My King (Two Prince's Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: My King (Two Prince's Book 1)
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She tried to nod as best as she could with my hand still wrapped around her throat. I dropped her and took a step back. She bent over at the waist, coughing and sputtering, rubbing her hands at her throat.

“You fucking bitch!” Bec snarled at me and took a step forward. Franky was in front of her a second later.

“Whoa, ladies. Let’s everybody just calm the fuck down. King, grab Bec.” He gestured to the brown haired man who had yet to be introduced. Hash was looking at me with wide eyes and his mouth hung open. “Duchess, she didn’t mean nothing when she grabbed you. Let’s all just calm down.” He held his hands up in calming gesture.

“I don’t care what she fucking meant. You do not come into my place of business, my god damn home, and think it is okay to put your fucking hands on me. That shit is not cool.”

Avery had finally straightened up from where she was hunched over. Now, she was giving me a serious death glare. “What the fuck is your problem? First, you’re an asshole about the job thing and now, now you go and attack me! When we get back to the clubhouse I’m talking to Cap about this shit! No bitch man handles me like that and gets away with it.” And with that she turned on her heel, shoved past Batey and marched her skanky ass out of my bar.

“Good riddance.” I heard Mandy grumble under her breath.

“Let me go motherfucker.” Bec was trying to squirm away from King’s grasp. He looked to Batey, who nodded, so he let her go. Once she was free from him she too, turned around and marched her skanky ass out of my bar.

“Good riddance.” I heard Mandy, yet again, grumble under her breath.

At that, Franky burst out laughing.

Hash, whose mouth was still hanging open, turned his wide eyes from me to her, “You bitches are crazy,” he remarked.

At that, Franky laughed harder.

I looked him in the eyes and told him, “Buddy, you have no idea.”

Just then the door opened and a shit load of tattooed men wearing their leather vests that sported Mercy MC patches, poured into my bar. And right behind them was a smug looking Avery.

Oh fucking goodie.



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