My Lady Series Bundle (35 page)

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Authors: Shirl Anders

Tags: #regency spies, #Historical Romance, #Regency Romance, #Romance, #Regency, #Gothic, #gothic romance, #military, #Multicultural & Interracial, #Literature & Fiction

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Wyndham's head came up. Had Alexei forced Orelan to suck his cock for the marker? If Alexei had forced his cock on Orelan, he was going to kill him! Damn the consequences! Wyndham scraped his hand across his tense jaw. He had to gain control of himself, and Orelan needed him. He glanced at her, and then he stepped closer. "Orelan," he murmured, reaching his hand forward tentatively toward her hair.

"You s-stopped," she mumbled, with a weepy voice and her body still turned away from him.

"You were afraid," he muttered. "Of course I stopped."

, Wyndham," Orelan exclaimed tearily. At the same instant she turned sharply and grasped him into an ambushing embrace. Her bare breasts were slick with her tears against the hot skin of his chest as her arms strangled the back of his neck "I am s-so s-sorry," she cried into his neck. "I d-do not k-know what happened, Wyndham."

"Hush, baby," he muttered gruffly, wrapping her into his arms and hugging her tightly against him. She was a changeling. A lovely erotic changeling and he better than anyone, understood the pressure that they were under. Intent on soothing her, he lifted her up into his arms and he carried her with a stiff limp to the tub. She was still weeping softly as he bent and urged her into the tub, which he adjusted to begin filling with water.

"Wyndham," she murmured with a watery voice.

"Hush now, Orelan," he murmured as he persuaded her with his hands motion to recline in the rising warm water. "You need to calm down, sweetheart. Just relax," he coaxed her as he looked down into her lovely tear-stained face. He kissed her temple as her head relaxed against the edge of the tub, and then he heard her sigh with a sound of surrendering acceptance. Slowly, he brushed and lifted her hair up over the edge of the tub with his fingers and her eyes fluttered closed with only a few errant sniffles sounding now.

He went to retrieve the chair, which he set beside the tub, so he could sit and stretch out his bad leg. Then he reached for the sponge and a cake of soap. He held them beneath the water, and then rubbed the soap into the sponge to gain some lather, before he turned the warm water off.

Orelan's eyes lifted halfway in a slumberous way. "I am such a baby," she murmured, with her plush bottom lip pouting outward.

"Mm," he answered uncommitted as he grasped her arm and lifted it to begin washing it gently.

"You would bathe me?" she asked with soft wonderment in her voice.

"Yes," he answered with a raspy gruffness in his voice, while his mind contemplated doing more than simply bathing her. She slanted her eyes at him with a catlike quality, and then she hummed a small purr leaning her neck to one side for better access as he stroked the lathery sponge over her slender collarbone. His spitfire was becoming sultry warm fire again, and he watched her relaxed nipples rucked into jutting spikes. His cock answered with a deep throbbing in its base that curled around his balls. He allowed the pleasure to seep through him, but he held back his lustier nature as he slowly slid the sponge downward between the cleavage of Orelan's up-thrusting breasts.

"You make love to me with this sponge," she murmured with her eyes closed as he did indeed swirl wet suds around her rising breasts. His hand was persuaded to pay particular attention to the aroused and distended tips of her nipples. "Mm mm," she murmured, lifting her nipples to his spongy fondling.

Wyndham observed Orelan arching her toes restlessly, which were resting on the edge of the tub. The water was a sensual adornment to her lightly caramel-kissed skin. He decided that she was enjoying his bathing enough that he could move lower.

, Wyndham," she moaned, raising her slumberous gaze to him. "Am I being naughty?" she asked in a husky whisper as her thighs fell open wider to his exploration.

he nearly bit his tongue as he watched the sponge moving between her sleek thighs, while her body undulated sensuously in the warm water. "I like naughty," he rasped.

She smiled slowly, just like the Spanish vixen that she was, then she asked, "But what of you, my powerful golden puma?" Her hand strayed toward his thigh, but he caught her wrist, returning her hand to the water.

"This is for you, sweetheart. All for you," he murmured, as she looked at him with a question in her golden irises. "And you know that I will stop at any moment. No matter what we are doing, if you want me to stop?" She nodded slowly. "Then relax, sweetheart. I will enjoy this as much as you."

A small secret smile graced Orelan's lips as she looked up at him. The look in her gaze giving him her complete trust, and then she slowly closed her eyes. He was left with a sumptuous feminine feast before him that he intended to enjoy, until she cried her sweet pleasure for him. He slipped his finger beneath the sponge and whispered, "Spread your legs for me, Orelan." He heard her breath catch as she slowly opened her thighs. "Wider," he whispered as he touched the softly swollen slit of her pussy. The fertile warm flesh quivered as he slipped his finger deeper and her mouth opened in an arousing sigh. The warm water rolled with his fingers stroking movements as he brought his other hand forward to caress her inner thighs.

"Oh, Wyndham," she gasped softly, raising her hips to him.

"Yes, sweetheart," he murmured. "Show me what you like."

," she moaned, and her hands dropped over the sponge with his finger beneath. She pressed, burrowing his finger deeper, as her hips rolled and her inner thighs stretched. His fingers beneath the water traced the crease of her inner thigh following it to the slick opening of her vagina. She guided his finger faster over her clitoris as he smudged the accepting opening. "
" she gasped.

Slowly, he entered her with one finger and her hips lifted, seating the width of his finger more firmly as she moaned her acceptance. "You are mine," he rasped, bringing his thumb forward to play against her lower pussy, while he withdrew and thrust his finger inside her again.

Wyndham," she cried. "Si, puma.
so much, puma.

"I want to lick your pussy," he rasped.

Her eyes opened and he could see the fevered passion in their golden depths. He did not give her time to think, he simply grasped her wrists and urged her to stand before him. He lowered his head at the same moment rubbing his nose, his mouth, and his chin over her wet pubic curls, as he used his hands on her hips as a guide. Then, his tongue darted forward and he licked deeply.

"Wyndham!" she cried.

She grasped his head, with her legs becoming wobbly. He held her nearly swooning stance by the strength in his arms as his tongue nudged the lips of her pussy apart and the tip of his tongue found the bead of her clitoris. It was swollen and fat and he quickly shimmied his tongue rapidly over it. Orelan's answering cry of passion was arousing as he caught the crook of her knee with his forearm and lifted. He lifted her leg, until her thigh was on his shoulder and he had superb access to her splayed pussy.

"Dios!" Orelan cried, unable to help herself from wriggling her sexual nub against Wyndham's hot flicking tongue.
Wyndham, si," she cried.
"Oh, si!"
She could feel Wyndham's bristly unshaven chin rasping against her inner thighs as she clutched the heavy strands of his yellow-blond hair. Her fingers brazenly pressed his face closer between her thighs as she rolled her sex against his surging tongue. "Si,
oh dios, si,
" she cried, and then she screamed ardently as he entered her strongly with his stiffened finger. He withdrew and thrust his finger inside her again, doing it repeatedly, as his tongue skittered faster and faster and the explosion of passion in her sex burst free.

" she cried.
"Mio Amore!"

Chapter Eleven

relan woke slowly. She barely remembered Wyndham cradling her, drying her off gently, and then carrying her to the bed. He had given her such wonderful passion. So many beautiful and exciting moments to take the place of the other moments that she would make herself forget. Never again would she be afraid of Wyndham. He had stopped when she thought it not possible for a man to do so. He had been fiercely aroused, yet he had stopped himself and not taken any pleasure of his own when he realized that she was so foolishly afraid.

"Feeling better?" Wyndham murmured against her ear.

Orelan smiled and opened her eyes slowly. She could feel the length of Wyndham's warm nakedness pressing against her breasts, belly, and upper thighs.
he was so warm and strong, she thought, as she looked into his sleepy dark purple irises.

"Have we been sleeping?" she asked softly.

"Mm, for an hour, perhaps," he murmured, and then he stretched with the muscle of his upper arm flexing impressively beneath her cheek. She wriggled her toes against the springy hair on his calves. "I wish we could stay like this forever, Wyndham," she murmured.

"Naked in my arms?" he asked huskily.

"Yes, always," she replied pertly.

"Is that a proposal, senorita?" he asked mildly.

Her eyes widened as she looked over his sleep-tumbled appearance gaging his seriousness. Then suddenly, because her heart would not allow her to do anything else, she took a fantastical leap. "Yes!" she blurted.

Just as abruptly as her exclamation, Wyndham came up over her, to lean on his elbow as he gazed down at her intently. His gaze was as searching as hers had been before, as he slowly but firmly said, "And I accept, sweetheart."

Her eyelids flared wide again, as she whispered urgently. "You

Wyndham's arching lips nearly formed a smile, as he said, "I, Lord Wyndham Hawkenge take you, Orelan Becou, to
my wife."

"Oh!" Orelan squealed, and then she was in Wyndham's arms embracing him tightly.

"We must always remember, little love, that you asked me first," he quipped.

"And you accepted," she said, lifting her lips to his descending mouth. With their mouths connected, he scooped her on top of him as he rolled onto his back. An excited giggle erupted from her throat at the intense feeling of warm and hairy male muscle touching her from her naked breasts to her toes. But especially the long hard one, whose knobbed head was pressed into her belly button as the mound of her sex rode over his heated male sacs.

She was stretching to keep her lips seated over Wyndham's soft through kisses, when he pulled her body up his body with his hands gripping her naked buttocks. She instantly remembered her desire to writhe naked over Wyndham's nude masculinity, when she felt his strong body sliding against hers. The hair on his chest rasp her nipples and the tuft of hair on his lower belly tickled her stomach as the cradle of her hips settled between his hips. She ended with the lips of her sex spread over the searing head of Wyndham's male organ. The burrowing friction tingled inside of her, making a steamy wetness in her sex.

"Make love to me, Orelan," he murmured over her lips. "Anything you desire, spitfire," he coaxed huskily.

"Mm mm," she moaned at the heady invitation. She broke their kiss and lifted her head to look down into Wyndham's black-rimmed sapphire irises.

"Anything you want," he whispered again at her searching gaze.

Excitement flared in her breasts and trembled in her belly as she licked her lips slowly, and then said, "Put your arms above your head."

The feel of Wyndham's muscle flexing and drawing beneath her was arousing, as she gazed at his hairy armpit, and then further at the mounded tense slope of his upper arm. His chest rose in this position, to form a buttress of unyielding muscle beneath her softer breasts as his belly hollowed with stretched tendons on either side. The depression of his lean belly cradled her sex, which was saddled over the sizeable head of his pene.

They were wet together, they were hot together as she braced her hands on the raised shield of muscle across Wyndham's chest. She pushed, lifting her upper body and both her eyelids flared with the sliding touch between them. She felt the unfurling of her sex over the head of his rigid organ. She moaned with the ends of her hair pooling over his chest and neck as she rocked the nub of her clitoris over the unyielding head of his shaft. He groaned and she did it again strongly, while hearing the slipperiness they made together.

, Wyndham," she murmured curling her fingernails into his chest. "Lick my breasts," she ordered, feeling the strength of her words.

Wyndham rose upward to do her bidding, and she caught the back of his head with one hand to brace him. His hands closed around both of her breasts pulling them forward as his tongue began trading between each one to rasp over the points of her nipples.

"Yes," she gasped.
yes, Wyndham."

Orelan's knees fell to either side of Wyndham's hips, until she was kneeling and she pulled him to sit upright as she straddled his lap. His pene fell below her sex. So then while he made squeezing kneading hot and wet love to her breasts, she lowered her hand to grasp his long male organ into her hand. He moaned at this touch as he slathered her breasts erotically, and she cried, "Bite the nipples, puma. Bite them!
" she wailed passionately as spikes of desire traveled like sparks from her nipples to her sex, each time Wyndham nipped her nipple points. Her hand stroke Wyndham's shaft as she played its blunt head into her sex, willfully rubbing it over her throbbing clitoris.

, spitfire," Wyndham growled as his strong forearm caught the back of her waist and he pulled her closer to his nipping mouth.

"Si, Wyndham, si," she cried as she lowered the wet head of his shaft to the opening of her wanting sex. "Fill me," she hissed hotly into his ear. "Fill me, puma."

Wyndham's head came up as his hands fell to her buttocks, grabbing each cheek as he pulled her forward. "Look at me, Orelan," he rasped harshly.

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