My Guardian Angel (5 page)

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Authors: Evangelene

BOOK: My Guardian Angel
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okay. You’re not the only one who hates thunderstorms. They freak me out too.” Still covered by the towel, he held his head down, holding onto my hand. He gradually let go of me and I finished drying him off.

,” I said taking the towel off. “Do you have your gym clothes?” I asked, seeing he had a duffle bag, which he had left at the door. “I can dry your clothes for you? Oh, wait, no electricity. Shit! I forgot,” I said rather nervously.

He looked at me and at the same time the lightening hit
. The flash lit up his face, his grey eyes now piercing through me. I let out a deep breath. He was fusing me to him. The thunder, which followed, shook me out of the trance that was Jason. I jumped off the counter and made my way to the table.

“I think my brother may have left some clothes here. You could put them on until yours dr
y,” I rambled.

“It’s fine. I have some clothes with me to change into. If it’s
okay, I’ll use your bathroom?” he asked, still looking at me.

I sat down in my chair in front of my laptop. “Sure, it’s right upstairs, second floor, the door on the right.”

He walked back to the doorway, picked up his bag and headed up the stairs.

I let out the breath I didn’t know I was holding in.
I instantly put my hand over my heart. It was beating so quickly that I could feel it pounding through my chest. It must be the storm outside.
That’s right Kassia, keep telling yourself that you’re not interested in him.

He came back downstairs and my eyes unwilling stared up at him. He was wearing his SWAT uniform. “I'm going to work now.”

I nodded, losing most of my ideas for my story. “O…k...”

He smiled faintly as he walked on by me.

“The rain stopped.” He pointed outside, the clouds
were dissipating and the sun was now peeking through.

“I guess my electricity should be coming back soon, or should I ask the SWAT team to check it out for me?”
Bad attempt at a joke, Kassia!
He chuckled not saying anything.

“Hey, Jason? Was there a reason why you showed up?” I wondered.

He stopped in mid-stride. I watched as his shoulders dropped down. Did I say something wrong?

He turned around. “I was thinking that we could be friends,
considering that we keep seeing each other.” He forced a smile. I stood up and walked over to him.

“Friends?” I asked
, wary of his expression.

“Yeah friends. Why? You have too many?” He waited.

“No! Sorry. Yeah, I’d like that.” I smiled back.

He reached into his pocket and showed me his phone. He then nudged his head towards the table behind me.

“Let’s exchange numbers at least,” he noted.

“Sure, just tell me your number and I’ll text you.” I offered.
He told me his number and I texted the usual ‘

I felt like an idiot
. So he wanted to be friends. Okay, so I totally read him wrong, but at least I would get to see him around more often.

He left me alone in complete confusion on what was going on. My phone chimed
. It was Jason.

  Lock ur door and thanks for letting me stay @ ur place while it rained

I stared at my first text from Jason and smiled.

Me:  Ur welcome, now go save some lives



“So you got me a new hoodie?” My brother picked up the freshly laundered and perfectly folded
sweatshirt and started examining it.

“But it looks old!”
he said, rather disappointed. I yanked it out of his hands and began folding it again.

“It’s not yours
,” I bit out.

He eyed me carefully.

“Then whose is it?” he asked.

“Are you seriously going down this route again?” I asked
, staring right at him. It took a whole week for him and me to be on good terms again.

You see, my brother and I like to fester and it always takes at least one of us to cave before we start talking again. It wasn’t me this time.
He let out a heavy sigh and began rummaging through my kitchen.

“Is there anything to eat?”
he asked, not looking at me.

“I made some hummus and pita chips
,” I offered as I gently put down the sweater.

“Get some real food!”
he snapped.

“No!” I replied.
He took out a bottle of water and turned to face me as he leaned against the counter.

“So did you get enough info for your latest book?” He began chugging the bottle.

“Yeah and I saw Jason there too.” I took a jab just to see what he’d say.

He watched me as he drank his water, his eyes narrowing.
He finished the whole bottle and crushed it.

“That’s great
,” he said through gritted teeth.

“I thought so
,” I said triumphantly. I was such an instigator and I loved it.

“You know Kass, I'm just looking out for you.
I'm not saying you shouldn’t date him, but he’s young and I don’t want to see you get hurt.” He watched me carefully, hoping he didn’t cross a line again.

“How do you know him anyways?” I asked
. I had wondered since the day at the gym.

“He’s a regular there and we started talking.
He’s a good fighter, knows his stuff.” Darios then stood straight and walked over to me. “You realize, you’ll always be my little sister right?” He smiled as he tried to mess up my hair.

“Shut up and go already, you’ll be late for work.”

He nudged me and headed out. “I’ll call you later this week. See how you’re doing.” He waved
, not looking back.

,” I said as he walked out the door.

Now what to do with this
hoodie? I washed it twice and kept it preciously on my counter in my kitchen. Jason hadn’t called or texted since that day and I didn’t want to seem needy. A small part, a very small part of me, wanted to see him. Should I go to the gym? Should I show up at his work? Should I not act like a stalker and just text him? I was getting more stupid by the minute. Okay, a simple text should do it.

:  Have ur hoodie here just wondering if it’s a present…lol jk do u want me to drop it off for u?


Oh my God, I'm a writer! How could I send just a stupid text?
Is your sweater a present?
What kind of text was that? God, I'm an idiot. I was berating my idiocy when my phone chimed.

  Yeah sorry forgot it there. ill pick it up after work if that’s okay?

I looked at his text. It was dry, no humor or hint of anything. The little part of me
who wanted to see him had gotten sad. Not because I wouldn’t see him right away, but because he probably didn’t want to see me the way I did him.

:  Sure whenever you want, ill be home writing

I threw my phone onto the counter and grimaced at it.
I lowered my shoulders and shuffled to my computer. I guess it was time to delve into the world of my vamps and escape from my reality.

A few hours passed and my phone chimed
; I continued to write and ignored it. Well, tried to ignore it. My eyes drifted to it and saw it was only Genna.

  Hey girl, want 2 go out for drinks later?

I hadn’t seen her or Tara since the night we went clubbing.
So, I decided drinks were in order.

:  Name the time & place ;-)

I waited

Genna:   Little Branch on 7
Ave. 11pm

So now what was I going to wear?
I waited a little longer for Jason, but he didn’t show. I decided to get ready for my night out. My killer combo consisted of a nice skinny jean, vintage t-shirt, lots of makeup and the perfect high heels. I was admiring myself in my full-length mirror when the doorbell rang. It was 10:30pm. He must have had a late shift. I skipped down the stairs and answered. Jason stood there in full uniform. Yum. He had a large smile, but it quickly vanished the moment he saw me all dressed up.

“Where are you going?”
he asked without a hello, how are you, or how have you been? No, he went straight for the direct question.

“Out!” I answered, annoyed at him.

“Where out?”
he asked as he stepped inside.

“I'm meeting my friends Genna and Tara for drinks.” Why am I explaining myself? I walked over to my counter, my heels tapping on my hard
, wooden floors. I picked up his hoodie and extended my hand.

“Here!” I offered it to him.

He slid off his shoes and walked over to me. He took the
sweatshirt and put it into his duffle bag.

“Working late?” I asked, his face telling me he was not happy.

“Yes!” he bit out. Wow! Someone was in a foul mood.

Okay then,” I said as I walked back to the door. “Can’t keep the girls waiting.” He followed to where I was and put on his shoes.

“No, I guess you shouldn’t
,” he snapped.

I set the alarm and he walked me out.

“If you tell me where you’re going, I could drop you off?” He pointed to his car
, which was parked not too far away.

okay. I’ll wave for a cab. Well, goodnight, Jason,” I said as I ran down my steps. I waved down a cab that I saw was driving down my street and jumped in. I turned my head slightly and saw him still standing there, watching me leave.

As much as I wanted to see him, I wanted him to want to see me too.
You’re wondering why I acted so coldly? I even surprised myself. The need to see him freaked me out. The moment I saw him at my door, a sense of relief washed over me and I got scared. So I ran. I know I was being an ass, but the reality was I was older and I wasn’t ready for any of this.

I paid the cabby and headed towards the door of the bar, which jutted out almost beckoning you to enter.
It mimicked the Flatiron Building on 5th Avenue. There wasn’t a large sign or an indicator that the bar was there, just a non-descript door. Once you opened it, it led you to a world of incredible drinks and memorable nights.

I opened the door
while watching a few huddled smokers standing outside, enjoying their addiction. I made my way in through the dimly lit bar and found Tara and Genna sitting with their drinks and talking with the bartender.

“Hey girl!” Tara stood up and kissed me. Genna
, being too lazy to stand, gave me a side hug.

“Sit and tell us what
’s going on?” Tara slapped the bar stool next to her.

“Well, I got to visit the New York SWAT officers
,” I said nonchalantly, waiting for their reaction.

“Shut up!” Genna pushed Tara out of her way to see me more clearly.

“And?” She waited.

“Well, they vary
in age, but all of them are buff and hot.” I smiled.

“Damn! Next time you go, you better call me, bitch!”
she threatened.

“So what can I get you?”
the bartender asked. He was dressed like he’d come out of the forties, with a black tie and a vest. He even had the black arm garters.

“Same as her.” I pointed a
t Tara’s drink, which was a champagne cocktail. He smiled and started on my drink.

“You?” I asked both of them.

“I'm promoting a new club that’s opening in a few months.
You better be there.” Genna pointed at me.

“New club and free booze, nothing will stop me.” I winked.

The bartender
handed me my drink.

“I got a lead part in a kid’s animated movie
,” Tara said happily.

“So this calls for a toast.” I raised my glass and we cheered to all our little successes.

We spent the night taking jabs at each other and laughing at how things had turned out with all of us. Tara was the only one who kept up with the happenings of those from our high school. Genna and I hardly cared. High school for us was not the best time, but we placated her since it seemed important to her. While Tara was telling us who were the latest to get married and have kids, Genna’s phone kept beeping.

“Damn girl, could you leave the booty call for after we’re done?” I accosted her.

“It’s hard,” she whined.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“One of the guys we met at the club last time.” She laughed looking at her phone.

“What guys?” I asked
, hoping it wasn’t what I thought.

“The ones
who were with your young little friend,” Genna said. Damn it, it was what I thought.

“Why is he texting you?” Genna gave me the ‘what’s your problem’ look.

“He’s texting for my ass, says he likes it.” She stuck out her tongue. “You know you would be getting these kinds of texts too, if you just give in and took little Jason for yourself.” She encouraged. Her phone beeped before I could say anything. “Oh, he’s here!” she squealed.

That’s the moment the bar door open
ed, her lover boy had walked in and was accompanied by none other than Jason himself. He stood tall with his black, faded jeans and dark grey t-shirt, which he had half tucked in. The moment our eyes met, I felt flush. My body began to sing and my skin tingled, begging for him to touch me. A crooked grin came across his face as he walked over to me.

“Is this stool taken?’
he asked me.

“Yes it is
,” I fired back.

He leaned in and was parallel to my face. “Don’t be mad.” His crooked grin now inched higher. He moved around and sat next to me. “Remember we’re friends
,” he added.

I chuckled. “Yeah right, friends.”

He peered at me. “What?”

I put my drink down.

“Where were you the last seven days, friend?” I glared at him. Why was I mad at him? He waited to respond, almost gauging what to say.

“Working. That’s all I do.”

I felt like a heel. Why was I so angry and why would I care what he was doing for the last seven days?
Okay, I liked him, a little, maybe more than a little. That didn’t mean I needed to know all his comings and goings.

“Well ladies, I'm off.
I need to wake up early tomorrow for work, plus being the fifth wheel isn’t my forte.” Tara stood up and gulped her drink down. “I’ll text you that I got home okay,” she added as she left us.

Genna was too preoccupied to notice her leave, her little lover man was all over her and she relished in it.
Both Jason and I sat awkwardly next to each other, nursing our drinks.

“How’s your writing going?”
he questioned, looking at his drink.

“It’s better now that I understand the SWAT unit more
,” I answered.

“If you have any questions just ask me, I’ll help you with whatever you need.” He looked over and half smiled.

I said thanks as I picked up my drink and took a sip.
I heard some kissing sounds. I knew I shouldn’t, but I did. I looked over to see Genna enjoying her evening.

“It looks like
they’re having sex,” I murmured. Part of me wishing I was in the same position, but with a different man, the one who sat next to me to be more precise.

“Yeah that’s Tom for you.
Sorry if he’s making you uncomfortable.”

I waved my hand at him.
“It’s not me he’s making uncomfortable; it’s the whole place.”

It was well
past one in the morning and I figured Genna was sending me smoke signals from rubbing her thighs together. That was my cue to leave. Jason seemed to have read my mind as he reached into his pocket to pay the bill. I took out money, but he refused to take it.

“I’ll pay this time.” He winked and ushered me out. He took my hand and held it until we reached his car.

The tenderness of his large hand warmed my chilled body. His long fingers curled around my palm, making my hand feel small.
Jason holding my hand ignited the flames, which were quietly building up inside me. He took out his keys and unlocked the door, letting go of me. I guess my face must have prompted him to answer my unspoken question.

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