My Prince (30 page)

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Authors: Anna Martin

BOOK: My Prince
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The room was warm, not uncomfortably so, but the kind of heat that invited Alex to strip the rest of his clothes off. He’d never been much of an exhibitionist. Being with George had changed that. Something about the way George looked at him, a combination of lust and heat and love, made Alex want to open up. To be naked, completely open, to give him everything.

He smiled, and raised his arms, and George was right there. Right there.

Every time they came together like this, Alex marveled in what they were. That simmering electricity from the first time they’d fucked had kept growing, slowly at first, then building in intensity. At times like these, Alex felt like at any moment shocks could erupt from his fingertips.

He licked into George’s mouth, and his spine melted.

“Top or bottom?” Alex asked with his teeth still gently tugging at George’s lower lip.


Alex tipped his head back and laughed. “God, I love you.”

“I want you inside me, Alex,” George growled, his tongue and teeth scraping over Alex’s exposed throat. “I want to lie on that bed and have you do all the things to me I was too scared to ask you for that first time.”

“Hard and fast?”

“Yeah. All of that. Yeah.”

“There’s something else,” Alex murmured, shivering as George pressed his blunt fingers through Alex’s hair to massage his scalp.

“Go on.”

“What do you think about maybe not using those condoms you packed?”

George stilled. “Um, what?”

“We both got our all clear results back. I know this is something you wanted… I’m ready. If you are.”


“We don’t have to,” Alex rushed to interrupt. “I just want to give you the option.”

“Alex. I want to.”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure,” he said, laughing, nudging his nose against Alex’s. “Yes. I still want you to fuck me, though.”

Alex grinned. “Good. I want that too.”

George leaned in and started to nibble on Alex’s neck, his hands gently kneading at Alex’s asscheeks until Alex started to moan, low in his chest with pleasure. Alex pressed his hands flat against George’s chest and let him have this moment of control.

“Alex?” George asked against his earlobe.


“Will you do that thing again?”

“I’m going to need you to be more specific,” Alex said, grinning.

“You know. When you licked my ass.”

Alex’s grin grew dirty. “Did you like that?”


“Hmm. Okay.” Alex went to the bed and pulled the sheets back, then cocked his head to tell George to hop on. “On your belly,” he instructed.

He watched George settle, pulling a pillow around and hugging it and slowly widening his legs, tempting Alex between them. George’s ass was high and tight like this, like he spent plenty of time in the gym doing squats, even more time working it out for real on a rugby pitch.

Alex scrambled between those thick, spread thighs and grabbed hold of George’s hips, making a little “hup” noise until George complied and lifted his arse off the bed. That was what Alex needed, space to get between those cheeks and lick and nibble and suck until George was groaning into his pillow and his hips were bucking back against Alex’s face.

“Fuck,” Alex said, finally coming up for air. He rubbed the pad of his thumb over George’s spit-slickened hole, teasing it while he caught his breath.

“Alex,” George whined.

“You want me to fuck you?”

“Yeah. Now, please, put it in me.”

Those words on their own were enough to make Alex’s eyes roll back in his head, and he finally,
turned his attention to his own aching cock.

This time he hadn’t called ahead, so there was no lube in the drawer waiting for him. He had to go over to George’s bag, grateful that he knew where the stuff was packed so he could put his hand right on it.

When he got back to the bed, George was still facedown, ass up, but now he’d reached back to grab hold of his cock and was humping his own fist.

“Stop it,” Alex said, giving George’s meaty rump an affectionate slap. “Or you’ll come before I get a chance to get in there.”

“But it aches,” George whined.

“Trust me,” Alex said. “This won’t take long.”

He’d already done the hard work in getting George used to the idea of something in his ass. With some lube on his fingers, Alex gently rubbed George’s hole, spreading the cool liquid over the incredibly hot flesh. George continued to make pained noises and Alex couldn’t take it anymore; he rubbed more lube over his cock, then leaned in to cover George’s body with his own.

“Ready?” he asked.


Alex tilted his hips and reached back to aim his cock at George’s hole. It took a moment of rutting and rubbing against the slick crease until he found the right angle, then Alex started to nudge inside.

George’s face was back in that pillow, and his noise levels kept increasing. If Alex wasn’t so painfully turned-on, he’d be amused. As it was, he had his face pressed against George’s sweaty shoulder, and all he wanted was to be buried to the hilt inside that gorgeous, gripping heat.

He took his time, making the most of what they were doing together. George was an insatiable bottom. He either had a high pain threshold or he was horny enough to push back on Alex’s cock, rushing that initial penetration. By the time Alex was balls deep he felt like his whole body was primed, ready to thrust and rut and

“You okay?” Alex asked, forcing himself to be a decent guy and check in.

“Yeah. You gonna fuck me now?”

Alex chuckled and pushed himself back up, keeping his cock buried inside George’s ass. He grabbed hold of George’s hips and started to rock back and forth, watching his cock appear and disappear into George’s hole.

When George relaxed enough to make that ride smoother, Alex let go. He trusted George to tell him if he needed Alex to slow down or stop or change the angle. For now, he did the one thing he’d never done with George before and just fucked him. Hard and fast, as promised, his head thrown back, fingers clenching, hips pistoning, and George growling and grunting and offering filthy encouragement beneath him.

To Alex’s complete shock, George came first.

Alex had noticed him reaching back, tugging on his own cock while Alex blissed out inside him, but when George’s back arched and he grunted hard, his whole body shaking with the force of his orgasm, Alex was forced to hold on tight and ride it out with him. It didn’t take much, just a few thrusts more, and Alex was right there with him. His whole world imploded as his vision went black and everything was George, everything.

He collapsed in a sweaty heap over George’s back, feeling his dick slowly escape.

“Oh God,” Alex gasped. His heart was beating too hard and he was breathing too fast to say much more. “Oh Jesus.”

George laughed breathlessly. “Yep.”

Alex kissed over his back, his shoulders, and when George turned his head, his cheek and lips.

George shifted so they could kiss again, slower this time, then he rolled off the bed, wincing and stretching.

“Oh my God, this is disgusting.”

Alex couldn’t help it—he buried his face in a pillow and howled with laughter.

“Not funny, Alex,” George snapped and waddled—genuinely waddled—off to the bathroom.

By the time he came back, Alex’s sides were hurting from laughing so much. He rubbed his face with his hands to dry the hysterical tears and chanced a look up at George.

“You should be grateful I decided not to wipe your spunk all over your face.”

“That’s gross,” Alex said.

“Yeah. I know. Don’t think it didn’t cross my mind to, though.”

Alex smiled, unable to keep it off his face. “You wanna snuggle?”

“I’m big spoon,” George said, pouting.

Alex reached over and turned off the lamp. “Always,” he said as the room was plunged into darkness.



for a while, then George got up to use the bathroom, and Alex thought he probably felt the lack of him more than anything else and woke up too.

When he returned, Alex nudged him onto his back and snuggled into George’s side, finding the way their bodies fit together and yawning against George’s shoulder. Because he wanted the comfort, or maybe just because he needed to, Alex skimmed his fingertips over George’s chest, stroking and teasing the soft, wispy hairs.

“Hey,” George said softly.


“You want to do something completely crazy?”

Alex smiled and turned his face to deeply inhale the scent of George’s skin. “Sure.”

“Want to walk up Arthur’s Seat?”

“That’s… completely fucking crazy.”

“I told you. If we leave now we can probably watch the sun rise. In a few weeks the whole city will be taken over by crazy theatre people for the Fringe Festival, so if we want to do it before it starts getting cold again…”

Arthur’s Seat was a hill—big surprise there, Edinburgh was full of hills. This one in particular was known for being fairly steep. Tourists trudged up there all the time, in all winds and weathers, for the spectacular views out over the Old Town, and the sunrise.

Alex thought for a moment. “Yeah. Okay.”




as cold as he’d expected, and the walk wasn’t as steep as he’d been warned about. Alex got the impression this might have been something George had planned for, because there were long-sleeved T-shirts packed in the duffle bag he usually used for rugby, and hooded sweatshirts, along with their waterproof jackets. By the time they made it halfway up the hill, Alex’s fears about blisters were proved to be unfounded, and the chips they’d stopped for at Central (for fuel, they’d needed it) were long gone.

Conversation was easy, even in the dark. The sky was clear and the moon huge, providing plenty of natural light as long as they stuck to the marked paths. At some point George had linked their fingers together, and their hands swung naturally between them as they walked and talked and carefully watched the path so they didn’t lose their footing.

It was still dark when they reached the top; the whole of Edinburgh was spread out before them. Dark velvet, orange light, and the heady moon still low in the sky.

George found a comfortable-looking rock and sat down, leaning against it, and spread his legs so Alex could sit between them and lean back into George’s chest.

“God, it’s beautiful up here,” George said. His chin was on Alex’s shoulder, his arms wrapped securely around his waist. “Why have I never done this before?”

“Because it’s mad?” Alex suggested, teasing.

“Yeah. Maybe. What time is sunrise?”

Alex pulled out his phone and checked it. “About four forty-five. We have half an hour or so.”

“Good timing. I’m glad we got to see it still dark.”

Alex hummed and tilted his head back, silently asking for kisses.

That kept them occupied for a while, until George pointed to the horizon and the faint, golden glimmer of light.

For some reason it didn’t feel right to talk. Not through this. It was a strange experience, new and pure, watching the day rise up to meet the night and they were right at the cusp of it. Watching. Witnessing.

“Hey, Alex?” George murmured.


Their fingers were laced together, and George squeezed them. “Will you marry me?”

Alex tore his eyes away from the sunrise and twisted so he could look at George. Blinked. Shocked.

Something in George’s expression said that he’d been planning this. A cheeky twinkle in his eyes, the pleased, self-satisfied little smirk at the corner of his mouth.

Alex gaped. He wasn’t going to ask
because he’d asked for this; he’d been the one to tell George to propose because George would do it right. This was right.

“Yeah,” he breathed. “Yes.”

This kiss wasn’t like the others. This was sealing a promise, binding a contract, making it real. George pressed forward, his tongue searching for Alex’s and pulling it back into his mouth. They kept trading those slow, important kisses until Alex got a crick in his neck and he pulled away, delighted laughter escaping from his lips.

He leaned back against George’s chest once more, and watched as the sun appeared fully over the horizon now, spilling light over the city he called home, while the man he’d soon call “husband” held him close.

About the Author

is from a picturesque seaside village in the south-west of England and now lives in the slightly arty, slightly quirky city of Bristol. After spending most of her childhood making up stories, she studied English Literature at university before attempting to turn her hand as a professional writer.

Apart from being physically dependent on her laptop, Anna is enthusiastic about writing and producing local grassroots theater (especially at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where she can be found every summer), going to visit friends in other countries, baking weird and wonderful sweets, learning to play the ukulele, and Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk.

Anna claims her entire career is due to the love, support, pre-reading, and creative ass kicking provided by her best friend Jennifer. Jennifer refuses to accept responsibility for anything Anna has written.

2nd place winner of the 2012 Goodreads M/M Romance Member’s Choice Award “Best Musician/Rockstars” for
Tattoos & Teacups






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