My Immortal (6 page)

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Authors: Anastasia Dangerfield

Tags: #romance, #vampire, #love, #angels, #fantasy, #rape, #dystopia, #new, #hea, #happy ever after, #slave, #fae, #torture, #experiment, #faeries, #shades of grey, #eternally yours, #fifty shades, #my immortal

BOOK: My Immortal
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I tell them that they could possibly make a
baby right now, and that is a very big mistake, especially for
Shadow. I try to get through to him but it's just no use.

They aren't listening to me at all. If
anything, their moans have gotten louder and their sounds are more

I keep on screaming and wailing until my
throat is so sore and painful that it sounds like I have water in
my lungs.

"Ahhhhhhh…." I yell, half heartedly with my
sore throat.

Jezebel screams too, I can't tell if she's
mocking me or if I just inspired her.

Shadow moans loudly in his throat and it
definitely sounds pleasurable.

It's a shot to my heart.

My nose is running now too and I try to wipe
it on my shoulder but it's not a pretty sight, I'm sure. Not as
pretty as me over there, naked and pristine, without any of my
flaws, lost in pleasure.

After a lifetime, the sex is finally over and
the only sound in the room is their labored breathing.

I don't dare look.


I looked.

She is slumped over onto his shoulder, facing

Both of them are panting, their chests (and
her back) rising and falling with each breath. One of her wings and
part of her back is soaked with red blood that is leaking down from
her neck.

I can't see his face but I know that his chin
and lips are covered in her blood.

One of his hands rubs her delicate white wing
and I can just barely see his face. He seems so happy and content
that it breaks my heart even more.

I see no signs of guilt or remorse.

He keeps examining her feathers in awe and
then he actually kisses her shoulder!

He. Kisses. Her.

Her body shivers and she morphs back into her
pretty blonde self. She must have passed out because she is limp
and still.

His hand is stilled in the air where he was
about to pet her wing again and he looks totally baffled and
shocked. I think realization crosses his face but I'm not sure
because he might be too drugged to puzzle it out. Even though it's
pretty obvious.

The only positive thing in this screwed up
situation is that I don't have an image of her screwing him burned
into my mind.

It's of me.

But I still know it wasn't me and that fact
will always be a wound in my broken heart.

This picture of them I cannot stand. I will
remember it forever because it's been engraved into my mind.

Shadow is either still drugged or avoiding
me. I wait and wait for him to look at me but he won't do it.
Surely he feels me staring at him.

His face scrunches up and he pushes her off
of him. She flops to the floor, out cold.

I blush when I see her naked perfection on
display for us both to see.

It's kind of hard to ignore.

I glance back at Shadow to see if he's

the masochist.

From all the way across the cell I can see
how pale his face is and I know he's shivering. He looks very

He shouldn't have drank her blood! It's what
he gets!

Despite him having lost his love for me, and
doing the dirty with someone else to get back at me, I still love
him very much.

I love him with every beat of my broken

I am such an idiot.

He makes a sound that is probably him trying
to hold back his vomit.

He does this dry heaving thing for about ten
minutes, all the while looking sicker and sicker.

"Hey!" he yells trying to get the girl's
attention. "Unshackle me…come on…hey shifter!" He tries but it's no
use. The girl is out.

I sniffle loudly, trying to get his

He ignores me.

he heard me.

The familiar metal clang of the door draws my
attention. The authorities walk over to Shadow with torches in hand
and unshackle him from the chair. His feet dangle from the ledge,
one ankle at a time, while they shackle the other ankle to a hook
in the corner of the cell.

They all ogle the girl sprawled naked and
passed out on the floor.

I roll my eyes.

The bald one throws Shadow's tattered pants
at him before making their way over to me.

"Did you enjoy the show?" he asks.

Behind him, I see Shadow look at me for the
first time in what seems like hours. "Leave her alone you sick son
of a bitch!"

"My, my, he is awfully protective of you…" he
says with a creepy smile.

I stare at him and my jaw ticks. Shadow,
still chained at one ankle to the corner, fists balled up at his
sides, gazes intently at our hostile exchange.

"We will be back after he empties his
stomach, Pet. Then we will let him try feeding from you."

They don't even make it out the door before I
hear Shadow wretch.

He's doubled over in the corner, puking up
Jezebel's blood, but at least he has his pants back on.

He's definitely very sick.

It probably makes me an evil bitch too but I
am glad that he can't keep her blood down.

I feel betrayed by him.

I also feel cheated and if there is one thing
I may be superior over her with, it is my blood. Last I remember,
he could keep my blood down.

He vomits, moans and groans for a while and I
just sit here. Still shackled.

Why didn't they unshackle me?

"Ungh," he moans. He turns to face me wiping
his mouth with his arm.

I have been waiting on him to say something
to me, to look at me and when he does I can't look him in the eyes.
Go figure.

I glance away, my face heating with rage and

I know he is still looking at me, I can feel

He sighs loudly and his chain rattles.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry."

I don't look at him. "It's not worth

"Okay…well. Still. I am."

"Whatever," I mumble.

He sighs.

It's silent for a little while. I glance over
at him and he is as close to me as the chain attached to his ankles
will allow. He sits Indian style facing me, just staring at me.

I glance away again.

"At least I have the decency not to ask you
if you enjoyed it," I spit. "I saw first hand that you did!" My
voice is hysterical and bitter simultaneously.

I glance back at him noticing that his face
is almost as red as his eyes. I've never seen him blush but it
makes me even madder. Even more hurt. It's proof that he did enjoy
it and he doesn't even deny it.

I want to end my miserable existence. It's
the last punch in the gut that I can withstand.

"Please don't judge anything by that. I was
drugged. Until you've had that drug…you don't know. I really don't
know what's going on when it's happening. It's like I'm in a
different world."

I really want to tell him that I hate him
again, because he's making excuses and he has the right to. I want
to hurt him like he has hurt me but I won't. I won't do that. Maybe
he is telling the truth about the drug.

But if that's true then it's like I don't
have the right to be mad or hurt. But I do!

He clears his throat. "I thought she was
you…" he says, sadly.

"Yeah?" I ask, feigning interest. "Was I

He looks away.

"I thought you weren't going to ask that?" he
pauses. "It was all a mistake. I didn't have a choice…I was forced,
Alexia. You should understand that!"

"Oh really? What I understand is that
'there is always a choice!'
You told me that a couple of
hours ago!"

He grabs his stomach as if a sharp pain
stabbed him there. I want to ask if he's okay but I can't.

My pride is hurt and so are my feelings.

"I was wrong, okay? I'm sorry. Sometimes
there isn't a choice…I was just jealous. At least now you know how
I felt. How I hurt." His voice is just barely loud enough that I
can hear it.

"Yeah well, I guess we're even now huh? Tit
for tat. Does that make you happy, Freak? You got me back."

He jerks back like I slapped him or
something. I regretted calling him Freak as soon as I said it, but
he told me to call him that. Surely he can't be mad at me for
actually doing it.

I watch him close himself off to me.
Something in his eyes changes and the life fades out of them. He is
back to how he was when I entered his cell.

"Yeah, it makes me feel a lot better." He
turns around and goes back to sit in the corner, next to the puddle
of blood he vomited.


I've caused him to close himself off to me
just when I was making a little progress.

I still have my knife tucked into the back of
my black leather pants. I'm not sure if I'm tied up with chain or
rope but I know the cuffs around my wrist are metal, so it's
probably no use what I'm thinking.

"It's metal chain," he mumbles.

Our telepathy must be on again. It's so
on-again-off-again that neither one of us can figure it out.
Sometimes I can hear him, sometimes he can hear me and neither of
us have any idea when the other is tuning in.

Do you feel better? Your stomach?
send, testing it out.

Yes, I do now that I got her disgusting
blood out of it. Gross.

It didn't taste good?

It tasted like poison. It may have been.


He glances at
and looks away
quickly, embarrassed because of her nakedness.

I guess she's still passed out…I wonder if
she's okay…

Why do you care?
I hate that it hurts
me that he's concerned about her well-being.

He shakes his head in exasperation.
I just
don't know if she's going to be…pregnant.

With your baby…
I hope he can't feel
the pain shooting through my heart and soul right now. Or maybe I
wish that he could.

Yeah…I never get to see the girls again
after they are with me. So I shouldn't really care, but…it's just
weird knowing that I am a father. That I made a baby and I can't be
there to look out for it, maybe help it somehow before it…before
it, you know…doesn't make it.

Yeah, I know. Do you think you could help
them make it somehow?

Yeah, I do. demon mates have to drink their
mate's blood when they are with child because the child needs it.
So they are basically starving my child to death when they keep me
and the mother separated.

Can we not talk about this? It tears me in
half knowing you have been with other girls and they have carried
your child. I have dreamed of it for so long…it's like a slap in my

Of course. I'm sorry.

His sympathy finally sends me over the edge
of my control. I start crying…again.

He has seen me cry more today than I have
ever cried in my whole entire life.

Please don't cry, Alexia.

I sob loudly.

He sighs. "I didn't want to hurt you. You
shouldn't have come for me. I'm just not the same…"

"I'm not the same either," I whine. "I'm

"I'm no good for you anymore, Alexia."

"But you are! I don't want anyone else!"

"Listen to yourself…" he chastises me, "I
just had someone else right in front of you. She's probably
pregnant. Therefore, I got someone else pregnant…I can't be with

"You didn't have a choice…I…I forgive you. I
still love you."

He growls. "This is so messed up! Now you are
taking up for me when just a minute ago you were yelling at me,
telling me you hate me and calling me…Freak."

"I called you that because I was scared you
would admonish me for calling you Shadow again, and at the moment I
just couldn't take anymore rejection from you…"

Suddenly, Shadow doubles over and grunts. I
think he's going to vomit again but he doesn’t. I can hear his
stomach rumble from across the space.

"Is that…hunger?"

"Gods!" He moans. He falls to the floor
squeezing his stomach. "Hunger cramps…now that all the blood is out
of my stomach it's empty…"

"When will they--"

The metal clang signals the cell door opening
and an unfamiliar authority enters this time. He comes straight to
me and reaches behind me. I cringe at his odor. It smells like he
hasn't ever had a bath or shower.

He frees my hands and I stretch them out,
only to be shocked with the painful pinch and burn of some kind of
drug administered into my neck.

I rub my neck looking at him questioningly
but he's on his way to Shadow in no time, bending down to unlock
his shackles while his friends stand guard with torches.

Shadow keeps his eyes on me the whole time. I
rapidly start feeling extremely happy and giddy.

What did they give me?

The stranger actually speaks a line of our
language to one of the other authorities, telling him that Shadow
needs his usual dosage of
Black Poison
, which is a highly
addictive drug.

Even in my euphoric state I recognize the
very illegal, deadly, addictive drug that they speak of.

I have heard that no one has ever come clean
from it and that they die if they can't keep getting it.

Shadow grunts when they shoot him in the neck
with a very long, very large syringe but he visibly relaxes
immediately after.

I'm not sure, but whatever they just gave me
is awesome. It kills the cramps every time.

Shadow, I think it's Black Poison…have you
ever heard of it?

Yeah. I have.

This is very bad. Very, Very bad! How am I
going to get you out of here when you're dependent on a high class

Mmm. Calm down, baby. It'll be okay.

I'm taken aback by his pet name for me,
of all times. It holds little value when he is as high
as a kite though.

The authorities leave, staring at the naked
girl as they pass. For some absurd reason, a pang of jealousy rears
its ugly head that all of these males, and me, find her so
beautiful in her shifter form. I shouldn't care what these ugly,
smelly authorities find sexy, but I do.

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