My Life From Hell (9 page)

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Authors: Tellulah Darling

Tags: #ScreamQueen

BOOK: My Life From Hell
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Theo waved a hand in front of my face. “Look at something else for a bit. You’re swaying.”

getting a little dazed so I turned my attention to the four levels. Through the archways ringing each tier, I saw that every level boasted a multitude of cozy seating areas in sleek, dark groupings. Balls of light—not flame, not torches, just golden balls of light—were mounted every few feet along the walls. They gave the impression of millions of candles, adding a much needed intimacy to the cavernous space. So did the oases of greenery centered around the flowing water features, that dotted each floor.

The electronica that played through invisible-yet-perfectly calibrated speakers grabbed me in my gut and in my hips, making me want to abandon myself to swaying sensuality. But the music took second place to the clientele. Gods, goddesses, demigods—this was the place for the Greek pantheon to see and be seen. Everyone looked young and beautiful in a way that mere airbrushed mortals could only fantasize about.

It wasn’t all human forms either. I saw centaurs chatting up daemonae, and on the floor below, a siren held court amidst male and female admirers.

“Interspecies,” said Hannah, her eyes gleaming, “very nice.”

The waitresses were all nymphs with slender flowing bodies clad in seaweed, river pebbles, or leaves. Yet the flora these girls sported could have upstaged any Paris couture on the catwalk.

Silk dancers performed aerial ballets high above the dance floor. They spun and arced from billowing ribbons of silver and gold, like acrobats in Cirque du Soleil.

I squinted, my head tilted upward, trying to see what the silks were attached to. The answer, I saw was nothing. The silks were actually gossamer wings that sprouted from the dancers’ backs.

“It’s so beautiful,” I sighed.

Hannah nudged me. “Check out the dance floor.”

I leaned slightly over the railing and gazed toward the bottom level. The floor was packed with bodies jammed so tightly together that they appeared to be moving as one. Even from this top level, I could see the ecstatic expressions.

“They’re all relatively human size,” Hannah said.

“We’re on Earth,” Festos said, like it was the most obvious explanation in the world.

We were quiet for a little while. Lost in the music. Then, there was a voice beside me.

“My favorite patrons. Welcome.”

My head swiveled around. All this gawking was quite the workout.

Beside me stood an androgynous figure that was definitely not human. It was slightly too tall, and its eyes gleamed yellow in its ebony skin. Its fitted black shirt and slacks did nothing to help me guess the gender. Neither did its close-cropped hair, dyed platinum blonde.

I felt both a centeredness and great power coming off it, so figured it was probably a god of some sort.

The being embraced both Theo and Festos warmly.

“Nyx!” Festos leaned in to kiss both cheeks.

This was Nyx? Goddess of Night and successful club owner?

Nyx read my face and gave me an amused smile. “Do not assume all goddesses come in the same flavor, little one.” Her gaze swept slowly over me. “Hmm.”

My eyes narrowed as I stared her down. Or rather up, since she towered over me. “Yes?” I said.

She cocked one perfect eyebrow. Perfectly. “A lot of chatter over you. I was not sure what to expect.”

I shrugged. “Most don’t.”

“It appears much of the rumor is true.”

“Probably, more is false.”

Her smile grew genuine. “Enjoy yourself, Sophie. And welcome, finally, to Nyx.”

With a sweeping bow, she left us.

I watched her go, puzzled. “Why finally?”

Festos made a face. “Persephone wouldn’t be caught dead with this riff raff.”

Her loss. Happily, I had better taste.

But no hearing, since with a delighted shriek, Hannah flung herself happily into her boyfriend’s arms and shattered my eardrums. “Pierce!” she squealed.

I tried not to gape at his appearance like a slack-jawed yokel but I wasn’t entirely successful.

Hannah turned to me with a raised eyebrow. “Something you want to say, Kitten?”

Yes. If I’d been capable of speech.

I was used to Pierce looking like he belonged in an Abercrombie catalogue what with his tousled sun-kissed hair, and amazing green eyes. But this was club porn. He wore slouchy jeans in the same pale gold as Hannah’s dress. Giant gold wings extended from his back. Two bands of brown striped each one. And every feather was long and full. I tried very hard not to make inappropriate comparisons.

Festos shot me a smirk, so I knew that my smut-mind had company.

While the wings were definitely impressive, his chest was a masterpiece.

For starters, it was bare.

And ripped. Holy crap was he ripped. Compelled like a moth to a flame, I reached out a finger to touch his abs, but Hannah smacked my hand away before I could reach them. I shook it to take away the sting. “Possessive much?”

“Next time you lose the whole arm. And that’s just because I love you.”

“Yeah,” Pierce said in the sexy British accent that moved his whole vibe into stratospherically hot territory. “You should see her around girls she doesn’t like.” He grinned, and I could see that it didn’t bother him at all.

“It’s time to dance,” Festos announced.

Hannah waved him off. “You guys go.” She stared dreamily at Pierce, her hand on his rock hard belly. “We’re going to go sit and chat.”

“Nice euphemism,” I teased. I didn’t begrudge her much because, well, most breathing females, and more than a few males, would want to euphemistically chat with Pierce too. All night if possible. But I couldn’t help feeling a little hurt. It was my birthday. She didn’t have to third-wheel dump me so blatantly.

“We’ll catch up with you soon,” she promised with a breezy wave.

Theo caught my hand before I scratched more than a couple of times “Come on, Magoo,” he said. “Let’s dance.” He paused and then added, “I think I needed this too.”

Theo had spent the past seventeen years watching and planning and keeping me safe. All without his god powers. He’d lived like a human boy, hidden from family and friends. I was glad he could finally have this night for himself. Sometimes, a bit of self-care can make as big a difference as all the tough preparation in the world.

I squeezed his hand.

In a birthday miracle, Theo pulled me into a huge hug and held me. Theo hated hugging. I mean
. Even Festos could barely get more than a few seconds out of him. So this?

This was huge. This was Theo’s “I love you.”

My toes curled, I got a goofy grin on my face, and felt sunshiny joy pour through my body. Not all meltiness originates from swoony lover boys. Sometimes it comes from best friends. Because love is love and it is all great.

I pushed the moment by smooching Theo’s cheek, at which point he shoved me away like I’d spilled hazardous waste on him. I winked at Festos, who watched the whole thing with evident amusement.

Then, with a “come on” wave, Festos led us through the club and down to the dance floor.

It was tropical jungle hot and steamy on that level. Also sardine packed. But entirely fabulous. The music and energy were contagious. Even snaking through the crowd, the three of us sambaed along.

I was so lost in my own little world—trying so hard to take in this fantastical place—that I collided with a hard body, and felt the slosh of a drink against my front. “Sorry,” I said, looking up. I found myself staring at Anil Patel and did a double take. Anil was a classmate and former flirt buddy of mine. “I’m not sure which question to ask first.” I said.

Anil gave me his familiar warm grin. “How about ‘Hey human, how did meat like you get through the door?’”

I laughed. “Okay. Let’s start with that.” Last time I’d seen Anil, he hadn’t known about the existence of gods and goddesses at all.

“I’m dating Cassie,” he said, blushing.

“Really?” I tried to wrap my head around it. The popular star wrestler dating the kooky ginger misfit who also happened to be an Oracle. I failed. “That’s uh—”

“Freaking weird. I know. It happened the night of the Winter Formal.” His expression turned sheepish. “The night your mom dragged you out of school. Sorry about that, by the way.”

“Not your fault.” It wasn’t. Anil had been unfairly screwed over that night, too. Underneath all his posturing, he was actually a nice guy. A friend. If he and Cassie had grown close, then I was glad that something good had come out of that mess. “Where is she?” I asked.

Holding two cocktail glasses, Anil gestured. A deep turquoise liquid pulsed and sputtered in one of the glasses, like angry waves in the ocean. I started as it crashed against the glass. The other drink looked like liquid sunset with streaky layers of red, pink, and gold that glowed magically. Anil caught me staring and brought me back to reality. “She’s over here.”

I looked around to tell Festos and Theo to go on without me, but they were already on the edge of the dance floor. So I headed over to Cassie and gave her a sneak attack hug.

She squealed when she saw me, her ginger curls bobbing over a cute green halter dress that made her eyes sparkle.

But that could have been her manic energy. “I can’t believe you’re here!” she said. “I didn’t think I was ever going to see you again! What happened that night? I didn’t want to ask Hannah in case you didn’t want to talk about it. Are you doing okay about next week?” Her words were rushed and overly happy as if every statement deserved an exclamation mark.

okay, Cass?”

Anil gave me the tiniest shake of his head.

Cassie smiled brightly. “I’m fine! Ha! Ha! You know, getting closer to the equinox! Big day! Lots of prophecies!” Her smile wavered for a second before going extra mega-watt.

This was worrisome. Mostly for what it was doing to Cassie’s mental well-being but also because new prophecies could mean new info I needed to have. “New prophecies?” I asked. “Like what?”

She waved me off. “Nothing really! Just the old favs!” She took the sunset glass from Anil and tossed it back in one gulp.

Anil leaned in to me. “She’s upped her Ativan. Swears she’s fine but I’m worried she’s going to snap.”

I braced my hand on his shoulder, spoke directly and quietly into his ear. “Anything happens to her, even if she only gets a tiny bit worse, promise me you’ll take her to Hannah. Hannah can get her to me and Theo, and we can help.” I hoped.

I’d always hated the fact that my goddess awakening had triggered Cassie’s own prophetic abilities. I couldn’t help worrying that I was still triggering stuff for her. That all my anger and unease were amping her up. And not in a good way.

I stepped back at Anil’s nod, but stood gnawing on my lip.

Cassie noticed and placed her hand on my arm. “No worries, girlfriend! Tonight is about forgetting! Eat, drink, and be merry, right!” She beamed at me but I could feel the waves of anxiety coming off her.

“Right,” I said. “You have fun tonight. Enjoy your guy. He’s a good one.”

Cassie blushed as Anil slipped his arm around her waist and pressed a kiss to her temple. I could see her relax. Maybe Anil was a talisman to keep her grounded. Man, I hoped so.

I smiled at them both and with a small wave, went to find the two boys who were keeping
sane. And alive.

I stood back from the dance floor for a minute, and took it all in. I saw Cassie bouncing to the beats, while Anil flailed like an enthusiastic puppy. Beyond them, deep in the crowd, I caught sight of Pierce’s wings. He and Hannah had come down.

They moved beautifully. Big surprise. Even the stunning otherworldly beings around them noticed. But my friends didn’t come off as snobby, or aloof. Hannah’s arm was draped on Pierce’s shoulder and he had one arm locked around her waist. They gazed into each other’s eyes, huge smiles on their faces as the love flowed between them.

Everyone around them felt the effect, smiling and swaying toward them as if to bask in their glow. It was hard to begrudge that kind of love and happiness. And I really didn’t. I guess I just wished there were two of Hannah so that Pierce and I could both have her attention.

I watched Festos and Theo, their hands on each others’ hips, and grooving together. It meant they weren’t moving around much, which probably worked for Festos since he didn’t have his cane. Also, it allowed them maximum touching.

No downside.

Theo pressed his hand into the small of Festos’ back, pulling him closer as he leaned in to say something. Fee’s lips tugged up in a small grin. That’s when Festos looked up and saw me at the edge of the floor. He crooked his finger, beckoning me to come dance with them.

So I did. I tried to dance beside them but, shockingly, it was Theo who would have none of it. He pulled me between them.

At first, I couldn’t stop laughing. I was the center of this boy-sandwich, and Fee was acting exceptionally lewd. But soon the music swirling around us was too compelling to resist. We quit fooling around and lost ourselves in the sound.

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