My Only Regret (Twisted Fate Book 1) (23 page)

BOOK: My Only Regret (Twisted Fate Book 1)
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“I hope you’re ready to have a good time Mrs. Montgomery,” he smiled.

e met David and Mel for dinner at The Wharf, and were seated along a bank of windows overlooking the ocean. We hadn’t been out on a date in weeks, and I thoroughly enjoyed the way Jesse was doting on me. We dined on Carpaccio and oysters Rockefeller for appetizers, while sipping champagne. Throughout the evening, Jesse kept his hand planted firmly on my thigh, moving it back and forth ever so slowly.

Halfway through our entrees he leaned over and whispered in my ear. “I hope you got your fill of oysters. You know, they are considered to be a known aphrodisiac.”

“I've had a few,” my hand trailed along his inner thigh, “but I’m not going to need them, I’m already right there babe.” His eyes grew large as he reached down to adjust himself. After dinner we were supposed to go dancing at a nearby club but when Jesse tried to make excuses for us Mel would have nothing of it.

“No, uh-huh, no way are you backing out to go home and have a roll in the hay.” Mel crossed her arms over her chest and stared down her nose at both of us. “You can have sex anytime, and I know you do. Tonight is about us having a fun night out, and that’s what we are going to do.” She started for the door before looking back over her shoulder, “Let’s go!” We fell in line behind her and headed to the club.

The club David chose was nearly an hour out of Seattle, it was off the beaten path and it was packed. We found a booth in the back of the club and placed a drink order. Mel was already dancing in her seat by the time the drinks arrived, we downed them quickly and worked our way through the crowd until we found a vacant spot on the dance floor, leaving the guys behind. The music thumped around us as we gyrated to the rhythmic beat. Mel and I swished and swayed our hips while the guys watched from their position in the booth. I caught Jesse’s eye and curled my finger back toward me, beckoning him to join me, but he shook head and smiled. When he didn’t make a motion to get up I gave a small pout and turned away, shaking my ass in his direction. Moments later I was joined by a younger guy, not more than twenty years old, who danced way too close and pressed himself into my body. I moved away but he stayed close and finally I had to ask him to back off. I worked my way back to Mel, about to tell her that I was heading back to our table, when I felt two strong hands encircle my body. I whipped around, ready to unleash a line of obscenities on the young man, but instead found myself looking into a set of hazel eyes. We rocked back and forth steadily, his arms wrapped tight around my waist and mine hung loosely over his shoulders. No words were spoken, but our hips and lips did plenty of talking on their own. Our tongues wove together, swirling and teasing, staking claim as our hips crashed together, stirring up longings that had been smothered back at the restaurant.

“I can’t wait to get you home,” Jesse growled in my ear.

“Then what are you waiting for?” I led him off the floor where we caught up with David and Mel, this time she didn’t give us a hard time, by the look of things she was ready to leave as well.

e had barely made it through the bedroom door when Jesse had me pinned against the wall, lifting my arms above my head, loosely holding my wrists. He buried his face in my neck and kissed up to my lips.

I. Want. You. Right. Now.

He said between kisses, sending goose bumps down my body. He ran his hands down my ass and both dimples formed as he smiled mischievously.
, where were we?

He growled, then grabbed my thong and proceeded to do exactly what he had promised.

"Hey, I liked that one." I murmured, watching it fall to the floor.

"Yeah, me too," he moaned, working his hands down my body. "I like it even more when it's off."

I giggled as he teased his tongue over my belly button. My hands reached for his waistband, fumbling with the button on his jeans, and pushed them down, freeing his firm erection.
“I’ve missed you,
Mr. Montgomery.

Then, I lowered myself down his body and grasped him fully in my hand, rubbing the small bead of liquid over the crown, and he let out a shaky breath. I wrapped my lips around him, taking all of him to the back of my throat. He let out a low moan and wrapped his fingers in my hair.

God, Rhyann, that feels so good." His head leaned back as I continued worshiping his body. "I won’t last long this way.

I worked him up and down, slowly trailing my tongue from top to bottom, inhaling his male scent. I lowered my hand and began fondling his scrotum while continuing the motions with my mouth, moving rhythmically up and down. I felt his body tighten, and he pressed my head closer to his body as his breathing increased.


m close baby, if you don

t want me in your mouth you need to let me know,

he said, breathlessly. I latched my lips firmly around him and sucked harder, looking up at him and teasing with my tongue, soon his release filled my throat with a warm, salty liquid. I swallowed quickly, before trailing my tongue up his length one last time, causing his body to twitch uncontrollably. His fingers grabbed the counter to steady him as he labored to catch his breath. I kissed him just below the belly button and worked my way up his stomach muscles, stopping at his neck where I placed wet kisses just below his ear before continuing my path along his jawbone.


re killing me,

he growled.

Fuck, me, that was intense. You're very talented at that, sweetheart.

I smiled and ran a hand along his side, not sure if he would want me to kiss him after what I had just done. After a minute he answered my unspoken question by pulling me up and kissing my already swollen lips. My breath hitched when his warm tongue grazed mine, taking the kiss up a notch, and before long his hands were no longer gripping the counter, they were tangled in my hair, pushing me forward as I continued spiraling down into this mind-blowing kiss.


re wearing too many clothes,

he rasped, guiding me backwards to the bedroom, stopping only to lower the zipper on my dress, letting it fall to the floor.

He stepped out of his jeans and undid the clasp on my bra before positioning himself above me, hovering there for a moment. He looked at me lovingly then closed his eyes and whispered, “You are so beautiful,” as he slowly crested my opening, filling me to the hilt before stopping. He remained motionless for a few moments.

Oh baby, please, I need you to move,

I moaned, rolling my hips up to meet his.

“I’m just taking a moment to enjoy being inside my wife,” he smiled and kissed me on the nose.
He resumed his movements, rocking back and forth slowly so I felt every single sensation. He leaned into me and gently bit my bottom lip before inserting his tongue, swirling it around and around, making love to my open mouth, never breaking rhythm as our bodies moved, perfectly in sync.

Oh, yes!

I cried out, dragging my nails up and down his back.

You feel so good. I am so close,

I moaned, as his pace quickened and I screamed out his name over and over, my body trembling uncontrollably with the aftershocks. He continued moving easily in and out, covered in my release, until I felt his body tighten and let go. Warm liquid spilled into my body, mixing with mine, and I wanted to hold onto it for dear life. This man owned me completely. I had never felt so alive as when we made love. He awakened every part of my senses and I found myself wanting more, craving it. He collapsed on top of me and we lay there breathing heavily, both drenched in sweat and bodily fluids. Call me crazy, but I could have stayed like that forever. He rolled over to lie flat on his back beside me, lacing his fingers with mine.

That was the most intense sex ever,

he said breathlessly, leaning forward to kiss me softly on the forehead and cheek. He stroked his thumb across my lips and gave me a lopsided grin.

I love you.

His eyes met mine and I saw a vulnerability that pulled at my heart because I knew how hard it had been for us to utter those three simple words, now we couldn’t seem to say them enough.

I love you too,

I reached up and gently caressed his cheek then pulled him down to my lips.

I. Love. You. So. Much,

I said between kisses. He rolled onto his side and we both giggled softly, giddy with love and spent from our lovemaking, and after a few moments we both drifted off to sleep.

woke when I felt the bed shift. Jesse was awake and had begun to plant soft kisses on my exposed shoulder. “Hey,” I murmured groggily, “I thought we were sleeping.”

“I love the sound of your voice when you wake up,” he nipped playfully at my shoulder.

“Oh really, what does it sound like?”

“Raspy, and sexy as hell,” he chuckled, softly. “I’ll never grow tired of hearing it.”

“That’s good because I’m not planning on going anywhere,” I professed. “I mean, as long as you want me I’ll be around.” My voice wavered a touch as I finished my sentence.

“I promise you are the only one for me, my beautiful wife. I love the sound of that. My wife,” he nuzzled my cheek with his soft lips.

I promise, no more sleeping around for me either,

I said with a smirk and he tickled me until I nearly peed myself.


I begged between laughing.

Please, I

m going pee if you don

t stop!

He relented and pulled me in and nibbled on my earlobe.

You’re funny,” he grinned. “I’m going to take a shower.”

“Okay, I’m going to sleep.” I snuggled under the Egyptian down comforter and feigned a yawn, secretly knowing I was going to follow him; no way was I going to stay in bed when my sexy as hell husband was naked and wet in the next room.

I listened for the shower to turn on and waited until he was almost finished before getting up. I crept in behind him and slipped my arms around his waist. His hands covered mine and he chuckled softly.

“Did I surprise you?” I asked, moving my hand lower on his body.

“Nope, I smelled you long before you touched me.”

I smiled against his shoulder. “What do I smell like?”

“Sex, and me,” he growled, turning to kiss me. His hands slipped down and cupped my ass before lifting me to his waist. I crossed my legs behind him and he pressed my back to the wall. Our tongues danced together as he lowered me over him. A low moan escaped my throat as I braced my hands on his shoulders while he slid in and out before stopping. His breathing was ragged and he buried his face in my neck.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.

“I just need a minute, not gonna last long like this,” he grunted, kissing me so hard our teeth clashed together. It was not a kiss of passion, it was one of desperation.

“Jesse, I’ve got to move.” He gave a nod and resumed moving quickly, our bodies slick from desire and water. “Ahh. Ohhh. Babe right there,” I screamed through gritted teeth. My thighs tightened around him as my body gave way to another incredible orgasm. I found his lips and sucked hard, as if trying to devour him. His breath hitched and I felt him pulsing within me, filling me and calling out my name. My body was still humming as I slowly lowered my legs to the shower floor.

“That was amazing,” he pressed his forehead pressed to mine. “What are you doing to me? I’ve never felt like this before.” His lips brushed softly against the tip of my nose.

“I know. I feel the same way. All I know is that when I'm with you I am complete. You consume me body and soul. It's been like this since the first time we made love. I knew it when I walked out that door, and when I stood before you and took this job. My only regret is that I never should have left your bed that night. I left a piece of me with you that day, I'm not sure if you knew that. You've had my heart from the beginning. I want you beside me forever and inside me anytime I can have you.” I laughed softly against his swollen lips. “I love you.”

His hands smoothed over my hips, pulling me tight against him. “I love you too, Rhyann. I will spend the rest of my days beside you, and will happily be inside you whenever you want me. You are my wife. My life. My everything.”

“You say the best things Mr. Montgomery,” I whispered, leaning into his chest. This man was my whole world and now he has shared with me that I am his as well. I didn’t think I had ever been this happy. I couldn’t help but cry.

he band was scheduled to leave in three weeks to take part in a promotional tour. There was a lot that had to get done before we headed out. They spent four solid days in the recording studio, pausing only to eat and sleep. I ordered in plenty of food and kept the sheets clean on the spare beds, even Tyler and Stefani stayed over, making it feel like one big slumber party. Their producer had spent two additional days putting the finishing touches on the tracks before the guys let us listen to the recordings. The end result was amazing, however there was one track that Jesse wouldn

t let me hear, saying it would be revealed on the tour. The guys teased him about being in love, saying it was one of his best songs. Jesse gave a knowing wink to indicate just what it was that had been his inspiration.

One evening, while the guys were finishing up in the basement, I went outside to sit on the porch swing. It was nearing the end of autumn and many of the leaves had already fallen to the ground. A storm was brewing on the horizon and the winds had picked up a bit, creating mini leaf tornados out in the yard. It was nice to sit and enjoy the peace and quiet. Being married to a musician carries a lot of baggage. There are band members, family members, groupies, the paparazzi, and a lot of noise. For a moment I was able to turn everything else off and be alone with my thoughts. Ironically, my thoughts always circled back to my husband. We hadn’t spent a lot of time alone the past few weeks. I missed his touch, ached for it even. I closed my eyes and thought about our first night together. Before long, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my shoulders and I felt warm lips brush across my cheek.

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