My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1) (19 page)

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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I snuggled closer to his sweaty body
, and we lay like that for a while. He rolled me over and pulled out of me, and I saw him grab his pajama bottoms before he left my bedroom. I turned onto my side and stared at the door and waited for his return. He came back wearing his pajama bottoms and carrying waters. He drank his water and looked at me, scanning my body. I quickly grabbed the sheets to cover myself. He laughed and I think spit some water out.

reached over and handed me a bottle of water. Then he stepped back to take off his pajama bottoms before getting in bed with me. Jason propped himself up on his side with the pillow under his head. He seemed to be mesmerized by me. I was very relaxed and comfortable with him when he was like this. It was enjoyable to have his now-topaz eyes dance over me. I felt loved.

, have you ever read the Bible?” I took a small drink of water, patiently waiting for his response.

. I was raised in church when I was younger, but stopped after high school. Have you read it?” This was very awkward for him, I could tell. His voice was short, and he was no longer smiling.

“I think most of it
. My grandfather would read it while we were doing charity work, and I did too.” I watched him closely and saw his jaw clench. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, and it bothered me. “I have been thinking a lot about the Bible lately. Well, a story told in the Bible.”

I stopped talking
, trying to gauge if he was receptive to this kind of talking. I lay next to him, mirroring his body, his eyes firmly attached to mine. He didn’t shift from his position, so I continued.

“The story of Adam and Eve, I have always pictured the two of them in this beautiful place filled with flowers and trees and waterfalls
. It was a very euphoric place. I think they cared for each other, and for maybe a hundred years they lived like that. They both stayed away from the forbidden fruit for a long time. Satan was always around tempting them, but one day Eve had a feeling. She followed her heart, knew there could be more to living. She and Adam were put there to obey God, but also to have many children, which was ironic because she couldn’t have children. She wasn’t mortal yet. Eve was confident in God’s love for her. She knew there would be consequences for her actions, but she was ready for more. Before, Eve went about her days numb. She wasn’t happy or sad. She didn’t love or hate. I bet after she took a bite of the apple, colors were brighter, the sounds the birds made cheerier. I don’t think Satan talked her into it. I think she reached a point and said, ‘Why the hell not,’ and the fruit was just something she needed to do to feel…mortal.” I stopped talking and took a deep breath. “I think Adam ate the fruit because he wanted to protect her. His action was instinctual. He knew God was going to be pissed, and he wasn’t going to let her go down alone. What Eve did was the best thing that could have ever happened. Life wasn’t perfect. After that, they were asked to leave the place they had known and start over. People blame her for defying God and convincing Adam to do the same. I envy her courage. It would have been a lot easier for her to have not eaten the apple. She chose the more difficult path. Eve is kind of a badass.”

My lips curved in a naughty curl when I finished
, and Jason stared at me adoringly. He didn’t talk for a long while, but then he reached out and pulled me in and hugged me tight. I heard him whispering in my ear, and it made me thankful that this man didn’t want to let me go. I fell asleep like that.

When I woke
, his legs were intertwined with mine, and his arms were wrapped tight around me. I tried to break free from his hold on me, but he was clearly stronger than me. I lay there with my face pressed against his chest, my body plastered against his. I was so close to him I felt like my heart was beating in tune with his. I moved my hand up his body to feel all his muscles on his arms and then his stomach and chest. I froze when he started to speak.

“You don’t get nearly enough sleep, princess. Go back to sleep.” His voice was soft and kind
, and I relaxed my body and mind and fell back to sleep.


* * * *


When I woke up, Jason was gone, and so was Bo. My heart sunk a little until I noticed his clothes were still on my desk where I had put them. I got up and showered and continued to get ready for my day. I was on a cloud. I couldn’t stop smiling. I finished with my hair and makeup and went back to my room to get dressed. Today I wore a long skirt and a tight blue dress-shirt. I wanted him to think about me all day, so I was going for the casual sexy look.

and Bo walked in after I finished dressing, and he put my keys on my desk next to his clothes before turning to look at me. Bo came over right away, body all wiggly, to say good morning. I bent down to pet him and watched as Jason took me in. His smile was yummy. It made me want to eat him up. He was all sweaty like he had gone for a morning run. His skin glistened, and it looked more like a morning glow.

“Hi,” I said
, my eyes exploring his body.

he said back, smile not wavering.

“You can shower in the bathroom down the hall
. Heather has her own shower in her bathroom, so you won’t disturb anyone.”

He turned around and left after that
, and I cleaned my room and made my bed. He walked back into the room all wet from the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. He was a vision—tight, bulky muscles, tan skin, wet hair. Just one look at him like this made my heart beat faster, and I felt warmth spread throughout my body. He was a powerful aphrodisiac.

“Uh, Heather’s out there.” His voice was hoarse
. “I mean, of course she’s out there. She lives here…right?”

I noticed he was babbling incoherently
, and I was uncertain if he liked Heather or was just surprised by her. He gave me nothing, just dropped his towel and started getting dressed. I stared at his perfect bare butt.

“Did she see you?”

“Yes, she definitely saw me.” He was embarrassed, I think. I giggled, and he turned around. I stifled it.

“Well, now she will know why I broke all my rules.” I gave him a great big smile
. “Are you embarrassed she saw you?”

He smiled and started toward me in his boxers. “Normally I would love to have a pretty girl watch me walk half naked across a room, but it was weird.” He crinkled his nose
. It was adorable, and I wanted so bad to kiss him.

“Was she gawking at you?” I am not sure if my smile could be bigger.

“Very funny. Let’s just say it’s been a while since a girl made me feel uncomfortable with her eyes.”

“Heather’s horny
. That’s how she looks at naked men.” I covered my mouth to laugh, and he shook his head and continued to put on his T-shirt and jeans. His T-shirt was a deep red today, and he looked gorgeous in it. When he finished, he sat on the bed to put on his socks.

“So you have rules
.” It was more of a question, and he turned toward me to give me his full attention.

, and I follow them always…well, almost always.”

His piercing stare said that we were not leaving the room without finishing this conversion.

“Never trust men, is number one. Most men want one thing, and I can live without it.” I smiled and looked at him through my lashes, blushing. He knew I was lying. I was currently breaking that rule. I will need to detox after him. “Rule two, never let someone listen more than they talk. If they talk, you can still stay hidden somewhat, mysterious. Number three, don’t get attached. That one is a little cliché for broken women who have trust issues. For me, it’s anything, not just people.” I picked up a brush and a pillow. “It’s things. I try really hard not to have favorite things. I don’t get attached so when I leave, which I almost always do, I won’t regret.”

I was talking too much
, and I knew it. I watched his eyes draw together in pity for me.

“It’s not a bad thing
. It works for me. It’s just who I am. I had a great childhood”—I looked away quickly, not wanting him to read me with his intense green eyes—“with one hiccup, but I ran before that. I never really became attached to anything. I always found a way to be invisible. It is nobody’s fault I just exist.”

I looked away
, not wanting him to feel sympathy for me. I was choosing my words carefully, trying to avoid lying, but failing. I felt like I was overtalking now and couldn’t make it stop. The more I defended myself, the more I said things that were what I thought he wanted to hear. Shit. I grabbed my shirt and played with the bottom seam, feeling very uncomfortable suddenly. I peered up at him through my fallen hair. He was studying my hands as they played with the seam. I tried to change the subject.

So have you always been this handsome?” Sometimes, I sucked at subject changing. “I mean, at this rate, you are going to be the sexiest old man ever. I have a feeling you will make some old woman very happy someday or maybe you’ll find a hot young thing and you’ll be her ‘sugar daddy’ and she’ll be your ‘trophy wife.’” I smiled at him when he finally looked up into my eyes. He ran his fingers through his hair before he turned away, then stood without saying a word and headed for the bedroom door.

I followed moments later
, trying to gather my thoughts. I was nervous about his behavior. I thought he was going to leave and not bother with good-byes. He was in the kitchen with Heather. She was watching him closely as he grabbed a pan and went to the fridge for food. I smiled at her, and she walked over to where I was standing. We both ogled him together as he cooked, his back and shoulder muscles bunching as he stirred the eggs. He glanced over once and smiled, enjoying the audience. He went to the fridge and pulled out two yogurts and set them in front of me. I got the silverware and napkins and headed for the table. He was right behind me with plates of eggs. Heather sat down with her coffee next to us.

“I have never seen a man cook in our kitchen before, well
, unless he was hired help.” Heather was giving Jason a seductive smile. I think she had a little crush on Jason. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

, maybe you have never had the right man in your kitchen.” The corner of his lips turned up slightly. I could tell the feeling for her was not mutual.

“It is very good, thank you,” I said
, smiling, trying hard to change his grumpy mood.

He stopped while he ate to smile at me. I felt butterflies and
was sure my face turned bright red. Heather continued to talk about her work and what her plans were for the day. She talked about her important meetings with important people. I smiled and nodded and ate my breakfast. Jason watched me the whole time, not looking at Heather at all.

When I was done
, I took our plates to the sink, rinsed them, and put them in the dishwasher. Jason waited silently behind me and when I turned around he pulled me into a tight embrace and buried his face in my hair. He pulled away slightly, and I looked up at him. He slipped his hand through my hair massaging my scalp with his rough hands. I licked my lips in anticipation as he tilted my face up to meet his mouth.  He kissed me fast, then smiled when a look of disappointment spread over my face. His eyes moved over every feature of my face. He leaned in again, and his lips feathered across mine, taking my breath. When he pulled away to look at me again, I felt my heart beating faster. His gaze was intense. He began to kiss me slowly, tenderly, like that’s all he wanted to do for the whole day. He took his time. It was soft and very sweet, and I melted again in his arms. He backed away with a huge smile on his lips.

“You are very good at that.” I was out of breath
, so it came out in a voice I didn’t recognize.

“I am going to see you later, right?”
It amazed me how much I needed him.

“Right, later
.” I turned away, trying for more of a casual attitude, not an emotional one. I got two waters out of the fridge and handed one to him when I turned back around.

“I want to get keys for my house made for you
. I am getting the door changed on the outside leading into the garage. The dog door is too big, and I don’t want someone to break in that way. I want you to stay there with Bo when I am gone.” Now he was rambling. I could tell he was apprehensive about my response to what he was saying.

“He can stay here with me
.” I adored Bo and would never want him to be left alone.

“How about if we talk about it later?”
His thumb ran over my bottom lip before I felt his soft lips on mine again.

left the kitchen and was heading for the bedroom, when I saw Heather say something to him and reach out to touch his arm and play with the muscles right under his T-shirt. I couldn’t believe it. She was giving him her classic giggle and head tilt, complete with her pathetic mating look and the batting of her eyes. She got out of her chair and hugged him, running her hands and nails over his top back muscles. He stepped away awkwardly and walked to my bedroom, and I watched her drooling over Jason’s body. She had a lustful look in her eyes, one I had seen many times right before she seduced a man. I didn’t like her looking at Jason like that. She blushed slightly when she saw me looking.

BOOK: My Favorite Distraction (Distraction #1)
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