My Brother's Keeper (14 page)

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Authors: Alanea Alder

BOOK: My Brother's Keeper
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Adalwin's face flushed at her response.

"We don't need her introducing human technology; it isn't needed," Edmond protested.

To Anne's surprise, it was a white-haired man leaning against the wall who responded. "I'm Sascha Baberiov, Gamma Unit leader. We..."--he pointed to the rest of the warriors--"the units disagree. Since the introduction of updated technology, we have been able to save lives without losing warriors. I know of several instances where Noah and Jaxon were able to direct units away from pockets of ferals in the last battle using the city's surveillance cameras. They were able to avoid being outnumbered and were able to escort civilians to safety."

"Who the devil are Noah and Jaxon?" Edmond demanded.

Elizabeth smiled. "Noah Calloway and Jaxon Darrow are the first students in Meryn's technology learning program. As the Gamma Unit leader has pointed out, it's already a huge success."

Daggart pointed to Elizabeth. "That brings me to my next point. We have methods of teaching our young people so that they can be closely monitored. How do you explain your out of control witch unit warrior who cast the perimeter spell?"

Aiden stepped forward and Anne could tell it was taking every ounce of his will not to yell at the accusing committee members. "As previously reported, no unit member witch is responsible for casting the spell that created the perimeter."

Elizabeth leaned back in her chair, looking smug. "Maybe you should reevaluate your teaching methods, witch representative of Storm Keep. It looks like one of your witches has been naughty."

Anne could hear the wood crack under Daggart's hands as he grasped the arms of the chair. "Our methods are perfectly sound."

Jourdain locked eyes with Elizabeth until she shuddered and looked away. Gavriel was behind her in an instant, his eyes glowed bright red as he hissed at the other vampire.

Jourdain smiled mockingly and spread is hands. "Forgive me, but I haven't seen little Bethy in quite some time; old habits die hard."

Elizabeth held onto Gavriel's hand so tight Anne could see her knuckles turning white. "I'm fine." She took a deep breath and sat up straighter. "If you gentleman have nothing more substantial to discuss, frankly, I find your allegations groundless and insulting." Her voice held an edge that hadn't been there before Jourdain's stare.

Jourdain leered at her. "We're just getting started. We haven't even discussed how the Alpha Unit let one of their own warriors be compromised and fall into the hands of the enemy."

Anne felt him before he even walked into the room. She turned to the doorway to see Aiden and Colton parting to allow Kendrick to enter. The committee members turned to look at the new arrival. Daggart and Adalwin were staring with mouths open at Kendrick. Suddenly, the room felt smaller, as if it couldn't contain Kendrick's very presence.

"I will not allow you to turn my brother into a political stepping stone." His deep voice resonated through the room.

Jourdain turned back to Elizabeth, ignoring Kendrick's entrance. "You may have a pretty answer for our reasonable concerns, but you cannot deny that... that
is incapable of leading our units." His long finger pointed directly at Meryn.

Byron stood, growling lowly. "First, be very careful how you address my daughter, Jourdain. Second, I follow her lead, as do the men. Are you trying to tell us that, with our combined thousands of years of training, we don't know what
are doing?"

Jourdain scowled. "Of course not."

Kendrick walked behind the chairs of the committee members slowly, causing each one of them to flinch. He stopped at end of the row. "I believe she is doing exceptionally well."

Daggart looked up, his eyes dark. "And why would the opinion of an archivist who has yet to receive a Mastery level matter to anyone?"

Kendrick nodded while smiling. "You're absolutely right, I'm just a poor scribe from the Lower City."

Daggart smirked at Kendrick's admission.

"However, Lady Fairfax isn't, and neither are many of her other highborn friends, or many of the Lycaonian citizens I spoke with today." Kendrick kept walking until he was behind the women's chairs. "You see, they trust Meryn implicitly. Because, when it mattered, this pregnant
female took up arms and protected not only her mate's unit warriors, but also the people of the city. Unlike certain elders who show up after the fact, pointing fingers."

Daggart raised a hand to interrupt, but Kendrick kept going, ignoring him.

"They love her so much, in fact, the editor of the
Lycaonian Herald
--an old friend of mine, by the way--will be doing a multi-page article about Meryn and how she is changing the lives of the Lycaonian people for the better. The paper will, of course, be distributed to the other three pillar cities, where interest in Meryn's technology programs is growing every day."

Brion spoke up. "What about the charges for having a unit leader acting as Elder to gain even more influence?"

Kendrick stopped mid-step and faced the fae. "Are they charges now?"

Brion flushed. "I misspoke. We have
regarding this matter."

Kendrick shrugged lazily. Anne had to turn her head. She was starting to understand his body language. Whenever Kendrick made it look like he couldn't care less, that was when he was the most agitated.

"This sort of thing happens from time to time doesn't it? Especially with hereditary seats. Caiden has done such an amazing job performing both roles over the past thirty years that no one noticed until very recently that he had been doing both."

Elizabeth let a snicker escape and coughed as if she was trying to cover up her slip. But Anne was learning; Elizabeth never did anything without reason. The woman wanted to let the men know that their concern was a laughable matter.

Daggart glared at Kendrick, his affable personality fading. "That doesn't change the fact that Unit Commander, Aiden McKenzie not only left the city while it was under attack, but also took valuable units with him."

Kendrick held up a hand to Aiden who had stepped forward growling. Aiden nodded and stepped back glaring at Daggart. Kendrick looked at the witch representative. "That is very true, but it isn't as if he left the city defenseless. All I heard today from the people was how
they felt after seeing so many of their neighbors step up during the battle as inactive or retired warriors. To quote one shopkeeper: 'It's as if there is a warrior on every corner keeping us safe.' She didn't seem upset at all."

Kendrick walked until he was behind Amelia's chair. He laid a hand on her shoulder. "Let us not forget that the person they went to save is right in front of you. And that by leaving the city and saving her life, the Alpha Unit not only learned more about the enemy's intentions, but was able to destroy one of their facilities." Kendrick's hard glare pinned the committee members to their chairs. Some looked away, embarrassed. They
forgotten that Amelia was the one who'd been taken.

Adalwin broke the ensuing silence. "What about the damages?" he asked weakly.

Kendrick smiled. "I thought you'd never ask." He looked over at Oron who nodded at him from where he stood against the wall with Sascha. "Queen Aleksandra herself has gifted the city of Lycaonia with the services of her very best fae craftsmen to clean up and rebuild the square as a personal gift to Meryn."

Daggart gasped. "Impossible! It takes weeks to get an audience with the queen!"

Oron stepped forward, grinning. "Not when you're close to the throne." He turned to Meryn. "The queen is very excited to see another female in a position of authority, and she says she can't wait for you to visit."

Daggart's jaw dropped as Meryn gave Oron a thumbs up sign.

Elizabeth turned to the men. "Gentlemen, did you have any other concerns for us to address?" she asked sweetly.

Daggart was about to respond when he was interrupted by a faint buzzing sound; everyone looked around to try and locate the source of the noise. Ruefully, Aiden pulled his phone from his pocket. "Aiden here. What? How many? Position? They what? Roger that. I'll call back with orders."

The men closest to Aiden who had heard both sides of the conversation looked sick.

Daggart looked at Aiden. "Well?"

"Reapers and ferals have taken a large refugee group coming from Jefferson hostage just south of here. They are demanding that we lower the perimeter in exchange for the refugees' lives."

Everyone began talking at once. Colton brought two fingers up and whistled sharply. Aiden smiled at him. "Thank you." He looked over at Kendrick then at his father. "Suggestions?"

Anne watched as Byron glanced up at Kendrick and flicked his eyes over to Meryn. Kendrick nodded and went to stand behind Meryn. "What do you think we should do, Meryn?"

Meryn looked over at Elizabeth who nodded. Anne smiled; Meryn was getting the okay from her Yoda to talk. 

"How many ferals?" Meryn asked.

Edmond snorted. "Shouldn't you be asking how many hostages?"

Meryn glared at him "No. I know what I meant to ask."

Daggart stood. "This is preposterous! This woman has no right to be included on important decisions."

Aiden stared down at the officious man. "She has more of a right than you do."

As arguments broke out, Anne could see Kendrick's patience running out. He simply held up his hand and released a spell causing everyone to freeze. It was instantly quiet. He opened his hand and everyone was able to move again. "Let me try to clear this matter up for you gentlemen once and for all. Then we can concentrate on the hostages that need us." He moved to the middle of the row.

"Amelia represents a normal woman, she's warm, caring and intelligent. All wonderful qualities, and as much as I love my godsdaughter, because of these qualities, I would never put her in the position to make such a hard decision. Meryn on the other hand, is...different. She thinks the way I do, the way a trained leader would, and I trust her implicitly to make hard choices because of this."

Adalwin looked confused. "How can you possibly show us that?"

Kendrick held up a finger. "Amelia, Meryn, I am going to describe an emergency situation. You will be able to ask me one question before deciding on your course of action; however, once you hear my answer, you must reply immediately." Both women nodded.

"You are the captain of a ship that is sinking. For argument sake, let's just say that there is only one way to save the ship. You have to seal off the lower levels. However, there are fifty people down there who, no matter what you do, won't be able to be make it to the upper levels in time to be saved. What is your question? Amelia?"

Amelia swallowed hard. "How many children are there?"

"Twenty-five. Half of the trapped passengers are children. Your answer?" Kendrick asked sharply.

Amelia flinched. "I'd try to save them."

Kendrick looked at the men around the room; nearly all of them were nodding in agreement. He turned to Meryn. "Your question?"

Meryn shrugged. "How many people are on the boat?"

"Three thousand. Your answer?"

Meryn responded instantly. "I'd seal off the lower decks."

The room was silent. "As you can see gentlemen, Meryn knew what question to ask and chose the best course of action."

Kendrick turned to Aiden. "I believe she asked how many ferals there were."

Aiden nodded. "Epsilon reported anywhere from thirty to fifty ferals and approximately one hundred hostages."

"Are they willing to accept anything else?" Adalwin suggested.

Aiden picked up his phone and dialed. "Hey Santa, can you let the bastards know that we can't lower the perimeter, ask if they would settle for something else in return."

Everyone waited silently as the Epsilon leader communicated with the ferals.

Aiden nodded. "Okay, stand by. I'll call back." He put his phone back in his pocket.

"Santiago said that the reaper leader is willing to accept our necklaces in exchange."

Rowan stood and inclined his head to Aiden. "Personally, I don't think it would be a loss taking the perimeter down. I have complete faith in our unit warriors, they have protected us for centuries without a perimeter, and I feel that they can continue to do so. But, since we don't know who cast the perimeter, being able to take it down as requested is off the table." 

"It looks like the necklaces are our only choice," Réne confirmed.

Rowan shook his head. "Unfortunately, someone has already given them to Kendrick here for study." Réne scowled at Rowan, who ignored him.

Rowan turned to Kendrick. "Well, son, do you think you can give up on your tests to save the lives of our people?"

Anne watched as Kendrick looked at Réne. An odd look appeared on his face and disappeared just as quickly. He shook his head at Rowan's question and turned to Meryn. "Well?"

Meryn looked up at him. "Maybe I am human; maybe I'm too young and too American, but in a situation like this, I refuse to negotiate with terrorists. I would send out every unit we have plus any volunteers to exterminate this threat. If we start giving in to them now, we'll be opening ourselves up for more hostage situations down the road."

Anne looked over at Aiden and Byron who were both already on their cell phones. Aiden was coordinating the units to meet at the Alpha estate, and Byron was calling the older warriors to see if any would volunteer to assist.

Rheia stood and walked over to Anne, a cell phone to her ear as well. "Adam we have a situation where we could be facing a lot of casualties. Bring anything that isn't nailed down to the Alpha estate. Oh, by the way, we have another nurse now." She paused. "I don't want to hear you complaining about not having any supplies after the last battle. I don't care if you have to shit bandages, get out here on the double."

The committee members were staring at Rheia in shock. Rheia didn't even give them a second glance. "Anne, you're with me. We're setting up triage on the front lawn. Normally, I would have everyone sent to the clinic, but we're closer." Rheia left the room yelling for Ryuu. Ryuu appeared and she began giving him a list of hot beverages and blankets she would need to help treat shock victims.

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