My Perfect Mate

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Authors: Caryn Moya Block

Tags: #paranormal romance, #Magic, #werewolf, #fantasy romance, #fae, #arctic circle, #shifters romance, #shifters werewolves, #racism and children, #polar bear shifters

BOOK: My Perfect Mate
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My Perfect Mate

Book Ten of the Siberian
Volkov Pack Romance Series



Caryn Moya Block




Published by Caryn M.

Copyright © 2015 Caryn M.


Cover Design by Cora


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This is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places and incidents either are the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance
to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events,
or locales is entirely coincidental.




My Perfect Mate

Book Ten of the Siberian
Volkov Pack Romance Series


Susan Adams embraced being turned into
a lycan with her whole heart. But having super senses and turning
into a wolf on command doesn’t help her keep a job or figure out
who she is. Now the mating bond has snapped into place and her
wolf, through the mating heat, demands she cement the bond in
place. There’s only one problem. Her mate isn’t a lycan, in fact
she’s not sure what he is, and mating is the farthest thing on his

Jean Paul Nadeau is more than just an
elemental witch, he is one of the famed Averys, as the human
witches know him. In truth, he is an Immortal Fae Lord sent by the
Queen of Avalon to guard a dimensional gateway located in Quebec
City. When the lycan mating bond attaches to his heart, he is both
surprised and dismayed. Finding his “Destined One” is an unexpected
gift, but a gift that will cost him more than his





To my Mom, who is my friend, constant
cheerleader, and beta reader.





It takes a village, or in this case a
whole bunch of friends, even in the solitary business of writing
books. I am blessed with knowing these people and receiving their
help to bring you every book I write. I wouldn’t be able to do it
without them. My beta readers, my critique partners, my editor,
Tina Winograd, the authors that mentor and help me, and certainly
not least, my family. Then, of course there is you, the reader, who
cheers me on and can’t wait for the next book. You are the best!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.



Jean-Paul Nadeau gripped the steering
wheel, his knuckles turning white. A simple favor of driving his
friend Mathis Levesque’s limo had turned into so much more. Some
wacko and his men were in the process of invading Mathis and his
mate Margot’s home. They all were going into battle to save the
couple’s adopted children.

The silly humans actually thought they
could win against a pack of lycans. JP almost felt sorry for them.
Of course, humans didn’t know about the magical races. He belonged
to the secret, mythological Fae.

He pulled up to the creek not far from
the house Mathis rented from the pack. The two SUVs following them
parked, and lycans jumped out, some already in wolf

“Okay, JP. You know what to
,” came flooding into his head from
Mathis in the back of the limo with Margot. JP winced. Telepathy
wasn’t a gift of the Fae. Though convenient for a lycan in his wolf
form, it gave Jean-Paul the headache from hell.

He pulled slowly over the bridge and
drove up the road to the house. Just as they reached the front
door, the lights went out in the building. Inside the limo, Margot
opened the car’s back door and Mathis’s wolf form jumped out. JP
rolled forward, headed back to the bridge.

A man stepped into the driveway,
holding a gun aimed at him. “Merde!” Jean-Paul swore. “Get down,”
JP yelled and floored it.

Margot dropped to the seat. Glass
broke. Bullets flew into the car. Jean-Paul moaned as one bullet
hit him in the chest and another grazed his head. His hand fell
from the wheel. His arm numb. Blood poured into his eyes. He must
hang on. Miraculously, they kept moving down the road.

“How badly are you hit?” Margot asked.
The smell of blood filled the air.

“Not too bad. I’ll have you to your
parents in a minute,” he said through gritted teeth. He could do
this, help his friend. A strange lethargy started taking hold. A
whack on his chest made him gasp. A thin golden cord came from his
heart. A vision of a woman with blond curls holding a small child
filled his mind. His eyesight darkened.

Margot sneaked a peek over the seat.
They were almost to the bridge. The car began to fishtail on the
slick surface. “Slow down, Jean Paul, you need to slow

There was no answer.




“Ujarak!” Susan Adams cried

The polar bear shifter turned to look
at her. He frowned. “What’s the matter with you? You look as white
as a snow.”

“Take the baby, I think I’m going to

Ujarak Levesque, Mathis’s youngest
brother jumped up and caught both Susan and baby Cybille as Susan
collapsed. He lowered them to the floor. Cybille started to cry.
Tikaani ran over to comfort her.

“What’s the matter with Aunt Susan?”
Nuvuk asked.

Ujarak smiled at his brother’s six
adopted Amarok children. Descended from polar bear shifters, they
were abandoned because they turned into arctic wolves.

“Hopefully, nothing, if that golden
thread of light attached to her heart means what I think it means,”
Ujarak said.

“Oh, I see it, too. Aunt Susan has
found a mate?” Ila asked.

“How come you aren’t her mate?” Uki

“We’re friends. I kind of hoped there
might be more to it, but I know how important you wolves take your
mating bond. Looks like Susan is meant for someone

“But who is it?” Nuvuk asked, coming
over and patting Susan’s face.

“I don’t know, little buddy. Whoever
it is, he must have gotten hurt to make the mating bond snap into
place like that.”

“I hope he’s okay,” Elisapie




JP came to, slowly. He was wet. The
car must’ve fallen into the creek and someone fished him out. Esme,
the Alpha lycan’s mate kneeled beside him. “Let’s get you into the
house. The all clear has been sounded.” JP nodded and the world
swirled out of focus.

“Easy, you’ve been shot.” Esme helped
a bedraggled Jean-Paul through the front door.

“Put him on the floor next to Susan,”
Brenda the pack healer directed, striding through the door. JP
turned his head and saw the woman from his vision. She was
unconscious. His heart ached. Someone needed to help her. Brenda
hurried to Jean-Paul and opened his shirt.

Ujarak made his way to the sofa, and
picked up Susan’s hand.

“Don’t touch her! Get away from her!”
JP shouted. He didn’t know why, but the polar bear shifter couldn’t
touch her.

Brenda quickly held JP down. “No!
Mathis, help me. He still has a bullet in him. I only healed the
wound on his head. Ujarak, get away from her. JP is in the thrall
of the mating heat.”

Mathis hurried over. The ground
underneath the house suddenly heaved as JP’s magic surrounded him.
The windows rattled and the pendulum light in the dining room
swung. No one touched his mate. His Destined One! He hadn’t
attacked Ujarak, only because his mind was clouded with

“She doesn’t even know this guy. Why
should I leave her to a complete stranger?” Ujarak demanded.
“Besides, he doesn’t smell like any kind of shifter I

“Because if he dies, she dies with
him. Please, I know you care for her. I need you to get away,”
Brenda begged.

The house shook again, weaker this
time. Jean-Paul’s strength quickly waned as the pain from his wound
throbbed through his body.

Ujarak looked at Mathis, his face a
mask of confusion. “She’s right, brother. Why don’t you see what
Jared has done with the kidnappers’ bodies?” Ujarak nodded and then
reluctantly headed for the kitchen.

Jean-Paul’s struggles ceased, and his
head dropped to the carpet. He didn’t even have the strength for a
healing spell now. The pack healer ran her hands over JP’s body,
before cupping her palm over the bullet wound in his chest. Warmth
poured into Jean-Paul’s chest. It was almost painful. He

His skin knitted together as the wound
slowly healed pushing the bullet to the surface. Brenda reached
down and pulled it from the hole. Jean-Paul groaned and sat

The beautiful angel lying next to him
breathed deeply and then her eyelids fluttered. Mathis helped JP to
his feet, while the healer checked the woman.

“Brenda, I felt like I was shot,” she
said. “One bullet grazed my head and the other went into my chest.
The pain was terrible. I blacked out.”

“That was your mate getting shot, not
you,” Brenda explained.

JP moved forward and held out his hand
to Susan. “I’m Jean-Paul Nadeau. I’m your destined


Chapter One


“What the hell are you doing here?”
Susan Adams asked, answering the door.

“I came to see my brother. What are
you doing here, Suzy-Q?” Ujarak Levesque asked, his voice all deep
and melty as he towered over her.

She felt that trickle of attraction
and then immediately felt guilty. Ujarak wasn’t her heartmate, and
just like everyone else in her life, he snuck into her heart and
then left her. He looked like she remembered, tall and broad with
dark hair and eyes the color of milk chocolate. Yummy. She hardened
her heart and realized he waited for her to speak. “I’m helping
Margot and Mathis with the kids.”

“Well, are you going to let me in?”
Ujarak asked.

“Why should I? You’re the one who left
without saying goodbye. You dropped me like a cold fish.” The
immediate burn of being abandoned filled her chest and counteracted
the earlier attraction. He was such an ass.

“Polar bear shifters don’t drop fish,
we eat them. But you belong to another, and I don’t

“I belong to myself, and I thought we
were friends. Friends don’t do that!” Susan felt her eyes grow
moist and cursed the idiot shifter anew. She’d been crying a lot
lately. What was wrong with her?

“Ahh, Don’t cry, Suzie-Q.” Ujarak
wiped the tears from her cheek. “I didn’t mean to hurt your
feelings. I really like you and I kind of thought we might have
something special together. Then that stupid mating bond snapped
into place. I can’t compete with that. I only left because I
thought it was the right thing to do.” He pulled Susan into his

Needing the comfort, she buried her
face against his chest and sobbed. Everything had gone downhill
since meeting her mate Jean-Paul Nadeau. First Ujarak left without
saying goodbye, then her mate left her, then she lost her job at
the dog sledding company owned by the pack. If it hadn’t been for
Margot and the kids, Susan didn’t know what she would have

“Mom! Uncle Ujarak is here, and he
made Susan cry!” Ten-year-old Tikaani’s voice reverberated through
the house.

Susan heard hurried footsteps coming
up behind her. “Oh, dear. Come into the house, you two, you’re
letting all the heat out. Ujarak, it’s so good to see you. We
missed you over the holidays. How did the hunt go?” Margot asked.
Polar bear shifters needed the flesh of seal and whale in their
diet to survive. Each January hunting parties went onto the ice to
hunt and fish.

Ujarak picked Susan up and carried her
inside the house. Margot closed the door.

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