My Little Secret (17 page)

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Authors: Anna J.

BOOK: My Little Secret
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Like You'll Never See Me Again
I'm at the airport at seven in the morning waiting for my flight. I already had my luggage checked in and am enjoying a pretzel from Auntie Anne's. It's Valentine's Day weekend, and to think just a year ago I was sitting outside my ex-lover's house peering at her through binoculars. I have a feeling things would be a lot different with Monica, though. She just seems a lot more put together. Nothing's official, but I have to smile at the thought of using all the new toys I have packed in my luggage.
I decided to stay at her house for two weeks instead of four days. She has to come back to Philly anyway to handle some issues with her son. She still hasn't told me the entire situation, but from what I understand, she gave her son up for adoption, but the couple supposedly dipped out on her, and her support checks are being returned. I don't even feel like that kind of drama, but I'll enjoy her ass for the moment.
We've been talking all morning, and she said she would have a car pick me up from the airport. I can't wait to see her.
I have about ten minutes before my flight left, so I decide to go ahead and use the bathroom so I won't have to on the plane. I make it quick because I know on Southwest they call you by sections, and I don't want to miss my call.
When I get out front I grab my carry-on bag and get in line. The woman standing in front of me is the shit from behind. She has curves like,
and her wrap is flowing. I can hear her telling someone that she'll meet them in Atlanta, and her voice sounds familiar.
I clear my throat to see if she will turn around, and to my surprise Midori and I come face to face.
“Hey, what are you doing here?” She smiles at me in surprise.
I return the smile as well. “On my way to Atlanta.”
“So am I. Where are you sitting?”
“Fourteen A,” I respond as I straighten my bag up on my shoulder.
“I'm in Fourteen B. This is too funny.”
“That's cool. We can talk while we ride.”
I help Midori with her bag, and once we get settled, she grabs my hand and intertwines her fingers between mine like we always did when we sat next to each other. For the first time in a while she seems genuinely happy, but I don't ask why. I'm just happy to see her smile again.
We both get quiet like we usually do when the plane begins to ascend, and I pray silently for traveling mercy as we make our way to the ATL.
It's good seeing Midori, and I'd take her back in a heartbeat under different circumstances. We chat like old friends, and I miss her like you wouldn't believe.
Once the plane lands and we get our luggage, we hug in the airport and promise to hook up once we get back to Philly. I go ahead and get in the car Monica had arranged for me, and as I dig in my pocket for my cell phone, I pull out a piece of paper as well. It had Midori's name on it, but the phone number was different. I smile before I tear it to shreds, not bothering to enter it in my phone. I am here to see what Atlanta has to offer. But if it's meant to be, we'll meet up again. Maybe then we'll be right for each other.
About the Author
Anna J. is the author of three novels and six collaborations, including best selling work
My Woman His Wife
. She prides herself on being a “Philly Author,” where she still resides, and is hard at work on her next novel, dropping in September of 2009. You can also find out more about Anna J. by visiting her web site at:
Urban Books, LLC
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My Little Secret Copyright © 2008 Anna J.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.
ISBN: 978-1-6228-6181-1
First Mass Market Printing October 2011
First Trade Paperback Printing September 2008
This is a work of fiction. Any references or similarities to actual events, real people, living, or dead, or to real locales are intended to give the novel a sense of reality. Any similarity in other names, characters, places, and incidents is entirely coincidental.
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