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Authors: Maxim Daniels

My Blue Eyes (27 page)

BOOK: My Blue Eyes
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     Terri went on to tell the judge so many bold face lies in her speech.  She claimed Mary and she had tried numerous times to get me involved with Ellie.  Each time, I supposedly told them I was too busy playing ball and didn't have time for a kid in my life.  I couldn't believe what this bitch was doing.  She spoke with such conviction, I had to remind myself it wasn't true.  If I felt this way, then sure enough the judge was believing her.
     When Terri finished, I just looked at her, shaking my head in disbelief.  I had no idea this woman was so evil.  She was so heartless and full of hate.
     The judge excused herself so she could go review our statements and would come back shortly with her decision.  I knew it didn't look good for me.  So did Mr. Simpson.  I could tell by his consolatory pat on my shoulder he gave me.  He said he might have something up his sleeve.  I wanted to just take Ellie and leave.  I wanted to be done with this so we could all start the rest of our lives together.
     After about thirty minutes or so, the judge returned and said she had reached a decision.  She looked at me, and then looked at Terri, and then gave us her decision.
     She said, “I want to thank you Mr. Watson for coming all the way here from Alabama.  You have demonstrated to me the desire to have custody of your daughter Ellie.  You gave a very compelling and compassionate speech about why I should grant you custody of her.  However, without a reasonable doubt, I cannot say whether or not you knew about your daughter.  Since the mother of Ellie is deceased, I have no way of proving whether or not you knew.  Having said that, Ellie has spent almost four years of her life knowing Mrs. Lewis.  She has either been living with or within close proximity to her for the entirety of her life.  It’s with great thought and consideration that I find it in the best interest of the child to remain in the custody of Mrs. Lewis.  A visitation hearing will be set up in the near future, which your attorney will be receiving correspondence in the mail.”
     My jaw, heart, stomach and everything else just hit the floor.  
This really just happened
, I thought.  I looked over at Terri as she gave me the biggest shit eating smile I’ve ever seen.  She motioned for Ellie to come to her, and she refused.  Terri’s attorney walked over to grab her and I wouldn't let go.  Right at that moment, my world had ended, and I wasn’t going out without a fight.  The judge witnessing this spoke up.
     “Mr. Watson, please hand over Ellie to her Grandmother.”
     “I can’t your honor,” I replied.  “I can’t do it.”
     “Mr. Watson, if you do not hand over Ellie, I will hold you in contempt of court,” the judge scolded.
     Mr. Simpson tried to get me to let go, but I couldn't.  The judge called in her bailiff, but I wasn't letting go.  I couldn't.  He was just getting ready to call for back up when a knock came from outside the judge’s chambers.
     It was her secretary, and she walked up behind the judge and whispered something in her ear.  The judge looked up at Mr. Simpson and motioned for him to come over to her.  They held a brief conversation before Mr. Simpson came back and sat by me, patting me on the leg.
     “God is good Darrel,” he whispered.  “God is good.”
     I had no idea what he was talking about until the judge made everyone return to their seats.
     “I have just been handed a video from the holding room at the airport you two were at,” the judge said.  “Mr. Simpson has told me the contents of this tape might make me rethink my decision.  I am going to allow it and review this in its entirety.  Please excuse me.”
     She got up and excused herself once again.  I looked at Mr. Simpson and he smiled from ear to ear.  I looked over at Terri and the shit eating grin was gone.  I looked over again at Mr. Simpson.
     “I thought you said you wouldn't be able to get that?”
     He smiled, “Well, it turns out I knew someone that knew someone that worked for airport security in St. Louis.  That’s why we were an hour late.”
     “How the hell did it get here so fast,” I said.
     “Email Darrel.  Times are a changing son.”
     We sat back and waited for the judge to return.  Terri was a nervous wreck.  I continued to hold Ellie.  There was no chance I was letting her go.
     Terri walked back and forth behind me.  I didn't dare turn around.  As evil as she was, I did feel a little sorry for her.  Hopefully after seeing the video, the judge would return a decision in my favor.  I would find out soon enough as she entered back into the room.  She took a seat and ordered all of us to take a seat.
     “I have watched the video,” the judge said looking at Terri.  “Frankly, I am appalled at you Mrs. Lewis.  Not only does this video validate that Darrel is the father, it also shows what kind of human being you are.”
She was really scolding Terri
, I thought.  
So far so good.
     The judge continued, “You talked about your daughter with so much hate, even though she had recently died in a tragic accident.  For the life of me, I cannot fathom what was going on in your head.  With that being said, I am ordering full custody be granted to Mr. Watson and am leaving it up to his sole discretion on whether or not he wants to allow you to visit your Granddaughter.  You should be ashamed Mrs. Lewis.”
     I laid my head back in relief, squeezing Ellie tight.  I looked at Mr. Simpson and he gave both Ellie and me a hug.  
My daughter is coming home
, I thought.  I turned my attention towards Terri and caught her just before she walked out the door.  She was going to leave without saying goodbye to Ellie.
     “Terri,” I hollered.  “Can I have a word?”
     She stomped up to me, “What Darrel?”
     “I still want you to have a relationship with Ellie.  Can we work something out?”
     She leaned into me and whispered in my ear for no one else to hear, “Fuck off Darrel.”
     She turned and walked out the room and that was the last time Ellie and I ever saw her.  

     I would find out more about Mary a few months later.  I went back home to help Troy move to Andalusia.  Yes, Troy moved to Andalusia.  I guess he was actually telling the truth that day down at the creek.  He really did like me.
     Anyway, I ran into the lady Mary had said she was staying with.  I didn’t know who she was, but she recognized me from some pictures.  We talked for what seemed like hours in the grocery store.  Everything Mary told me the last time we met was the God honest truth.  She really was doing better and had accepted the job at the hospital.  Mary was actually on her way back to start the job when she was hit head on by a drunk driver.  She was killed instantly.
     It was emotional that day in the grocery store.  Heck, most of my life has been one big emotional roller coaster. Her friend talked about how much Mary loved Ellie and was going to let me take Ellie as much as I wanted.  She figured I could keep her over the summers and rotate holidays.  Mary had it all worked out.  It pains me to think about it even today.  I was so glad what Terri had said at the airport was a bold face lie.  It gave me a little closure to know Mary was doing great.
     I asked why she didn’t call my brother about the house, before moving back.  Her friend said Mary didn’t think she could handle the memory of my parents.  She thought the world of them and couldn't be reminded of them every day.  She was planning on telling Troy once she got settled into her friend’s house.
     She also told me Mary was still hopeful we would be together.  She said Mary really liked Amy and wasn’t going to pursue or try to win me back.  Prior to leaving, she had accepted I was in love with someone else.  I will never forget her and what she meant to me.  Most of all, I will never forget the greatest gift she gave to me.  I smile every time I look into Ellie’s eyes and see my blue eyes staring back at me.  Mary will always hold a special place in my heart.
     I was super excited to get back home.  I had stopped and used a pay phone so I could tell Amy the good news.  She told me not to be surprised if her parents had a welcome home party for Ellie when we arrived.  I wouldn't be surprised.  Her parents loved having gatherings and found any excuse to have one.
     The trip home took forever.  Ellie loved flying in an airplane and was easy to travel with.  By the time we got back to Andalusia, it was close to 11:00 PM.  We made our way down her parent’s long driveway.  They had it lit up with white lights on both sides of the road, welcoming us home.  They must have seen my headlights because they were all outside waiting when we pulled up.  There were other people there as well.  I didn’t mind.  Ellie spent most of the evening sleeping, so there would be no way she was going to bed anytime soon.
     I stopped and Amy and her parents came running to the truck.  Ellie, seeing them, smiled a little bashful smile.  Amy reached in and grabbed her out before she was swooped away by Beth.  I heard Ellie say something about wanting her toys as everyone went inside.  It was just Amy and me standing by my truck.
     She was acting a little frisky tonight.  I attributed this to being excited Ellie was home.  She clasped her hands behind my neck and pulled close for a nice long kiss.  She pulled away and smiled her beautiful smile at me.
     “Someone’s happy,” I said.
     “I’m just glad you're back.  I missed you Darrel.”
     “I was only gone for a day.”
     “I know,” she said.  “I miss you even if you are only in the other room.”
     I kissed her again, “So, tell me what the doctor said.”
     Amy paused and looked at me playfully, “Well, we need to get married pretty soon.”
     “I don’t want to be fat when I walk down the aisle.”
     “Amy, why would you be fat?”
     She looked at me with a big grin, “Because I’m pregnant Darrel.”  



BOOK: My Blue Eyes
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