My Life Without Garlic (8 page)

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Authors: Bailey Bradford

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: My Life Without Garlic
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“Clod. Shit!” Tony pointed his dick at Augustin. “Now you’ve got me calling him that.”

“You sucked him?” Augustin asked… Well, kind of accused.

Tony looked delighted and amused. “Only his wrist. Since he made me, he can heal me like that. Any other vamp blood would have possibly killed me.”

Augustin frowned at that. “Vampires aren’t a very hardy species. Here I was thinking y’all and roaches would be buddies after humanity does itself in.”

“I’ll show you hardy. And I fucking hate roaches,” Tony rumbled, then a blur of movement later, Augustin shrieked as he was dropped on the bed.

“How do you do that?” And why was he asking stupid questions? There was a gorgeous guy pinning him down and… Augustin parted his lips for the kiss. “Mm.” Tony tasted so good, like spice and copper. There was something alarming about that, but Augustin refused to dwell on it. He wanted Tony. Tony, for whatever reason, wanted him. That was the important thing here.

Well, that and the thick length of Tony’s dick, pressed alongside Augustin’s not quite as impressive one. Tony lowered more of his weight onto Augustin and the friction was delicious but not enough.

Tony nibbled on Augustin’s lip. Augustin ran his hands down Tony’s ripped shoulders to his biceps. He gave those bulging muscles a squeeze.
Jeeeeesus those are nice!

Tony rutted harder. Augustin’s gut turned and heated up as need began spreading from his cock to his balls, down to his ass. He grunted as he tried to part his legs. With Tony’s framing his, it wasn’t going so well.

“You want me to fuck you,” Tony said, not a request at all, but a statement.

Augustin considered arguing just out of sheer stubbornness, but he wasn’t stupid most of the time. “Yes. Condoms—”

Tony hissed, and it sounded enough like a snake that Augustin shivered. “Scared?” Tony asked.

“That’s not the same thing as being creeped out. I don’t like snakes.”

Tony scowled at him. “What does that have to do with anything? Besides this snake.” He ground against Augustin.

Augustin scowled right back. “Make another lame joke like that, and you’ll be beating off instead.”

Tony snickered, and something in Augustin went soft and melty like butter on hot toast.

This is just sex. Just sex! I am not falling for him!
“Condoms,” Augustin tried again.

Tony didn’t look pleased. “I can’t pass any diseases on to you, or get any from you. I don’t have—”

“You suck blood. Bag it or beat it,” Augustin said firmly.

“I can see you refuse to listen to reason,” Tony grumbled.

Augustin wagged a finger at him. “Do you have any idea how many of my exes tried to talk me into barebacking in the heat of the moment? Or at other times? No. Not happening.” Besides the disease issue, for all he knew vampire spunk could do something weird to him. What if he grew fangs out of his ass? Not that he really thought such a thing was possible.

Then again, he hadn’t believed in vampires before, and Tony had said something about a blood exchange bonding mates or whatever. An exchange of body fluids might do it, too. Augustin wasn’t taking any chances here.

“It’s more than just the health aspects,” Augustin said. “I’ve never let anyone, not even men I’ve cared for a great deal. I don’t even know you. I can’t—”

Rather than looking offended, Tony’s features softened with what may have been understanding. “Oh. I get it.” He cupped Augustin’s chin then kissed him slowly, and so thoroughly that Augustin probably would have agreed to anything when Tony finally raised his head again.

“Stay right here. I think there are condoms in Rika’s room. He likes to blow them up and make animals out of them. I’ll be right back.”

Augustin shook his head. “You vampires are some strange, strange people.”

“Keeps life interesting,” Tony said, then he was out of the door.

What would it hurt to skip the condoms? Augustin couldn’t imagine it. He wanted Tony, but he didn’t trust him. How could he when they’d only just met? Even without the whole kidnapping and breaking into his place part, Augustin would have said no go. He needed a barrier, and even if a condom was only a symbolic one, he was taking it.

Tony was back in under a minute, holding a strip of condoms and a bottle of lube.

“We only need one,” Augustin pointed out.

“That’s what you think,” Tony said with entirely too much smugness. “I told you I’d show you hardy. I can guarantee I can fuck you this many times before nightfall.
you can take it.”

Augustin counted six of them on that strip. “Riiight. If you think you can really do it that many times, go for it.”

Tony grinned. “Oh, you are so going to get it.”


Augustin arched one eyebrow. “Yeah? I’d like to
get it
some time in this century. Are you always so chatty during sex? Oh wait. We aren’t having sex yet.”

Tony was going to fuck Augustin until the man couldn’t snark. Then he’d fuck him some more, until they were both exhausted and sated and maybe even until Augustin at least liked him some. Tony didn’t think Augustin liked him at all right now. Sure the man was horny, but that didn’t mean anything.

Tony was going to make it all mean something. He wanted Augustin, damn it. The man’s snark was even appealing, not that he’d ever admit it.

That smirk was just begging to be wiped away, too. Tony grabbed Augustin by one ankle.

“What—? Eek!”

He did love startling the man. All he’d done was tug and pull Augustin down until his butt was close to the edge of the bed. “Better,” Tony said. He tore off a condom. He hadn’t worn one since he’d been human, and even then, not often.

Tony was surprised to find that they’d improved vastly over the past few decades. “Not bad,” he mumbled as he stroked his dick. “Not as good as bare skin, but I can handle this.”

Then, before Augustin could get out whatever sarcastic thing he was about to spew, Tony flipped him over onto his belly.

“Tony!” Augustin yelped.

Tony grabbed him at the hips and pulled him down a little more. A blush spread from Tony’s neck to the middle of his back. He did have a plump butt, which Tony liked, a lot. Chelsea was an idiot, obviously.

Tony pushed Augustin’s legs apart.

Augustin started yelling. “Lube! Oh my God, lube and—”

Tony bent over him and Augustin’s yammering stopped like someone had flipped the off switch on his mouth. Tony rubbed his dick into Augustin’s crack. The way Augustin’s cheeks cradled him was amazing. Tony was going to ditch condoms at some point and just fuck Augustin’s ass crack until he came.

Later. Next time. Whatever. This time, I want in.
He stretched out and got the lube he’d tossed on the bed. He kissed Augustin’s nape, licked across his shoulders, sucked up a deep purple spot between them while Augustin panted and writhed.

Next time, he’d take longer. Learn every spot on Augustin’s body that drove the man wild, tease him until Augustin begged to be fucked. He wanted to leave more marks, love bites and hickies, whatever he could to mark Augustin as his, especially since a true bite was out of the question. But he’d win that from Augustin too. There was just something between them that was too strong, too intriguing to toss away.

Tony worked his way down Augustin’s spine, licking a path down to his ass.

Augustin peered over his shoulder, eyes wide. “You’re not gonna—”

Tony licked right on down his crack. Augustin’s breath hitched. Tony pushed one cheek aside. He looked at Augustin’s asshole, then lapped at it.

Augustin said something that was a clusterfuck of unintelligible letters.

Tony let go of his cheek and just buried his face in that ample ass. He pushed his tongue against Augustin’s hole and it slipped right in. Tony set the lube down and got himself handfuls of ass, kneading and parting it as he rimmed Augustin.

That tight ring clenched around his tongue. Tony moaned louder than Augustin. There was nothing like an eager, appreciative lover, and Augustin was definitely both, rocking back, fucking himself on Tony’s tongue.

When he had Augustin soaked with saliva, he raised his head up and pushed two fingers into him. The heat and rippling inner walls were almost too much. Tony wanted to stand up and ram in deep, but he took his time instead, working to loosen Augustin for his cock.

Augustin moaned and mewled, both addictive sounds. Tony slipped a third finger in then crooked them all so that he caressed Augustin’s gland.

“Tony! Damn it— I’ll come if you—”

Tony did it again. He enjoyed the way Augustin squeaked, the way he shook and struggled to hold his orgasm back.

He fondled Augustin’s balls. They were heavy, hanging low. The furry orbs fit well in his hand. Tony gave them a gentle push up as he thrust his fingers in repeatedly.

Augustin thrashed on the bed, halfway sitting up, then collapsing again. “I can’t… I can’t—” he said and Tony figured he had made them both wait long enough.

He pulled his fingers out.

“Tony, fuck me already!” Augustin demanded.

“Was planning to.” Tony knelt behind him and lined his dick up. “Now.” He thrust, driving in until his balls slapped Augustin’s. When Augustin wailed, Tony shoved his arms beneath the man. He crossed them and gripped Augustin’s shoulders, and held on tight as he began fucking him with quick, forceful strokes.

The sound of his hips slamming against Augustin’s ass was accompanied by Augustin’s eager moans and Tony’s panted breaths. He licked at the sweaty skin beneath Augustin’s ear, then at his cheek. Tony drove in harder, his gut cramping, balls drawn up and tight with the need building up in them.

Everything was magnified with Augustin—the pleasure, the arousal, the need. Tony had never experienced anything like it. He was melting from the inside out, driven on by an intangible sensation and internal craving he couldn’t identify.

Tony could only hang onto Augustin and rut, broke down into the primal part of man where only the pursuit of ecstasy mattered to his body.

Augustin wiggled. Tony felt him trying to get an arm under him.

“Yes, fuck yes,” Augustin shouted. His ass clamped down tight on Tony’s dick. “Oh my fucking hell yes!”

Augustin’s entire body went taut, then those inner walls rippled around Tony’s dick.

Tony tried to push in further, tried to hold back, but his climax ripped through him, pouring his release out into the condom while he curled over Augustin even more.

He didn’t want the euphoria to ever end, didn’t want to come back to reality that didn’t include the floating, rapturous sensations he was still tingling with.

But he had made Augustin a promise. And there were five more condoms to go.


Chapter Fifteen




Augustin hissed as he rolled onto his side. He glared at Tony, sleeping and snoring beside him. The man was just too gorgeous for words, but Augustin wanted to give his chest hair a good yank just then.

Not that the current soreness Augustin was experiencing was all Tony’s fault. It wasn’t like he’d said no to Tony the second, third, fourth…

Well anyway. It is too his fault. If Tony wasn’t so goddamned sexy and if he wasn’t a sex god, then I’d have been able to say no.
So yeah, it was Tony’s fault after all.

Augustin reached for the chest hair then stopped. Did he
want to wake Tony up now? The man had been a fucking machine for hours. No, that wasn’t right. There’d been nothing mechanical or repetitive about the way Tony had fucked. He’d been perceptive and generous and ravenous, like he’d gone without sex for a hell of a lot longer than Tony had.

And granted, they’d not used all the condoms since Augustin was okay with blow jobs without them, and obviously he didn’t want them for hand jobs or frotting. So there were condoms left, and Augustin’s ass was too tender to put the damned things to good use. If he woke Tony up, though, and the man gave him that hungry ‘oh my God let me fuck you through the nearest surface’ look again? Augustin would flop back and spread for Tony like whipped butter on toast.

Maybe not as smooth as that. He’d found himself trembling more than once when Tony had looked at him, touched him—

Augustin bit back a groan when his dick tried to rise. He scowled down at the tuckered out little guy. There’d be no more fun for him for a while.

He scooted to the edge of the bed, keeping an eye on Tony lest he wake up and ravish Augustin. It was with more than a smidge of disappointment that he managed to not only get up, but go to the restroom and shower, all without Tony so much as moving an inch.

Augustin huffed and glared and the still-snoring jerk. The least Tony could do was wake up and
to seduce him. His stomach rumbled and Augustin realized that was what had woken him up. He hadn’t eaten in almost twenty-four hours, or maybe even longer. With no windows or clock in the room, he had no idea what time it was.

But maybe since Tony was still sleeping, it was daylight. Augustin didn’t find any clothes in the closet or dresser. He settled for snatching the sheet off the bed—and again, Tony didn’t even flinch—and winding it around his body in a bad imitation of a toga.

Augustin flicked a glance Tony’s way, scowled, then left the bedroom. He might have shut the door a little harder than he’d needed to.

Tony had mentioned mates, so Augustin had to believe there’d be real food kept in the house somewhere. He made his way downstairs, assuming the kitchen would be on the lower level. The lack of windows was disconcerting and frankly creeped him out, but not as much as the coffins lined up against the walls.

All the coffins were closed. Augustin stopped by one of them, an evil idea percolating. What if he could find Chelsea’s coffin? He could stake her— His brain skittered off trail there. Tony had been awake during daylight hours, so opening a coffin probably would not be a good idea.

It also seemed cowardly, though if he ever did find out what coffin Chelsea used, and she called him fat ass again, he’d be able to live with being called a coward.

He studied all the coffins, but saw no difference in them. Shrugging, he gave up trying to figure out who was in which one, and went back to searching out the kitchen.

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