My Enemy's Son (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 2) (11 page)

BOOK: My Enemy's Son (The Two Moons of Rehnor, Book 2)
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“And you're awfully sure of yourself now
too,” I said, running my fingers through his hair.  “Even then you acted like
you knew everything about anything.”

“Well I do actually.”

“And you were terribly cruel to Harry
Potter who did turn out to be a bit of twit.”

“He was.  I still do not understand your
attraction.  Hocus pocus silly stuff.”

“That's right.  You have cooler powers and
don't need a stick or silly words.”


“I don't know if I love you,” I teased. 
“I thought I was in love with this strange dude Senya who maybe was a figment
of my imagination and now you're telling me you're real but you're a blind
Rozarian brain surgeon with a lot of rental properties and your name is Ron.”

“You still doubt that I am real?”

“No, you're definitely real,” I said
touching him.  “At least this part is.  Do you love me?”

“That part does!”  He pushed me down.

“Well I hope that's not the part you are
doing all your thinking with!”

He laughed and taking my hand, kissed my
palm then he closed my fingers around it.

“Here you have my heart.”  He did the same
with my other hand.  “And here you have my soul.  Take care of them.  Many
lives will depend upon it.”

“What does that mean?  You’re going to
make me in charge of collecting the rents on your properties?”

He pulled me off the table and I straddled
him as we made our way to the bed.

“It means that someday you will be the
most powerful woman in the galaxy.  Seas will rise and fall at your command. 
Men and women will clamor to do your bidding.  And I will love you and humble
myself before you.”

“You're so full of bullshit,” I sighed.

“Ok, well, maybe the seas will not rise
and fall but the rest is true.”

“You can humble yourself now.”


“Yeah that's a good place.”


The next day we went out to visit all
those buildings in the sketches.  It was about a half hour flight from
Takira-hahr to Kalika-hahr and in that time I saw at least one domed city. 
Kalika-hahr was not domed and in fact looked like southern California probably
looked before millions of people settled it.  The entire area was green and fertile
and had beautiful forests of Sequoia and Redwood type trees.  The campus was in
the midst of a cleared out section of the forest and adjacent to a clear blue
lake.  The three buildings still had areas of scaffolding around them but there
were many speeders already in the parking lots and people were milling about. 
Each of the buildings had a huge sign across the top.  SdK Corporation.

“What does SdK stand for?” I asked as we
pulled in to the parking lot beneath the medical centre.  We took the reserved
parking space right next to the door.

“My initials?”  He opened the door and
helped me out of the car.

“Your initials?” I gasped.

“You do not think I have a name besides

“Ron?” I offered.  “Dr. de Kudisha?”

“My name is Sehron de Kudisha,” he told me
and the way it rolled off his tongue struck me as the most beautiful name I had
ever heard.

“Sehron de Kudisha?  That's your real
name? You own all this?  This is your company?”

“Mhm.”  He was checking his cell which had
started buzzing.

“And they call you Ron here because it's
short for Sehron,” I concluded stupidly while gazing awestruck at all these
buildings that had his initials on them.

“Right, on Rozari, I am Ron.”  He was busy
typing something.

“And on Rehnor, are you called Senya?” I
asked, taking his hand after he pocketed the cell.

“Sometimes,” he replied distractedly,
obviously preoccupied by whatever message he had just received.

“What did they call you the other times?”


“Sir?”  I started to laugh.

“Among other things.”

“Among what other things?”

“Oh,” he turned back to me and smiled
wickedly.  “Sometimes I am called Your Royal Highness but you must be on your
knees when you say that.”

“On my knees?”  I rolled my eyes.  “Geez
Senya, you just don’t stop, do you?”

“I must be teasing,” he smirked, pulling
me into the building.  “I could not possibly be a real prince.”

“Not you,” I agreed heartily.  “If there
is anything that I know, Senya, it's that you are no prince.”


In the lobby of the medical centre, even
though it was not yet officially open, there was a crowd of people.

“Wow,” I said, coming out of the lift. 
“Busy place.”

“Too busy,” Senya replied, furrowing his
brow.  “Ach, kari-fa!”  He pulled me across the bank of lifts to another set. 
The doors opened immediately as we approached it and we quickly ducked inside
but not before I heard people yelling.

“What was that all about?”

Senya entered a code and the lift raced
off.  When it stopped and the doors opened again, the floor was empty and
quiet.  We walked a short distance down the plush corridor to a private office
where we were scanned in.

“Dr. Ron!”  An older Human woman was
sitting behind a desk.  Another Human woman about my age was leaning against
the table talking to her.  “What are you doing here?”  They both stared at me
as if I were some sort of apparition.

“I wish to speak to Thad right now,” Senya
said and walked past them into another office.  I wasn’t sure if I was supposed
to follow so I stood for a moment and introduced myself.

“Katie Golden,” I said and held out my
hand to the younger woman as the older one was on the vid with Thad.

“Janet Kersey,” she replied and looked at
my hand as if it had something wrong with it.

“Commander Golden, I'm Shelly,” the older
lady waved.

“You were the Spaceforce patient?”  Janet
narrowed her eyes accusingly.

“Yes, she was,” Shelly replied.  “You
feeling better, honey?”

“Yes, fine thank you.”  I glanced at the
closed office door.  “Who were all the people in the lobby?”

“Protestors.”  Shelly sighed, and rose to
fetch me a soda and a chair.  “They all seem to think that Ron is the Infidel


“Well,” Janet said smartly, her chin
raised.  “He's got creepy Infidel eyes and can do creepy Infidel magic and
happens to have the same last name and be related to the last Infidel.”

“Was the Infidel one of those guys who
happened to nuke the planet?”  I turned back to Shelly.

She nodded.  “He was the leader of the
Karuptas who got their whole continent destroyed and had to leave.”

“Didn't that happen like a thousand years
ago?” I asked.

“Yep,” Shelly nodded.  “How would you like
to be blamed for something your ancestors did a thousand years ago?”

Thad, or rather a man I assumed was Thad,
burst through the door and into Senya’s office.  We all watched him go.

“So what's going on with you two?”  Janet
edged closer and glared at me.

“Careful, Janet,” Shelly cautioned.  “LCDR
Golden is a second degree black belt.  I read your Spaceforce file,” she
winked.  “Admiral Mattson is my husband.”

Janet was not deterred.  “Well?” she

“What's it to you?”  I drank my soda.

Janet smirked.  “You know he got suspended
from the hospital for screwing you in a hospital bed.”

“Oh!”  I felt my face heat. 

“You know he's slept with practically
every girl at the Institute.  None of them in the hospital beds though.  Guess
he saved that distinction for you.  Spacegirls are such sluts, aren't they,

My heart literally stopped beating.  For a
moment I wasn't sure I could breath.

“Janet!” Shelly snapped.  “Don't listen to
her, Commander.”

“He screws you once, and then he tosses
you,” Janet spat.  “That's the way he works.  He's so pretty he can get away
with it.”

“That's just a rumor,” Shelly stated and
glared at Janet though it didn’t make me feel any better.

“Is that what happened to you?” I asked
Janet, when I found my voice again.

“No,” she snapped and turned away.

I took the opportunity to get up and head
toward the inner office.

“Well it didn't happen to me either,” I
called over my shoulder.

“I'm not sure it's safe to go in there
now,” Shelly warned.

“Safe for who?” I growled.  “He had better
watch out for me.”

Thad was on a cell yelling at someone
about having everyone arrested.  Senya was leaning back in a big chair and
smoking a cigarette.  His ugly bare feet were up on the desk.  I sat on the
sofa and gazed at the view of the redwood forest while Thad finished his call.

“They're all gone,” he said.  “It won't
happen again.  I'm really sorry about this, Ron.”

“Thanks Thad,” Senya replied

“Hey Commander Golden.”  Thad held out his
hand to me.  “I'm Thad.  I guess you're the reason Ron hasn't answered his cell
for the last couple days.”

“Maybe so.”  I smiled politely and shook
his hand even though I was feeling murderous.

“Hey, well, have a good time.”  He
winked.  “I probably don't need to tell you that.  Just watch your back while
you're here.  The nurses around here.”  He shook his head and blew out a
breath.  “Dangerous.”

“Thank you, Thad,” Senya interrupted. 
“You may go now.”

“Oops, over staying my welcome.”  Thad
laughed and then after saluting me, he left.

 “Don't pay any attention to Janet,” Senya
said, once the door had shut behind Thad.

“Is it true?”

Senya frowned and gazed at the ceiling.


“I will not lie to you, Katie.”  He wisely
stayed behind his desk.

“So you've…like…been with a million
different women?”  I started to feel nauseous.

“Not a million.”

“Ok,” I stood up.  “So it was fun.  I'll
see you around.”

“You are not one of those women,” he said
sternly.  “Sit down.”

“Right.”  I nodded, heading toward the
door.  “I got screwed more than once.  Bye.”

“Katie,” he said imperiously and the door
lock clicked before I could even touch it.  “Listen to me.  What I did with
other women is not what I did with you.”

“Oh gosh,” I cried, turning around to face
him.  “I guess I'm too innocent to know the difference.  After all, I was a
twenty-seven year old virgin until a couple days ago.”

“I told you.  I love you.”

“And do you know what I just figured out? 
I was a virgin all this time because you came when I was thirteen and we…and
I…I couldn't…after that.  That's why you came then, wasn't it?”

He shrugged.  “You belong to me and I will
not share.”

“I belong to you?  What like a slave or
something?  Women are chattel where you come from?  Is that how it works back
on Rehnor?” I spat.

“For me, yes.”

“I'm not your chattel!” I practically
screamed and felt like breaking something.  His face would have been a good

“You are Milaka MaKani.  You are my wife.”

“I am?  Gosh, I don't remember getting
married.  For your information, I don't want to get married to you or to

“Yes, you do.”  He sighed and removed his
feet from the desk, leaning his elbows on it instead.  “And you will be as soon
as I can arrange it.”

“You don't know what I want,” I retorted. 
“You don't know anything about me.  I'm not nine years old anymore!”

“I know you’re not a child anymore.”  Rising
to his feet, he started to walk towards me.  I promptly backed away.  “I know
everything about you.  I know your whole life.”

“Don't touch me,” I growled.

“Ok.”  He showed me his hands and leaned
against his desk, turning his face to the window.

I turned my back to him.  I was so
confused.  I wanted to leave but I didn’t.  I was jealous, insanely jealous of
all these women who had ever been touched by him.  It was so stupid.  I had
never really even met him before three days ago.  I didn’t want to care but I
did.  He was mine.  He was my figment of my imagination!

“Katie,” he sighed, speaking to the
window.  “Where I am from, fucking is just sport.  What I did with other women
was meaningless.”

“Meaningless?  Maybe not to them!"

“I don’t care about them.”  He came up
behind me.  “I love you.  I love only you with all my heart.”

“But…did you do with them…”

“What?”  He put his hands on my shoulders.

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