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Authors: Cassie Ryan

My Obsession (7 page)

BOOK: My Obsession
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“Master Scott did use some basic hand restraints and blindfolds. He also used spreader bars a few times, and the way he used them was titillating and arousing. He had even started to introduce me to light swatting with a flogger. But…”

Brent clenched his fists against the urge to walk around the desk and gather her into his arms, stroking her to pleasure again and showing her she could feel safe telling him her story. But he stopped himself, knowing from her reaction that she wasn’t yet ready to spill all the details. He’d have to go slowly and pull the information out of her in stages.

“When Diego used them you weren’t comfortable?” His blood raged, and he wanted nothing more than to have his fingers around Diego’s throat. Instead, he took a deep breath and made a valiant effort not to look murderous, although he definitely still felt that way.

She nodded and he quickly changed the subject, not wanting her to retreat so far that she couldn’t discuss this subject at all. He had to understand more about her limits, and he got the impression she needed to articulate them, so he would have to probe gently. “So spreader bars and possibly some restraints as long as there is trust and a slower pace might be all right?” He glanced up to gauge her reaction before he made a note to that effect on the paper in front of him.

“Are you all right with intercourse during a scene or at the culmination of a scene?”

At her suddenly dark expression he added, “As long as you aren’t pushed, and the Dom pays attention to your nonverbal clues, as well as your safe words and stated limits?”

“Yes.” Relief was evident in her voice, which was now a little stronger. “Under those circumstances and with a condom I would welcome full intercourse.”

Condom use was fairly common practice, and here at Club Desire it was the rule on the dungeon floor even for collared subs and their monogamous Doms.

But he knew that wasn’t always followed religiously in other clubs. And apparently it wasn’t at Mason’s if Sandra felt the need to state that as a stipulation. Brent remembered in college that when Mason had taken him to his first dungeon, Mason hadn’t always used condoms during his play sessions, and it hadn’t been required at that particular dungeon. Although in the past decade more and more clubs were making that a rule. Brent firmly believed it was a necessary one.

“All right. We’ll explore a little more of your limits as time goes on.”

Her pink tongue darted out to taste her full bottom lip, and heat streaked through him as he realized he had said “we,” as in the two of them together would explore her limits. He couldn’t regret the slip of the tongue, and Sandra didn’t look like she minded, so he moved on with what he’d been about to say. “Let’s discuss some mundane business. What’s your address?” He poised the pen over that line on her information sheet.

“I don’t have a place yet. For now I’m staying with a friend from high school. But I can’t infringe on her hospitality for too long.” She blew out a slow breath, her expression showing she was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. “I need to find a job and either pay her rent or find my own place.”

Brent’s lips tightened into a hard line. A friend from high school. He would need to tell Sandra who he was before he ever met her roommate. Although, unless the friend came to the club or frequented the kink or fetish scene, it was unlikely they would meet. Besides, anyone who knew him in high school would be hard pressed to recognize him now. Satisfied that it wasn’t yet the right time to tell Sandra the truth, he moved on. “What’s her address?”

Sandra pulled a cell phone out of a deep pocket in the side of her skirt before reading off the address to him.

He noted it, and then asked for Sandra’s cell number and added that to her profile.

“Emergency contact information?”

She looked distinctly uncomfortable for a moment as if searching for someone to list in that capacity, but then her expression cleared and she straightened and lifted her chin. “I don’t have any family, so use my roommate, Michelle Emery.”

Brent nodded. He remembered Michelle. She had always been quiet and ran in the popular crowd with Sandra. She had been peripherally aware of him, but he didn’t think they’d ever spoken during the entire four years of high school. Which had been rare for the more popular kids. Most of them had gone out of their way to spew their disapproval on him purely for being an outcast and not enough like them to be one of the popular kids. But not Sandra, and not Michelle.

“What type of work are you looking for?” he asked, wondering if any of his contacts could be of use in this situation.

She cleared her throat. “I have a bachelor’s degree in Business from NYU. I’ve worked on and off for different companies as an office manager. When I finally decided to leave New York and come back to Phoenix, I gave notice and got the hell out of there.” A dark shadow crossed her expression and she blew out a long breath before continuing. “I had spent six long months dealing with…well, it was time for me to leave, and I figured I could find a job here doing something similar, but the Phoenix job market seems rather tight right now.”

Brent filed through his mental Rolodex and nodded to show Sandra he had heard her as some likely names came to mind. “I have a few contacts who are always looking for talent in that area. If it’s all right with you, I can give them a call on Monday and see if any are looking for an office manager or something similar.”

Her throat worked as if she were deciding what to say. “I’d appreciate it if it’s not too much trouble.”

He pulled a notepad closer and jotted down a note, even though he knew he wouldn’t forget one bit of their conversation, or any nuance of her entire time spent here tonight. He’d always had the natural ability to remember minute details. It had served him well in business, but sometimes wreaked havoc on his personal life since he could relive every moment of things like his tormented high school existence. He returned his attention to Sandra.

“No trouble at all. I’ll call you when I know more. Until then, perhaps you’d like to come back tomorrow night and meet the rest of the Doms? I’m sure you’d like to get to know them and see if you click with any of them enough to feel comfortable playing some scenes.” He took deep breaths against the urge to tell her she wouldn’t be playing any scenes with anyone but him.

She would make her own choice, and he would let her.

Even to himself that didn’t sound very convincing.

He glanced down, realizing his fingers were curled into tight fists and he was close to breaking the fountain pen he still clutched between his fingers.

She cleared her throat in what sounded like a self-conscious gesture. “I would enjoy meeting the other Doms, and I’m not sure if it’s even an option, but I’ve already clicked with you, and I think I would enjoy playing some scenes with you.”

Brent’s blood surged. She had asked specifically for him, and he now had no reason to disagree. “I’m honored, Sandra.” He forced himself to treat this situation exactly like he would with any other sub, and he switched out of his Dungeon Master role and into his Dom mode effortlessly. “As I said before, I encourage honest feedback from my subs. If I push you too hard or too fast, I expect you to yellow or red until you decide on more personal safe words. And then we’ll discuss in aftercare if any of your limits need to be updated. I also expect you to take good care of yourself. Make sure you eat and rest before you come to the dungeon, and don’t come here at all if you’re not feeling well.”

He watched her as he spoke, and her features relaxed as if a heavy weight had suddenly been lifted off her shoulders. “Are we clear?”

When she didn’t answer, he reminded himself that he couldn’t punish her like he would his other subs. Spanking her wasn’t an option at this juncture, but he would find other effective ways. “Sandra?” he snapped, and captured her gaze as she looked up to meet his. “When I ask you a question I expect an answer. Are we clear?” He put unmistakable command in his voice.

She raised her chin and a small smile played at the edges of her lips. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir. I hadn’t expected to find such a strong connection to a Dom on my very first night. In fact I wasn’t even sure I’d be granted membership.”

He walked around the desk to stand in front of her.

Her pupils dilated and her lips parted as she openly stared at his cock, which was now at eye level. He could tell she wanted to reach out and touch him, and he smiled. He had found his effective means of punishment when needed. He had also found an incentive for her. He wondered if she’d had punishments for behavior violations from Master Scott before he left. Brent wouldn’t even consider Diego a proper Dom.

“Let’s begin. Were you ever asked to assume a submissive position and wait?”

“It’s been a while.” She looked sheepish, glancing up at him from under her lashes.

“When I tell you to assume that position I expect you to get on the floor like you were on all fours and then lean back and sit on your calves with your knees spread. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.” Her breathing became deeper and slightly faster.

“Good, and when you come to the dungeon floor make sure you aren’t wearing anything that you don’t want ripped or stained. Also don’t wear anything flowing or too tight fitting that will get in the way of our play. Understood?”

“Yes sir. What would you like me to wear, sir?”

Brent reveled in her easy acceptance of him as her Dom, and in the fact that she was his, at least for their playtime in the dungeon. And until she decided if she’d like to play with more than one Dom, he reminded himself.

He clenched his jaw against telling her there would be no other Dom. He hadn’t completely lost his control. Any sub he took on deserved his best protection for her highest good, and if it was for Sandra’s highest good to split her playtime between him and another Dom or several other Doms, he wouldn’t discourage her.

“A thong and tank top, or even nothing at all would be best for our purposes.” He watched her frown at his last suggestion and added, “Although you need to decide what you’re most comfortable with. If you prefer something else within those limits, we’ll work with it. But if you choose shorts or a short skirt or something like that, don’t bother with any panties underneath. You won’t need them, and you certainly won’t be wearing them long.”

“Yes, sir.” Her expression looked nothing short of ravenous, and it made his balls tighten and his cock jerk to see her staring up at him like that. He took a deep breath and mentally shook himself. He couldn’t let her shatter his concentration and control like this. It wouldn’t be good for either of them. But no other sub and no other woman had ever affected him like this, and while he couldn’t regret that his fantasies regarding Sandra were about to come true—at least some of them—he knew playing with her would test every bit of discipline he’d worked to develop over the years to fulfill his duties as her Dom.

“Assume your submissive position and wait. I’ll be right back.”

He took the opportunity to go into the restroom that connected with his office through a door in the back corner. He quickly changed out of his dress slacks and dress shirt and into the leather pants and black T-shirt that he wore on the dungeon floor during play.

When he returned to his office Sandra was on the floor in the submissive position he’d outlined, and wore only her thin bra. He fisted his hands to keep from grabbing her. He needed to do this right.

“You’ve been a good sub. I think it’s time for a small reward.”

She looked up at him, surprise flashing across her features.

“A reward, sir?”

Her voice was so tentative, he wondered if she’d only been given punishments in her other play sessions. He would have to talk to Mason about his club’s philosophies and oversight. Very few people could speak to Mason in such a way about his club and retain his friendship, but Brent knew he was on that short list.

“Sandra, I’ve caught you several times staring at my cock. What were you thinking about doing with it if given the chance?”

She sucked in a breath as she met his gaze. “Sir, I wanted to stroke it, to rub my thumb over the tip to feel the creamy wetness of the pre-come there. To take it in my mouth and down my throat, to see what you taste like.”

Brent adjusted his stance as his cock twitched and his balls tightened hard against his body at the erotic picture she painted.

Apparently her rewards would be his, and her punishments would also be his.

“Then you’ll have to remember to be on very good behavior if you want to have all of that.”

“Yes, sir.” Her face shone with happiness and her tongue darted out to moisten her full bottom lip, making Brent wish he could take her right here on the floor.

But not only did she deserve better, she needed to be eased into things, and he wanted the first time he took her to be something she would always remember. Something that had taken her higher than she’d ever gone.

“For now, how about we start with you taking my cock out and stroking it. You are allowed to explore, but not to taste…yet. Do you understand your limits?”

She nodded and reached for him, and after a telling long second she dropped her hand back to her side. “Yes, sir.”

“Good, Sandra. Very good. You may continue.”

Chapter 7

Sandra swallowed hard. She reached out slowly and laid her hand over the large bulge at the front of Master Brent’s leather pants. Even through the smooth material she could feel the heat pulsing off the hard outline of his cock.

Her mouth watered and she had to forcibly remind herself she couldn’t taste him. At least not yet. But that was just more incentive to learn how to be his sub, and learn it quickly.

She slipped open the button on his pants and then slowly pulled down Master Brent’s zipper. The metal slid effortlessly open and gave her a better view of the cloth-covered bulge that outlined his erection.

She glanced up to find him watching her.

Heat seared through her at the raw hunger in his steady gaze. Reluctantly breaking that contact, she returned her attention to her task. She slid her fingers inside the fly of the boxer briefs and sucked in a breath at the hot, firm feel of him.

Her mouth watered as she tried to imagine what Master Brent tasted like. She’d found that she really enjoyed having a nice, hard cock in her mouth. The spicy or even sweet and salty taste bursting over her tongue, and the thrust of it in her throat as she took all that was offered, always made her pussy ache to be filled. And now even the thought of all of that with Master Brent had the same effect, only more intense.

Damn, she really needed to come again. But not willing to risk a punishment, she took a breath and firmed her resolve to be the best sub Master Brent had ever had.

She explored his thick length, stroking him as much as she could within the confines of his open pants and his boxer briefs. “You have a very nice cock, sir. I can imagine having it inside me…in several different scenarios.”

Impossibly, he hardened further in her hand as she continued to stroke him. She glanced up to find his intense blue gaze on her and lost herself in the command she saw there. Only then did she look back at his cock and allow herself to trace her thumb up and over the wide tip to find the drop of creamy pre-come she had known would be there.

She thrilled at the slick warmth of it and took a moment to enjoy spreading it over the swollen head and causing a rumbling sound of need in the back of Master Brent’s throat.

Her entire body ached, and she reached down with her free hand to stroke her clit as she continued to slide her hand up and down his thick shaft.

Master Brent leaned forward and closed his hand over hers and pulled it away from him.

Confusion churned, and she glanced up to find his stern expression pinning her in place.

“Did I give you permission to touch your clit?”

Her mind raced, and she huffed as she realized she’d overstepped her permissions, quickly followed by the knowledge that she wasn’t cringing away from Master Brent’s punishments as she had with Diego. She trusted him to take care of her. “No, sir. I’m sorry, sir. I got caught up in the moment.”

He nodded. “You’ll learn to stay within your bounds. You’ll learn that when you do I will always take care of your needs. Remember that.”

She blew out a slow breath as disappointment arrowed deep. She badly needed to come, but knew that she would now have to wait until she got back to Michelle’s apartment and went to bed. Her pussy clenched at the loss of what could have happened tonight, but she consoled herself that there would be many other nights. Many more possibilities, and she vowed to learn to be the best sub Master Brent could ever hope for. She would be so good at it that he would forget every other sub he had ever played with.

“Sandra?” Master Brent’s voice was laced with both concern and censure, and Sandra realized she’d let herself become distracted. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry again, sir.” She scrambled to remember the last thing he’d said…that he would always take care of her needs if she was a good sub. She thrilled at the thought. “Yes, sir. I will definitely remember that.”

“It’s time for our play to end, and for you to rest. Will you be here at the Club tomorrow night?”

She nodded quickly, hoping she didn’t look too needy or desperate, even though she was feeling both right now.

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He zipped up, and a sharp stab of disappointment assaulted her.

He tapped her gently on the end of the nose and she couldn’t help but smile. Master Brent seemed to always know when she needed to smile. “Don’t forget to eat and take care of yourself, and bring back the contract with any questions. I’ll meet you in the locker room waiting area tomorrow evening at seven?”

She thought about the day she had planned—laundry and cleaning house—her payment to Michelle for letting her stay there until she found a job. She had also promised to make lasagna. She could do all of that and be here by seven p.m. to meet Master Brent. She nodded up at him with anticipation churning through her. “Yes, sir.”

Master Brent nodded, reached into his desk drawer, and pulled out a combination lock and a small slip of paper before laying it in her palm and closing her fingers over it.

“Stand up and come here.”

Sandra pushed up from the floor and straightened in front of him.

He pulled her against him and threaded his fingers through the hair at her nape, holding her in place while he brought his lips down roughly on hers and kissed her senseless for several long moments before breaking the kiss and stepping away.

At the brisk knocks against the front door of his suite, Brent smiled and glanced up from where he’d been making himself some late-night hot decaf tea. He needed to calm his mind and body if he ever hoped to get any sleep, so coffee or any type of caffeine definitely wasn’t on the menu.

He’d been expecting this visit ever since he’d given Sandra the tour. He just wasn’t sure which of the Doms had come with Dex, or if the big man had come alone. “Come on in,” he called loud enough for whoever was at the door to hear.

When only Dex entered a minute later, Brent nodded in greeting as he finished pouring cream into his tea. “I figured I’d see you soon. Would you like some tea?”

Dex grimaced, as Brent knew he would.

“You don’t have any coffee? You know I can’t stand that stuff you love to drink.”

Brent gestured to the small coffeemaker that sat on the counter a few feet away. “Be my guest. You know where everything is. That way we can both have our drink of choice while you grill me.”

Brent left Dex to make his coffee and sat in his recliner in the lavish living area.

When Dex returned with a steaming cup in his hand, he cleared his throat as he sat on the love seat directly across from Brent. “So who is she?” He pinned Brent with an intense gaze. “And don’t give me any bullshit. I heard about the scene in the elevator, and when the two of you came down to the dungeon floor it was plain to see both the sparks and the history that flowed between you. So let’s hear it.”

Brent took a drink of tea and then blew out a long breath. “Sandra and I went to the same high school.” He fell silent in the vain hope that Dex would accept that as a full explanation, but he knew better.

“And?” Dex pressed, a hint of impatience creeping into his tone.

Brent tensed at the tone and then forced himself to relax. Dex was a good friend. He was concerned, and he had an interest in Club Desire and its inner workings. “I told you how horrible high school and even early college were for me. I was a totally different person then. And Sandra…” He let his words trail off, not sure how much he wanted to say. He didn’t plan to be up for several more hours dissecting the personal details of his life, and Dex was relentless when presented with what he considered interesting information.

Dex studied him and Brent met his gaze squarely, knowing that anything else would only sharpen his friend’s curiosity.

Finally Dex dropped his gaze and smiled. “All right. So I think I’ve got the picture. Just from looking at Sandra, let me guess. She was one of the popular kids? If she looked anything like she does now back in high school, I can’t imagine her being in the outcast nerd population like you were. She’s freaking gorgeous.” He cocked his head to the side in question, and Brent remained silent. He should have known Dex would assess the situation correctly. The man worked for the FBI as a very high-level analyst. Not much got past him, which was both a great asset to Club Desire and a major pain in the ass for Brent personally.

Dex shifted in his chair before taking a generous sip of coffee. “So what’s the problem? You were acting like you were marking your territory down on the dungeon floor. I’ve never seen you like that with any woman, especially not a sub. And while Sandra had eyes for no one but you, she seemed incredibly unsure of herself and tentative about your attention. So what gives? Something just isn’t adding up.”

Brent steeled himself for the next phase of the conversation. He wasn’t sure how his friend would react, but he knew how
would react if their situations were reversed. “She doesn’t realize who I am yet.”

A bark of laughter boomed from Dex before he relaxed back against his chair. “The plot thickens. All right. I can see how she might not recognize you. You once showed me a few pictures of you from high school, and man, I’ve got to tell you, even if I’d been your best friend back then I probably wouldn’t recognize you now. When are you going to tell her? You know you have to.”

His direct gaze drilled into Brent, who met it squarely. “It hasn’t been the right time yet. But I do plan to tell her.”

Dex shook his head. “You’re playing with fire, man. I assume she’s already a member and has asked you to be her Dom by now.”

It wasn’t a question, so Brent didn’t bother to respond. Dex was only telling him what he already knew.

“The future revelation of who you really are is going to damage the trust between you. And it’s my job as your friend and someone who helped you set up this place to tell you that you need to find a way to tell her as soon as possible. Before you both get in too deep.”

Brent unclenched his jaw. “I plan to. And I know it sounds like I’m making excuses, but due to the circumstances…” He pulled Mason’s note out of his pocket. “Did you ever meet my friend Mason?”

Dex shook his head. “No, but you’ve told me about him. Owns a dungeon in New York, right?”

Brent nodded and handed Dex the note.

After scanning the note, Dex muttered, “Shit. No wonder she looks like a scared rabbit about to bolt. Do you know exactly what happened?”

Brent shook his head. “I’m going to call Mason in the morning. I have some suspicions from her limits, but I have a feeling there’s much more than I know or even suspect.”

Dex shifted in his chair. “You know this makes it even more important that you don’t damage her trust. It’s obvious that you’re her Dom of choice. I can be her friend, but even if she chose to do scenes with me, we’d never have the connection you two obviously already have.”

Dex’s words echoed Brent’s view of the situation. He would prefer that he be Sandra’s only Dom, but in the end if it was best for her to play elsewhere he would support her choice. But he’d already seen her with Dex, and she’d shown no signs of being the least bit attracted to the big man. Brent was ashamed to admit that he’d been relieved. Dex was one of the most sought-after Doms in the dungeon. The man might work mostly a desk job, but he took care of himself. Like Brent, Dex held a black belt in karate and judo, and his vigilant training showed in his physique.

“Thanks for being a good friend, Dex. I’ll do the right thing for her. After I talk to Mason I’ll give you an update so if Sandra does need a friend to talk to who isn’t her Dom, you’ll be armed with information.”

Dex nodded and stood, his chair scraping quietly against the tile as it moved back. “Until then, do you mind if I try to dig into this a little more?” He held up the note from Mason.

There was very limited information other than Diego’s first name, but Brent was sure Dex could find the restraining order and go from there. He nodded, grateful for any help or information his friend could offer.

Dex tucked the note in his pocket. “Oh, and Brent. Try to get some sleep. You look like crap.”

Brent laughed. Dex didn’t sugarcoat, and Brent had always liked that about him. It was something they had in common.

BOOK: My Obsession
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