My Curvy Valentine: A Perfect Fit Novella (13 page)

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But she didn’t need to feel it against her skin tonight, because she had him there. He was stripping off his clothes when she turned around again. She hadn’t seen him shirtless since he was a teenager. His body had changed since then. No more softness. Nothing on him was still developing. He was a man and he was big and hard and tall and looked damn good in the black boxer briefs he was wearing. She stood frozen for a moment, staring at him like she had never seen a gorgeous nearly naked man in her bedroom before.

And then she remembered. She hadn’t.

“I think we have sunk to a new low of pathetic-ness,” she said to distract herself from the surge of feelings going through her body. “Going to bed before ten p.m. on a Saturday night.”

He pulled back the covers and slipped beneath them. He held out his hand to her. “It’s not pathetic at all. Sometimes this is what we need. Come.”

She did as he asked, barely feeling the sheets on her skin before he pulled her close. His hand slid up her thigh, his face settled on to her chest and he shut his eyes. As if it were the most natural thing in the world she buried her fingers into his thick black waves.

“I went to see my father after I closed tonight,” he said quietly, his eyes still closed.


“I don’t know why I went over there. I always leave feeling like shit.”

“You know why you went over there. You moved back here to be closer to him, because he is your father, and your family, and you love him.”

“I hate going to that house, Maggie. His business kept growing and I kept growing and life kept changing around him, but it’s like his stopped when she died. He pretends he’s happy so well in public, but I know he’s not.”

“I understand what you’re saying, but he loved her so much, Alex. You should be grateful that your mother was that cherished. That you grew up in a house filled with love. Not everybody gets that.”

“I know, but it’s been sixteen years and the house is still the same and her clothes are still in the closet and the sadness is so heavy there. He’s not an old man. He has so much life to live still. I want him to start over instead of staying stuck in the past.”

“Have you talked to him about this?”

“I did tonight, but I’m not sure if it came out right. I feel like a hypocrite. I opened a bakery here because it was my mother’s dream and I wanted to honor her. How can I fault him for not wanting to move on?”

“It’s not the same thing, dummy. You love what you do. It makes you happy. You want the same thing for your father.”

He opened his eyes and looked up at her. “I got an interesting phone call today.”

“From who? Roya?”

“No.” He frowned at her. “Stop bringing her up.”


“Because I’m in bed with you, with a hard-on that could cut through glass. It’s safe to say I’m not thinking about her.”

“Oh.” She slid her hand over her cheek. “Can I see it?”

“What?” His eyes narrowed. “Don’t play with me, girl.”

“Come on, Alex. Show me yours and I’ll show you mine.”

“I’m trying to talk to you, Mags.”

“Well, you shouldn’t have told me about your erection. You’ve got a girl curious.”

“Maggie!” He barked at her, in that commanding voice which she usually found irritating but tonight she found sexy.

“Let me touch it then.” She reached between them to touch his belly, but he wouldn’t let her. He rolled her over and pinned her hand behind her head. His big body was between her legs. She wrapped them around him, but she couldn’t feel his hardness. She needed to move lower.

“What the hell is up with you?” He looked angry, aroused and amused all at the same time. “Your brother would shoot me between the eyes if he knew I was here right now.”

“You sure as hell didn’t care about him earlier today when you had your hand up my shirt. Or when my father caught us kissing.”

“I know, but then I wasn’t trying to tell you that Kerman called me. He wants us to do cakes for his stores once a month. He’s offered me a lot of money.”

“Oh, that’s great! It will cover the increased rent you’re paying.”

He let go of her hand. “That’s what I was thinking. But that’s not the only thing. He wants to expand his stores and add full bakery sections. He said he’s seen my resume and he
thinks I would be perfect to head them. He said I could have complete and total control. My recipes, my menus and I could decide who I hire. He offered me a ton of money.”

“That’s a big honor,” she said quietly. “But what about
Sweet Eats
? You can’t just give it up.”

“He said I wouldn’t have to. He would make so I could do both. I could always give Fernando more responsibility.”

“It’s so much work. You barely have any downtime as it is now.”

“But it would show my father—”

“Who gives a shit about your father? You’re successful. You always were. You are an executive chef. You worked in the best restaurants. You run a great business and you’re smart and disciplined and you make the best cake I’ve ever tasted. You have to realize how good you are. Even if your father never does.”

“I’m being a whiny bitch.”

“No. You need to hear how good you are sometimes, Alex. Everybody does. And
Sweet Eats
is your dream. You opened it in your mother’s memory. Just because your father pissed you off tonight doesn’t mean you have to kill yourself trying to prove him wrong.”

“You’re right. I don’t even want the damn job.”

“Good. Now let’s talk about the state of your penis.”

He sighed. “You just want me for my body.” He shifted his weight higher. She felt his rock-hard length pressed against her underwear and she went completely damp. “I’m feeling a little used. You’re treating me like a piece of meat.”

“A little. Kiss me.”

He obeyed her order, setting his mouth to hers, but just enough to make her want more. “I think maybe you should try finding somebody online like your mom.”

“I was hoping that Gordon has a nephew or a son I could hook up with and save me the twenty bucks a month on the subscription.”

“Good plan. Think of all the fresh meat you could have.”

She ran her hands down his back and wiggled beneath him. “Mmm, meat.”

He grinned at her. “A way to a girl’s heart is through her stomach.”

“If that’s the case I would have fallen in love with you two months ago.”

He stiffened slightly at her words, but he slid his hands up her thighs, that were wrapped around him. He stroked his thumbs along the edge of her panties. She flooded. “I must need to step up my game. It’s taking far too long for you to fall in love with me, then.”

Somehow the playfulness disappeared. She knew this was crazy. That they shouldn’t have walked down this road, but she wanted him. There was no denying it. There was no going back. “What the hell are you doing to me?”

“Nothing.” He just reached over to shut off her light. His mouth came down on top of hers. She was expecting one of those deep hot kisses that made her forget her name and want to peel off her clothes, but that didn’t happen either. It was a light, soft, sweet kiss. “We’re just friends. Remember?” He rolled off her. “Good night, Mags.”


Maggie awoke the next morning when she noticed her warm heavy blanket was no longer there. She felt around for him but realized that only his spicy sweet smell lingered on her pillows. She felt a little miffed about it. Maybe
was a better word. They didn’t have sex last night, but she’d wanted to. She wanted to be with him even though she knew it was foolish and that it would change their relationship, that it could possibly mess things up. He held back. He refused her, when she had never been refused in bed before and it made her feel kind of bruised. She should have wanted him to be gone when she woke up. But more than she wanted him to be gone, she wanted him to be by her side when she opened her eyes.

She got out of bed and made her way to the window, not feeling sleepy anymore. The world was quiet below, but even though it was dark outside she could still see the icy spots on the street. It was the perfect day to get back in bed and stay there. It was going to be below freezing all day. She didn’t have to work. She could literally do nothing, but she didn’t want to do nothing. There was too much energy coursing through her.

A buzzing noise accompanied by a glowing light from her dresser distracted her from her thoughts, causing her to jump. Her phone was still plugged into her charger on her nightstand. It must have been Alex’s. He must have left it behind. She walked over to it and picked it up so she could put it next to hers and glanced at the still lit screen. There was a text message there.

Roya: I’m missing you

She dropped the phone, feeling guilty that she had looked at the screen. That she had seen a message that clearly was private.

It was then she heard the sound of running water and bathroom door opening. He was still there.

“Did I wake you?”

She turned around to seeing him standing just inside the door, still in those sexy boxer briefs.

“I heard your phone go off.” She shook her head. “I thought you left. I thought you left it behind.”

“I haven’t left yet. I have to go soon, but not yet.” He stepped toward her. “There’s something I need to do first.”

He grabbed her hand and led her back to her bed and even in the dim moonlight she could see that look in his eyes.

“Do you trust me, Maggie May?”

“Yes.” Her heart beat a little faster as she watched him switch on the light.

“I’m going to ask you some questions.” He reached for her shoulder, sliding one of the straps of her nightie down just a bit. “All you have to do is say yes.”

“You’re not going to tie me up, are you?” She swallowed hard as his fingers stroked over the bare skin of her shoulder. “I’m not into that.”

He grinned at her. “No. I want you to have full use of your hands.”

She nodded, trying to ignore the weakness in her knees. “Okay.”

“Can I see you?”

She paused for a moment, not exactly sure what he meant by that.

“All you have to do is say yes.”

“Yes,” she managed to get out. “Yes.”

He slid both straps down her shoulders and off her arms. Her nightie slipped down, revealing her breasts to him. Her nipples tightened painfully as the air hit them. Involuntarily she moved to cover herself but he caught her hands and set them at her sides. “This is me seeing you, remember?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered.

He stared for a long moment, his eyes taking her all in. She could see the arousal in them, the want, the lust. It made her feel excited, flattered, desirable.

“Can I touch you?”

She nodded, too overwhelmed in that moment to get the words out.

“Say yes, Maggie. I need to hear you say it.”

“Yes, Alex. You can touch me.” He reached for her slowly, cupping her breasts at first, as if he were testing their weight, getting used to the feel of them in his hands. His hands felt good on her. More than good, but she didn’t have the right word to describe them. They were big, and warm and not too smooth. They were gentle and strong and felt like hands that were made to touch a woman. He stroked her nipples with his thumbs. They were already erect, but his gentle caressing made them even harder.

“You’re so incredible Maggie.” He pulled her closer so that he could drop kisses all over her neck and throat and the top of her chest. “Is this okay?” he asked as he took her mouth in a
long hot deep kiss. “Is it okay that I kiss you like this? That I pull you close so I can feel your skin against my chest. Is it okay that I want you so much?”

“No more questions. Take me to bed.”

“I can’t.” He slid his fingers into the waist of her underwear.

“You can. I see that you can.” She glanced at the erection tenting his underwear.

He stroked the outside of her lower lips and let out a low growl and if she wasn’t damp before, that primal little noise opened her flood gates. “You’re ready for me.” He slipped one finger inside, stroking her sweet spot in slow circles.

“No,” she said for the first time. “I want you.”

“You got me.” He cupped her breast with his free hand, stroking her nipple in the same way he stroked between her legs. She had already been too aroused, too ready for him. She tried to prevent her climax, to make it last longer but she couldn’t. It came hard and fast and she heard herself cry out his name. Her knees totally gave out then and he caught her, laying her down on the bed before she hit the floor.

He lay beside her for a few moments, gently kissing her all over her face. The way she liked to be kissed. The way only he could kiss her. “I’ve got to go to work, pretty girl.”

“Stay a little longer.” She touched his stomach, sliding her hand down to the top of his boxer briefs. “Let me love you.”

“No,” he said firmly. “We can’t start this now. I’m going to need all night with you.” He kissed her forehead. “Do me a favor? Don’t stop by the bakery today. I don’t think I can control
myself anymore today.” He grabbed his clothes and walked out, leaving her alone and confused as hell.


Let me love you

He hadn’t seen Maggie since Sunday morning, but he kept hearing her words in his head. Not just her words, but those little breathless moans she made. The cry of his name when she climaxed.

He hadn’t meant to touch her like that. He wanted her. There was no denying that, but he’d meant to keep his hands to himself. He was exhausted and pissed off at his dad and he just wanted to spend time with the only friend he had who could always make things seem less shitty. He should have known that it was going to be too much for him as soon as he slid into bed with her. She had silky sheets and silkier skin. She was warm and she smelled sweet and she made him laugh and she felt like home. Like home should feel. Like a place he wanted to come back to over and over. He had been with his fair share of women and could think of a thousand words to describe them, but he never thought of any of them like that. Like the way he thought of Maggie.

She was his friend. The definition of the word, but that didn’t stop him from being in a constant state of arousal whenever he was around her. Hell, he hadn’t seen her in two days and he was still aroused. He hadn’t gotten to finish what he had started. What he shouldn’t have started because now things were irrevocably changed. He had seen her nearly naked body. He had touched her sweetest places. He had shared her bed and held her close and had the best night’s sleep of his whole damn life. He wanted more of her. He wanted to crawl back into her bed. He wanted to sleep with her, to bury himself inside her. He just wanted to be with her.

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