My Beloved (6 page)

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Authors: T.M. Mendes

BOOK: My Beloved
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“Sorry,” she muttered and continued to pick through the food. Her stomach told her she was hungry but her mind told her she wasn’t. Anya nodded at the frail apology and accepted it knowing this girl was going through a lot. “My parents should be here soon. My brother has an appointment with his surgeon today to schedule the surgery.” With that subtle hint both girls got up and threw away their trash before heading back to Markus’ room.

“You know, your brother is quite cute,” Anya commented offhandedly in the elevator.

Wendy choked on her own spit as she looked at her in disbelief, “W-What?! He’s younger than you!” she cried out in complete shock from the almost random comment.

Anya chuckled to herself. “Relax. I was just stating an observation. Besides he’s not that much younger than me. He just turned eighteen so that’s only a six-year difference. Much better than the hundreds of years’ difference between you and Mr. Gilmore,” she quipped with a saucy wink. Wendy chose not to comment on the last statement.

“How did you know about Markus’ birthday?” she asked instead, steering clear of the subject of her and Vincent.

Anya gave a small shrug with a secret smile. “It is my job to know these things.” Her cryptic answer brought frustration back to Wendy but she otherwise stayed silent, choosing not to fight this round with her ‘babysitter’. The elevator dinged, signaling it was their floor to get off and Anya took the first step. She turned around abruptly to face Wendy. “He loves you, you know.” Her voice was soft before she turned around and marched back to Markus’ room.

“Yeah… I know.” That’s the problem, Wendy thought to herself.







































Chapter 7





The appointment went off without a hitch and the surgery was set for tomorrow morning. Wendy looked at her parents and saw how anxious they were to get their son fixed and it made her smile. They now had a strong hope to believe in. Markus was chatting away happily with Anya who politely smiled at him and kept up the conversation. Wendy laughed to herself quietly thinking her brother was a shameless flirt. When they first started to talk after the elevator, Wendy was worried but after seeing Anya deflect his pick-up lines with grace, she was fine.

"Do you know what this hospital gown is made out of? Boyfriend material." He sent a sly smirk her way and Wendy couldn't help but burst out laughing from her brother's lame attempt. Markus glared at his sister for ruining his 'moment'. Anya had to look away to quietly giggle to herself so she wouldn't hurt his feelings.

"I'm sorry Mark, but wow!" Debbie and Jim both shared a laugh when they saw how Wendy poked fun of him. They've noticed how she seemed more down these past few days and it worried them, but for now it seemed she's doing better.

Wendy chuckled and turned back to the magazine she was reading absentmindedly. Even though she felt a little more relaxed, there was that worry at the back of her mind. As if Anya could sense her thoughts, she looked over and gave her an encouraging smile. It didn't help much but it was the thought that comforted her.


"Alright, honey, are you staying with us or going home?" Wendy's parents asked but Anya stepped in.

"Oh, she's coming over to my place. It's only a short drive from here. I'll be sure to get her here in time to see Markus before he goes into surgery."

Wendy couldn't believe her! It didn't help the fact that Anya had lied to Debbie and Jim, saying she was another close friend. Wendy's parents were all too thrilled to hear she had another one besides Jamie. Before she could object, her mother clapped in happiness. "Oh good! That sounds like fun, right, honey?" Debbie said toward her daughter.

'Wow, mom, way to look out for your daughter,' Wendy thought with an internal eye roll. She faked a smile that looked more like she had a migraine.

"That sounds... great," she settled with and saw Anya beam at her parents. The worry began to seep into the front of her mind the more the clock ticked by. Without wanting to, her eyes all day have been constantly going between the large clock on the hospital wall, and the large window that was repaired while they were out eating lunch.

"You ready to go?" Anya's voice snapped Wendy from her thoughts. She nodded slowly when she saw her family watching, so for the sake of not wanting questions asked, she stood up and hugged each of them.

"See you tomorrow," she promised and walked out with Anya silently next to her. "Wait!" She stopped in the middle of the hallway, making Anya stop with her. Some nurses walked around shooting dirty looks at them. The two girls ignored them as Anya waited for why Wendy stopped. "I don't have any clothes," she said weakly, trying to stall. Wendy was always more of a mouse than a lion and the thought of going home with anyone she really didn't know sent her stomach in knots. Not to mention this someone was in cahoots with a set of fangs.

"Not to worry. You're smaller than me, but I'm sure we can find you something." With that, Anya grabbed Wendy's elbow and towed her with her outside. Anya's legs were much longer than Wendy's, causing the timid blonde to have to nearly run just to keep up with her.

"C-Can we slow down?" she wheezed out, mentally telling herself to work out more often to get in better shape.

Anya looked down at the smaller girl and frowned to herself before slowing down. "Sorry, I'm so used to having to walk so fast with being around the crowd I hang out with that I forgot," she explained briefly. It was quiet after that when they reached the parking garage. You could hear the echo of their feet hitting the cool concrete as Wendy followed behind Anya, since she had no idea what her car looked like. Although when the woman stopped, Wendy should've guessed it was something like this.

"This is your car?" Wendy's eyes slid over the sleek black paint. She wasn't a car person but even she could appreciate the design of this one. It had a sporty look and the paint was midnight black but as Wendy looked closer, she could see there was a slight purple shimmer.

Anya traced the hood with her finger and stroked it lovingly. "Yes, Darcy spoils me. Now get in and we'll head over to my place."

Not wanting to prolong the inevitable any longer, Wendy sighed and ducked to sit in the smooth-looking car. Her eyes glanced around inside and noted it was only a two-seater car and the dash looked more like some futuristic computer hacker’s sanctuary. There was a built-in screen that reminded her of a cop car since it hung slightly on her side. Anya noticed her staring and smiled.

"This car isn't just to turn heads. It helps me keep on what's happening with police talk. If anything pops up that could link back to a vampire, it's my job to inform Darcy so he can, in turn, inform the commission that is in charge of the area."

Wendy felt questions swimming in her head from the new information and breathed out a big breath. "Commission?" she asked weakly. By this point she wasn't sure if she wanted to know anymore, but her brain was nearly pulsing with the questions that stacked in her mind.

"Yes, the commission. In my opinion, they're self-righteous bastards who love to look down their noses at you. Their job is to make sure there are no threats to the secret of their kind. That's their whole purpose. Keep the world of vampires in the dark. No pun intended."

Wendy got more comfortable in her seat as she mulled it over. Moving her head over to the side, she looked at the world flying by. "So you live around this area?" She didn't know why she was trying to make conversation, but she thought it was better than to leave herself with the thoughts that made her dizzy.

"Not really, no. Darcy loves property and has so many I lost count. He likes to buy a house in every place he visits more than once. He likes to say 'property is power.’" Anya said with a slight laugh reliving a memory. Even though to Wendy it looked like she was happy, she could see the underlying longing and sadness in her face. It made her wonder if Darcy could see it. Sighing to herself, Wendy desperately wanted a shower and it was another twenty minutes of silence before Anya pulled into a gated drive-way. "He likes his privacy as most do," Anya explained when Wendy looked at her in question.

The drive-way was semi-short, but longer than most. The house was not what Wendy was expecting. It looked to be a normal one-story white house complete with a picket fence. Picturing the darker soul of Darcy from the brief moment she met him, it just didn't make sense. It felt rude if she were to comment so she stayed quiet and got out of the car when Anya parked. "I'm surprised you're not asking questions," the native Russian commented when she unlocked the door to the house. Inside was even plainer. It was like a picture though, as if this house was out of Home and Gardening magazine.

"'s just..." Wendy trailed off, not knowing what she should say. Anya laughed softly and gestured for the confused girl to follow her to a door. When she opened, it looked like a normal closet... until Anya flipped the light switch over to reveal some kind of scanner. Placing her thumb on it, Wendy heard a quiet beep before the back wall of the closet moved to reveal a door. Gasping to herself, she looked at Anya with wide eyes.

"He likes his privacy." Anya smirked and opened the door to stairs that descended downward. Anya's heels clicked and clacked on the stone steps as Wendy marveled behind her. Her worn sneakers made quiet and dulled thuds. The more they continued, the colder it got from being underground. It was dark except for soft lights that were on the wall near the steps they were walking on. Finally, Anya stopped at another door before another scanner came out with a keypad. She typed in a number before the door clicked and opened for her.

Wendy thought to herself, 'this seems more like Darcy,' when she stepped into the underground home. The carpets were the color warm brown and the lushness of it gave way with every step she took. The room they were currently in was extremely spacious and had different furniture scattered throughout. Suede and leather seemed to be the main focus when it came to chairs and couches, as were earthy colors.

"I'll go let him know we're here," Anya said, taking out her phone. Wendy's fear started to creep back up on her.

"H-He's here?" she stuttered, not liking the fact she could be stuck down in this underground crypt with a vampire.

Anya laughed. "Usually he would be, but he had to bunk elsewhere for the day when it got cut too close waiting for me. Mr. Gilmore made sure Darcy would stay until I arrived. I felt bad for a moment that he needed to rush off, but that man can use a day without the luxury of his homes." Anya winked at her and dialed a number Wendy assumed was Darcy's.

"Good evening, Darcy. I have arrived with Wendy at the house. Don't get crabby with me, sir, you've had plenty of rest... Okay, I'll see you in an hour. Bye." Anya hung up with an eye roll. "That vampire is such a baby when it comes to waking up," she muttered and turned to Wendy. "Come with me. I'll get you some clothes and then a shower."

Wendy perked up with the thought of a hot shower and wanted to get one with enough time to finish before they arrive. Wendy was in awe of how a place of this magnitude was hidden underground. It was much like a warehouse except a little more warm and inviting with the electric fireplace and various knickknacks.

"Here you go. I'll go find something for you to wear," Anya spoke and opened one of many doors. Inside was a posh-looking bathroom that had an extremely large glass shower and a copper claw-foot tub next to it. On the wall that sat opposite of the tub there was another electric fireplace and a TV above it. It overwhelmed the small town girl slightly from seeing such an expensive room. She turned around to tell Anya her thanks when she realized she had already left. Walking in, she carefully took off her shoes while placing a steady hand on the granite tops. She didn't want to dirty this room with herself and felt extremely out of place, but excited nonetheless to use such a room.

When Anya returned, she handed her a pair of aqua colored sweat pants that had drawstrings so it wouldn't be so big and then handed her a white tank top with 'I only date vampires' on the front in bloody red writing. Wendy's cheeks burned in chagrin but Anya simply winked and walked out knowing Wendy wouldn't wear her cami or sweatshirt with it being so dirty now. Yes, she decided, I will definitely need to stay on my toes with that girl. Her thoughts continued to turn as she methodically began to strip and turn the large gold colored lever to hot in the shower. 'Or perhaps it is real gold?' Wendy wouldn't be surprised. She may have only been around Darcy for so long, but he seemed to be a person with extravagant taste.

She took off her glasses when the water started to steam and stepped in the large glass box. It was easily the size of a walk-in closet. Wendy didn't understand the reason for having one so big. 'Unless more people were showering at once.' Her thoughts stopped short, not wanting to finish that unsettling revelation and quickly washed herself, so she didn't have to be in there longer than necessary.

The soap she used smelled like jasmine and lavender. It was very relaxing and soothed her ever growing headache from everything she's going through. Releasing a comfort-filled sigh, she finished up and turned the heavenly water off before wrapping herself in a fluffy, soft, white towel that Anya had set out for her. She had to go commando much to her dislike since she refused to put on her old underwear and refused to borrow Anya's. Both options were more unappealing to her than not wearing any at all. Lucky for her the tank top had a built in bra that saved her from further dilemmas. Poking around the drawers, she found a hairbrush and quickly brushed her hair out so it wouldn't tangle painfully later.

"Thank you," Wendy said quietly when she saw Anya sitting on a plush suede loveseat near the fire, reading a book.

Anya looked up and offered a small smile. "It was no problem. Did you want to eat before they get here?" she asked, feeling peckish herself. Wendy nodded in reply, knowing the greasy fries from earlier did nothing to keep the hunger down now. She wouldn't be surprised if Anya could hear her growling stomach. "I'll make us some sandwiches. Sorry, I never did learn how to cook," Anya said sheepishly as she walked into an archway. Feeling curious, Wendy followed her and again was taken aback by the sheer grandiose of the room. Any chef in the world would be happy to cook in here with top of the line appliances and a stove-top that could feed an army.

"So... vampires eat?" Wendy asked hesitantly as she claimed a bar stool, watching Anya poke about the cupboards. The Russian laughed and nodded. "Yes, although it does nothing to sustain them. Vampires do enjoy the taste. Although, Darcy can't stand seafood," Anya said the last as an afterthought. After a few minutes, Anya was done and placed a cold turkey sandwich in front of Wendy with an identical one of her own. They ate in comfortable silence for once, making Wendy wish it could stay that way, but not five minutes into their meal she could hear the door click open. Her heart began to beat a mile a minute before she heard the footsteps.

"Relax, would you? They're not going to hurt you," Anya whispered even though they both knew the men in question could hear their every word.

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