My Kind of Girl (3 page)

Read My Kind of Girl Online

Authors: Candace Shaw

Tags: #romance, #contemporary romance, #africanamerican romance, #black romance, #african romance contemporary romance

BOOK: My Kind of Girl
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What’s your favorite

Roses, preferably pink. Do
you intend to upkeep the gardens yourself or hire

Of all the flowers in the
world she would love roses.

I’ll probably do both.
Right now, I have a company that cuts the yard and maintains the
shrubbery in the front. They also do garden designs. I’d thought
about asking them to landscape my backyard, but then I met you.
Plus, my parents’ gardens are amazing and I want the same as them.
I knew you were who I was searching for when I laid eyes on you.
Something about your cute dimples hooked me.”

Sean winced as the words he’d just
spoken into the universe resonated in his head. He’d meant what
he’d said, but they seemed to take on a different connotation as he
spoke them out loud … especially when Traci’s alert brown eyes grew
wide without blinking.

Clearing her throat, she tried to
muffle an embarrassed smile as her dimples sunk deeper into her
cheeks. “Well, thank you for the compliment. I’m going to snap
pictures of the yard and the back of the house in order to sketch
out some design ideas to email to you in a few days. I do see a
vision with a tranquility, Zen-like garden. Maybe a pergola with
seating, some trees for birds, and a water display of some type.
Walking paths and a fire pit since you seem to love the outdoors.
That way you can come out here when it’s cool with family and
friends, or just when you need to be alone with your thoughts, or
perhaps a romantic evening.”

Mmm … that last scene
won’t be happening.”

I find that hard to

You’re aware of my

I may have heard a rumor
or five.”

He hated that. For some reason he
didn’t want her to know that side of him. Yeah, he had the
reputation of a playboy or bachelor-for-life persona, but he sort
of wished she wasn’t aware of that. “Believe it or not, I’m not the
romantic type. I love having fun and chilling with women, but I’m
not into the romantic, lovey-dovey thing. It’s simply not

Maybe not now, but when
you finally find that someone special you’ll probably change your

I doubt it. It’s just not

And why do you think that

Should I go lay down on
the couch?” he asked cynically, taking a gulp of his water. “Are
you my shrink now?”

Shrink? Is that a word you
even like?”

Sure, it’s not as
offensive as one would think. For me, I feel as if I’m shrinking my
patient’s issues and concerns so they can have happier lives. It’s
quite rewarding.”

Okay, but back to my
original question that I think you’re trying to avoid.”

Hey … what can I say? I
thought I’d found the perfect one years ago and she wasn’t. I
wasn’t heartbroken or no shit like that, but it made me realize
that marriage isn’t for everyone. I enjoy my dating life because it
gives me the freedom to concentrate on other things that are
important to me … like my family and my career.”

She nodded as if she was in agreement,
but the empty look in her eyes spoke otherwise. Being a
psychiatrist afforded him the luxury of sensing when something was
amiss with someone. Reading body language came with the job.
Lifting her chin, he gazed down at her innocent, beautiful

Who broke your heart,


Traci’s nerves were in utter shock,
and she didn’t know how much longer she could stand there while his
warm, masculine hand was piercing her skin. The fear of fainting
was imminent because she’d practically lost her breath from the
second he’d opened the door wearing a charismatic smile that
appeared to have been created just for her. His slightly worn-out
fraternity T-shirt did nothing to hide his muscular arms, and she’d
caught a glimpse of a tattoo peeking out on his upper-arm but she
couldn’t make out what it was. Now he was in her personal space
staring down at her with a concernment about some A-hole from the
past who’d broken her heart. She couldn’t even remember his name
for Sean was the only name in the forefront at the

Um … gosh … it was a long
time ago. Just this boy I knew in college. No biggie.” And it truly
wasn’t especially now since her pulse raced for the devastatingly
handsome man standing in front of her.

Really? You looked sad for
a moment.”

Oh … but not for me. For
you,” she answered sincerely.

He abruptly dropped his hand and stood
back. “Why for me?”

Well … you seem to be a
really great guy. Your mother is always saying how family-oriented
you are, and that you’re great with your nieces and nephews. I’m
sure you’d make a wonderful father and husband one day. Don’t let
one rotten apple spoil the entire the bunch. That’s all.” The words
flowed truthfully and honestly, yet Traci suddenly feared his
response when discernment washed over his face. Now she was scared
she’d spoken out of turn to her client and was about to be
dismissed. She clutched the camera hanging from her neck and
glanced at her tote back that was draped over his shoulder. She had
an inkling she’d have to grab it any second now. Instead, a smooth
smirk lined his face.

If I didn’t know any
better, I’d think you’re trying to be my shrink. You think I need
counseling, Dr. Reed?”

She let out a relieved breath. “No. I
just think—”

that I’m a really great
guy that should settle down? You and my entire family, especially
my mother.”

Well, who knows? You may
meet the perfect woman one day that will knock you off your feet.
There’s someone for everyone.”

Ah huh. So you believe in
the whole soulmate thing? That my kinda girl is out

Mmm … well,

And have you found

No. I thought so, but he
wasn’t the one.”

Oh … the


That’s your problem. You
need a real man. You’re highly intelligent. Beautiful. Witty.
Beauty and brains is a lethal weapon, my dear. A lot of men can’t
handle …” He stopped abruptly.

What?” she asked, confused
as to why he’d stopped. She rather enjoyed the

Nothing,” he said, shaking
his head and grinning. “So when do you think you can get

Well, once you approve the
plans, I’ll have the guys I work with come over probably one day
next week to dig up whatever grass won’t be needed and then go from

How long will it

Depending on the design
plan and weather conditions, about three weeks to a month. I’ll
have to come over once I’m off from work and on the

Cool. Just let me know,
and I’ll help you.”

Oh really?” That threw her
completely off guard. She wasn’t sure if she could focus if he was
assisting her. She assumed he wouldn’t be interested in planting

Sure. I mean … it is my
yard, and I had fun yesterday repotting the orchids.”

Cool. Gardening can be a
fun experience and a stress reliever.” Turning the digital camera
on, she scrolled through the menu section. “I’m going to take some
pictures and head on out.” She glanced at her watch before snapping
the first picture.

You have another
appointment?” he casually asked.

Oh … yes.” No, not really
unless the appointment was heading home to begin working on his
plans and catching up on her favorite shows on her DVR.

Hot date?”

No. Just work.”

So you’re a

No, not at all. I enjoy my
career so therefore it really isn’t work to me. I’ve been around
gardeners all my life starting with my grandmother and my

I can relate. Both of my
parents are doctors, so it was inevitable that me and my siblings
are doctors except I chose a different route. The study of the
brain can be quite fascinating even though I do enjoying studying
the anatomy … well, a woman’s anatomy.”

Well, I guess you have the
best of both words.”

What do you do for fun
besides working with plants?”

I like to go to plays, the
movies, hang with my girlfriends, or go to blues clubs on Beale—”
The ringing of his cell phone interrupted her. She nodded her head
understandably to excuse herself even though he shook his head in
the negative. However, she needed to take a few more pictures from
different angles and headed further out into the yard. Besides, she
wanted a moment away from him so she could exhale.

Being in his presence wasn’t doing her
nerves any good. The man was gorgeous in every sense of the word.
From his wavy hair, thick eyebrows, and chiseled features to his
confident smile, Traci was having a hard time tearing her eyes away
from him. Her chin still felt the warmth of his hand, and she could
only imagine how it would feel on the rest of her body. His scent
lingered in the air. It wasn’t too overpowering like some men who
splashed on cologne to attract women. Sean didn’t need to. The
light, woodsy scent was tantalizing enough to make her want to
climb up on his body and plant a kiss on his lips.

Ten minutes later she returned to the
veranda but Sean wasn’t there; however, her tote bag was seated on
the couch. She grabbed it and ventured back through the same set of
French doors, which led to the extensive gourmet kitchen that she’d
noticed earlier was sparkling clean. Either he didn’t cook or he
was a neat freak. However, when her eyes landed on the scene in
front of her at the island, she was convinced he was just a

A woman, twirling a pair of handcuffs,
was perched on a bar stool scantily clad in a leather get-up. Her
extremely long legs—that were encased in boots past her knees—were
crossed, and long weave touched her butt. Sean’s back was to the
door and the woman hadn’t noticed Traci either. Ms. Thang was too
busy begging. When Traci spotted the leather whip on the island she
knew it was time to go.

Sean, you missed my
fashion show last night so you have to make it up to me,” she
explained in a seductive manner, resting her palm on Sean’s cheek.
“I’m flying out of town in the morning for fashion week in New

He removed the woman’s hand and gently
placed it on the island. “Now isn’t a great time. Perhaps I’ll
catch you when you get back … or not.”

Traci decided to make her presence
known before she witnessed one of Sean’s favorite pastimes. She
lightly cleared her throat and two pairs of eyes landed on

Hey, Dr. Arrington,” she
paused, not sure why she’d called him Dr. Arrington in the most
professional tone she’d ever used, “I have all of the pictures I
need. I’ll be sure to send you the landscaping plans in a few

He backed away from the island and
walked toward her. “Um … thank you. Are we done because I thought
we had a few more things to discuss?”

Yes, I have another
appointment and you have company. I’ll talk to you soon.” She
headed toward the front door, attempting not to make it appear as
she was trying to hurry the hell up, but she’d never been so
embarrassed in her life. The vision of handcuffs and a whip was now
etched into her brain. As she reached the doorknob, a hand landed
on her shoulder.

Wait … Traci … I had no
idea she was coming over.” He said it softly and almost

Turning toward him, she prayed her
face wasn’t red because it was definitely burning.

What you do in your
private time is none of my business.” Even though she was now
slightly curious. “You don’t have to explain anything to me. I’ll
get started on your plans tonight."

"Okay and feel free to call if you
need to."

Traci pivoted back to the door and
opened it. She glanced over her shoulder. “Nah ... you’ll be tied
up for a while. Literally. Have a great evening.”

She walked down the steps of his porch
while taking the keys to her car out of her tote bag as quickly as
possible. Luckily his company hadn’t blocked in her Volkswagen
Beetle with the Range Rover that was parked next to it. The last
thing Traci wanted to do was to walk back inside and interrupt a
sex session on the kitchen island. And how on Earth did Ms. Thang
walk up Sean’s sidewalk with that outfit? Opening her door, she
slid into her car and quickly started the engine. As she backed out
of the driveway, Traci noticed the front door open and Ms. Thang
sashayed down the sidewalk as if it was a catwalk. Her facial
expression was set on pissed off as she walked toward her

Traci found the scene quite funny even
though she wondered why Sean had kicked the woman out.

Chapter Three

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