My Best Friend's Brother (26 page)

BOOK: My Best Friend's Brother
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"See you then. Drive carefully and take care of that pretty girl of yours." The last part made me smile.


"Will do. Bye."


"Bye." We both say as we exit the diner.


"So we won't be home tonight?" I asked taking to understand.


"No, we are taking a small road trip." he grins like a child, walking me to the car.


"What about Kira and Ricky?"


"It's ok. I stopped at the side of the road whilst you were sleep and called them" he explains.




"And they said as long as I keep you with me all of the time and treat you right and not to mean be back by tomorrow night, everything will be ok."


I was surprised that not only Kira, but especially Ricky would agree to me being out all night with a boy. Friend or not, he is normally crazy protective, even if a boy just speaks to me.


Nate notices my look as he lets me in the car.


"I know right? I was surprised too. But I did have to make a few other promises and beg a little" he admits to me, before closing my door and getting into the driver’s side.


"What promises?"


Nate puts the key in the ignition and starts the car. "I had to promise to call them and you call them a few times and also to stop at a motel, so I wasn't driving all night"


"That's not surprising. But a motel? Are we really going that far?"


He nods, still not driving, but the engine still on.


"Far enough. We best get going." He leans into me and kisses both my lips and nose before putting the car in drive and heading back to the main road.


"I'm sorry." I say after a few minutes of silence.


He looks at me with a confused expression. "Why?" But then looks back to the road, thankfully.


"You are taking me all over and have to pay for everything because I haven't got any money."


"Don't be silly Hope. You are my girl. I am meant to pay for you." He glances out the corner of his eye and smiles.


"But I really hate having to rely on others to pay for me. I will pay you back when we get home." I feel a bit better thinking that way.


"No, I won't let you. I am paying and you will not pay me back and that is that final say on the matter" he states definitely.


"But..." I start, but he stops me with a sideways look. As if to say 'What did I just tell you?'


I sigh and reluctantly say. "Fine"


We spent the drive speaking about Nate's college life and what he was studying.


He told me Matt was undecided and kept changing his subjects, but Nate was definite about his and said it was his dream.


I was more than shocked when he admitted to me take he was in college studying to be a History teacher.


"Wow, I am really surprised. I thought you would probably be doing football or something along the lines. I would have never guessed in a thousand years that you wanted to be a teacher." I admit.


"That is the same reaction most people had when they found out. I mean I like sports and stuff, but my secret love has always been history." He said, not taking his eyes off the road.


He told me all about the course and the teachers.


"So how much longer do you have left at college?"


"I have a year left, but my tutor has been discussing possible placements to learn the rest and just return for exams"


"Really? You must be pretty clever." I say mouth a jar.


"So my tutor tells me. I have the highest marks in my class. He told me I am good enough to pass my exams already. So that is way he is trying to see if he can't get me to sit the exams early and also get me a placement somewhere"


I just nodded to what he was saying.


I sit and think about Nate being a teacher.


"Nate as a teacher. I wouldn't mind him bending me over his desk and spank my backside." I think to myself.


Nate almost chokes.


I quickly turn to see what is wrong.


Nate has a tight grip on the steering wheel and a bright red face.


"You ok?" I ask concerned.


"Um... yes... Just surprised... I didn't know you were into them kind of thing." He sounding amused and began to smirk.


"What thing?" I say quietly.


He looks at me and raises his eyebrow, but continues to smirk at me. "Spanking." He winked and turned back to the road.


"Oh crap, did I really say that out loud?" I hide my face.


"Umhum" he nods his head.


'God kill me now'





Road Trip






I almost choked when I heard what Hope said.


When I mentioned it, she blushed and started mumbling something about saying it out loud or something.


I am sure that she really didn't mean to say it out loud.


But I am happy to know that she thinks about me in that way.


Don't get me wrong; I am not some kind of sex mad pervert or anything.


But I do have a sex drive, as does every man, but I will not force her into anything.


I will wait as long as it takes for her to be ready, even if that means waiting years.


I am certain by how innocent she is that she is a virgin, so when we do it, I want it to be special and her not to regret it later.


Hope seemed to keep quiet for a while after that, I guess she was feeling a little embarrassed about what she said.


I looked back and forth between Hope and the road "You know you don't have to be embarrassed around me?" I told her truly, hoping she would speak to me again.


She looked at me shyly out of the corner of her eye
. "But I made a fool of myself." Her voice was very quiet.


I looked around the road for a place to pull over and stop the car.


Once the car was safely out of the way, I took off my seat belt and turned back to Hope.


I place my fingers on her cheek and began to run them over her soft skin. "Hope, this is me you are speaking too. You can say anything to me and I will never judge you Sweet pea." She looked at me from behind her hair. I moved my fingers from her cheek and took the lose strands behind her ear.


"Really? Do you mean it?" Her voice unsure.


I couldn't help but laugh. "Hope, after everything I have done to you in this short week we have been dating and you still ask me? Seriously?"


She bite her lip, which just made me want to groan and take her in my arms, but now was not the right time for that.


"I guess when you put it that way..." She trailed off and gave me an embarrassed smile.


I place a single kiss on her cute button nose and rest my forehead against hers, as I looked deep into those perfect grey eyes and her into my blue ones.


"I was thinking, this drive is taking longer than I expected, we will probably need to add another day to the trip. This means calling Ricky again and begging for him not to shoot me. Plus we will need to stop at a store somewhere and pick up some clothes." I told her about what I been thinking while driving, at least before the whole spanking thing.


I saw her wanting to say something, but I pressed my finger to her lips and stopped her.


"And before you say anything, I have money, I will pay for everything. You are my girlfriend and that is what men are meant to do for the woman they love." I quickly add.


She sighed, but didn't mention it anymore.


I moved back into my seat and belted myself in before driving back to the road.


"I'll call him this time." Hope began to say. "When we reach the motel and then you won't have to deal with him again."


I replied with a nod, not taking my eyes from the road.


I was glad not to have to deal with him again, he wasn't all too pleased last time and I'm positive he will be worse this time.


We continued to speak about random, unimportant stuff while I drove us, until I noticed it was getting dark.


"It's getting late. We should probably find a motel to pull in at. I promised your brother I wouldn't drive in the dark."


It took us about another half an hour to find an exit road which lead to a motel.


I told Hope to wait in the car whilst I got the rooms sorted, but she wouldn’t listen and followed me anyway.


Once in the reception, I rang a small bell that was placed on the counter and waited.


After a few seconds of waiting the back door opens and a slightly disheveled man walks out combing his finger though his hair, as if keeping it tidy.


"Hello, what will it be?" The man asked in a thick European accent.


"Hello, we would like two rooms?" I ask keeping my arm tightly around Hope's waist, especially when I notice him looking out of the corner of his eye at her.


He typed away on his computer and sighed heavily. "I am sorry sir, but we are fully booked and only have one room available" He said, looking up from the screen.


I looked at Hope who shrugged as if to say 'if that's all you’ve got then go for it'.


I turned back to the man "Ok then we will take whatever you've got."


He types again on the computer and asks for a cash card number and my driver’s license for id.


I hand them over and he makes a photocopy of my license and places my card in the system, for any charges that we make to the room.


"Alright, all sorted sir." He hands me my cards and turns to Hope and nods his head. "Ma'am." He bends down and reaches for something under the counter, making me a little nervous.


But thankfully he only comes back up clutching a room key, which had a bright pink tag attached which said '15b'.


"Your room number is '15b'. Would you like any help locating your room?" He said, holding out the key.


"No, thank you. If you just point us in the right direction..." I take the key from his hand.


"If you head out of this door, you take the first right and go up the stairs to the first floor and your room is the last on the left"


Me and Hope both say thank you and go to leave, but not before the man gave Hope a good once over with his eyes when he thought we weren't looking.


As soon as we get out of there I stop and growl. "If this wasn't the only place around I would have punched that guy"


Hope gives me a sad look, but doesn't say anything but, "Come on, let's find this room."


We follow the man's directions, until it leads us to a normal looking white door with metal lettering on.


"This looks like the place." I say checking the key number against the door.


I unlock the door and we both step inside.

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