My Masters' Nightmare, Season 1 / Episode 13 (9 page)

Read My Masters' Nightmare, Season 1 / Episode 13 Online

Authors: Marita A. Hansen

Tags: #fbi, #kidnapping, #mafia, #italy, #human trafficking, #mobsters, #drama action

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My uncle
shook his hand.

, and take care of my brother and nephew.”

Not your

Just keep her alive to
make my nephew happy.”

The Black Russian

Letting go of
his hand, Christo
turned to me, giving my cheek an affectionate pat. “Enjoy yourself
and I’ll see you in a week.”

I nodded, leaning
in to give him a
hug. He hugged me back, then headed for his car with the soldier
who’d carried my auntie into the plane.

He’s crazy like me,” the Black
Russian said, watching him get into the car. “That’s why I won’t
kill him.”

I frowned. “Why would you even consider
killing him?”

That’s a mute point, plus he’ll
be dead from the cancer soon
,” he said, watching my uncle’s car drive off,
followed by the other one. Once they had disappeared, he looked
down at me. “I have a question for you. Were you at the D’Angelo
house when your family took it over?”

No. Why?”

He held out his right hand. “Grip my hand
with both of yours.”

Wondering what the fuck this
was about,
took a hold of his hand, yelping as one of my fingers touched
something spiky. I whipped my hand back, seeing blood on my middle
finger. “What the hell?”

The Black Russian
turned his hand
over. My eyes went wide at the ring on his middle finger. Its top
was flipped open, a needle sticking out of it. It reminded me of
the one I’d given my sister to inject the Landi soldier

Did you poison me? I said,
looking up at the Black Russian in shock.

He smiled. “No. I
ust gave
you something to make you sluggish so you don’t give me trouble. I
know about your fighting skills, and right now, I want you to be a
pussy cat, not a tiger.” He closed the ring’s lid. “Hence, why this
was necessary.”

I stepped away from him. “What the hell is
going on?” I said, aware there was nowhere to run. Christo was
gone, while the Russian guards were now pointing their guns at

he Black Russian reached out to grab my
arm. “Calm down, pretty.”

Like fuck I will.”
I yanked my arm
away from him, almost losing my balance. I attempted to steady
myself, my limps feeling wobbly. “Why are you doing this to me?
We’re meant to be allies.”

Not after your family killed
four of my Black Guards and kidnapped another.” He lunged for me as
my legs gave out, stopping me from hitting the ground. He lifted me
into his arms as though I weighed nothing. “You’re lucky you
weren’t there when it happened, because I would’ve tortured you for

I stared at him, the full
brevity of what he was saying hitting me. I remembered seeing a
stunning blond Russian in the House of Whores; I just didn’t
realize he was a Black Guard. Numerous nationalities had occupied
the cells, Slavic people amongst them, which had been why I hadn’t
paid him special attention, even more so since he wasn’t my taste
in men, plus the
had dealt with him.

The Black Russian
grimaced. “I see
understanding in your pretty eyes. You know what’s happening, don’t
you? Vengeance.”

You’re going to kill

Oh no, you’re too lovely
to kill. Instead, you’re going to be my newest pleasure

Let me go!” I yelled, now

He tightened his grip on
Matteo, you belong to me now, along with Jagger’s brother. I have
waited a long time to fuck a D’Angelo.”


ill get his just desserts at the hands of
my sister. And really, I don’t understand why you Donatelli ever
thought I would help you?”

Because you’re friends with

If he was a true friend he
wouldn’t have allowed my guards to be killed.”

He had no part in what happened
to them. He wasn’t the Don at the time. He wasn’t even in the
fucking country. The ones responsible are dead.”

The priest is still

Then kill him and let me

You’re n
ot a very loyal

I hate him, he raped



Your reaction to him now makes
sense, Yuri.”

My name’s not

It is now
. Yuri was one of the Black
Guards murdered. You’ll replace him in my bed.” He brushed my ear
with his lips. “So, Yuri, you do realize you’re not going to
Naples? Instead, you’ll be living with me for the rest of your

I breathed out, wondering how the fuck
I was going to get out of this shit.

Nothing to say?”

ll do whatever you want,” I said,
knowing there was no fucking way I was staying with him, because I
was no one’s slave. I just needed to bide my time for the right
moment to escape, which unfortunately wasn’t now.

ran his lips over my ear again. “Good
boy. At night you’ll be tied to my bed, while during the day you’ll
be watched closely when I’m busy.”

I won’t give you

No, because I punish
makers.” He bit my ear, making me yelp. He laughed. “And by
the way, I use the whole chicken. I’m not kinky, I’m crazy.” He
started heading up the steps, carrying me with ease. My eyes went
to the
and Thierry as we entered the plane, their shocked gazes
moving to me.

Why are you carrying
my nephew?”

I make people go weak at the
knees.” The Black Russian lowered me into a seat and clicked my
seatbelt on. “Two pretty Donatelli and one pretty D’Angelo, I got
my money’s worth today.” He looked at the priest. “And you’re not
one of them. Your face is too rough.”

pulled Thierry in closer. “I already said
this one’s mine.”

The Bla
ck Russian sat down next to me,
placing a hand on my crotch. “No, everyone in this plane belongs to

I only belong to God,”
snapped, his eyes going to the door as it

The Black Russian laughed. “And I
belong to the Devil.”

s going on?”

Karma. Do you remember a
blond man called Sasha?”

shook his head as the engines

Do you remember
a Russian man,
then? He’s the beautiful blond your family kidnapped from the
D’Angelo house.”

looked confused, then understanding
crossed his face.

The Black Russian glared at him. “Did you
have a taste of my beautiful Sasha?”


You lie, priest, I can see it
in your eyes. You fucked what was mine and I bet you watched your
ugly soldiers shoot my Black Guards, including Sasha’s

I had no part in that;
I don’t approve of
beautiful men being killed.”

Since you knew they were
beautiful, it must mean you were there.”

No. I was in a different room
when that travesty happened. When I found out about it, I raged at
my brother.”

I’m assuming you’re talking
about the old Don, because this one,” the Black Russian patted my
crotch, “said Christo wasn’t there.”

, my dead brother.”

The Black Russian cocked his
head to the side as the plane lifted off. “Regardless, why did you
get on my jet after what was done to my Black Guards? I understand
Christo wasn’t aware of what happened, even your nephew had a
viable excuse, but
you were there when the D’Angelo house was overrun. Didn’t you even
consider there would be consequences for killing my

Again, I did not kill them. I
have never killed a man in my life.”

Your family,

No, the killers were guards
doing the bidding of a higher power than me. I had no say in what
happened to your men.”

Which is why I’ll let you live.
The master is the one who’s responsible, and for you Italians
that’s the Don.”

You cannot kill Christo,
s your

I have no intention of killing
him; h
wasn’t the master at the time. But you, stupid priest, should’ve
told him what happened to my guards? It was very foolish not to
give him all the information at hand.”

I didn’t think to. Guards are
hired help. Unimportant. We don’t retaliate if a guard is killed,
only if family is touched.”

I don’t share your way of
thinking. My guards are my possessions, and when someone takes one
of my possessions away from me, I get very angry. And worse, when
they take a favorite possession away, I
retaliate. Two of those guards were my
favorites. I loved them, yet one was killed without thought, while
the other is being kept from me.” The Black Russian leaned forward,
making the
push his head back into the seat. “And all because

No, because of my dead brother.
You can’t punish me for his sins, plus you said he’s solely

I didn’t use the word ‘solely’
and you still deserve to be punished for using one of my
possessions without permission, and when I find him, he better not
be damaged.”

You’re meant to protect me, not
harm me. That was the agreement you struck with

I will do as I

You can’t! Put this plane
back down, I refuse to go with you.”

Are you giving me an order,
priest? Because if you are, I will kill you instead of imprison

shook his head, his eyes panicked. “We can
fix this. Christo will find the soldiers who killed your guards and
hand them over to you.”

From what I hear, the D’Angelo
Don has already had them killed. And what about what
did to Jagger? He’s
the reason why my Black Guards were with the D’Angelos: to protect
him from you.”

I have freed him.”

You had no right to claim him
in the first place.” He pointed at Thierry. “He may be willing, but
I heard Jagger was not. I know what you did to him and
unfortunately for you, I like him very much. You will pay for
hurting him by learning what it’s like to be used as a sex

’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t dare touch

Don’t flatter yourself, you’re
not my taste. I would sooner kill you than touch your body. I only
touch beauty and you are not beautiful. However, you are muscular
and my sister likes muscular men very much.”

’s eyes widened even more, looking like
they were about to swallow his face whole. “I am a man of God! No
Daughter of Satan shall touch me!”

The Black Russian started to laugh. “I
love how you speak. You shall be very entertaining. I hope my
sister doesn’t gag you.”

pushed to his feet, the fury on his face
strong. The two blonds lifted their guns, barking at him to sit
down. He flopped back in his seat, wincing, probably from his

See, priest,” the Black Russian
said. “You have no power here, so if my sister wants to fill you
with little blue pills to make your cock hard so she can ride you,
you will swallow them as your nephew will swallow my seed. And if
she wants to kiss and paw your body,” he laughed, looking like he
was getting perverse joy out of the
’s horrified expression, “she shall. And she knows
about your unusual cock. When I told her I was procuring you for
her, she decided to invite all her friends over for some unholy fun
with you.”

I will kill
any Daughter of Satan who
touches me!”

You won’t be able to if you’re
tied to my sister’s bed. By the way, priest, I’m a twin too. My
sister is my other half. Do you fuck your brother like I fuck my

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