MY BOSS IS A LION (7 page)


Authors: Lizzie Lynn Lee

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“Just two fingers,” he mused in a deep, thoughtful tone, “and you’re all mine.”

“Bastard,” Rose whimpered, even as she moved her hips in tune with his precise, mind-bending strokes. “You arrogant bastard.”

“But it’s true, is it?”

She would never admit that. No freaking way. She’d wanted him too long, the moment he touched her, she practically melted into a puddle of goo.

He stroked her deeply and curved his fingers upward, stopping just shy of her G-spot. Her body was lit on fire. The pleasure hovered just beyond the ultimate ecstasy and it drove her crazy. He knew what he was doing, the bastard. Just a few strokes, and she’d come but he wouldn’t give it to her. He just teased.

“Joe,” she begged unconsciously. “Please…”

The bastard only smirked.

She squirmed under him, but it was to no avail. No matter how she pressed her hips into him or twisted to move herself around his hand, his fingers struck the same spots, teasing her deliciously while his other hand held her breast, thumb roving around her nipple.

Then he jerked a gasp from her as he changed his pace suddenly. He moved his thumb up to that sensitive nub at the crown of her nether lips—her swollen, needy clit. Jolts of sharp pleasure raked over her. She gripped the bed sheets, her body twisted, and her toes clenched. She just wanted to punch that gorgeous man for denying her what she needed.

“Please, Joe…”

“Good girl,” he whispered, “that’s it now, just a little further.”

“I want you, Joe,” she whispered. “Fuck, I know how hard you are. Take me. Take me now…”

“Not yet,” he teased, “you might not be able to follow instructions at work, but here... I hold all the cards.”

He finger-fucked her with such mastery but kept her from coming. His rhythm was getting harder, longer, and faster. Rose’s senses were in a daze as he toyed with her.

“Do you?” she managed to squeak out between his blissfully torturous strokes. “You can’t tell me you aren’t
to have your dick in my pussy.

To her delight, the sharp breath he drew in told her she was right. He licked his lips, glaring at her with an ominous smile.

“You’re something special, Rose,” he rumbled, and he pressed his thumb into Rose’s clit just as a long, powerful stroke of those two strong fingers touched her G-spot, and Rose cried out as the orgasm she’d been waiting on so long shocked her whole system.


Blinding sparks of fireworks burst before her as pure pleasure blazed through her from head to toe.

She had expected to feel good.

She had never expected to feel quite like this. There were parts of her, muscles deep within her that felt like they were uncoiling and tensing all at once, getting worked out and massaged at the same time in a way she never knew she needed, but now she knew she needed it more than anything in the world. Her eyes were shut tightly, and she had to force herself to release the sheets she’d balled into her firsts for fear that she’d tear into them with her nails.

The feeling was like her body had never been truly awake until now, never reached its full potential in bed before that touch. The height of the ecstasy seemed to last forever, but even as it waned, Joe slowed his motions, becoming gentler and gentler with his hand as he eased her down from the body-wracking orgasm.

“Oh my god,” Rose breathed, as it was all that could come to mind.

“I warned you,” he said with a wicked smile, “you didn’t know what you were getting into.”

As Rose lay there breathing heavily, glowing with her orgasm, her eyes flitted down to see him stripping his shirt off, and the sight of his bare skin filled her with needy warmth all over again. Her eyes were almost as hungry as his as she watched him lick the fingers that glistened with her juices like a cat enjoyed cream.

He slipped his shoes off, and unzipped his jeans. He pushed down his briefs, revealing his massive, erect cock.

Rose’s eyes widened. She’d had thoughts about what he might look like naked, but what she saw before her surprised her a bit. He was long, and his cock’s girth was even more impressive. She couldn’t begin to imagine how it would feel inside her.

The aches in her pussy intensified.

She giddily braced herself as he climbed over her and positioned himself at her entrance. She gasped when his flesh made contact. Her pussy fluttered. Joe kissed her and thrust in.

A silent scream evaporated in her throat.

She gripped his broad shoulders as he sheathed his whole length inside her.
The sensation was wickedly amazing.

“Fuck, Rose,” he voiced as he slowly fucked her, placing a hand on her stomach and running it up and down her smooth skin, looking upon her ravenously. “I wanted you before, but this is just insane.”

She let out a slow breath through her teeth, agreeing in silence. He rocked her, thrusting in and out. His gentleness replaced with urgency as if it would kill him if he didn’t. He was moving in for the kill, and she was his prey. His gruff, rumbling groan seemed to reverberate into her system. He fucked her faster, bucking harder and harder. The ultimate pleasure edged closer. Her body tensed. He dug his fingers into her skin as his pounding became erratic. Skin to skin, breath laboring, fevered bodies sheened in perspiration.

A blinding climax seized her unmercifully. She gasped. Panted. Her body quaked as a powerful tide of climax washed over her. God.
  Joe didn't stop. He kept fucking her across the bed, as brutal as a man who had been deprived from his primal need for a long time, until her head hit the headboard. A second orgasm tore through her. Everything blackened momentarily.

When she floated to reality, she found him climaxed, emptying his seed into her.

He gave her a loving kiss and withdrew. He pulled her close in his embrace.

She rested her head against his chest, basking in the afterglow.

“I think…” Rose whispered, smiling, “you can’t be just a man who wants me, Joe.”

“Oh?” he mused with a smile.

“No,” she gave her head a playful shake as she spoke softly. “You must be something more altogether.


Chapter Four





Less than an hour after the most passionate, amazing sex Joe had ever had in his life, he could hardly bring himself to misguide Rose the way he was now. But he did it nonetheless.

“If you really want to get into this world of mine,” he said, stroking her chin while holding her suspicious gaze. “I have a few leads for you to start with. The hitman I dealt with earlier may not have been the only professional hired to go after my client. I suspect there’s another one meeting with other executives at this address,” he said, writing down the address of a hotel on a scrap of paper and folding it into Rose’s hand.

“Stake the place out tonight. If they haven’t left already, you’ll see two gentlemen dressed like the ones we saw tonight leaving, probably separately, and the other hitman who I suspect they’ll hire is a young blonde man with a tight goatee. Watch for them, and call me if you notice them—don’t pursue.”

It was all bogus information.

As Rose gave Joe an uncertain look and nodded slowly, she gave a soft moan into the deep kiss Joe gave her next.

“Fine,” she said at last, but Joe knew by the glance around the room she cast she didn’t fully believe what he was giving her. “But Joe... don’t do anything stupid tonight, alright?”

Joe smiled, his eyes evaluating her. “The only stupid thing I’m doing tonight is letting you walk away from this room, Rose.”

Her face blushed prettily. She cast him one last sidelong glance before heading out the door.

When the door closed behind her, Joe let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck.

She’s too good to be misled, and you know it.


So why was he even trying? Joe moved back to the bed, pulling his clothes back on and trying to set the room into some semblance of order again. In fifteen minutes, his old work associates would be showing up, and they’d put to rest a matter that had been haunting them all for far too long.

He couldn’t expose Rose to that world. He had to protect her--from the enemies he had, from the very nature of his work... and from himself.

Joe looked at his hands, flexing them thoughtfully. His heightened strength, his senses, his uncanny instincts, they seemed inhuman because they truly were. Joe was more than a man. Much more.

With clockwork punctuality, there was a knock at the hotel door. Joe checked the peephole before letting in three other men, all of them every bit as tall as he and wearing similar clothing. Their builds were all alike, but most strikingly of all, they shared the same golden eyes.

These men shared more than work history.

They would only acknowledge each other by the codenames they’d carried long ago. Joe’s was Blue. The other three were Red, Green, and Yellow.

“Gentlemen,” Joe greeted them all as they filed into the room, “you all made it without a hitch, I see.”

“My car’s been bugged three times in the past week,” said Yellow resentfully. “They know we’re looking for them, at the very least.”

“Let ‘em know,” Red spat, pacing around the room. “We sacrifice the best fucking years of our goddamn lives for this country, and what does it do for us? It sends fucking assassins after us to take us down like animals. I don’t care if they’ve got an army waiting for us at that research facility, I want blood, Blue.”

“You’ll have it,” Joe said calmly but sternly. He had to walk a fine line to both appease and restrain his kindred.

His pride.

“Our information is fresh,” Green said patiently, hands folded in front of him. “The assassins know we’re in Cleveland, but they don’t know we’re after them yet. The information I fed them has them thinking we’re taking a flight out of the country tomorrow. I assume they plan to follow us on board and kill us after we land.” He grinned. “Which is why we’ll be dealing with them tonight, instead.”

Everyone nodded, in perfect agreement with each other. This was a night Joe had been looking forward to for a very long time. Hell, all four of them had.

They’d met less than a decade ago, but it felt like it was more than a lifetime. They knew how to act as one. To think as one. Most importantly for tonight, to fight as one.

“We have no time to waste,” said Yellow, “every second that passes is another that they could get tipped off about our plan. Let’s get moving.”

The group nodded in unison, and silently, they slipped out of the hotel. There would be no car tonight, no getaway planned, and if all went well, no loose ends to tie up. Joe was going to lead these four men to do what they and only they could, using what the government did to them against its own agents.




The four men slinked around the compound, undetected. They had arrived quickly and silently, and that was precisely how they meant to execute this plan and make their exit. Either that, or none of them were coming out of the abandoned chemical plant alive.

Of course this is where they’re staying.
It was in Joe’s mind as they saw the faded, rusty logo on the side of the building, and he knew the exact same thing was in the thoughts of every one of his squad members.


In truth, there had been another reason he’d been so willing to take the environmentalists’ job for such a discounted price. ArisCorp was more than just a greedy, increasingly clumsy corporation. A few years back, it worked with the military, hiring the finest geneticists the Ivy League had to offer on a regular basis. Everything ArisCorp did was classified, and everything they produced was golden.

Including Joe.

The company had fallen from grace and into ruin since then, but the logo still held bitter memories for all four of the men who made up the former special operations unit the military volunteered for, what was to be a cutting-edge development in biological warfare. And at the time, ArisCorp had delivered.
God almighty, did they deliver.

The military had funded ArisCorp to develop and implement recombinant DNA into soldiers. And they succeeded.

They didn’t make a sound as they moved up to a back door and exchanged glances, and Joe counted down on his fingers.

3… 2… 1.

Red kicked the door open and tossed a small metal object into the room, and all four men averted their eyes as the flash grenade went off. The shouts from inside told them they had the advantage.

They were armed only with pistols and the knives they’d kept from the old days. It would be all they needed. As one unit, all four of them moved in, keeping low and their eyes forward.

It was dark inside, and they knew they had caught the assassins off-guard. And the dark was no obstacle to them. Their vision was as clear as day.

Joe saw Yellow and Green head right while he and Red took left. Immediately, his senses picked up on those familiar smells nearby him—fear, surprise, confusion. The smell of startled prey. It was just around the corner they were approaching.

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