted tighter on her
hair underneath.

I heard you, okay? I’ll stay away from him.” Using her hair, I turned her to
face the bed and threw her down on it. I started to leave and she started to
come after me again. I shoved her back down and said,

“Are you really that stupid? You haven’t got your
ass kicked enough for one day? Come at me again and I swear you’ll need plastic
surgery on that pretty face when I’m done with it.”

She sat there this time and without turning my back
to her, I left. She had a fat lip and tears in her eyes. I had a strange sense
of self-satisfaction and I wondered what I was turning




I went back to the bus after the show to wait. I was
pretty sure I’d be hearing from Elly that night. I took a shower to get all the
sweat and grime from the stage off of me and then I sat down on the bed and did
something I hadn’t done in literally years: I called my grandfather. After four
rings, I thought he wasn’t going to pick up. When he did, I found myself
shocked at how old and feeble he sounded. He still sounded like an old cowboy
to me.


“Hi Grandpa,

“What did you say?”

Raising my voice I said, “It’s Tristan, Grandpa.
Your grandson.”

“I know my own grandson’s name. I’m not senile!”

I laughed and said, “I haven’t called for so long I
thought you might have forgotten me.”

“Nah, I still cuss you at least once a day. Where
hell are
you, boy?”

“I’m in New Mexico right now. I’m on tour.”

“You won that singing contest, on television.” It
wasn’t a question. He knew…shit.

“Yeah, I did.”

“You always did have talent. I told your mama that
when you were only three years old.” There was a heavy silence then and he
said, “Sometimes I regret that…I blame myself for the way things turned out…”

“Don’t blame yourself, Grandpa. You raised her
right. She didn’t go off the deep end until she was in her thirties—way past
the point you could be held responsible.”

that deep,
Grandpa laugh I remembered.
“What about you, boy?
still messing
with that stuff?”

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